D&D 5th Ed. General Discussion
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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D&D 5th Ed. General Discussion
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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What do you like about 5e?
It's pretty good.
It's the most narrative-focused of the various editions.
Things like classes and spell lists are pretty much always going to thicken the rulebook, but for all intents and purposes this is probably going to be the closest we get to official rules-lite D&D.
And you know what? It actually works.
been cooking up some down right devious dungeons for my players. Mixing classics like Ropers behind illusory walls with new stuff like centaurs + blink dire-dogs. I also made a puzzle based on the constellations, I don't think it's hard but hey, pcs are fucking dumb.
>It's the most narrative-focused of the various editions.
What makes it so? I don't really see anything making it more narrative focused, it's not like say PBTA on that front.
It's as narrative focused as you make it. If you don't make a story for your world or your character, guess what...it's your fault for not making a story!
Yeah, it's not PBTA. But of all D&D editions, it's the one that gives this vibe of being the least rules-focused. It's so much simpler, allowing for faster play. The core mechanics have been streamlined so you can make GM decisions on what results in what roll on the fly.
Of all D&D, this is the one most easily streamed and shown. I think that's for a very specific reason. It's the least focused on being a "game," and as such it lends itself toward being more narrative.
Powered by the Apocalypse.
any good modules out there for new players besides the starter set? I've already run it a few times
What's the best way of determining stats?
Point buy, rolling, or standard array?
What ARE some good puzzles to put in a dungeon? I want something cool and thematic so that my dungeons aren't just video gamey corridors of murder.
curse of strahd, translate the book of challenges.
Powered By The Apocalypse. It's the general name for a heap of games (Some like Dungeon World, pretty terrible. Others like Sprawl pretty great) based on the Apocalypse World system. It's very much focused on narrative rather than world simulation.
Pic related, it's an ability in Sprawl.
I personally like point buy but that may be because I like to start with class when making a character.
How is this not true for all of D&D?
Wouldn't BECMI or some other pre WotC version be better then? Those are even thinner.
I like a lot of the streamlining.
4d6 keep 3 highest. Do 6 times, arrange as you see fit. My group has a rule of reroll anything below 8.
>It's as narrative focused as you make it.
Yeah, which is why I'm sorta iffy on it being the most narrative. 5e doesn't really have much that 4e didn't have on that front (Themes and Backgrounds being from there after all). That's really more a matter of how the GM does it than any given edition being better at it.
Light Cleric or Tempest Cleric? I want to blast as my main job. I want to be Blaster / Healer.
Need some help designing a Minotaur's labyrinth. I have written in an enemy who was cursed by his battle brothers centuries ago, and is now a minotaur. I decided to put him in an abandoned ruin, but have now written myself into a corner with the labyrinth.
Namely, how to build one. It wouldn't make sense for this ruined tower (that was his home as a man) to randomly have had a labyrinth built into it. He has cultists that could make a makeshift one, but I am not certain what they should make it out of. I thought about using one floor that was once a library - just have the shelves rearranged by cultists into a maze. But how would I keep players from just fucking knocking shelves down?
I am at a loss here, really screwed myself. If anyone has any ideas it would be appreciated.
not enough freedom but whatever
>book of challenges
>platform on a magical pin point, it tilts where the weight is. Key to exit is on side of room opposite of entry. Players must carefully navigate so the key does not slide off into abyss.
>Talking door that requests the password. Over the archway are the words "The password is *YOUR WORD HERE*" Trick is to get the door to speak the password.
> Clock in an empty room with a lever, pull the lever and the clock ticks down. Pulling the lever resets the clock. Players panic and do crazy shit trying to figure out what to do. Once the clock ticks down, the door to the other room unlocks. Players will waste more resources than you think on this one.
Nigga, you want a Zeal Cleric.
>wouldn't BECMI or some other pre-WotC version be better then? Those are even thinner.
I'm sure they would be (though I admit to not knowing what BECMI is) but I fully admit to just sticking with what had felt familiar.
I grew up on AD&D, tried but didn't like 3.5/3.P, and enjoyed 4e but had no one who wanted to play.
5e feels familiar and simple, and I feel like it's the best of them so far. My transition from enjoying AD&D then eventually finding my way back to 5e can be described as habit taking hold or nostalgia that turned out for the best.
the maze is in an etraplanar space. It is a large stone wall maze surrounded by a black starry void that offers dim light and a light fog seems to permeate the area. Darkvision and divination magic do not work in this location.
You can go nuts and put that shit on sphere, or just make it flat. Have walls that move, secret passages, portcullis gates. Have the entrance dump them in a random starting location (you could dump the players in separate locations if you're feeling cheeky) but do have an exit. Having to kill the minotaur or defeat it in some manner to unlock the exit is up to you.
minotaur labyrinths are so old, put displacer beasts in them. Or a giant that can see the players over the walls.
There is a stone door and in the wall next to it is an arm-sized hole. If you put your arm inside the hole, a blade slashes it off and the victim most likely bleeds out. To open the stone door, you must push it.
Extraplanar... Of course. Very simple but effective. What's best, my players are all new and will be too blown away to contemplate it being a writing cop out on my part.
Thanks stranger, really great suggestion, definitely using this.
In my current setting minotaurs go batshit insane when outside of mazes, they need their safe, labyrinthian space. First thing they do when settling in a new dungeon is tearing everything down and building new walls and so on to construct a maze.
That's not remotely a good puzzle. That's just being a random dick because you are inverting expectations.
It's a good puzzle, it always puzzles me why do the PCs carry 10 foot poles if they're going to stick their arms in anyway.
that's not even a puzzle you cuck
>tfw you throw a magical beast that has a recharging counterspell which heals itself by devouring the magic from the spell countered and takes 1/4 damage from magical effects
It was hilarious. Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster, Abjuration Wizard, War Cleric, Underdark Circle Druid and a Fey Warlock.
It took them twelve rounds to realise that just throwing magic at it only made it stronger. And by then, the fighter was teetering on the edge.
I need the best 3.5/pathfinder to 5th edition conversion guide available to this general or Reddit.
That's not "eyeball it"
It is just eyeball it though. It's not hard at all with how fucking malleable 5e is.
Give one example of something you are trying to convert and maybe we can help show how it can be done. Or you will prove we are all dumb. Win-win for you.
Is there a hard and fast rule reroll limit somewhere in the rules?
Take a halfing fighter with indomitable for example. You can reroll saves and reroll natural ones.
I've ruled you since both they say "must take the new result", it means you have to keep the new result even if another feature. But a player pointed out lucky means you roll the *actual dice*, which I'm not sure how interacts with indomitable and advantage.
I'd say only 1 reroll if it says "MUST take the new result". Unless you and your group agree otherwise.
How do you mean?
Even if I'm replying to bait.
XP 600
NE Medium aberration
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., sin-scent; Perception +7
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural)
hp 19 (3d8+6)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4
Immune mind-affecting effects; SR 13
Speed 40 ft.
Melee ranseur +3 (2d4+1/×3), bite –2 (1d6 plus sinful bite) or
bite +3 (1d6+1 plus sinful bite), 2 claws +3 (1d4+1)
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative
Skills Intimidate +7, Perception +7, Stealth +7, Survival +7
Languages Aklo
SQ martial proficiency
Environment any ruins
Organization solitary, pair, or cult (3–8)
Treasure standard (ranseur, other treasure)
Martial Proficiency (Ex) Sinspawn are proficient in all simple and martial weapons, armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Sin-Scent (Su) Sinspawn have scent against creatures whose nature reflects the sinspawn's sin. For example, wrathful sinspawn can scent creatures using rage effects. The GM should adjudicate what creatures a particular sinspawn can scent.
Sinful Bite (Su) A creature bitten by a sinspawn is overwhelmed with sinful thoughts (DC 12 Will save negates). These emotions are so powerful that the target becomes sickened for 1d6 minutes. An affected target that is bitten a second time is staggered for 1 round if it fails its saving throw. Calm emotions, remove curse, or break enchantment negates the effects of sinful bite. The save DC is Charisma-based. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Sinspawn are corrupted products of magic used by spellcasters in a past era as shock troops for their armies. Literally the embodiment of a sin made flesh, they are sentient abominations of distilled ectoplasm imprinted with the soul-image of slain creatures that possessed an abundance of a particular sin.
Ghoul, Leng
This semi-canine humanoid has rancid green flesh and hooflike feet, yet its eyes sparkle with the gleam of intelligence.
XP 9,600
CE Medium undead (extraplanar)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +20
AC 25, touch 17, flat-footed 18 (+7 Dex, +8 natural)
hp 126 (12d8+72)
Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +13
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; Immune cold, undead traits
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee bite +16 (1d8+7 plus disease and paralysis), 2 claws +17 (1d6+7 plus paralysis)
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d6+10), sneak attack +2d6
Str 24, Dex 24, Con —, Int 17, Wis 20, Cha 23
Base Atk +9; CMB +16 (+18 trip); CMD 33 (35 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Feint, Improved Trip, Lunge, Weapon Focus (claws)
Skills Acrobatics +19, Climb +30, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, planes, religion) +12, Perception +20, Sense Motive +20, Stealth +22
Languages Aklo, Common
SQ erudite
Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, or cult (3-8)
Treasure standard
Disease (Ex) Leng Ghoul Fever: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 22; onset immediate; effect 1d3 Con and 1d4 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Charisma-based. A humanoid that succumbs to Leng ghoul fever becomes a normal ghoul unless in life it had 12 or more Hit Dice, in which case it rises from death as a Leng ghoul.
Erudite (Ex) All Knowledge skills are class skills for Leng ghouls. In addition, a Leng ghoul can cast spells from any magic scroll as if it had the spells on its spell list. It automatically succeeds at the caster level check necessary to use the scroll.
Paralysis (Ex) A successful DC 22 Fortitude save negates a Leng ghoul's paralysis. At the end of each round after the first, the victim can attempt a new DC 22 Fortitude saving throw to end the paralysis effect; the effect is otherwise permanent. Once the effect ends, the victim is staggered for 1 round.
So I've got a player who is trying to design/create their own spells as the backstory of the character, wanting to create something so iconic that his name will live on past his natural lifespan.
Now, he's a Lore Wizard (with some houserules to lower it's powerlevel a bit) and is willing to work with me on this spell. For now, he's approached me with the following:
> Arcane Lance
Range: 90 ft.
V, S, M (a pinch of diamond dust)
Effect: You send out a thin, piercing beam of magical energy to assail your foe. Make a ranged spell attack and choose one of the following damage types: Fire, cold, lighting, acid, poison, thunder, radiant, or necrotic. On a hit, deal 1d8 damage of the damage type chosen. The damage die increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
It's ray of frost damage that exchanges the slow for the ability to have the lore wizard ability built into it. Seems like something a lore wizard would make to me.
The range is a bit longer than Ray of Frost. Not as long as EB or Firebolt, but a bit more than normal, and definitely long enough to where assaulting him is harder unless I start throwing more ranged foes and/or more spellcasters at them.
For reference, the party is Totem Barbarian, Tempest Cleric, Lore Wizard, Devotion Paladin, and Open Hand Monk, all level 6 right now.
That's what I decided to go on with out of personal preference yeah. I was just wondering about the official word though. Becuase Halfing Lucky and indomitable seems to make a distinction between reroll in a D20 and redoing the check.
Medium Humanoid, Aberration
Armor Class 14(natural armor)
Hitpoints 19 (3d8+6)
Speed: 30 ft
STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 13 (+1)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 13 (+1)
CHA: 12 (+1)
Skills: Intimidate +3, Perception +3, Stealth +3
Senses : Darkvision 60 ft., sin-scent passive perception 13
Language: Aklo(or whatever)
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Multiattack attack: The sinspawn makes two attacks with its ranseur
Ranseur: Melee weapon attack, +3 to hit reach 10 ft, one creature 7 (2d4+1)
Sinful Bite: Melee attack, +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target, Hit: 2 dmg DC 12 Will save or become for 1d6 rounds. If target is bitten and fails another save while sickened becomes stunned for 1 round. Mind-affecting ability.
Now this was just a quick conversion using a standard orc as a reference. These things have a lower STR score than orcs but I'm guessing they attack in greater number plus they got that annoying bite thing. Spell resistance is no longer a thing so I left that out. It may need some work but I think it is good for a first draft. Its challenge rating may need adjustment, maybe this thing is only a 1/2(100xp).
CR calculation puts it at CR 1, so you are right.
Is their any particular method you use to compare and convert?
UA is off the table
Counterspell is fair thing but 1/4 damage from magical effect on that party?
You effectively make 3/4 of your party useless. Bad DM.
How much Con do I need as a frontline character? I'm a fighter/rogue MC
I have 14 ATM. Do I need to go up to 16?
You could borrow some from Legend of Grimrock 1 or 2. I really the archives puzzle from the 2nd one, and so did my player's.
Half the class are melee and the other half should have enough Dex to use a fucking light crossbow. The Druid, guy who arguably needs Dex/Str the least, could also Wildshape.
Many will have 16, but it's not strictly necessary. It depends somewhat on your combat style (sword and board, dual wielding?), fighting style (Defense?), archetypes (Battlemaster for Parry?), and how far you expect to go in each class (enough Rogue to get Uncanny Dodge)? Also whether you're building for tankiness or killiness.
I'd still say it's fine honestly. It's a real nice cantrip but not QUITE strong enough to be a 1st level spell and it'd certainly leave his mark in the magical community. It's hyper adaptable but its damage is lower than firebolt so it's only really better than it for when you need to bypass fire immunity/resistence or when something has a vulnerability to exploit, which in an average wizards life is less than you'd think. Maybe strip the radiant/necrotic part off it though, I always tend to think of those two elements as being a little bit above the rest since they're so uncommonly resisted and are kinda outside what you'd regularly think of as the classical elements.
Leng Ghoul Medum Undead (extraplaner)
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
HIt Points 126 (12d8+72)
Speed 30 Ft, burrow 30 ft, Climb 30
STR: 20 (+5)
DEX: 20(+5)
Con: 15 (+2)
INT: 16 (+3)
WIS: 18 (+4)
CHA: 17 (+3)
Saving Throws: Dex+8, Int +7, Wis +8
Skills: Perception +8, Insight +8, Stealth +9, acrobatics +9
Damage Immunities: poison, cold
Condition immunities: exhaustion, poison
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 18
Languages: Aklo, common
Challenge 10 (5,900xp)
Mutliattack: The Leng Ghoul makes two melee attacks.
Bite: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft. one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) pierce. Target must make DC 16 CON save against disease or become poisoned until disease is cured. Target cannot regain hitpoints and loses 5 max HP every 24 hours that elapse. If the disease reduces a targets HP to 0 the target dies. A Save may be attempted every 24 hours.
Claws: +9 to hit, reach 5ft, one target Hit: 12 (2d6+5) slashing damage. If the target is other than an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
So this guy I compared to Angels (CR 10), Vampires and Mummy Lords (as other high DC Undead) and regular ghouls. I sort of combined the poison/disease affect of mummy lords and otyugh.
Again, this is just a first draft sort of thing but I'm a little more comfortable with how this turned out compared to the SinspawnOh, and while looking at the angel they have magic resistance that is listed as advantage on all spell saves so tack that onto that Sinspawn thing.
Is there a Fight Club 5 app for android?
Light crossbows do some pretty damn pitiful damage for most spellcasters. That and telling people 'You can't actually use your main class features' isn't really very good design. Counterspell would have been enough (Giving it some resistance but nothing as stupidly high as it had there).
>1d8+2 or +3
Unless you're running around at level 10+, this isn't all that piddly compared to the melee guys, unless we're still memeing that GWM/SS is the only way to harm creatures.
I just looked at an orcs stat block (and I picked orc because basic level grunt bad guy) and I looked at the 3.5 stat block and I just sort of eyeballed it. I used the Orc block more for formatting help and to see what 5E considers important to include as apposed to the 3.5 stat block. Maybe those Ranseur numbers (a polearm) could use some polish and the effects of the bite could warrant a look at. It's not perfect but its a good starting point.
Moon Druid is so much fun to play. I loves their versatility and short rest recharge 100+ worth of HP.
Most dungeon can't even stop Giant Octopus from going through.
Someone brought up Middle Finger of Vecna earlier, is that person still here?
Does any one here use it, or is it generally disliked?
Stop shilling it.
Im here for discussing this. stop being a cunt and shutting down the topic.
Why would you keep bringing it up every single thread if you're not shilling. Stop being a cunt yourself, you autist.
I only saw this a few threads ago when i first read about it. I find the content pretty well made. What about it makes you so grumpy?
Tbh these threads are just sucking the dick of GWM and sharpshooter or some sorlock or warlock build or another.
You shill it too much. It get annoying. Please go back to advertisement 101 class.
Yeah, sure you did and of course you'd think it's well made. Of course you'd say that, shill.
It's really crap and doesn't understand the fundamentals of 5e, like all shit 5e homebrew.
What the goddamn fuck are you blathering about?
Alright, how about you show me some good homebrew. That's all im really interested in. Can you help me with that?
Go be annoying elsewhere, shill. You're really fucking annoying.
The 5e UAs.
You're not even denying you're a shill.
christ stop this shit posting. I'd rather hear a retard shill than a retard scream rape.
You sound upset, shill. Go be annoying elsewhere.
Anything beyond Unearthed Arcana? or are you just fun police to your players, if you have any.
this shit again! are you the faggot who was arguing that PLAYERS are the ones who should dictate rules and what rules are brought to the table?
Hahaha, nice little insult there, little shill. Do you have anyone wanting to play with you is the question. How about you design actually good content instead of trash. Understand the fundamentals of 5e design before shitting out trash.
Can you prove he is shilling? No? Then shut the fuck up, tumblrfag.
Nah the dm and the player are all there to have fun. I just like more choices when im building a character.
Do you use its material? also what is your favorite homebrew outside of UA?
Hahaha, whatever helps you sleep better at night, you autist. Also fuck Tumblr.
It's now brought up nearly every single thread, only a no friend shill has that persistence, surely even a retard like yourself can see that.
You already have enough choice, crybaby, have you played with all of the combinations?
i checked the last 3 thread. its not even mentioned.
You sir are the retard.
Do you understand what nearly means, you fucking retard. Stop being a goddamn shill.
If I wanted to run minmaxing-welcome dungeon crawl and allowed all official and UA content, is there anything grossly overpowered that I should ban? I vaguely remember a line "some races in VGM aren't intended to be balanced against others" and the Yuan-ti is definitely quite strong.
So should I ban Yuan-ti? Are there any other red flag options? Loremasters get a lot of shit, but I found them manageable in my other campaigns, so I'll probably keep them. How's the Mystic? Do the DMG Oathbreaker and Death Cleric fit in fine with the "regular" classes? I'd rather the "all content allowed" doesn't come back later to kick me in the ass.
What are some good gods for viking dwarves? The kind who want to die in battle.
not even close to all of them. Give you your address so i can secret santa you a dictionary.
give it a shot and let us know how it turned out. sometimes these sorts of experiments are needed.
Yaun-ti gets charisma and intellegence, neither let you live more.
I would not be too bothered by it honestly. as for the unearthed arcana, i would grant it sparingly.
Maybe you should actually count them rather than stopping because it'll prove you wrong. It's so convenient you stopped counting isn't it. And obviously people telling you to stop shilling was a good thing.
>And obviously people telling you to stop shilling was a good thing.
One person you mean?
Any setting particular?
Aarocockbags are irritating to design some types of combats and things for because they have a fly speed from day 1.
Mystic is poorly balanced yet, and can do as many things as any three other classes of your choosing fairly easily.
Oathbreaker and Death Cleric are meant more for villains and, if used by players, might end up being a bit UNDERpowered, because some of their abilities are more meant to make them threatening on a campaign scale. They won't break anything, particularly.
Aarocockbags has never seen a crossbow? or other flying monsters?
Not really, no.
Also, how the fuck did you count? Do you even understand how to count? It was within the last three threads you fucking autistic retard, it was in this thread Stop fucking shilling.
Not that guy, but I think you should stop shilling, too.
Nobody cares about whatever content you're trying to promote. People also do not care if you're just shilling it because you like it. You not being paid doesn't make it not empty-headed shilling.
If you haven't gotten an answer in like, four threads so far over the course of about five days, you're not going to get one. Nobody cares about that thing you like except you, so stop asking us about it.
Like, damn dude. What's your obsession?