How did Veeky Forums become the worst board?
How did Veeky Forums become the worst board?
Visit some other boards.
I suspect this thread will end in quest shitposting
No, that's /x/. /x/ is full of suicide ideation and hucksters, and very little in between.
/tv/ is unironically the worst board
As long as /x/ is a place, this will never be the worst board.
Worse than Veeky Forums?
Actually this.
/tv/ is basically the perfect venn diagram crossover of everything wrong with Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums is my perfect board. Everyone discusses my hobbies and it moves just slowly enough that I can have conversations that occur over the course of my work day, instead of fast moving boards where I have to constantly check or else have it 404 before I can check back.
Fourth post best post
Post that diagram and save me the visit.
If you think Veeky Forums is bad you've only ever been to /out/ before
/x/ /k/ and Veeky Forums are all way worse boards. And that's excluding shit like /r9k/ and /pol/ and the other containment boards. At least /x/ is fun for shits and giggles onve in a blue moon.
/pol/ isn't a bad board, actually.
You may not *like* it, and certainly you don't have to agree with anyone there, but it stays on topic and speculates about politics.
In fact, I'd say it's the most on topic board on Veeky Forums.
The only boards that are more consistent are for porn.
I miss old /x/.
What happened to her?
Generals and lack of content creation
Not him, but for me the two circles would be "pretentious contrarian snobbery" and "vapid shitposting"
What's wrong with /k/?
Ill give you that. My problem comes from shitppsters treating every other board like /pol/. /k/ used to be a good board until it turned into /pol/ 2.0
How did old /x/ look like? I've started to frequent it just recently, most of it is either complete bullshit or pretentious roleplaying , but I do enjoy the higher quality discussions about occultism and theology.
It's nuts. /v/, /k/, and /r9k/ are literally more full of /pol/ memes than /pol/ is
Anime posters
Old /x/ was sort of the internet equivalent of people swapping campfire stories.
So basically /x/ greentext threads?
Ironically, immigrants from /pol/.
>WAAAAAAAAAH There's threads I don't like Veeky Forums is the worst WAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Shut the fuck up and be the change you want to see.
Sort of, but with a focus on creepypasta. At the time most of the pasta was fresh so it was actually entertaining if you were into that.
I was baffled when they didnt care about spirit cooking stuff that happened
oh man, i remember frequenting it during my final year of uni where i was suffering under extreme depression.Staying up really late at /x and watching streams of old horror movies with them... ah it was good times.
It was genuinely weird and spooky at times. now it is... shitty roleplayers and memes
When the mods became prudes and removed the lewd parts of Veeky Forums and while I didn't like most quests there were some small offshoot ones that were really fun/endearing.
/asp/ is pretty terrible. The worst kind of wrestling fans and two other threads a day that aren't about wrestling.
I imagine most serious /pol/ posters browse infrequently, and mostly show up for bigger events.
The day to day shitposting is pointless.
>Literally whinier than the "I want to kill myself cuz I can't get laid" board
>Literally more pointless, vitriolic shouting matches than the politics board
>Literally dumber than it's Reddit equivalent
>Hates discussing video games, except to complain about ones they don't play in the first place
Any large internet community filled with "gamers" is going to be pure cancer, but /v/ is something special
/g/ appropriated the striped programming socks.
ya ding dong diddly seething pinhead!
>the worst board
Veeky Forums is still one of the highest quality boards on this cesspool site. how often do you even visit the other ones?
Don't worry, we antifa are fixing it ;)
speaking of come on over and share a story
You clearly haven't tried seriously browsing /v/, /x/, /mlp/, /pol/, /tv/, /a/, or of course the gold standard for shitty boards; /b/.
I'd argue /pol/ isn't even the most racist board from my experience. /gif/ easily outpaces it.
Veeky Forums is easily the worst board on Veeky Forums. You want to discuss books? Too bad, this board is only populated by pretentious snobs competing who's favourite author is more obscure, more ancient and more foreign.
>inability to let old shitty jokes go like i.e holding hands, the hung marines, angry marines, etc
>the constant "that guy" threads where passive aggressive betas go to whine about their problems instead of discussing it with their table like adults
>magical realm threads where people did nothing but discuss their fetish under the guise of it being "board culture"
>the ceaseless image file threads which were thinly veiled you laugh you lose threads
Correction. /pol/ *used to* not be a bad board. All the semi-intellegent posters with any intrest beyond the surface-level politics of that god damn motherfucking election have pretty much fled when they realized that things wouldn’t go back to normal after last November.
/pol/ memes used to be (mostly) ironic. If someone genuinely asked if they really wanted to gas the kikes/start a race war/ect., they would reply along the lines of "No, it's just a meme, but it calls attention to the root of the problem." The problem with Nu-/pol/ is that the Redditors that flood the board can't understand the basic concept of irony, and they actually think starting a race war or what have you is the ultimate solution to everything.
That's just the tip of the shitberg, though. There are many other things. Botting shitposters, actual shills, people who unironically believe in meme magic, people who blab about /pol/ and shine the mainstream spotlight on us, ect.
To be quite honest, the election was the worst thing to happen to /pol/-
You'd think people who dislike interracial porn would just not go into an interracial porn thread, rather than spending hours in one thread posting repeatedly about how everyone is cucks and also assuming that everyone in the thread is white.
Mods banning and warning people for reporting obvious bait.
The problem with /pol/ is that it serves as a sort of hive for cancerous stormfag shit and then they infect other boards.
I don't come to Veeky Forums for this faggot to try to falseflag/be sarcastic about Antifa or whatever he's trying to do. We get it, Antifaggots are pricks. If they actually spoke to people they might find people agree with them on that.
But for fucks sake, when I first came to Veeky Forums around 2009 "nigger" was a term for any generic dumbfuck, but now we're full to bursting with racist faggots who use the term unironically.
Did you know /b/ has forgotten Nurse-kun? Veeky Forums is the last bastion of anything worthwhile on this site. I only ever go to /a/ to see if any new anime are worth looking at, but even then their taste is shit so I really take it with a grain of salt.
>/pol/ was always satire, guys
Please gas yourself.
/diy/ is consistently on topic.
But i will agree that Veeky Forums was better 5 years ago
>and also assuming that everyone in the thread is white.
Well, that's not too unheard of. The majority of Veeky Forums is indeed a bunch of white people.
You obviously haven't been to /pol/ recently, stormfront has given way to redditors who want a safer more watered down version of politics, this has given rise to civic nationalism
Nu-/pol/ detected. Shouldn't you be busy scouring /pol/ for screencaps to post on r/politics?
I don't disagree, but there's two sides to every coin and a lot of those posters are just instigators.
I'd say /gif/ is one of the worst for the sheer volume of shemale/trap shit and fake implants, but again that's just personal preference.
Witch hunters go and stay go. You're a crazy fantastical peasant mob who don't even check if the people you attack are nazis before you put them in comas.
Better than nazis? Maybe. But still not good people.
>people who unironically believe in meme magic,
I've actually had a theory for a while now that there's some truth to that. We already know that pretending to be something can cause you to actually grow more similar to that thing, and we know that even in an anonymous environment, perhaps even more so, the sharing of "meme" images can serve as a sense of group identity. It's not a huge leap to assume this can be engineered to engender a specific result.
I don't think it means what /pol/ thinks it means, but I wouldn't be surprised to find that in the future engineered memes are a subtle form of social control, possibly filling the void that religion is leaving, assuming they don't have the usual resurgence.
Quests were moved to /qst/. Since then "Stat me" threads have increased. "What allignment" threads have increased. Threads about diversity and gender-bullshit in tabletop gaming show up daily. And the worst are those fucking hollow threads with no or pointless content about opinion (do you like furries? Why don't you like furries? A player want to play a panda samurai - do you allow it?). Opinion are like assholes - everyone has one, but it doesn't make a thread interesting. Oh, special mentions to those idiots who make double threads. Like just now, there's a Pathfinder general and some mongoloid managed to make another Pathfinder thread and it's one of those pointless opinion threads (why does everyone hate PF?).
>Better than nazis? Maybe
Meh, I dont care if it is called a "concentration" or "gulag" camp.
I dont like either endgames.
Is that why they're bothering the rest of us?
I'm a moderate Conservative, so the shit they say is incredibly irritating. /pol/ and stormfront may be the best argument yet against whites being the master race.
>Veeky Forums is the worst board
Not when /v/, Veeky Forums, /tv/, /asp/ and /pol/ exist.
>Is that why they're bothering the rest of us?
Yes and no. I think the reason why there's a flood of /pol/ content is that the west as a whole has become FAR more political than it used to be in addition to the fact that the newfags think that every board is suitable for /pol/ content.
Had a pretty good Doom thread on /v/ the other day, discussing the whole "all the WAD's being canon" thing, and also the nature of Hell if you go with that theory. Didn't live long though.
Right now they're just shit posting and whining about rabbids and sonic the hedgehog. All day every day.
/pol/ shitposters, people spouting their uninformed opinions on guns they've never seen or touched, as if they were experts on the matter. Overabundance of tripfags, no flags on what is probably the best board to post flags on, since gun laws differ massively from board to board. They have a sticky stating not to bring political discussions onto the board, yet most of the board is debating politics and is full of single issue voters screaming down anyone who disagrees with them. Mods are pretty much nonexistent on /k/. The board would improve so much if one of the mods from /h/ came in and banned /pol/ threads. At least they do their job.
>forgotten Nurse-kun
We're getting old, man.
Amputee-chan should be about 18 now... I'm not sad because I feel old, I'm sad because we've forgotten that anonymous wasn't about being hard and crusty on the inside, or being the best edgelord you could be. It wasn't about hating niggers or liberals, or trying to fuck up fascists. It wasn't even about raiding Habbo Hotel and trolling people as a group for the entertainment value. Being anonymous used to be about being able to let go, and judge people based entirely on what they were doing, and what they were posting, right at that time, regardless of race, sex, religion, political ideology, location, past, or paraphilia.
We've become worse than the furries, now.
doesn't doom fit better on /vr/
/b/ got too big and busy to be any good. Veeky Forums has repeatedly been a victim of its own success in that regard. I hope Nurse-kun and his girl are doing good... I swear I recall he turned up in a thread on Veeky Forums years later cause they were getting into the warhams (she liked painting the models or something).
I'd agree with you if I considered how on topic a board is to be the only metric that matters, but I don't.
Yeah, I have the archive saved. I think it was around 2013 and he showed up because Ampu-tan was getting into Dawn of War and wanted to play the ttrpg.
And yeah I think it is a measure of popularity. Used to be the only people here were uber-nerds, so that filtered out much of the idiocy since it was more unlikely for a total illiterate moron to find the board. Now Veeky Forums's famous because of the Anonymous Hacker Group and their ilk.
Who I'm still not sure if I like. They seem to tread a very fine line between well-intentioned extremists and just straight assholes.
Let me ask you something.
What is your opinion on Mudkips?
Because you posted here.
The imageboard format is inherently flawed: if traffic gets above a certain level, it becomes impossible to talk about anything because any real discussion gets pushed off page 10 before it has a chance to get interesting. That means the front page is nothing but hate threads, bait, image dumps- things that can easily rack up replies because they take no thought or effort whatsoever. So if something drives a lot of traffic to Veeky Forums, the quality goes to shit, any halfway intelligent new people get turned off and don't come back, and the idiots think they've found a new home.
Complain about the wiki all you like, I think it's part of what keeps Veeky Forums good. It gives a steady drip feed of new users to keep the board alive without causing an Eternal September flood. It doesn't matter if they come in mistaken about the board's current culture, because enough of us have been here awhile that they can still learn how to behave.
Go look at the conspiracy subreddit. That was what old /x/ looked like 90% of the time.
>I have the archive saved
Could you post it? It's been years since I've read anything about ampu-tan
>going to an obsolete meme-ridden wiki for information
Fuck no. The best way to actually learn about a board is to lurkmoar. If that means wading through shit, then put on your big boy boots and learn to filter.
>they would reply along the lines of "No, it's just a meme, but it calls attention to the root of the problem."
how to spot a moron 101
Most people on Veeky Forums actually care about traditional games, so its already ahead of a lot of boards.
We're allowed to talk about anime here, both Moot and Hiro have given their blessing. Stay salty, faggot.
>I didn't read your post, I just saw you mentioned the wiki in a way that wasn't cartoonishly negative and decided I already knew what you said
Don't you mean /pol/?
I've only been to good /v/ threads. One of them had music. Another was about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. They can be fun when the topic is about a specific game or franchise that is /comfy/, which makes it very difficult to drag in politics or rivalries.
Opinions are more like this.
If I thought the wiki was bad for the board I'd just stop running it.
Don't forget constantly circlejerking the few games you are allowed to like and going apeshit if you talk about them in anything other than a 100% positive "This is objectively the best game ever, prove me wrong" light.
I dunno where I could post it without compromising my anonymity on Veeky Forums, which would be foolish.
I will say though that it's on the bibanon wiki - if you google "Veeky Forums damaged goods" it should be one of the first few links.
>t. nigger
>Stat me threads
>Worse than Redeemed Succubus Paladin Anime Harem Quest #998224
Yeah, no. /pol/'s always been the board for autistic fuckwits to run around screaming "Gas the kikes! Nigger, nigger, nigger!" and fling handfuls of shit at each other.
Thanks my dude
"Meme magic" gets even more embarrassing if you've had even a passing interest in occultism before and know the concepts behind it. It's on the same tier as edgy teens quoting Crowley saying "do what thou wilt" without knowing what that phrase means. Granted, occultism is its own brand of crazy, but there's no need to make it crazy AND stupid-sounding
It's funny how absolutely everything about /v/ reeks of insecurity. They don't hate everything because they're truly all that bitter, it's because you're not risking anything by saying you don't like something like you are by talking about the things you enjoy. When they do like things, they fellate them to a comical degree just so no one could possibly doubt that they like the thing they're supposed to like.
Christ, some dumb feminist couldn't say mean things about them on Youtube without them deciding they were the Zapatistas of vidya playing manchildren
>We've become worse than the furries, now.
I consistantly wonder why I still come here, and am coming ever closer to just abandoning this shithole.
I think you hit the nail on the head. It's easier to hate, because if you open up about what you like it makes you vulnerable to attack, and attack is certainly going to happen because everyone is bitter due to all the hate.
I see you haven't visited /r9k/. That place is literally nothing, but pure failure. Even worst trolls on /pol/ and schizos on /x/ are high class literature compared to that toxic waste dump.
No shit m8, that place was founded so that failures on /b/ could have a place to post their complex feelings about how their life sucks and how they want a 3.14qt gf.
Still bitter ober the breakup?
It was actually made to encourage OC. That's why it has the "robot". I've heard it was storytime central in the early days, but that eventually went horribly wrong and led to the birth of modern /r9k/. There was even a year or two where the robot was removed because moot gave up on the board.
I stand corrected.
We have /vp/ now.
>How did Veeky Forums become the worst board?
Quest threads were banned from Veeky Forums and the gaps were filled by /pol/tards and frogposters.
>Stat me threads
>Worse than Lego Quest
Correct. Stat-me threads are objectively worse than Lego Quest.
Stat me threads are worse than cancer.
That shit is dead and good riddance.