>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
Is there any jump that will allow me to own my own chipotle chain?
>I was listening to music but now I'm out of music to play
Well, if it helps any, I've been listening to Vaporwave recently. There are long videos with different mixes and tracks on youtube, and I've found it to be a pretty relaxing, unobtrusive genre when you're trying to focus on other stuff. Here's an example link.
(To that other guy who replied to me, I wouldn't really know who has best and worst fluff, I'm not as experienced with Jumping with a lot of the community since I'm always really slow about it.)
I want to steal the City. What would I need to take over its systems?
What kind of Pokemon are you?
How do you do the things you do?
So can you or can you not use skill book crafting (+ the system) from generic isekai to copy powers in other jumps?
Do you have a music theme jumper? If so post it
i'm a gengar
>How do you do the things you do?
what do you mean?
It's officially up to you.
There's currently 27 people idling and an ongoing conversation that involves none of the people you're referring to. None of the so-called mods have done anything aside from posting updates for new jumps. You can only turn the guys who made it into strawmen so many times.
Geass update when.
Oh, I think I've solidified my choice by now after literal years of this question popping in and out.
Can anyone post Witchblade? I never saved it before the drive left us.
You think Tattletale could get anything out of me if I was a sword? Mainly asking because the idea of her yelling at a sword while others just stare is amusing.
Will F/GO be out before the end of the month?
All depends on your fanwank. I say no, others say yes, I always thought the entire point of skill books was to teach other people skills you already possess.
Sadly no. Detailed some RL stuff that delayed it earlier and more stuff in RL has come up that is, sadly, more vital than JC.
That said, I'll have a small jump out tomorrow to make up for GO taking a few days longer. Half done already with fluff for it.
Not only Discord should be purge, but also the IRC. It doesn't adds anything to Jumpchain and takes away discussion from the thread.
Val only defends it and not Discord because her friends are in there.
Hope everything turns out well for you Val. Also yay for a new jump, no idea what it could be.
When you make it?
Kirei, stop.
I had nightmares with the gacha, threw thousands in total to get my waifus.
When the english version appeared I threw my whole paycheck to summon kiyohime.
...4 Altrias and 5 French whores, but no kiyo.
It still haunts me. To this day... I can't be happy, I can't smile, I can't be myself.
nvm, i'm an idiot
i just got it.....
A large number of jump makers mostly stick around the IRC, rather than the thread and it's often been a place for them to go when getting overwhelmed by negativity with the thread.
Can't say the same about Discord. How many jump makers are on there again? Because it seems like the only ones that are solely there are either shit or leaving at a rapid pace.
We should really just purge every thread and chat, since none of them add anything to Jumpchain. The community just be a horde of lurkers refreshing the drive in hopes of new jumps.
>RL is more vital than JC
Nothing should be more important than JC. What if the coming of Jump-chan is tomorrow? Will you be happy of leaving us without our high-power waifus?
Joking aside, hope that your IRL business turn out well.
>When you make it?
I don't think that you are supposed to say that when it comes to replace jumps.
Oh, missed this. Al is asleep right now but she's gotten most of the perks and items done, last I checked.
I'll try and cajole an early WIP out of her in a few days.
No, there's a line in the Jumpchain PDF at the start of every thread that explicitly bans jumpers from ever owning a Chipotle.
>A large number of jump makers mostly stick around the IRC, rather than the thread and it's often been a place for them to go when getting overwhelmed by negativity with the thread.
>implying that IRC isn't toxic with namefags trying to control the chat
>implying they didn't chase out their mods
Learn to use the archive.
Nah. Her power needs data fed into it to start extrapolating.
If you're just laying around as a sword, she wouldn't get anything (well okay, she might get the materials your sword is made of and such).
>How many jump makers are on there again?
If I were to estimate, somewhere between 5 and 10, depending on the day.
But that's irrelevant, because just like the thread, the discord does not exist solely for jumpmakers. It exists for everyone.
>Namefags try to control the chat
>It's all namefags there anyway
pretty much just net terminal genes and a way to give them to yourself,the entire God damn Comic was about the search for terminal genes so that they could take over systems and straighten things out
5 and 10 jumpmakers solely present on the discord and not the IRC? You'll have to name them because I don't think we even have that many active jump makers total. It exists for everyone but is it really necessary at all? What does it really do that the IRC doesn't? It archives things so you can have an easier time shit posting with them?
It allows direct file uploading, message editing, mentions for offline or afk users, avatars, multiple sub-channels within the single server, more flexible and user-friendly user interface, and voice chat (which is only used to let bots play music, admittdly). It also has an actually usable mobile app.
Aside from the above, it also represents a more casual and open chat environment with none of the pressure that comes from entering the IRC, aka "the place where all the important namefags hang out instead of the thread."
Is that not enough?
>all the important namefags
So just Val.
I just had lunch there. It was tasty.
I want to say nine to five? Maybe one of the batman/dc jumps, with the company type items.
There's no need to hurt my feelings.
Wow, rude.
Anyway, reposting this to see if anyone has any more comments or criticisms for the jump.
The truth hurts. Anyone of value is associated with Val while they drove off anyone else. It's her channel.
>Direct file uploading
Pretty sure you can do that on IRC but it's simple to do it other ways (And you guys can't even keep it in discord anyways judging by Bancho up there)
>Message editing
That sounds like a bad thing actually. Ripe for trying to mask your bullshit.
>mentions for offline or afk users
That's neat but of limited use unless they get on discord a lot, since you'd need to get on to check anyway.
>Mutliple sub channels
So private messaging?
>Flexible/user friendly
Seems more a matter of opinion so can't argue there.
>Voice chat for music
Or just link to a track instead of making everyone hear it?
The problem with that statement is that apparently actual jump discussion is going on there. It isn't just a casual chat environment when commenting and critique is being carried out on jumps. It's definitely not when important things like Soft saying he's not going to take further critique or Dirge saying he's deleting his drive are happening on there. That doesn't sound low pressure at all.
The advantages are less then you're saying and there are already problems noted. People have noted other issues it causes in the past. It's not a question of not enough. It's a question of why is this here when it's doing more harm than good?
You realise she's not even on it all that often and even when she is on, it's usually during times when most other people are asleep because of timezones?
>The truth hurts
B-but every jumpmaker has it's own worth and value.
So is this what Jumpers have to deal with in DC?
Comic ?
Because he wants all the chipotle for himself, obviously.
It upsets my autism that the Indigo and Violet ones have their speech bubbles swapped.
>Pretty sure you can do that on IRC but it's simple to do it other ways (And you guys can't even keep it in discord anyways judging by Bancho up there)
You can't. You can do file transfers but not uploads. And tera is a problem in a completely separate category. If the worst he did was uploading jumps then I think we would both be happier.
>That sounds like a bad thing actually. Ripe for trying to mask your bullshit.
The great thing about the discord is that the bullshit you're alluding to doesn't happen in the first place, because it's not the thread.
>That's neat but of limited use unless they get on discord a lot, since you'd need to get on to check anyway.
It means that if you want to get in contact with someone you know, you have a reliable method of doing so that won't vanish over time, like Veeky Forums threads or IRC activity. It's a merit, plain and simple.
>So private messaging?
It has that too! But what I mean is that it has the equivalent of multiple irc channels within it. Currently there's a #general, a #newjumps for keeping up with releases, and #builds just for build discussion.
>t's not a question of not enough. It's a question of why is this here when it's doing more harm than good?
That is also not the question. That would be the question if you had established that it does more harm than good, which you have completely failed to do. If you manage to do so, though, then we can talk about how that question is also the wrong one.
Did Strike-Chan leave? Or is he/she/xe still around? The new DLC for XCOM 2 dropped today, War Of The Chosen.
Templars, Skrimishers, & Reapers are all pretty unique. Not to mention the Chosen weapons are awesome. A Katana that always hits & shreds armor with a shotty that could practically be a sniper rifle. A sniper rifle that almost never misses & pistol that ignores armor. Lastly an assault rifle that super powerful & can almost oneshot any Psi Unit.
Green Lantern: New Guardians Vol. 1 #1
I believe it is that.
also mr. mxyztpltk, because you're even more interesting than superman
the spectre because you will ineviatable fuck something up
darkseid, because he'll believe you're in the possession of the anti-life equation (which you might bre)
lucifer morningstar, because of all your neat anti-fate perks, which he envies
And yet you still have people lying about what's happening in thread. Or is Dirge getting a free pass because he's one of the only reasons your community gets to claim they make things?
Strongly tempted to use Slice of Life to go to Watamote. Why do we not have a legit Watamote Jump?!
Full Metal Panic looks like shit. Why isn't there a better version?
>things like Soft saying he's not going to take further critique
God forbid I be allowed to talk to other humans anywhere outside the thread. Did you know I occasionally express thoughts on jumpchain out loud, using my voice, to actual human beings I know in real life? Is that against the thread rules?
Also I should note that this example is stupid because hey, look, I took the time of I said, in thread, I was going to take off, then came back and updated the jump.
And Dirge, since you brought it up, only mentioned that he had deleted his drive on the discord after the fact, because he was asked about it. Do you know why he mentioned it there, instead of the thread?
Care to guess?
What would the perks even be? Tomoko has no redeeming quality.
I have no idea! something about being weirdly cute for being weird?
>because he was asked about it
Too bad he can't answer anything at all without "twisting" the facts so hard they might as well be intentional lies.
>Soft goes Hard on shitposters
What's the real difference? You accepted him into your community and apparently have people asking him to upload into thread.
It seems like Discord is causing quite a bit of trouble already. You may not have people rewriting statements yet, though we have no way to check, but you certainly have people doing it for things from thread. Dirge's 'paraphrasing' wasn't exactly opposed by you guys.
Sure, that's a merit. But only a small one. If someone doesn't get on discord, they don't receive any messages. It's better but not by much from just leaving a message in the thread for someone to get when they catch up on stuff or leaving it in IRC for someone to pass along.
That's a benefit. How much are those channels used?
So far it seems like we've agreed on two benefits, one only being a small one. This doesn't change that your community splits up important jump discussion. It doesn't change the falsity of your claim that it's just there for casual chat when important discussions take place there. It doesn't change the awful reputation your mods continue to garner for themselves. Two little benefits isn't worth even just the split to many people and your group doesn't make it easier on itself. With how closely the mods are linked to discord in the eyes of people here, every time Echo posts a poor jump he makes it worse for you guys. Every time Dirge starts drama from Discord it makes it worse.
So...why haven't you been answering 90% of the questions on your jump? Are you taking time off again?
And yeah, maybe keeping the shit storming thread updated on why you're ignoring them would be good instead of keeping it to discord.
Reminder that you can't summon Grand Servants. That's impossible unless they give up the title themselves. We don't know how Solomon was summoned but something similar happened with him, probably. Because Grand Servants don't have Masters, they serve Gaia.
King Hassan literally gives up his title as a Grand Servant for you in the game so you can be his master.
God forbid you actually mention that in thread so people don't need to keep arguing for hours with the impression that you were actually there considering things. Fuck da thread, amirite?
Is there a perk that gives me protection against memetic agents and the like ?
You probably need an AI companion to take care of the network because that probably can't come with you so easily.
>Being this invested in /jc/ drama
I'd call you pathetic but then I remembered where I was.
>Discord hate, Dirge shit posting, Tera shit posting, SoftAnon shit posting
Seriously, all I need it someone asking to replace a Jump of a currently active Jump maker to hit bingo on my card. You guys are like a broken record lately.
Don't forget Val shitposting. Unless you think that's okay.
>so you can be his master.
Is he gay?
Creepypasta and SCP
kek, i sure never want to be a namefag jumpmaker
poor guys get nothing but hate and ungratefullness thrown their way
thank you guys, i love you all. Even the ones who make shit jumps
I had to move that to the free space after these last few dozen threads.
Someone asked for a FMP replacement.
i'd actually love to replace any and all quicksilver jumps.
those have nothing to do with nu-/jc/
(they're far to balanced and un-broken)
I vaguely remember Val saying grands would be in the new supplement. I guess that will be one more reason for the nasuverse to soil itself over jumpers.
>Creepypasta and SCP
>What's the real difference? You accepted him into your community and apparently have people asking him to upload into thread.
It's hilarious that you think he was asked to upload to the thread. Someone asked for a jump and he decided to upload to the thread instead of just to discord because he's an idiot.
>though we have no way to check
Actually edited messaged are marked as such.
>Dirge's 'paraphrasing' wasn't exactly opposed by you guys.
What does this even mean? Are we supposed to factcheck everything everyone says? Are we supposed to denounce him in-thread? For all I know, some of us did, because anonymous.
>That's a benefit. How much are those channels used?
Fairly regularly. Merchant does most of the #newjump updates and lots of folks dump their builds into #builds in giant text blocks for discussion.
>It doesn't change the falsity of your claim that it's just there for casual chat when important discussions take place there.
By this logic, the thread can't be here for discussing jumpchain when so much shitposting happens instead.
>It doesn't change the awful reputation your mods continue to garner for themselves.
If you want to blame the discord for the shitposts that happen in this thread then I have no idea what to say. You're blaming Red and Val for their shitposters with this logic.
>Two little benefits isn't worth even just the split to many people and your group doesn't make it easier on itself.
All this is a moot point because the discord isn't going anywhere in the first place. Even if the thread somehow unanimously banned it, it would just become slightly more closely associated with SB and every other non-Veeky Forums part of jumpchain, and even that would only be a pretense. The only question is how determined shitposters in thread are about arguing about it.
Yes, it got to the point where I could make a small hill out of them in my warehouse. When blackest night came they got even more annoying. Like I get that I'm a child of death and multiple type of Death god but please stop throwing black rings at me.
Lucifer is bro-tier. Went into his bar with a bunch of drinks from other universes and after a couple months we were best buds.
Also speaking of DC did anyone else help Destruction out with his problems? Like by teaching him the First Magic from Fate or using the perk from the Outsider tree in dresden so that he could go against his nature? Hell there are a lot of fun DC characters to hang around with.
Which is why they're being gotten via a scenario, not just some template you buy in the supplement.
Glad you approve, Digger!
>You're blaming Red and Val for their shitposters with this logic.
Actually, Red is to blame because she refuses to listen to criticism.
Alrighty, that's good then.
I've been answering questions that I can trust to be asked in good faith, when I can. Those are quite rare.
If it makes you feel better, I do read pretty much everything even if I'm taking time off. I just spare myself the energy drain of trying to participate. It can get a bit tiring.
I'll have to trust you on that.
Not that. We have no way to check that people aren't actually doing that, editing their messages that way without going and searching all your archives.
I am curious, what was your reaction and the reaction of others when Dirge did all that?
How much do the builds get discussed?
The thread's the core of the community. Discord is not.
Red and Val don't make subpar jumps that get many complaints. Your mod does and that is reflecting back on you all.
It's a shame that it isn't going away.
Can I use the Generic Isekai to go to Arifureta? Just curious
...Isn't she his waifu?
What are good places to go to for the Generic Isekai jump? It's not a genre I'm familiar with.
So you ignore all the hard questions then. That's pretty much what that statement reads as.
it honestly frustrates me when jumpmakers have the horrifically poor attitude that you do when it comes to feedback.
It doesn't make me feel better. It feels like you took a dump and went away when it got too bothersome to deal with but left us to deal with the mess. It feels like you're a selfish prick with no sense of foresight about the consequences of what you do.
I thought the thread was against having generic jumps give access to canon settings?
>Answer in good faith
>Apparently almost all the questions asked on the jump since the last update, we're talking 95+% here, are in bad faith
Yikes, really proving that discord bias right. Who'da thought it'd be discord that turn into elitist bastards.