Cyoa thread

y'all'll figure out the rest

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I saved this a couple of threads ago because I have some constructive criticisms on it, if you don't mind.
The introductory text is supposed to be the first impressions, to paint the backdrop. Using words that you need to read further on to understand is confusing, especially Orphans.

A lot of the text boxes are too wide, making you scroll for every single sentence. It might be a hassle to redo now, but it would be a major improvement if you do change it to be two columns like the other worlds.

The exact abilities of curios and Wonders and their differences could be clearer.

With deadly efficiency and euraka the text portrudes out of the text box.

Curious doctor has blinded by science as a requirement but is placed before it, which doesn't help the readability.

That's all format stuff. As far as the content itself goes, I think the obligations might be a bit too mild and calculation sticks out as very obviously a fallout mechanic and having no real follow up. You'd think it'd start a combat tree, but it's just a single combat perk in the midst of a sea of building perks.

you suck OP

How much longer?

ur the worst OP of all time and u should feel bad

Do you even read italics posts or do you like posting memes too much?

Soon isn't a real answer to a question of time. Also they just talk about other wips.

people were asking for this in the last thread. I only saved PDFs of QuietCYOA, so I screenshotted it.

check my unstoppable train

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OP Is Actually A Faggot This Time Edition

he really is

Remember basements

It really isn't that hard to just copy paste the pastebin and link the previous thread. My autism is making me want to make a new thread just so it's done properly.


fake bread

Plastic Tortilla.




Can you guys make up your minds on whether this is the thread? I'd make a new one if you like but let's keep things orderly.






Do it. This is pretty much a shitpost, and I can tell it will devolve into actual shitposting.

Continuing the experiment from last thread:

Below are 24 questions. Pick your five (or ten, or three, whatever, it doesn't really matter) favorite girls, then answer ONE question for each one that isn't already answered in their profile, based on the information that's in the profiles.

Anons say that these profiles are detailed enough you can get a good mental picture of the character. If that's true, your answers to the same questions about the same girls should be roughly similar or at least any differences should be easily explainable. And if that's the case, then we've found a nice standard for how detailed a waifu should be to achieve this level of well roundedness.

1. Favorite food
2. Favorite drink
3. Favorite book
4. Favorite film
5. Favorite flavor of ice cream
6. Favorite band/singer
7. Which pet/s does she have if at all?
8. What was her favorite school subject?
9. Where would they most like to go on vacation?
10. What superpower would they pick if they could?
11. What car would they drive?
12. What cause would they donate to?
13. How would they react to being caught masturbating?
14. How do they celebrate the holidays?
15. How does their room look like?
16. Which historical personality do they admire?
17. How big is their nuclear family?
18. What scares them the most?
19. What's their most embarrassing secret?
20. What's the worst thing they've ever done?
21. What's their astrological sign?
22. How do they dress like at home?
23. How old were they when they stopped believing in Santa Claus?
24. What's their middle name?

Congratulations, you are the most autistic poster in /cyoag/

space opera


Love interest

Travelling in space in my super ship with waifu


so it's just like every other cyoa thread then? :^)

Really? 24 questions is what it takes to win the title? Didn't Alice user make like a hundred pages of nothing but that at one time?

What makes it Shin Megami Tensei?

How the hell is something like "what's their middle name " a personality thing?

While I do think this is a fun idea, I honestly think you're wrong about
>If that's true, your answers to the same questions about the same girls should be roughly similar or at least any differences should be easily explainable.
The whole point of this cyoa is to show that people are complex and don't fit into waifu archetypes, if you could tell what a girl likes to eat based on her hobbies and political leanings then that girl's an incredibly shallow person. It's self defeating.


I think by that point he was consciously trying to imitate Alice user but ran out of ideas or something. It sounds like holistic bullshit.

Guess you could wing it based on their ethnicity or something? But then there's really no reason different people's answers would match.


No, seriously, is it practical to do so?

Not the amount of questions, but the entire reason why he makes them is pure autistic power. Analyzing something as "the way people see X" and thinking that because Y amount of words makes people get a nice picture of a real person on their heads, then everyone will see the same X. It's like a colorblind person demanding to be explained what colors look like and that everyone gives out the same explanation.

>these profiles are detailed enough you can get a good mental picture of the character. If that's true, your answers to the same questions about the same girls should be roughly similar or at least any differences should be easily explainable

>half of the questions have nothing to do with personality

your autism hurts me, please go away

Toph's fetish?
Do it.

You might want to specify what you mean by "this".

Fuck me, forgot the link: .

There's already a skeleton gang rape cyoa

I was hoping to adopt more of the mood and resolution mechanics. It would be a vehicle for companions, for authors who are addicted to that.

Doesn't seem worth the effort to me, but I'm only me, and not everyone else.
That would be weird.
Anyways, my limited perspective isn't worth very much, so feel free to ignore me.

I almost didn't read the whole thing. Man, that was not what I expected.

>No, seriously, is it practical to do so?
I don't think CYOA-making in general is practical.
That aside, how would you make it into a solo experience?

rolling for thread with no waifu/anime faggotry

That's why I'm thinking he was trying to imitate Alice user without understanding Alice user was specifically guiding people through a writing exercise, not a personality analysis.


Not that guy but I'll give a crack at it: pick your woman, pick your rapists, settings, advantages, etc.

It's not really that alien from picking your captain, your ship, your enemy factions, your region of space, etc.

You could make it just neutral enough that people who want to play it as a "escape with your ass intact" can actually do so (at great cost, of course).

It's also possible he didn't have 24 different ideas and felt obliged to do that for some reason. Some of these are kinda nice (the "favorite X" ones, mostly, because I could definitely get predicting somebody's tastes in media based on their personality, for example) but many are essentially random.

Time kidnapped
>Ship focus
Speed (to run from anything we can't take out)
>Captains chair
Ship's choice
>Ship personality
>Body modification
Major body shift
>VR system
Builder focus
Ship grown
>Information subscription
Human focus
Ship (Of course)

I like this one. It sounds fun and with the DLC for it makes it pretty interesting.

What these guys said. My suggestion is try this again next thread or two threads from now, but just limit yourself to the first 7 or so. I'd go over them and see which of the rest look like they could be guessed from personality but I can't be bothered.

I really don't care about any of this


I'm seeing a lot of potential for the so-called fiat system: rapist picks influence the woman's body and behaviour, and the woman's and her picks effect rapist behaviour and feelings. It would be like now where you separate companion stats from companion background/description; rapist description blocks for example would be separated by mechanical effects in the game (details about the woman's bodily responses and feelings) and background and appearance for flavour.

Is someone making a rape CYOA?
Because that is seriously right up my ballpark.

Or, maybe the author just had an idea of their own based on Alice user's CYOA and ran with it. No, that's impossible. Anyone who isn't just aping someone else's work is simply copying wrong.

It seems like several are considering it. Don't get your hopes up, though.

>Not that guy but I'll give a crack at it: pick your woman, pick your rapists, settings, advantages, etc.
But who would you be in the scenario? The woman? The rapist(s)? Some random bystander?

It's far too close to be the case. This CYOA was originally made by Alice user, whose most famous work was literally 70 pages consisting of mostly this exactly type of question.

>Rape CYOA
Is there going to be lolis in it? Might as well go all the way and hug one.

That could be one of the choices, with different goals and perspectives and even mechanical differences going alone with it. Or, leave it implied and people can identify with the perspectives in the situation however they like. Would be fun to see the moralfags, feminists, whiteknights, and paladins face off against the fetishists, MRAs, misogynists, and hedonists. Kind of like the Order vs Chaos CYOA.

Pretty much any cyoa with mind control is a rape cyoa. TokHaar Gol in particular likes to have mind control options that leave the victim cognizant

Between the lousy start, somebody possibly trying to imitate Alice user poorly and rape CYOAs, this is going to be a fun thread.

I will get my hopes higher up than experience has told me to!

Not the author, but this world is a mishmash of Fallout, STALKER, and Genius the Transgression.
Curios are STALKER Artifacts: materials that have strange, possibly beneficial properties. Stuff like a crystal that gives you fire resistance, or moss that gives you a minor healing factor.
Wonders are literally ripped out of Genius: they are pieces of technology that run on their own internal logic, often in defiance of normal physical laws.
Orphans are also straight out of Genius: Wonders that have been abandoned, developed a feral intelligence, and now prowl the landscape in search of sustenance.

What do you have against rape as a subject of fantasy?

This is either very tough, I'm missing something, or I'm creatively crippled. I can't put together even one of those beyond very general assumptions.



It's very autistic. Be glad you don't get it.

What would be an example of a piece of technology that runs on its own internal logic?

I think it'd actually work as a creative writing exercise (oddly fitting, given that this is originally an Alice user production), it just wouldn't provide the insight the guy who made this is looking for. It could be fun to see what people make of the characters, maybe even add it to some kind of expanded version of the CYOA, but it won't reveal anything about the ideal amount of waifu info.


Is it OK to rape someone then reverse time?

what am i looking at here?


Dude. Relax. Breathe.

No. Any other questions?


The Minovsky Particle.

y tho

A gun that shoots Orgone energy to heal its target. A spaceship that travels faster than light through the Luminiferous Ether. A sword that can cut through dimensions via quantum foam. A sentient robot made of clockwork. A canoe that can travel through time (in the source material, if you try to dramatically change history, the time police will undo your work and kick your teeth in).

Basically, you supply the logic that it runs on,
and if you have the money and know-how,
it will work (most of the stuff I posted is expensive to build and requires a high level character).

Okay for whom? It's fine for them, they're completely untouched by it. Not so for you, though.

It really depends on what you mean by okay.

That sounds way overpowered.

>if you try to dramatically change history, the time police will undo your work and kick your teeth in
What if you just want to be hitler's drinking buddy?

fuck you op
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Courtney's favorite ice cream flavor would be vanilla. It's ironic that it's become synonymous with blandness because technically it's one of the most complex flavors out there. I could imagine someone who takes pride in their very refined taste also making a point of truly appreciating different types of vanilla ice cream, probably in interesting combinations.

Shani definitely has a dog. I don't think this even requires an explanation.

Betul might enjoy a vacation to either Rome or Seoul in order to appreciate the architecture. Rome if she's feeling archaic, Seoul if she's feeling modern.

You just know Beatrice' favorite book is fucking Coraline, just look at her.

If you caught Arielle masturbating she'd probably make you keep watching and get off to it.

Am I doing this right?

Holy shit. Reading how gameplay goes, I finally get why so many people find "rape" hot. Thank you, internet.


I think it's a typo, or some esl bloke fucking things up.

Skeleton Gang Rape.

>lelel what a funny joke

Is that a reference?


Haha, now that's a reference I recognize. :D

You idiot, there is a "?" missing!

>Gang Rape
>played as a succession of one-on-one rounds
Fucking Swedes.