What is the appeal of dwarves?
What is the appeal of dwarves?
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they're smelly manlets who like to drink just like me
They are a positive jewish stereotype.
They have a lot of antisocial qualities like being rude, having bad table manners and wary of outsiders but they're also noble, honest and courageous too so they allow people to play as rude or brusque characters while still being good enough to be considered a hero. That and their race alone gives people an idea of what they're like. Dwarves inherently have a lot of personality.
Honor, Family, Tradition, and Beer
They're a demihuman archetype that's just different enough from humans. Living underground and for centuries and knowing a lot of cunning arts is enough to make them alien, but they're still basically people you can talk to and deal with normally.
I am honouring my ancestors.
Stocky and hardy yet short is a nice little contrast. Makes them feel like powerhouses, too strong for their size. A giant is expected to be able to heft a man over his head. A midget is not.
Dwarves are, oddly enough, the most unique generic fantasy race. Elves are overhated but they are basically either "tree hippies" or "ancient declining empire", neither of which are distinct to classic fantasy.
>race of smelly, autistic bearded manlets get portrayed positively
>i sure wonder why manlets, autists, and no personal hygiene neckbeards like to play them
They are anti-feminine for all these that think that girls are icky, anti-social for all these that have trouble with people, drink, smell, are thickheaded, loud, constantly angry and fat. Yet the archetype allows their players to convert these traits into something that appears to be positive.
Dwarves are the neckbeards power fantasy.
I used to hate dwarfs. I thought to myself: "i'ts allways the same old shit. Dwarfs are Dwarfs, the same in every setting." I mean, look at Orks and Elves in Tolkien, Warcraft, and Warhammer. There are quite a few differences between them. Dwarfs in Tolkien, Warcraft, Warhammer... it's all the same. But nowadays, i like this familiarity. If a new setting or game comes out, and it hast dwarfs, i know what i'm getting. Feels kinda comfy.
I just want to be really tough and hard to kill, what's difficult to understand?
Being fair, nobody actually calls the Dwemer "dwarves", ever.
Also, they're extinct.
The term dwarf is what they're more commonly referred to as, plus there's still this guy
To me, it's the hard work motif, arts and crafts. I see dwarves as the worker ideal to elf noble ideal.
Also non evil underground race, drow ruined the idea of underdark.
Read the first sentence of it, and I was talking about the fanbase more than anything. They're Dwemer, everyone calls them Dwemer. In no elder scrolls discussion does anyone really call them dwarves.
And yes everyone knows Yagrum but he's a curious exception and it's not like he's gonna revive his race. Calling them extinct is for brevity's sake.
They are alcoholic manlets with beerguts, occasionally bad hygiene and asperger as as a racial trait. The only difference between them and I is that they live in basements, I live in an attic.
hasnt been seen in 200 years plus where he lived kicked the bucket
he ded jim
he ded
>t. (((elves)))
they are badass alpha men
Is that elf male or female? I legit can't tell.
Jeez user, think of an argument for once instead of handing out (You)s so easily.
>superior facial hair to humans
>superior architecture to humans
>superior farming technique(they do it underground without sun, rain, or mice fucking their crops up, take that humans)
>superior smiths and craftmen to humans
>strong tolerance to alcohol
>tougher head than humans so in a headbutt match, the dwarf wins
You only like humans more because you are a human, and because dwarves are manlets, but they have manlet rage which is also another one of their appeals.
>having males
C'mon, user, this is Fantasy Race Biology 101.
This joke falls flat if you actually play traditional games.
Fucking spell failures reee
Not at all.
Malus Darkblade.
cause when I play as a dwarf I get to do my horrible scottish accent which is horrible due to english not being my first language
I do
>he fucks (((women))) with shoulders that broad
user, I...
According to the artist, male.
Super archetypal and vary little between settings/itterations, so you can just put on a shitty brogue, yell about axes and beards and honor, and be set and in character for like 99% of fantasy settings.
It's the Dwarves that go swimming with little hairy women.
It's an elf
Dedication to the level of of being seens as stubborn...
A dwarf, when dedicated to combat, will combat and refuse to run
A dwarf, when dedicated to crafting, will produce the finest masterpiece it can or die trying
A dwarf, when dedicated to mining, will produce awe inspiring ores
A dwarf, when dedicated to building, will shape mountains into imposing behemoths
A dwarf is dedicated, some people admire that over god given powers, natural born talents or lucky strokes of brilliance.
I always liked Bruenor from Salvatore's books. He is honest, resolute, gruff but loving - the perfect dwarf.
Sprawling underground complexes.
Forgive my Tolkien ignorance, but what's the deal with the endless stair? Like, who built it and why? It certainly doesn't seem to be built for any useful purpose, and it's not particularly near any other dwarven architecture.
As best I can tell, it's probably some kind of ceremonial or religious labyrinth?
>What is the appeal of dwarves?
When they're elves.
It's a stair that goes from the top of the mountain to the very bottom of the mine.
If you can't see how it could be useful you are blind.
but... why? Why does anyone need to between the top and the bottom? It's like building a trillion-dollar gondola to connect the peaks of Mt. Everest and K2.
Good, that way you could bypass the meat-grinder that is K2.
what is the appeal of making the same thread every day, discussing the same things every day, repeating the same things that you've already said countless times in the past, rehashing the same arguments over and over again?
how do you not grow bored after the second or third time?
How does doing it entertain you?What kind of pitiful human bineg must you be that this is fun to you?
>Dwarfs in Tolkien, Warcraft, Warhammer... it's all the same
that's not true at all.
Dwarves in tolkien are extremely formal, polite, socially conscious, pompous and rigid. In the other settings they are smelly neckbeards but strong.
I don't know, maybe the same reason people play the same game's over again, or set a campaign in the same setting, or really just converse on topics they like. You might cover some new ground you didn't before.
Their hospitality
Gruff and manly
shame their racial features are lame, I'd consider playing as one
All shit
It just showed up one day.
dem fuckin dorfs man
I think Terry Pratchett said it best
>Their terrible temperament when leaving their cave home most likely has to do with the fact that after apprenticing under your father as a blacksmith for 70 years, the first thing you probably want to do is drink some ale and punch someone
their culture is great but most rpg make dwarf mecanically sub par.
5e dorfs are pretty good
5e dorfs are pretty shit desu
If you the the STR and CON to be a good martial you overlap the armor and weapon proficiancies, you lose a square of movement. also stonecunning wtf
darkvision and poison resist are ok but nothing amazing
>stonecunning wtf
It seems someone has never used their stonecunning to collapse a bandit cave.
Matriarcal dwarfs -yay - nay?
> dwarfen realms are pre-modern state
> constist only of houses (families) and guilds with little to no central authority
>90% of dwarfs are male
>basically immortal but constant feuds and labour accidents dwindle male polulation HARD while females are sheltered and mostly organise their families and collect/teach family traditions
>value seniority and experience very highly
> due to the above most heads of houses are female
>same for the the current dwarfen queen (mostly a figure-head but can defend the realm against existiantial inward threads (can call realm feuds against houses) and outward threads (can call the purely defensive realm war) as lain down in the great contract between all major houses
I always thought that this would be the natural consequence of the skewed male to female ratio and the reason why they always try to be as manly as possible is just compensation because at home they have to obey a woman, must not necessarily mean that the head of the state/nation/kingdom must be a woman, but even here they would excercise much more power.
The other consequence, that would work quite well for evil dwarves, is that females are treated as nothing but a valuable ressource, so you get male hyper oppression, mirroring the drow in some way.
No, you retard. Dwarfs are literally a male society.
If males have the highest death rates, how are they 90% of the population?
Different genetics means male and female children aren't equally likely, presumably
I like the potential for ant analogies
A short and study creature fond of drink and industry.
I think dwarves appeal to people over elves because they feel more realistic (at least for a fantasy world). They have human flaws such as greed but also possess many admirable characteristics. Elves seem to have been Flanderised into absurdity from Tolkien's works to pretty superhuman action heroes, by being more mundane dwarves have managed, I think, to avoid that.
There's a lot of ways to play with the dwarven tropes of gold and mining (see Terry Pratchett's The Fifth Elephant,Thud! and others for how authors can use the traditional stereotypes for social commentary and humour.
>If males have the highest death rates, how are they 90% of the population?
What I meant to say is..they get born alot, they work and fight alot, they die alot..they do not get old. Oldest dwarf get's leadership normally so it's a feme.
I am aiming for a hopefully pretty realistic society. It is not equal. Fomen are to precious to risk in fighting/mining/whatever.
Also family is everything in my dwarfen setting. Families are the only legal entities and you are represented by your house father/house mother for as long as you live which can be oppressive.
Guilds arewhere many more free-spirited dwarfs flee.
>Jewish stereotype
Pick one.
Elves were superhuman action heroes in tolkien from the start. Humans were lesser but still impressive action heroes. Dwarves were nobodies and honestly seemed like an afterthought.
This. What I meant is... 90% of all births are male.
Do Elves please old men for money?
Do bears shit in the woods?
they also have lots of drunken gay sex since dwarf women basically don't exist, or did exist at one point but died out 1,000s of years ago, so they just fuck eachother and are born fully grown out of the heart of the mountain they inhabit.
Homosex is the ultimate anti feminine right?
Elves have both Men and Women dwarves have no Women. The mountain they inhabit is the womb they are born from. So cleary there a race of gay hairy manlets
They're the sexiest
Dwarves are so sexless and unappealing, they might as well never touch women.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little elf? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Royal Guard, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Silvermoon, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in kisat dur and I’m the top marksdwraf in the entire fortress militia forces. You are nothing to me but just another knife eared target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, carve my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the tavern? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the continent and your foot steps are being tracked right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my beard. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the fortress barracks and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit magma all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>Dwarves were nobodies
Nobodies who Sauron deemed important enough and influential enough to make rings for them.
Nice samefag. By the way, in no setting is that little retardation of yours true. Going all the way back to Tolkien, dwarves have had females.
They're caricatures of stereotypical male traits. Strong, good at building things, stubborn, a little stupid, like to drink and fight and shout.
>Going all the way back to Tolkien
were there any dwarfettes in the eddas?
>several hours apart
It isn't even about that they have females, though they already were more male than female dwarves in his works, but that their representation and what most dwarffags like about them just screams: "I'm uncomfortable with everything feminine and look at how heterosexual I am!" Meanwhile barely any girls find them sexy. At least some get off on orcs.
>carve my fucking words
Doesn't matter. Modern fantasy dwarves are drawn from Tolkien's work, not Norse mythology.
There were more males of EVERY race in Tolkien's works than there were females. Elves, Men, Hobbits. All have way more male characters than female. Not much of a point to be made there.
I don't know why we're debating what impression you get from random people on the internet. Not only am I not interested in discussing something as dumb as that, but it has no relevance to the argument I was originally making.
If you want to shout about what you think other people's real feelings are, go on Tumblr or something.