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Infighting Edition
What was the last think your party almost came to blows with one another over?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Infighting Edition
What was the last think your party almost came to blows with one another over?
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what class would you play if you wanted to be a vampire hunter?
Probably a ranger, honorable mentions to inquisitor and slayer
Inquisitor because there's an archetype for that
Vigilante because they'd never see it coming (Then again, that applies to the inquisitor as well on occasion.....)
Paladin. Especially of Something like Sarenrae, who's got an archetype devoted to it.
Cleric. Same reasoning.
Marksman and Gunslinger. Ranged Specialists and that sort.
though what i'd really go for is Investigator to get that "Abraham van Helsing" Feel.
>Vigilante because they'd never see it coming
>A vampire lord who sneaks out during the day to hunt his competition in his vigilante identity
I never knew I needed this in my life until this very moment.
My actual good game? Nothing. We don't often fight. There was a bit of annoyance when the Zen Archer killed a guard during an infiltration because he was beating a slave.
The shitty game that I left fairly recently, I had to subdue a party member that tried to coup a prisoner, then attack another party member who jumped in the way of the shot. All because she didn't WANT to take prisoners.
No faggots whining about lewds in this general.
not yet anyway, the faggots will come
Fuck off, Vult.
Well it was nice while it lasted.
If you build it... they will come.
There's even Guise of Life and Unlife social talents to take on the appearance of a living identity, or undead if you want to disguise as a vampire.
Can we have a thread where we talk about our favorite archetypes or something? Maybe collectively dig through old printings of books to pick out pre-errata stuff we don't want people to forget about, for better or worse?
Giving Divine Grace to Oracles would have been a mistake, there's nothing wrong with that erratum.
It's not about whether it should have been errata'd, it's about reminding people it existed
I like the flavor of Void Prophet, despite it being... not good. I drafted a character and got really into his personality, but alas. It was not to be.
>You want a strong male character?
>Okay, he's black
>Wait, you want a white character?
>Okay, he's a piece of shit
I really dig the Lamplighter archetype for Investigators, but since it's not empricist or polymath it's hot garbage.
What does it matter? The race of the character shouldn't matter, should it?
I like the idea of the stygian slayer, but wish they had nutted up to making it an actual 4-level caster archetype instead of just turning it into a wand monkey.
But user, if we don't know their race, how can we hamfistedly turn everything into a race issue?
Bu punching anybody who makes it a race issue in a game that has nothing to do with race issues and any that are there are usually justified because the race is full of fucking sociopathic murderers and themselves are incredibly racist.
Or we could all shut the fuck up about race and racial politics as they pertain to this hobby. Wouldn't that be great? If you want to talk politics, call people racist, rant about the SJWs, talk about how awful the president of Country A is, or whatever, do it away from the table with people who give a fuck. I don't give a fuck which side of the issue you're on. Shut the fuck up about it at the table.
I think he means that "it's justified to be racist about orcs, because they are literally Usually Chaotic Evil" and it's justified to respect and trust archons, as they are Always Lawful Good.
you're retarded. You can play any character you want.
What the fuck are you doing?
That's what we're all trying to do.
It's just a little bit hard when the corebook is right there on the table, expounding the glories of playing gender-special characters, bringing X cards to the table to stymie roleplaying and actively trying to shoehorn male humans, especially white ones, into roles as cackling villains and useless cannon fodder.
It's like firing at an Army base and calling the soldiers wantonly murdering lunatics for returning fire. The only thing this board is doing is bringing up a problem that was started with an active ideological assault on a large amount of the player base by Paizo, hamstringing roleplaying and character concepts for the sake of virtue signalling.
Just like you can play any character you want in any game ever if you try hard enough, but if it's not supported by fluff, fewer ideas come up and there's less to draw from for inspiration. The tone of the game also changes, which - while it might be subtle - makes competent male characters stand out more and more, until the setting itself becomes biased as a matter of course and it affects the playerbase, lore and even crunch in the end.
I'm typing in the dark from a very uncomfortable position. I fucked up a bit.
Friendly reminder that all three of the white male NPCs in Ruins of Azlant are evil or explicitly "masculine" chauvinists.
Oops, I forgot the gay one and his "Bitter, lonely" friend.
When do we think we'll get another meme game worthy of the attention of some of our better celebs, /pfg/?
you don't have to try hard to play a white male character. Theres literally nothing stopping you from doing it.
Why do you want their attention? Just apply to games you want to play. Why do you want a soap opera? Why do you want a circus?
Eldritch Poisoner is at a glance super cool, but the action economy and scaling is completely fucked, doubly so when I realize that only really obscure, shit races get a FCB that would remotely help it, and triply so once you notice that "discoveries [etc?] that affect mundane poisons do not affect your main class feature" meaning "haha get DOUBLE FUCKED if you wanted this to ever be useful".
Paizo made a class based off the vampire hunters from Vampire Hunter D, so probably that.
For now, yes.
Look long and hard at how venomous, biased and political Paizo games have gotten, and imagine how long it will take before it reflects not only in fluff, but in crunch.
Neo-White Wolf has already taken the lead with Mummy: the Curse, in which you're explicitly told that no matter if other cultures had mummification rituals, only Egyptians and Nubians (?) can be player characters because none of the others were actually kangz.
You could run that game user. Just ask Vult to write your pitch.
You sound like an idiot and this reeks of bait.
Come on, deny it.
You'll see what happens, and you'll wish you'd done something.
what class is it?
Uh huh. I'm sure I will when Jackson G. Paizo breaks down my door and shoots me right in the dick for being cis while playing Identityfinder.
I had a gm once who made half orcs get -4 to every mental stat and said they always speak in ebonics. I bet thats you.
Nice strawman.
The fact that you had to use that means you're on some level conscious that there's something between the status quo and your ridiculous exaggeration, and you'll see exactly what that is in three years.
And another strawman.
The "if you hate virulent female supremacists and jobless gender-special welfare leeches, you must be a racist and a sexist" is about as logically sound as "if you dislike pears, that must mean you want to kill everyone who doesn't like apples".
You're assuming that because group A is opposed to group B, everyone who says they dislike A must be a textbook member of B, no matter who or where they are.
You might be able to polish that logic a bit in high school when classes really get going.
having a character that isn't white in an adventure path doesnt make you a virulent female supremacist you hypocrite.
>Why do you want a soap opera? Why do you want a circus?
The same reason anybody watches a soap opera or goes to the circus: because it's entertaining.
And now we see the Paizodrone getting pressured.
This was not about having one non-white character.
This was about literally all white male characters in an AP being either "masculine" and thus evil, or gay and thus saved.
The iconics, the competent NPCs and everyone who won't be sacrificed are "neuters" or "womÿÿn of color", who're shallow self-inserts that contribute little to roleplaying and leech away any moral depth or even potential for such that the game ever had.
I swear, you had to actively lie to yourself in order to think I was talking about a single nonwhite character.
ok but this isn't 5e
None, they're all full up on time
So, Blade.
It's been done.
Yep, you tipped my hand with your superior logic, and uncovered my strawman and the reason behind its use with your deep understanding of psychology. I'm preparing my written apology to you when you're right and I'm wrong. When Paizo goes so far that I can't just change the gender, orientation, skin color, race, class, attitude, or even dialogue of any NPC.
What about when every non-white character is a hero and every white male is an asshole, cannon fodder or evil?
It's funny how people are mostly right when they think they're being ironic.
As I said before, it wouldn't be the first time where a company straight-out, no arguments brooked, tells players "no, you are not allowed to play characters who are not X, no support will be offered and we officially condemn it".
But whatever makes you feel better.
>When Paizo goes so far that I can't just change the gender, orientation, skin color, race, class, attitude, or even dialogue of any NPC.
Or... Get this, Paizo can write a few cis white males who aren't jokes and they save you the trouble of altering things! Needing to alter characters that significantly suggests you're fixing their faults
You realize they don't have strong male leads in APs because they don't test well with either half of Paizo's audience. Tumblr folk don't like them because 'much patriarchy'. Other players don't like them because they are predominantly socially awkward males who fear having the cute girls in APs stolen from them by strong male leads.
This has been implied before on paizo forum posts. No one likes strong male characters because they're either a SJW or a cuck.
Speaking of White Wolf, they also told us you can and should explore the topic of male pregnancy with your players, and only overlook it if they don't think it "fits" their character.
>there is no problem because I can fix it
Oberoni strikes again
>This has been implied before on paizo forum posts. No one likes strong male characters because they're either a SJW or a cuck
I need some of these forum posts, because someone being intimidated by a strong male character sounds as stupid as someone being intimidated by a strong female character.
And that just makes them despising white male characters explicit, because their fanbase despises them too. Is this a company we really want to support?
And have players stopped playing as those things? Paizo made being female a requirement for a PrC. They haven't stopped my GM from allowing my male character to take that PrC. So again... how exactly are they disallowing me from playing whatever I goddamn please?
Do people actually buy Paizo books here though?
Please don't conflate Onyx Path with White Wolf.
White Wolf died in 2004, and we all mourn its memory. What's left is Justin Achilli wearing its skin.
>oh no gender politics in muh books
>oh no, satanism in muh books
It'll pass. It always does.
"Satanism in my books" still hasn't passed though. Most of the stuff that got changed because of the satanic craze hasn't been changed back. Also, changing the subject.
Welcome to homebrew. Welcome to houserules. I don't even play in Golarion because the entire setting is a fucking joke.
They won't even fix their system, so instead of whining about the least difficult thing to replace, why not just replace it and complain about something that actually matters?
It won't pass, what gets written now will become codified later as a cherished part of the system.
Listen here, snownigger; your bogeyman isn't real. If you lived in a real motherfucking state, you'd know that most people are just people, and not your liberal arts major caricature nemeses.
Grow the fuck up or sit the fuck down.
For the most part I don't fault them for it because they're playing to their audience. I'm for the most part fine with no strong straight male leads in APs because I'm the strong straight male lead.
There is a reason that Paizo's APs have cute girls in them. They're preaching to the choir that demands strong women and waifus.
>a real motherfucking state
Like the US which brought us such great things as Conjuration (Healing)?
Because that, no matter if it doesn't have numbers in it, is a piece of crunch too.
You might find it easier to break Paizo's rules in the case you had, but any official event? You're out of luck.
It used to be unimaginable ten years ago, but now it actually seems likely that the second-most popular RPG in the world will numerically penalize or restrict characters because of their gender or race.
Imagine being the newbie who comes to a PFS game in 2020, only to find out that their white male character can't be Good, that women of color get +4 to CON and WIS because "they've suffered more than anyone else" or that there are six prestige classes defined by being gender-special or a slavering man-killer.
I'm exaggerating for effect, so tone these examples down until you reach your own preferred level.
Is this what we call leafs now?
You also need to stop doomsaying and exaggerating, because you keep hurting your own fucking point by being hysterical.
If they did that the majority of their fanbase would fear their waifus being stolen from them and getting cucked.
All you need to do is make Paizo think cucking is main stream and they'll bring back strong male characters.
It's what I call piece of shit little Yankee daggers who think worshipping a dead Austrian makes them sophisticated motherfuckers. Get your head out of your ass and grow the fuck up, snownigger. Get a damn job.
What about if I'm a liberal arts major and have been in the humanities for six years?
I learnt to hate these people from meeting them. I used to agree with them on paper, until I met an actual gender-special Tumblroid and then one more, one more and one more, and I finally fitted together why all of them were such abrasive, hostile, guilt-tripping, logic-distorting, lazy, exploitative and emotionally abusive leeches.
Ok I can't see why you're really this angry that the PrC meant for an all female religious order requires you to be female.
I mean seriously?
It's just another "I hate PF you should stop playing it because I say so" moron.
They're all over the damn threads with different bylines each time. This is just the most recent version.
It isn't even a problem. It's a matter of taste. Mechanics not working is a problem. Lack of game balance is a problem. You have to be seriously lacking in real issues to think hamfistedly cramming politics into a setting is a problem. Or is it just that these are politics with which you don't agree?
Fucking this, the lack of strong male leads is because they assume the players are going to be those strong male leads. It's not their fault everyone typically plays women or fruits
You need to stop being so angry and stop doing the equivalent of calling Arabs "gooks". Believe it or not, implying someone is a nazi does not automatically make him wrong.
It ain't recent, this shit's been here for almost a year.
Probably because it's the only way to do Strength Archery, which has been something people have wanted for ages.
Anything being hamfistedly shoved into anything is a problem, that's why we call it 'hamfisted'.
I'm not angry about that.
I'm angry that they were reasonable until recently.
If you can't see the difference between an order of female knights justified in-universe and the narrative distortion and stereotyping of Kangzfinder, I weep for you.
The all female PrC I was calling you out on was published less than two months ago.
We worship writers who did that shit all the time. The difference is the quality of writing.
Hey /pfg/ I'm pretty new at the system and was wondering what the best way to make an artificer is.
It really depends what you mean by artificer.
>Hey /pfg/ I'm pretty new at the system and was wondering what the best way to make an artificer is.
There's always that one shithead in any group
I'll just say that even then the likely answer is some kind of alchemist archetype, possible VMC with cleric for the artifice domain.
Crafting magic items, strange inventions, obscure and almost useless magic items out the ass, that sorta stuff. I'm going for a Professor E.Gadd sort of vibe.
No, I mean the current crop oif "HATE PF BECAUSE OF THING" just happens to be political nonsense. There's always some variety or another of "HATE PAIZO BECAUSE I SAY SO" going on.
By playing another system. Run while you still can.
Yeah then some variety of alchemist that gets craft construct is what you want.
>people autistically screeching about celebs, memegames, bamboozles, typefucking eachother, and the eternal sjw vs pol shit that crops up.
The poor bastard was right.
Was there ever any doubt? Like, at all?
don't hurt the poor user like that, man
Sounds 100% like the Alchemist with crafting feats, my friend.
fuck off
How bad of an idea would it be to run a campaign for some close friends from level 3/4 all the way up to 20 if i've never GM'd a day in my life?