Filename Thread

Old one reached limit

Filename Thread

Try to get some OC

Other urls found in this thread:

Staples in the meantime



As much as I like these threads, do you think we should limit the frequency of these to at least every other day?




Time to /sage/ this thread.

Board's already pretty slow

>Red mage/ White Mage
Literally crippling yourself


>not recognizing black mage hat


I recognize it, but anything with Black Mage is only better for it



Seems a lot less PC PLANS than the real answer

No joke, there's actually a bible-themed version of the game for that very reason.

phrenology diagrams are a fuckin goldmine


I've been meaning to give this one a name for a while, but I can't come up with anything. Any suggestions?




>greater medusa.jpg


>parallel lines
try again

needs a better name


I wish I were a cute girl...

Potion of Growth

Mage upgrades to Sorceress

Go to the gym and in a few years you can fuck cute girls.

I want to be a cute girl user, having a girlfriend would be nice, but for someone like me it's unrealistic.

There is someone out there for everyone.

Sometimes that someone is 5 cats.

I'm deathly allergic to cats, will stick to a Real Doll should I ever be able to justify the price

Can confirm. Joined the gym and I lost my virginity next year. I didn't even have to do anything, some woman gave me the number of her friend without me asking or anything.

I don't see why. Autogynophiles like you get women and father children. I mean, you'll really fuck her life up latter when you pause your marriage to have a bunch of doctors cut you up and stitch the parts into a sick parody of a woman, spending all of your shared funds in the process, but hey, you gotta look out for number one, right?

I'm not trans, I just would have preferred to been a girl


Just because someone gets off on the idea doesn't mean they'll jump under a goddamned knife, it's either magic, brain transplants or nothing.

You sound pretty sad and bitter, son.

Goddamnit. I wanted to post the pic with the user saying that since he's been losing weight he feels entitled to masturbate to more attractive anime characters. Would've been great for this, but I can't find it. Does anyone else have it?

Just stop wallowing in self pity and take the first steps to self improvement. Unless you're a eunuch or have serious deformities, you can fuck cute girls with varying degrees of work needed. I had my first gf at 25, trust me I know that it's not easy for everyone.

Lol, now I'm waiting to see that.

Trans women believe they're women. Autogynophiles know they're men, but wish they were women. It's really not that hard a distinction to make.

I would have to find a woman willing to accept a man who has no career aspirations nor interest in social activity. So basically a pretty rare woman, or one who's in the same boat as me.

Would have to find a Tomoko

To be honest if that's a goal that works for him to motivate for losing weight, it's perfectly valid.

AGPs transition late in life. That poisionious desire is just going to gnaw and gnaw at you. Enjoy your late 30s :^)

I bet.

Just refresh the page until Veeky Forums's banner comes up.

..., I will never be trans, wishing I were a woman isn't going to make me want to transition.


Go on a dating site and be frank. Just don't be an ugly mess. Me and my gf (now wife) just sit at home all day, neither are interested in social activities. Get not-ugly, get a steady income (of course you can't be a NEET), and go on a SE-asian dating site. You'll have a wife in no-time if you honestly want to.

But then I have to spend some of my income on working on a relationship, would rather save my money as well, 2D is fine for now.

You're right, shit. I see it so often I thought I had it saved.


seriously? This was just in the last thread

You don't want to know how long it took to get the footage for that webm, I'm going to milk it for all it's worth.

Sounds like you're completely unable to separate fantasy from reality. That sounds unhealthy as fuck, you should probably talk to someone about that.

>Veeky Forums and /d/.jpg



Yes, but life gets pretty empty when you go solo for too long. Oh well, just don't wait too long, there comes a time when it will be too late.

Well, so you did the nasty, but was he gentle with you?





>crappy bayonet piercing honorable samurai armor folded ten thousand times
Good joke.



I would probably go for a 100% success rate brain transfer just so I could fondle my breasts everyday.


If by "fondle my breasts" you mean "fire my built-in GAU-8 Avenger" then I wholeheartedly agree.

The magic of it is that you could have both, and more. And if you get bored, you can have something else tomorrow.

I imagine that readily available cybernetics should quash the current bullshit, even if it opens its own can of worms.



I know you're memeing but their armour was mostly lacquered wood with metal strips.

Jokes on you. I've been going solo for 28 years and I only think of jumping from very tall buildings twice a week!

I wish that was sarcasm

You need to learn how to cope with life's stress, distribute in more evenly, try thinking of jumping from a small building every day!

>tfw danish so his name reads like Potato Patata



Sounds like this Citizen isn't taking their mandatory Happiness Pills.

Seriously, get pills. They help.


I'm going to have to steal that for later

>tumblr takes over the world.jpg

Did he have to sell all his enthusiasm and joy to learn that?

>implying glorious chassepot bayonet made of mastercrafted cheese wouldn't pierce it

sauce, pls?


Not exactly, that's the price of living in Liverpool.

>tfw you buy a sexbot but instead get a decent life-coach.


>sauce, pls?
This particular story begins on page 175 (for me it's page 9). All the stories inside are either yaoi or yuri, except for one two-parter that's MMF.


This logic checks out.

>page 175 (for me it's page 9)
I mean, it's image 175, but when you look at it from the album screen, it's page 9.

Soldier is my spirit animal.

Tied with enigeer and medic


This show was a wonderful trainwreck.
