Why is "bad guy vs bad guy" as a premise inherently more interesting than "good guy vs bad guy"?
Why is "bad guy vs bad guy" as a premise inherently more interesting than "good guy vs bad guy"?
Free of all typical "good vs. evil" expectations/messages. You have the stage for a real no-holds-barred battle of wits.
unghhhh me like not do trope
Eh, The Blood War is no fun.
Because you're still a teenager.
Because you just had your 13th birthday yesterday.
My favorite is Good guy Vs Good Guy.
Because fighting good guys is not fun. You feel like a gigantic asshole. Nobody wants to beat ser Rodrik the Kind, but beating the shit out of Azlagor the Deathbringer is fun no matter if you're good or evil.
Good guy vs good guy
>Whatever happens, it's just either a build-up to a predictable "tragic" "tear-jerker", or in the end they resolve their differences and nothing important happens
Bad guy vs bad guy
>All bets are off, keeping the reader/watcher/player/wanker engaged the entire time.
>No "B-but Protagonist-kun, if you kill him you'll be just like him...!" bullshit. Bad guys don't care.
>It could even be a redemption story.
>Evil chicks
>bad guy vs bad guy
Conflict of interests between two people actively seeking to cause evil whether for personal gain or for the sake of fucking shit up. These interests, though crossing paths, are probably going to be at least somewhat unique and have a very wide scope in terms of what they can do.
>good guy vs bad guy
I must stop the bad guy because I am good and that is what I do.
But it's not. Flawed good guy versus bad guy with realistic motivations is inherently more interesting than knight in shining armor versus Baby Eater McPuppykicker though.
This is the best because it's like that in real life. Another one's bad guy is another's good guy.
Calamity is the sugar of fiction and evil is candy.
It adds some flavour to the story. In fact you make the whole story out of it there will still be assholes eating it up.
Because bad guys have more flexibility in their actions than good guys.
If good guys want to fight bad guys, they generally have to do so within certain perimeters.
If bad guys want to fight bad guys, they can and will do anything necessary to win, up to and including pretending to be good guys for as long as necessary.
Also, it asks a bit more of you. In good guy versus bad guy, you are clearly supposed to root for the good guy, except when it is made crystal clear that you are not.
In bad guy versus bad guy, it's on you to look at the motives, desires, and so on of the players to decide who to root for. Even between two unrepentant dickweeds you hate, one of them will still strike you as the "lesser" evil.
Pretty much this. And as a bad guy, you don't have a bag limit or sense of proportion, guilt, responsibility, and most of the time, reason.
Who said good guy vs good guy is not interesting
Maybe because fans of either side keep arguing which side is better despite both sides being irredeemable?
Read: 40k
The last time I can recall actually seeing anything like this, it was Freddy vs. Jason and it was many things, interesting wasn't one of those things. Funny as hell, but not interesting.
there are no good guys in politics, even yang and reinhard. They are obviously the best choice on their respective teams by a long long shot, but they arnt really "good".
What about good guy vs good guy which turns into bad guy vs bad guy along the conflict
>Evil chicks
>good guy 1 wants to kill her
>GG2 wants to offer her a chance at redemption
>they fight
>stuff happens
>either ends with GG2 killing GG1 because for GG2, GG1 was evil for wanting to kill evil chick
>chick can even prove GG2 wrong by still being evil, maybe cucking and/or killing him too
>or GG1 wins, which pushes GG2 over to the dark side Anakin style
>nothing important
>no evil chicks
what about the Fate of the Furious ?
bad guys go against bad guys there, and it was fucking amazing
same in Pirates of the Caribbean
and Vikings
and History in general
and and and
the latter is a trope while the first isn't