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When was the last time you bound an outsider for fun and profit?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Advanced Demonology Edition:
When was the last time you bound an outsider for fun and profit?
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Never, binding outsiders is cruel and unusual punishment, how would YOU like it if a genie just suddenly plucked you out of your dimension against your will while you were taking a bath, then told you that you had to do what he said or else he wouldn't allow you to return home?
That sounds like rape.
Not sure which was it, but I think it was from one of the APs. There was one already-bound Pit Fiend (I think. Not exactly sure what was it) and our party made a deal with it somehow. He helped us quite well, even gave us a Wish, and we had friendly handshake and bid farewell.
We were on page 5, dickhead.
Okay, so I've been looking at the Armorist from SoP, and while I know it generally kinda sucks, I couldn't help but spy on the Symbiotic Knight Archetype. So I looked at it, specifically at its ability to steal Traits from the Alteration Sphere, and after looking at the Alteration Sphere and all the versitility it allows, it made me ponder this question.
Is Symbiotic Knight actually good? I mean, it does come across as being very much like an Aegis from Psionics due to the versitility you can potentially get from both Alterations traits and Arsenal Tricks.
I've been wondering this because currently I'm trying to build White Album from Vento Aureo
Sometimes it don't seem like it be what it is, but it do.
2nd row from the top, 2nd from the right. Best succ.
>Womb tattoo
Pls user, I already fapped tonight
> no Yunyun or Chris
Damn you Brothel
I was about to say "but they aren't succubi" but then I saw Darkness.
Wiz on Right 5 Down 4
That's my fetish
>Not a one with decent muscle definition
Get this shit out of my sight
Done. Refresh page.
The GM basically handed us a way to manufacture angels. To his chagrin and that of and the party's resident /k/ommando, we immediately made them the backbone of our army and scrapped all attempts to build up a force of riflemen and artillery.
Because fuck your USSR wankfest, we've got the Gods on our side now and all our enemies are evil-aligned.
Is this what playing a shadow-pact avowed is like?
Or is it closer to this?
Which classes are better suited for half-orcs?
Half-Orcs really are more versatile than that question implies. The first things to come to mind are probably simple things like Barbarian, Bloodrager, and Paladin, though Bard does work well (as suggested) if you build for Strength and make use of their racial proficiency with Falchions. Or you could go with Rogue, by the same token.
they can be literally anything
Nuh uh, my DM won't let half-orcs become wizards!
Mint is NOT a bamboozle game. I got a message from Mink.
When will we get starstone reviews?
So you've got a shit GM and should tell him so.
My GM has a hardon for houserules, because 'pathfinder is too simplistic or too abstract', but when we try any other system he makes houserules that make the game play like pathfinder. What do?
Understand that your GM is in love with pathfinder. He'll admit it to himself one day, but for now only his heart knows the truth.
What class would a Geist of Saint Traft be ?
I'm thinking of a Samsaran Spiritualist and get a stando.
Is there better choices ?
Hopefully he will learn to accept PF for what it is and what it tries to be, but for now our party has to play his Frankenstein's monster of a game. The GM's houserules "fix" one thing, but unintentionally break or invalidate another. The GM is too damn fun to ditch, but the "improvements" are just killing me.
Learn to accept the chaos. Work towards the future together. Remember we play PF to have fun user! If you're having fun that's all that matters.
Reminder that a new race got dropped yesterday, and we're still in dire need of talk about it!
And now I am going to be a nice man and answer to the talk that HAS been about it, so there!
>Why do young mercurials breastfeed? I mean, the logical reason would be because they can't otherwise feed themselves, but nothing that I've read so far implies or suggests the empathic feeding isn't something they can just do naturally. Their empathy seems almost automatic, considering they need to make will saves to avoid bonding to a Hivemaster/Sovereign when passing nearby, so why wouldn't they be able to psychically feed themselves from a young age? And if they do that, why should female Mercurials have breasts?
Good question! The answer is a bit muddy, but without getting too wordy about it the whole of it is basically this: Mercurials were once, or were created in the image of, humans (or other similar creatures, like elves). Much like an undeveloped human body can't process - let alone chew and swallow - most sorts of nutrients (other than breastmilk) properly until they're several months old, Mercurials are not born with enough control of their empathic abilities to feed off other creatures themselves. The act of feeding is not automatic, but conscious (just like a human consciously has to chew and swallow food). The ability for Mercurial mothers to provide their young with nutrients in the first months of their life is thus vital, and the means by which they do so is to an extent a holdover from their humanoid creators/forebears.
Now, the "gravity" possessed by Hivelords is indeed a natural thing - at this point - but consider the Casteless ART. Mercurials have, through selective breeding and prolonged use of magic (in methods they've passed down from their ancestors through genetic memories) been able to create the societal divisions of their civilization that is the Castes.
>Wouldn't it make more sense for their names to be broken down/organized by caste rather than sex? It sounds like that's more important in their society.
While certainly important in their society, it is still the fact of the matter that Mercurial society is very much defined by the need of keeping themselves alive and numerous. The Castes are societal in a way much like a job is, whereas names are private - more importantly, you are named at birth by your parents/blood-kin, and you don't get assigned your Caste until coming of age. That, and the Ministry of Population would likely have blocked any such idea - to Mercurials, work is public, whereas names are very private, after all. Don't want to mix them up (unless you're an Anger, of course).
>Also, on the subject of castes, what causes the biological response in Mercurials to have their body develop along the lines of a particular caste? It's not just as simple as something they will to happen, I assume, there should be some kind of hormones or psychic influence that would cause it.
The granting of Caste powers is not entirely understood, but the way most feral hivelings turn out not naturally developing the normal Caste powers essentially explains how it works: During their second growth period (10-20 years old), Mercurials develop their powers and abilities more than their physical bodies, and the Scholar-castes have long since created means of altering the progression of that development in a desired direction. The means is not entirely magical and not entirely nonmagical - it's a good mixture of both designed to give the desired end result. Overall, these methods are very well designed and carry very few negative side effects, but they are known to negatively impact the development of Mercurials' endurance and toughness - this is a price Mercurials are well willing to pay, however, as the gain to their society from having the Castes is frankly quite enormous.
>Oh, and why mercury? Not that it isn't cool, but did you do that just to make them more aberrant?
That would be telling :^)
Suffice it to say that it was the last bit of inspiration that got this race to fall together as a cohesive unit for me, and in many ways their central "theme" in my mind.
nobody cares your homebrews are shit
And you're so shit you don't even make anything productive at all, user! I completely understand your saltiness, don't worry.
Can you be a good archer with an eyepatch?
i'm just tired of seeing your newest "creation of the week"
i respect homebrewers but you're not a homebrewer, you just throw abilities together and make whatever you think is cool with no regard for what already exists or even bother balancing them
try to commit to something for more than a day, even a child can make everything you have
Too many words. Too much going on. Too many feats that have little/no impact. A lot of things included are little more than fluff and flavor and serve merely as chaff.
Races should be relatively simple, not whole classes worth of abilities/feats unto themselves.
>too many feats that have little/no impact
This is objectively wrong, though. The feats are pretty fucking meaty, heck, the base Caste abilities are feats that you can take even as members of another Caste as well if you wish.
The only thing I can think of that's actually no more than fluff is stuff like Mercury Mark and Inclusion, since it's unlikely to come up - and even then, nothing wrong with a little fluff to a race. Makes it more complete.
Even the feats are just fucking wordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswords. Like holy shit, too much text is baaaaaaaaaad.
But yeah, way too fucking much going on. Castes border on things that should be full blown racial archetypes for things like wizards.
Do not like. Would not allow people to use.
Out of curiosity, do you actually run any games that you'd forbid people from using this in, or is it all hypothetical?
Look m8
either you give people numbers and basic shit, which is boring and/or nothing new anyway
or you try making something that doesn't already exist, which by definition requires WORDS.
Now, sure, some of the stuff could be justified as being archs rather than feats, but racial archs are shit. Gating is shit overall. If someone wants to use this cool new thing that's been made, you don't want to restrict them to your own exact vision of the thing. So I didn't do that (also it'd have been much more work anyway).
>do you actually run any games that you'd forbid people from using this in
Awfully defensive about having shit ideas aren't you.
You literally have more words in your race description and subsequent description of feats and abilities than multiple /classes/ do. If you want to wank how creative you are do it with an actual class, not a race. Races should be simple, easy to parse and definitely not take up 10 fucking pages.
Your race is bad. It's mechanically overcomplicated for zero reason beyond "WELL I WANTED IT TO BE A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE". No one wants to read a fucking novel or have to submit one to their DM just to play a race.
If I want to use Falmer fluff from the Elder Scrolls in PF, which race would be most fitting for that?
Awfully vehement in your opinion that my work is shit, you are, and for that it bears to question whether your opinion is anything of worth, or just WORDS? You're evading the question, which leads me to think you're just barking up a tree you can't actually climb.
Also, it takes up 9 pages, not 10, so there :^) Besides, if you took all the material (including race feats) on, say, Humans, how many pages do you think it would fill? It's simply a question of what standards you're working toward.
You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to discard it as shit. I made a race based off the inspiration I had for it. If you want to cry snowflake over that, that's on you. Sometimes inspiration is mechanical, sometimes it is not - sometimes it is easy to implement, sometimes not. You clearly don't like reading much (which leads me to question why you're even here), and that's okay. But not everyone is you, and not everyone has the same shit opinions as you.
TL;DR - cool story bro, but your opinions are shit and irrelevant.
Falmer as in squat horrible blind little torturers or falmer as in snow elves?
Former would be a high CON and DEX with low INT monster with natural sneak attack, blindsense and natural vermin empathy
Latter is just elf.
You asked for discussion. You were told it isn't worth discussing because it's garbage. Now you're butthurt and flaming people who don't like your special snowflake billion words race. Clearly the internet is not a place for thin skinned faggots like you, you should probably leave it.
>You're entitled to your opinion
No, No one is entitled to an opinion. They are entitled to a preference. Opinions must be argued. Races should be simple and straightforward, that is a fact. You have too fucking much going on, that is also a fact. Too much is either chaff, or absolutely ridiculous (underpowered or should be its own archetype).
Why don't you invent a new racial™ system for how well these things fellate your ego.
>You clearly don't like reading much
If it was interesting or worth reading people would read it. It isn't, it's overdesigned wordy garbage.
How do you Maximize The Pain™?
By posting this picture and waiting for Dungeon Meshi fans to arrive.
Let the bodies hit the floor...
Does anyone here have Spelljammer rules for PF?
I wish my sister was that fluffy!
>nobody is entitled to an opinion
>proceeds to post an opinion on "how things should be"
uh huh
nice opinions you've got there
I've yet to see a single argument in here other than "i don't want to read aaaa".
then take your shitty homebrew shit somewhere else so you can get the ego stroking you want
it's overdesigned, races are meant to be simple and not half-classes on their own, your argument about the core races is illogical because all the information is from multiple books over the entirety of pathfinder's existence (and still doesn't reach the complexity of your daily new race)
you're also preaching to a crowd that clearly dislikes your content and dismiss it as if "it's overdesigned" isn't a valid complaint
One angry user does not a crowd make, boyo. Your opinion on what races "should" be like is an opinion, not some kind of universal truth. And your "arguments" now amount to "i don't want to read, get out of my imaginary hugbox reee". Clearly, you're not capable of doing much else than sputter hot air like so many punctured balloons.
i'm not that user though, and i doubt it's just us two assuming he's been the only other one
i've only posted twice here and you didn't even respond to my last post
Have you gotten any positive feedback at all to indicate that outside of one or two angry anons the rest of the community gives two shits about it, though?
That I have, in fact, and enough of it to substantiate my claims that angry anons screaming autistically are full of shit.
And you're still not actually making any arguments.
Been thinking of brewing an ability that dies ability damage as part if an attack. Any advice on the boundaries between "useful enough to be used" and "murders"?
Look at existing spells and other stuff that similarly deals ability damage. Scale uses/day, saves, amount of damage etc accordingly. Consider what should be immune to it. Also, CON damage is the hardest type of murder.
You can look at
>That I have, in fact, and enough of it to substantiate my claims that angry anons screaming autistically are full of shit.
That's great! Now ask yourself why are you even bothering with arguing with one or two angry anons? You're not going to convince them over to your side, and if you're getting good, positive feedback elsewhere you don't need to waste your time on them.
It's actually 3+ of us.
The one thing I like about the classes in base Pathfinder are their simplicity. You can fluff a Wizard however you want as long as it adheres to the 'must use a spellbook' rule. You can fluff a Fighter however you want, even a Paladin or a Cleric. Same goes for races- you can fluff a kobold as a tiny dog-person or a tiny lizard-person or anything in-between. You can fluff a human or elf or dwarf as anything as long as it fits within that race's statistics.
'Mercurials' and other such races are far too specific and have too much lore attached to them. In a standard homebrew setting, this lore is going to be thrown out and replaced with whatever the player wants. There is no point to it being there. The race is too specific for my tastes and I believe a few other anons' tastes. Races are made to be messed around with and fluffed however you want- they're just a guideline and statistics for you to use. You can't just make them overly specific.
Of course you can fluff anything you want however you want. That doesn't stop the creator of a thing to put his own preferred fluff of that thing out, however, and if it's good enough for others to use without altering, it's going to be used by those who don't mind it, those who like it, or otherwise have no reason to make their own. Just like Golarion exists, even though you can fluff the world of your Pathfinder games however you want.
Classes and races can be as specific or vague as you want in their default state, but it is always more work to slap on more lore than there is originally, than there is to strip stuff away. Your Elves don't need to be aliens if you don't want them to, but the option exists. Your Drow don't need to be always CE undergrounders, but the option exists. It's there for you to take and use as you want.
If you think the lore is too specific, there's nothing stopping you from disregarding it. It's an argument, sure, so? Take a cutter to the doc and bisect it by the Overview section, then. The stuff in there is there for you to use.
Can you get a tripcode so I can ignore your homebrew?
In the CRB, sure, but within the campaign setting books there's extensive fluff relating to the core races. Hell, most of them have whole books dedicated just to telling you exactly how their societies function on Golarion.
I have one, but I'm explicitly going to avoid using it, in order to maximize your pain.
But then what's the point of using this race? The only things the Mercurial has going for it is its gimmick about eating emotions, it having mercury blood and its varied stats based on Caste. I could be an Aasimar and accomplish the same thing, or a Tiefling.
You then have the Empathic Pool, which is just another statistic to keep track of, adding onto the bookkeeping that Pathfinder already has. This feels like a snowflake race that has been given a bunch of special powers and spell-like-abilities for no other reason than to make them stand out.
Then he could include the lore in a separate pastebin, but he won't because he wants to force a meme about 'maximizing pain'.
desu if he wanted a race that sustained itself off emotions, he could have gotten way better reception if he had just ripped off "that one race" from "that one show".
>. You can fluff a Wizard however you want as long as it adheres to the 'must use a spellbook' rule
I disagree strongly, Vancian classes, especially Divine ones are hard to refluff.
To be a Wizard you have to
>have an arcane bond
>Use a spellbook
>use verbal
>use somatics
>prepare your stuff before hand and forget how to use it afterwards
D&D Wizards are really shitty at emulating anything other than D&D wizards. Same goes for most non martials.
>The only things the Mercurial has going for it is its gimmick about eating emotions
This is basically it. Mercurial should have been a template that you could apply to any race that allows it to feed off emotions.
>only things they've got going for them
You're missing the vital point that is Empathy Sense, as well as Genetic Memories/Arcana. Empathy Sense, especially with the Scout Caste feats to upgrade it, turns you into far more capable recon unit than any Aasimar would be able to match without help. Genetic Arcana is effectively Mystic Past Life split up into an ART and a feat, on a race that can have a +2 to any mental stat.
And so on and so forth. They have plenty of tools, you just need to read a few words to find them.
>I could be an Aasimar and accomplish the same thing, or a Tiefling
But that comes with a separate set of inherent fluff baggage, because suprise! Most GMs won't let you call a horse a tiny flightless dragon.
> Genetic Arcana is effectively Mystic Past Life split up into an ART and a feat, on a race that can have a +2 to any mental stat.
So something that shouldn't be allowed at any fucking table ever?
Verbal and Somatics are fairly common things magic casters do. Spellbooks are slightly less common. The busted bullshit that is "lol, I know Fireball but like, I didn't study it literally this morning, so I can't use it" or "haha I know right, that spell was neat rite? Oh fuk you need me to do it again? I uh only studied it once this morning xD" is hard to explain away unless you're trying to simulate something like someone who uses spelltags that expire daily, and even then it's hard to explain why you can't just write more tags.
I'd say magic casters that don't need them and magic casters that do are both pretty common.
sounds just like powmeme and any other 3pp desu
To be fair, Samsarans already have +2 to INT and WIS anyway. CHA is the only new option, and it's not exactly anything major either, compared to the other bullshit that regularly gets advertised as the best thing since cooked bacon here.
Fuck off, Paizo shill.
I'd say it's honestly 50/50 on casters needing verbals/somatic in media most of the time.
>To be fair, Samsarans already have +2 to INT and WIS anyway. CHA is the only new option
And to be fair, Samsara paints a huge "I'm literally only playing this to break spellcasting" on your back. That's the only reason they exist.
t. Brainlet
don't bother trying to convince the fucker making the mercurials that PoW is actually good. they're an ivory tower caster fag that just makes homebrew casters
How do you know? Proof?
>guys here's my homebrew
>please talk about my homebrew
>hey i know i posted this last time but nobody cared, please talk about my homebrew?
>it's shit
>hey guys i just made a new homebrew, thoughts?
Did you really expect any better from a known shitter?
Thus the cycle of Homebrew continues: the Brewer has an idea, they share it, and it either gets ignored and they shrug and walk off or they push it until people tell them to fuck off
totem archs had a ranger in it, and i know he's thrown around some rage-based race before, along with some other martial stuff
I just want to see him stop talking about his custom spell system of the week that he's going to forget about after a few days
i wish he would just post with a name again so i could filter him
>tfw to intelligent to run PoW
you are the only person who knows how any of your shit works because nobody else cares about them
the only thing that was interesting was soulforger and it seems you've either dropped it or have the attention span of a mayfly because you're working on everything except it, and it needs a LOT of work
Hey man
I still want to play Vults Chloromancer
i am not ssd you fat fuck, and some of us actually care about his shit
that said, i also wish he'd get off his ass and work on soulforger again
he's been talking a lot about it but i've yet to see any fucking action out of him on that part
That's pretty much because it's just "Fey fuckbait waifu: The class".
yes you are you retarded viking fuck
you're notorious for self shilling and talking to yourself on the thread because nobody cares about your fucking homebrews and your shit goes ignored entirely until you bring it up and force it down other's throats
Hey, cool, that's how I feel about Flower Nymphs, something that I see pushed constantly as "perfect for x concept" even if it's not
That and I like fiddly resource tracking. At will debuffs man!