tyranny would be a fantastic setting. intrigue, politics, moral dilemmas, an amazing world.
Tyranny would be a fantastic setting. intrigue, politics, moral dilemmas, an amazing world
What system would be great for this?
if were being boring here, DnD. but im sure some other Fantasy RPG could work.
I'd love to explore more of the Tyranny world, and a Tyranny TTRPG or TTRPG setting would be loads of fun.
The real question is does Kyros have a dick or a vagina?
how to make tyranny popular
>advertise your game
>don't not advertise your game
>make a video with chris avellone
I got no idea. I mean even Sirin was unsure
Tyranny is one of the best examples of arailroaded campaign, shoehorned and false choices, not to mention SJW garbage and the plot armor of the protagonist, the "anti"-hero in a supposedly evil story. Lionheart was better than this crap.
this. The SJW pandering really killed it. Too bad, it sounded really promising on paper
I didn't play. What's SJW about it?
How was that sjw? Because it did not have generic role models? Because you are a little snowflake that got triggered?
Don't listen to the guy theres really no sjw pandering in the game
Also its a pretty fucking good game
I want to hear what he has to say first
I'd say the only SJW thing about it is that Kyros overthrew a matriarchy, but that's it honestly.
Nothing, insecure /pol/flakes getting triggered.
Beast man are female dominated as those are a fair bit more aggressive and bigger.
In the tiers (playable part of the world, isolated hinterland) women hold most land and inheritance of land based stuff mostly goes to women. Vice versa for sea related stuff and men. In universe this is rooted in religion.
In most of the setting this is not the case.
Female soldiers are a thing. But well, its fantasy.
Maybe they were thinking about pillars of eternity, which had a kickstarter backer created tranny joke removed from the game. That was apparently enough for some crowds to mark PoE as SJW garbage. I don't recall any obvious SJW stuff while playing tyranny.
Lets not get sidestepped by vtards and instead talk about how fucking amazingly the game handles player agency + the conquest phase
Ah I forgot, /pol/ are status quo advocates in denial. True that one case could've be considered sj.
In the first 2 acts. Oh yes it was a blast.
First act is honestly the best
I fucking love the dialogue you get from the disfavored and chorus generals when you support the folk within the tier
There is a very strong feminist vibe in the worlds setting.
From not knowing the real gender of the "Big Bad" yet getting more hints that it's a she.
Having almost everything seem like a matriarchy in the setting especially with one party member whom is some sort of beast thing.
and having one quest that shows lesbian marriage and couples as an ok thing in the setting while having no mention on the other sex.
and 4 out of 6 of the party members are female.
All in all it would not have been such a problem if the game would have succeeded in making an engaging story but all it did was make a standard boring piece of shit that had potential at the start but later just drops the ball.
This game screams to me: "we didn't have enough time but decided to release it anyway"
>All in all it would not have been such a problem
It is not a problem. The only person who makes it a problem is snoflakes such as yourself
There are fantasy settings who don't carter to your sense of right and wrong and unless you're some kind of infant or retard you should be able to understand that
There's an approximately 65/35 female:male ratio in the game- for instance, there are 4 female companions and 2 male, there's several more female portraits in character creation to male, and I haven't counted but it really feels like you meet more women NPCs then men overall. It gets a little silly at points; one faction is supposed to be the 'lawful evil' traditionalist type, except they practice total gender equality and their 'traditional evilness' seems to be limited to just not inviting their enemies to join their ranks, which seems perfectly reasonable to me.
That is actually my far, far bigger issue with the game, the "evil" that they advertise is totally nutless and sterile. One faction, which should be basically a Caesar's Legion ripoff with the way they set them up and positioned them in the game, are instead totally egalitarian within their own ranks and are led by an old lovable grandpa figure instead of a total sociopath. They're practically good guys. The other faction are chaotic evil with all that implies, and their leader is the worst fucking edgy joker knockoff I've seen in awhile. So while they're technically evil, they're more insufferable then anything. And to make it worse you can't even really be evil with either of the factions, the game railroads you into starting a rebellion against the empire anyway. It's really fucking annoying, I played the game because the "you play as the bad guy!" premise and advertising drew me in but they undercut themselves at every turn.
If you are not some kind of infant or retard you should understand that his taste and perception of the game is as good as yours, right?
So the devs just slapped 'evil campaign' on it and went nowhere with it?
Yeah, pretty much. It's very much about conquest, but you feel just like a conquering army - not like evil bastards.
I don't doubt that but honestly the game is fiction and it can portray gender in any way it wants
Art isn't a democracy
Basically, yes.
>but you feel just like a conquering army
They should've added all the evil bad things that come with conquest. Not sure how rape would work in gender equal armies though.
True, and that doesn't mean we have to like being force fed your liberal garbage.
>Nobody is forcing you!
As if. You are infesting everything.
It's anarchy so your demands naturally would go unheard
When your beliefs are of the minority, you just have to deal with that. Either start consuming media made by facists for facists or learn to deal with it.
Wait, I don't get it. If it's good and "feminist", it's fine, but if it's mediocre and "feminist" then it's SJW cancer?
Does the matriarchy or female characters or whatever actually create plot holes or lead to uninteresting dialogue?
Or is this just a case of "I'll only tolerate mediocre media if it's pandering to my politics"
There's a literal
>*teleports behind you*
>pssh, nothin personel kid
character. Game is shit, 0/10.
A Bronze Age setting where the three main societies are matriarchal, matriarchal but more softly, and total egalitarian/no gender roles is... unusual, to say the least. At least the beast people have reversed sexual dymorphism, do that makes sense, but having units of savage berserkers packed with human women came across as a bad case of Californianism.
>lead to uninteresting dialogue
Well, there is a woman who's literally Coldsteel-tier "teleports right behind you, heh nice try kid" if you try to hit her.
Why? It's a fantasy setting, it doesn't really need to follow IRL sociology.
If you want "fantasy but it's really just rearanged ancient history" stick with Mount and Blade.
Would it be any less cringe if that character was a man?
If he was a man, he wouldn't have this dialogue.
So your just pulling shit out of your ass? Or do you somehow have the ability to shift into alternate timelines?
Well there IS another character that is a man that does the same thing and he is the cringiest fucking thing in the game.
Just being able to overthrow your boss doesn't stop you from being evil, bad guy lieutenants overthrow their masters all the time
But that's the thing, you can't be a bad guy in this game. Not really.
Fantasy humans aren't dimorphic to the same degree as real humans. The lack of stat modifiers is proof. Any argument arising from considerations in the real world is inapplicable.
Nothing is preventing you from being a total monster leaving a trail of death and destruction even as you bind the land under you in the face of the power of your Edicts.
It ought to be plausible if it's meant to be taken seriously (which it is). Doesn't mean everything has to be a copy of historical civilisations, but maybe they ought to have ruminated on if their bronze-wielding shitters having gay marriage might come across more as their own progressive politics than something that makes sense in-universe.
>They look exactly like real humans, but actually they have zero functional dymorphism except breasts and genitals, women have as much desire for dominance and violence as men
This is dumb. We already settled this, and everyone agrees that fantasy humans should have real-life dymorphism reflected in the setting but that PCs can make what they like without modifiers.
>and everyone agrees that fantasy humans should have real-life dymorphism reflected in the setting
No they haven't, and no they shouldn't.
'Humans but men and women are interchangeable' aren't humans anymore, same as 'humans but they live for hundreds of years' aren't. Come up with a custom race if you want that particular modification.
>'Humans but men and women are interchangeable' aren't humans anymore
Humans but they can do magic aren't humans.
Humans but they can eat an axe to the face aren't humans.
By your logic fantasy games shouldn't include humans at all. We get it you enjoy when you get to be reminded when women are useless puerile pieces of shit only truly good for shitting out children.
Fantasy is also usually populated with humans of all real-world races, for which there is absolutely no justification if they were created in a single event by a deity, and otherwise absolutely no justification why the exact same evolutionary paths were taken in this different environment.
Expectations from the real world can't make any sense from that. They don't apply here, and they don't apply for other matters. It's all a skin-deep veneer to make the audience comfortable and familiar, but the substance behind it, such as history, biology etc, can (and should) be entirely different from what we know in order to preserve believability. In short, what is a called a human in fantasy wouldn't be called a human here, they just look similar.
>everyone agrees that fantasy humans should have real-life dymorphism reflected in the setting
Fuck off nigger
>My brand of autism is the only one allowed in fantasy.
Magic is an addition to the rules of nature (or physics), not humans specifically. Settings that take themselves seriously shouldn't include people who can shrug off having an axe driven at their skull, except as necessary as a gameplay abstraction.
I agree, divine-origin humans shouldn't have much/any ethnic or racial diversity by default. I fundamentally disagree that fantasy humans should be different from reality in ways that aren't directly linked to the setting, like the magic example. In any case, that humans in Tyranny might have zero practical sexual dymorphism is never explained, and the societies depicted match far better to the authors just being lefty feminists than any thought through difference.
Or it's just their magical realm.
This is pretty much exactly how I felt about the whole game.
The Disfavored were bland as fuck and the Chorus seems like it was written by an edgy lolrandom teenager who thinks Heath Ledger's Joker is the pinnacle of character writing. I honestly just didn't give a shit about either of them.