/osr/ - Old School Revival

Welcome to the Old School Renaissance/Revival/Revolution!

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>Previous Thread:
What's something you've adapted from an OSR blog for your game?

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What sort of class configurations would you recommend with these settings?

Racial Skills: 0
-Claw & Bite (2)
-Infravision (1)
-Wilderness Evasion (1)
-Tracking (1)
-Naturally Stealthy (1) OR Climbing (1)

6-1=5 5x40=200xp
*Each point in ability either increases a given trait or adds an additional one.

Racial Skills: 1
-Claw & Bite (3)
-Infravision (1)
-Wilderness Evasion (1)
-Tracking (1)
-Naturally Stealthy (1) OR Climbing (1)

7-1=6 6x40=240xp

Racial Skills: 2
-Claw & Bite (3)
-Infravision (2)
-Wilderness Evasion (1)
-Tracking (1)
-Naturally Stealthy (1) OR Climbing (1)
-Ambush (1) OR Cat Burglar (1)

9-1=8 8x40=320xp

Racial Skills: 3
-Claw & Bite (4)
-Infravision (2)
-Wilderness Evasion (1)
-Tracking (1)
-Naturally Stealthy (1) OR Climbing (1)
-Ambush (1) OR Cat Burglar (1)
-Difficult To Spot (1)
-Fighting Fury (2)

12-1=11 11x40=400xp

Racial Skills: 4
-Claw & Bite (4)
-Infravision (2)
-Wilderness Evasion (1)
-Tracking (1)
-Naturally Stealthy (1) OR Climbing (1)
-Ambush (1) OR Cat Burglar (1)
-Difficult To Spot (1)
-Fighting Fury (2)
-Mystic Aura (1)
-Perceive Intentions (1)

15-1=14 14x40=560xp

I plan on using this guy's carousing table for my game of DCC, honestly seems like a good way to get some fun roleplaying in when the players are burnt out on combat.


How do you decide your spell categories/schools? Do you just use D&D's method, or something else?

I steal from a bunch I think.
Elfmaids&octopi has so any tables I'll be able to use one whenever I look. There's no way around it.
Dungeon of signs ends up in my games a fair amount, usually a dungeon with a few changes and maps.
Dyson's maps are hit and miss but there's usually at least a good idea to expand or take two and put them together so they're big enough.
The new one melancholies and mirth has a really smart spore/evidence/things about wilderness encounters that I've adopted wholesale.
When goblin punch is good, its really good. 124 osr noncombat challenges is going to be useful at least 100 or so more times.
The Manse makes solid pdfs of 50 or 30 things, environment X encounters that I loot and somehow also the shitty ms paint pictures. I don't use those. Its just weird juxtaposition.
The Last Gasp Grimore is dead, but I use the corpathium city stuff.
skerpskerp sometimes too

This looks neat.

Haven't been that ambitious yet. I like warhammer fantasy's magical colleges though.

weird question, but is anyone using a printer/scanner combo at home that they would recommend?

I'm actually trying to convert the ACKs spell system into nine categories based on what the actual magic schools in my setting specialize in, however I still need to figure out what the other three are:
-Espionage [Illusions/Charming]
-Cosmetics [Polymorph]

>School of spell or exclusive to wizards in any way

Fucking dropped.

>healing and or talking to dead people



I have a bunch of people that are generally new to OSR and TTRPG in general. I'm thinking of using LotFP due to its simplicity. They like horror movies. Any good modules that are spoopy?

You came to the wrong lily pad, motherfucker.

To the humble user looking for hex rules, check out the Hex Hack from the Black Hack, really easy nd breddy good

All of the Zothique stories are great. Dark as shit but great. And the Hyperborea stories are probably the single most D&D-gameplay-like literature that existed before the game.

Don't read blogs, although the post in the last thread about voicing characters was cool

>LotFP + brand new players to OSR

Tower of the Stargazer
Death Frost Doom

>They like horror movies. Any good modules that are spoopy?
Yeah, Death Frost Doom is definitely the starter for them. Usually it's considered flawed as an introductory module only in that it's too spoopy.

I updated this from last time, since someone said they weren't happy with it. 72,000 combinations.

I use Tunnels & Trolls.

How many times do we have to tell you that T&T isn't OSR and doesn't belong in this thread, T&Tfag?

What are the categories of spells in T&T?

I'm pretty partial to Elder Scrolls myself, but like D&D's too, except for the whole 'enchantment and illusion do basically the same thing but are separate schools for some reason'.

Not him, but why? Is Old School defined as only D&D-based systems?

>and somehow also the shitty ms paint pictures. I don't use those. Its just weird juxtaposition.

Nobody likes the MSPaint drawings? :(

Cause the autists say so


Should've known.

hey guys, help me judge a thing
tl;dr I want to run a Conanesque, Fafhrd-and-Grey-Mouser-esque adventure in my local language flavor of Whitebox. I was thinking about how to make magic more mysterious and dark, and i had this simple idea of havign the mage roll over the spell's level (1 to 6) on a d20 without modifiers, and if he fails, a mishap happens, that I'd roll on a table of loose descriptions. He then could decide to keep casting with the mishap, or just throw the spell out the window and lose a slot without further consequences.

Now, I was thinking if I should use this together with casting for HPs equivalent to spell's level, but maybe that's a bit too harsh when you combine it with the chance to fail? Plus, mages flat out don't have a great pool of HPs, so it'd gimp them hard.

Mages are already gimped hard. You have to give them something big to make up for making their only ability sucking. D6 hit die, leather, and thief fighting -might- make up for it.

I decided to not put restrictions on gear at all, so they will be able to use armors and weapons.

Also did you write that comment factoring in HP for casting, or just the first bit?

Do you like my randomly generated map.

Now here's some REAL OC for you all.

What are some good megadungeons (or dungeons for that matter) that have an oriental (more specifically Tibetan/Buddhist) theme?

Altenatively instead of gimpng them further with HP casting, I could let them use a pool of their total spell levels to use freely. So instead of one lvl2 spell, they could memorize 2 lvl1 spells, etc.

Last thread a couple anons were talking about "DCO" in reference to neo weird stuff. Could somebody spoon feed me? I'm a big fan of that sort of stuff.

Basically all the LotFP modules.

OK thanks!

That's a penis!

Thanks! You might want to consider reading blogs though. There's some good stuff out there.
They are amusing and good practice. :)
Good stuff!

Just the first bit. Even as I suggested, the wizard would still have ended up worse than a thief. A wizard is the worst at everything, but has a panic button for when things go bad. He is the parties parachute - would you use a parachute that fails at least 5% of the time?

I'm sure nobody here will actually agree with me on this, but the OSR movement is heavily inspired by a coherent creative agenda as outlined in A Quick Primer for Old School Gaming, one that heavily emphasizes player skill as exemplified by individual knowledge, creative thinking, and rational arguments about the game world. And while you could attempt to apply said creative agenda to Tunnels and Trolls, the rules text itself outlines a much more solid mechanically-oriented type of game.


I was just being cheeky on the internet. It was more about the juxtaposition between the ms paint, usually seen as low quality, and the really high quality consistently good other work you do.

Which mspaint paintings¿? mspaint is one of the forbidden arts, such as graffiti and horse dentistry

Fear them because your subjective opinion carries no weight in their eyes

Use this, it's a nice way to offer them flexibility which adds to their mystique DCO stands for Deep Carbon Observatory, it good and will active your almonds

Probably is, I'll check some out. Is pdfAnon a blogger?

I'm not an expert on OSR, but what drew me in was the following hypothesis:
- It must have at least some crustyness to it
- Relies on player agency, not on railroading
- High player threat / lethality
- The majority of real world logic need not apply (Monster closets, talking furniture, "your character has a deathly fear of the colour blue...", etc...)
- Additional crust for taste
- Simplicity of rules

Some of it. Rooms that have more than one connection, looping hallways and the like are good. Secret doors tho, needs some secret doors.

The Smoking Pillar of Lan Yu, but its more an island crawl with a dungeon. Probably something from the older oriental adventure.

Quelong was brilliant but I don't remember any dungeons, just bad shit for everyone

I think we're working on this. I'm saving what we do and I'll put it together.

>d30 tables someone should write sometime
1. d30 weird mushrooms.
2. d30 old battlefields.
3. d30 strange foreign merchants...
4. and their d30 strange foreign wares. (done)
5. d30 weird dog breeds.
6. d30 strange vineyards...
7. and their d30 unusual wines.
8. d30 incredibly moronic hirelings.
9. d30 treacherous hirelings. (done)
10. d30 lazy and cowardly hirelings.
11. d30 bold and competent (and staggeringly expensive) hirelings.
12. d30 ways to describe a +1 sword.
13. d30 long-dead adventurers.
14. d30 retired, crippled adventurers.
15. d30 people claiming to be adventurers.
16. d30 penniless paupers begging for help.
17. d30 unusual rocks.
18. d30 signs of impending eldritch horror.
19. d30 odd things abandoned on the side of the road. (done with a bonus d30 things)
20. d30 refugees from the War. (done)
21. d30 weirdo artificers...
22. ... and their d30 baffling creations.
23. d30 ranting madmen...
24. ... and their d30 mad rants.
25. d30 people on the verge of death.
26. d30 rumors of foreign climes. (done)
27. d30 places which seem like they might be dungeons but aren't. (done)
28. d30 places that shouldn't be filled with monsters and treasure but are.
29. d30 tactful and technically true things to say at a PC's funeral.
30. reroll twice and combine.

Rolled 23 (1d30)


OK, so mishap table, plus spellslot pool, PLUS no limits on gear (for anyone). Sounds good? Assuming I only use Thief, Fighting-man and Magic-user. Oh, and no divide between clerical and mystical spells, so they can also get to heal instead on nonexistent cleric.

Yeah, that sounds okay. Are you buffing up the fighter since he has to share all his toys?

How do you do intelligent weapons? Do you have the sword verbally speak out loud? Telepathically to the wielder? Does it simply try to impose its will onto the wielders mind? Does it impose an emotion?

How would you do a cursed blade with say, a +2 attack bonus? Could you do it in a way that the wielder doesn't immediately realize it's cursed?

Haven't rolled any intelligent weapons yet or really fucked with them. I liked elric, but otherwise not really sold on intelligent weapons.

But cursed things for sure, player have a a bident that's +1 vs undead, also draws undead to them. I just max the number rolled for undead encounters. If they keep it I plan on gradually increasing the amount of undead entries in encounter tables, maybe a powerful vampire comes to take it.

Describing curses that aren't 'you're hair falls out' is tricky. I've been saying 'it pulls towards the zombies, and they to it' sort of things.

Personally I'm fairly sure (based on the "how many times") this is just a misunderstanding and that has simply confused T&T user with The Fantasy Tripfag, a genuinely annoying sperg who used to appear in the thread semi-regularly and get actively asshurt that nobody wanted to discuss his favorite instead of D&D which he apparently hated.

Yeah, it's definitely a good start! The rooms are a bit big for my personal tastes but besides that it looks great, I like the frequency of loopbacks and the lack of the ridiculous fourteen-mile corridors you sometimes get in online generators. Are you baking your own random generator?

Deep Carbon Observatory. It's an adventure module.

You're probably shit outta luck for Tibetan megadungeons, there aren't many megadungeons period and the only one that isn't pretty standard fantasy that I can think of is Anomalous Subsurface Environment. However I definitely want to see Bardo Dungeon, the megadungeon where you descend ever deeper into the unfathomable netherworld between death and life -- with a long pole, and two lanterns.

For related material, check out Mad Monks of Kwantoom, a product for randomly generating pagodas full of mystic Oriental bullshit to delve in, Qelong, a LotFP scenario about being trapped in the middle of a magical Vietnam War, and Yoon-Suin, a setting which combines Asian mythology with slugmen to create the greatest Tiger-Headed Opium Nightmare ever put to print.

>Is pdfAnon a blogger?
Yes, depending on which of them you mean it's themansegaming.blogspot.com or occultesque.com, I think. Pastebin is ded so I can't verify this but both the sites look correct.

On the topic of intelligent weapons, I'm always surprised that people want them in their game. Like I've heard people say that one in whatever magical swords are intelligent, but I've always felt intelligent weapons were kind of awkward.

This is solid

I have them talk to the wielder but cannot make sound and can only talk to others through contact

Cheers, I'll give them a look in a bit

If you give them a personality it's cool, for example the axe has a curious hatred of elves and leaps into it's owners hands when they about

I really enjoy completing these but the second one fucked my ass (literally & figuratively) so I think I'll go with something more laidback this time

>13. d30 long-dead adventurers.
1. This corpse has been burnt to death, curiously in the charred remnants of his pockets lies a map to the Outhouse of Shavatoo, Vongobian God of Curses, completely untouched by the fire

2. The corpse is a dried husk of bones and hair, upon careful inspection, you notice all the teeth are missing and a lot of the bones are of different sizes

3. A severed foot, belonging to a man. Still inside the shoe and wearing a sock. Inside you find a perfectly spherical metallic disk. When you hold it, it makes you feel queasy

4. This corpse looks like it fell from a great height, the dried entrails erupted out of the side like an over-ripe tomato and baked to dark brown skirt around it

5. This cadaver has no fingers or toes, you also notice the tongue has been removed. Large wooden stakes have been driven into the ear canal and both eyes have be sewn shut

6. This right arm is dried and the skin has begun to flake, it looks like it had been pulled clean from the shoulder. Inside the palm, you find a flesh pocket containing a minute scroll with the word "Traitors!" written in Yammish and the reverse a poorly scrawled map

7. This torso, head and left arm has dried due to the environmental conditions. You notice she had flaxen hair tarnished by time. Should the chest cavity be examined, you notice a huge quantity of glass dust in the larynx and feeding down into the lungs

Rolled 14 (1d30)

On it
Talking to things is fun for 99% of players, and weapons are easier to run than chatty hirelings because of their limited interests and agency

8. A young child, no longer than three feet, curled into the fetal position. Still draped in their sleeping blanket, arms wrapped around a toy knight made of broak wood and iron

9. The corpse of huge man, the bones have been picked clean by time. The clothes are dried and cleaned, someone has scratched "Febanuz & Jogmu, forever" into the pelvis in ancient Nurbish

10. This suit of plate-mail is fused completely together. Should the plates be broken open, the corpse releases a swarm of Eye-Lancer Wasps (4d12), they will attempt to poison the prey and begin the process again

11. This corpse has begun to decay so badly, that the marrow has been stripped out and the bones are extremely brittle, from what's left of the pelvis, it's highly probable it was lady

12. This armless corpse still retains a measure of dignity in death, propped up as though relaxing after hard day's work. When examined, you notice something sticking out of the back of it's throat. It's missing arms had been forcibly fed to it, in the right hand is a baroque key of Ollosh Slag Metal

13. This legless corpse is in especially poor decay, the entire front of the skull has been worn away, as has most of chest, elbows. You notice the hands have been tied in a complex knot with deliberate skill

14. This corpse has been bound in leather strips (Rasping Lizard Hide), and it's arms have been folded neatly together onto it's chest. When examined closely, you notice the servant tattoos of the Serpent Kings of Jubblo, indelibly marring the back and neck

15. A massive spear or polearm has pinned these two corpses together, one wearing the charcoal blackned mail of the Harttikoplivalian Night Raiders and the other wearing the lamellar and studded armour of the Husrovian Eagle Warriors. Their weapons are buried up to hilt in each others abdomen

17. This headless corpse lies on it's side, it's arms tied behind it. Swathed in a cloak of green and stained by hand in Xilkish Ox Milk. Across the neck is brooch of Ravian Bollodododium, worth much to right people at the wrong price

18. This corpse has the upper half of the torso missing, all that is left are the legs, still wearing their leather trousers and shit stained under garments. The tracks in the dirt show that this person has been running at an incredible fast pace and something had removed the top half of the body.

19. This corpse has been bound in an excruciating Pribovian stress torture position, it head arched back to touch the soles of the feet. The cause of death was most probably suffocation due to failure of the diaphragm and pulmonary system

20. This corpse has been scraped by Iron Grass and doused in Kilber Venomwine, the stench tickling your nostrils after all this time. Suspiciously, there is no sign of any struggle and the corpse has no ligature marks and the nails are intact

22. A desecrated corpse, the head has been removed and forced into the ribcage. The limb bones are arrayed to spell the Xamon word for "liar". The hips have replaced the head and smashed by the use of a heavy blunt object

23. This corpse is missing the lower half of it's body, the arms are reaching out in the manner of someone pleading or reaching. The forehead has been branded with a Gutlekian Fishing Iron, the markings read, " Property of Guthbert, 2nd Earl of Nidleb Wood, Cousin to King Puvant, King of the Ordained Land of Gutlekia"

24. This corpse has been spitted on a large log, cooked and partially eaten. You notice that the meat from the back, thighs, calves, cheeks, buttocks and genitals is missing. The stomach was filled Smortish Oak Ale, rosemary, Waloobian Marsh Onion and Stonecutter's Garlix and vents have been opened in the chest, abdomen and throat

25. This tall thin corpse has two extra fingers on each hand and a vestigial head growing out of the spine. The teeth are stained by Gormax addiction (the pleasure drug of the Yaktoj Glass-Princes) and the tongue is forked as per dated Yaktojian court fashion, the once candied silks of corpse are brimming with a post-hivecolony of Roving Murder Ants (4d100+1d20+12)

26. This corpse is curiously undisturbed, the skin stained a vivid orange from galfur fumes. The clothing is completely intact, in the style of Old Wen, with curious harvest heiroglyphs sewed into it. Attached to the neck is Wenese Identity Plate made of Cruht Iron. It reads Jumanu, Calmon Warrior Daughter of Cipron, Calmon Warrior

27. This pile of bones has been stacked into a octahedron, with an inset hexahedron and dodecahedron. The skulls of various size have been arranged into a outward facing circle, within the precariously arranged pile of bones is an grueyblownish orb roughly one cubit in length floating without any support

28. This corpse has been torn to shreds, the sinew ripples out in all directions, tracing flowerish designs on the ground, the clothing is in an equally terrible state with steel plating peeled like an onion skin. The head has a strange quality in that the face is curiously intact but the cranium has exploded out like a blossoming lotus. The look on the face is of happiness and wide eyed contentment

29. This collection of bones is badly weathered and eroded, the outer circle contains the bones of large men, then smaller men between and behind then women and children. They face out radially in a cresent, all the bones are damaged in some way and feature a curious quality in that they glow darbish under torchlight

why D30's?

Maybe take a look at 'Spires of Xin-Shalast' for Pathfinder.
There's probably some material worth looting, even if the bulk of it isn't.

Mainly I just like the cover.

16. This corpse has many broken bones, where they'd been broken someone had bound the Illish Oil Rope. The entire chest cavity is a shattered mess and the pelvis is missing. Interestingly, the feet have been sawn off and the stumps charred by fire

30. This gigantic corpse is half buried in the ground, the clothing is in the style of Amalgamamor Flesh Merchants, featuring stylized iconography of chimera, dragonflies and frogs. The heavy bones are fused as though stitched. When broken, the bones show a curious quality of another set of bones growing inside, concentrically like a tree stump

This. Chatty weapons are annoying for the other players, but 99% less likely to be murdered than a hireling

DESU the fighter in this variant is kinda buff on its own, the class has its own variants that grant anything between berserker rage (-4ac, two attacks in a round) to being able to hit exactly the melee combatant he wants with a missile, to magic immunity. Plus, it has limited "feats", 8 for each class to pick from, i think total you can get is 3. Obviously fighter will get pretty murderkilly eventually, so he's good on that front, I think, meanwhile the mage can only get mage 'extensions'.

Also, I've read the Lankhmar setting for AD&D and I might do what they've done - clerical and druid spells will become white magic with a milder rolltable of mishaps, and standard mage spells will be black magic with harsher mishaps.

Thanks, everyone. I'll check out all of this.

I don't know who the fuc this guy is but I want him on my side

Looks like an evil ostrich that ate like three dudes and now they've conspired to get out of there, no matter the cost.

Armstrich: Undead amalgam of flightless birds and humanoid arms.

What is was?

>A severed foot, belonging to a man. Still inside the shoe and wearing a sock.
I like your corpses.

Lots of options. They're all basically as useful so you don't have to worry about curve. Its a fun writing exercise to have to stick to a topic that many times. Also someone else started it so that' just how we're doing it.

Emus are already fucked up, arming seems like a really bad idea.

1. Soran- Telepathic wizard turned to a sentient statue. Sits in a podium in town and memorizes useful stuff if you turn his spellbook pages for him and clean off the pigeon poop.
2. Alastair- Warrior what ain’t got no legs. Cheery and a good shot with a crossbow. Would still be an adventurer if the dungeon was wheelchair accessible.
3. Telos- Had his face melted off. Blind, wears a mask. Only pleasure is alcohol.
4. Boris- Cursed with -4 attack rolls and a 50% chance of fumbling each action. Gets homicidally angry if you point out his frequent tripping.
5. Yassar- Morally ambiguous but emotionally vulnerable wizard was betrayed by own party. Crippling paranoia, won’t leave house or unlock doors.
6. Jamma- Beautiful woman had eyes pecked out by evil crows, infatuated hanger-ons insist everyone pretend her huge bag of copper is gold, and villagers comply out of pity or fear.
7. Flynn- Turned into a cow or chicken and survives by selling own milk/eggs. Deeply embarrassed and hates wizards.
8. Tusark- Brain burnt out after a bad trip on mushroom man spores in a battle. Killed his friends in his hallucinations and now wanders town as a scatterbrained vagrant.
9. Bune the Mostly Armless- both forearms lost due to unwise trap interaction. Managed to drag bag of gems outside with his teeth and being filthy rich let him keep a sense of humor.
10. Norm- After one trip to the dungeon, was horrified beyond belief and lives a quiet life in a hut outside of town, and has screaming nightmares every night.
11. Halen von Halen- Has awful burns over 90% of body after surviving green slime exposure by leaping into burning oil. Constant pain, limited mobility due to damaged nerves and muscles.
12. Polong Hai- Captured and tortured. Has no ears, eyelids, nose, toes, fingers, or genitals, but enjoys saint-like status in his religion.
13. Feurran- Freckled redhead teen who succumbed to chronic depression, a common malady in her family. Lives on gruel.

14. Sir Vail- Knight who finally found the dark knight who slew his lord, got thrashed by said dark knights cursed blade, which leaves unhealable wounds.
15. Urist- 3 days spent pinned in a cave-in before rescue came left him with phobia of confined spaces. Sleeps on a raised platform outside.
16. Golion- Erudite and scholarly fighter with bad posture now throws his back out whenever attempting hard physical labor.
17. Juckle- Keen eared thief, mostly deafened by thunderclap. TALKS VERY LOUDLY AT ALL TIMES AND ENCOURAGES OTHERS TO SPEAK UP
18. Barrin- Overimaginative and possibly schizophrenic guy views a wonky scar as the brand of ‘the dark lord’ and imagines his soul and life are forfeit if ‘they’ find him.
19. Wally- Charmed by Ogre Sorceress, spends all days composing letters and love poetry. Plans to return to adventuring once she writes back.
20. Jason- Werewolf and now junior astronomer. Locks himself up when the moon rises. May blow some people’s minds by pointing out the moon is sometimes out during the day.
21. Horace- Aged 100 years by a ghost and is now utterly decrepit. His wife found a new husband, but keeps him on the porch and charges the curious a copper to hear his tale.
22. Kim Kimmerly- Had all his teeth punched out by an ogre, and now can only enjoy soft foods. Got like 30 silver from a tooth fairy though.
23. Chaddeus- Musclebound hunk turned into a handsome and huge woman. Is not actually crippled but insists all ‘she’ is good for now is cooking pastries and having babies.

Rolled 6 (1d30)

24. Tim- Alcoholic priest who drunkenly preaches ‘do ash I shay, not ash I do.’ Cannot function without being drunk, and cannot function while drunk.
25. Lame Jane- Legs healed poorly after they were crushed and now she hobbles around on crutches.
26. Matazan- brooding aristocrat from another land who refuses to drink ‘foreign’ blood after becoming a vampire and has shriveled up like a raisin as a result. Kids love pestering him.
27. Gob- A goblin who claims to be a transformed adventurer. Actually is an identity thief enjoying the bounties assigned to, but never collected, by the missing bounty hunter.
28. Ikris- Priest who sprouted bloody stumps from his back. They’re painful and form the basis of his mad theory that humans are fallen angels that he lectures on constantly from a crate.
29. Christy- Attacked by an anti-ghost that stole her old age and left her as a precocious toddler. Her family still owes a lot of money to crime lords, a debt adventuring was supposed to solve
30. - Retired version of the PC from the future, old and rich and sans 1 foot. Threatens to whack them with a cane if they don’t shape up.

So concludes d30 crippled and retired adventurers, let's roll again

Rolled 17 (1d30)



Polong Kai, based cripple saint

How do you handle mapping in your game? Because having a player map that based on your descriptions is going to be a real hassle.

d30 strange vinyards
1. An apparently autumnal vinyard. The grapes here are gemstones, the leaves gold foil.
2. The grapes here are used for raisins, not wine, ever since the teetotaling abbess took over.
3. Grapes are eyeballs. All sorts of magical uses, sinister and benign. Wine gives excellent vision while drunk on it.
4. Grape-gobbling birds are a serious pest here. The scarecrows do nothing. The birds have grown aggressive and intelligent in defending ‘their’ grapes from humans.
5. The vinyard has rosebushes, one of which is prophesied to yield grapes and then wine good enough for God.
6. This vinyard is managed by masters of the drunken fist.
7. This is an illegal vinyard maintained by bandits seeking to break the iron-fisted wine monopoly in the region.
8. A monstrous grapevine has grown huge and fearsome, strangling small animals and creeping ever closer to the farm house. It fears neither axe nor fire, but its grapes are pretty good.
9. A single grapevine provides wine to a village of tiny fairies.
10. Alchemical experimentation has yielded grapes that ferment into pure alcohol on the vine. Undrinkable, but lighting the stem of a bunch and hurling it works as a molotov cocktail.
11. 2/3 Grapevines are eternally ‘not quite ripe’ and are paper, string and painted wood, a fraud intended to help meet the local baron’s unreasonable demands.
12. Vinyard infested by dryads and satyrs in what the town crier can only describe as a sordid and unchecked example of ‘Grape culture’
13. Grapes fed blood of condemned criminals. To grape-farmer/cultists’ disappointment, this doesn’t seem to do anything, but they keep trying.
14. Vinyard is long abandoned and wild. Forsaken for forgotten, but doubtless sinister reasons.
15. Pale grapevines grow via moonlight rather than sunlight and only a single bottle of wine is produced each year. Cures lycanthropy and is sold to highest bidder for insane prices.

Looks annoying to describe. Some rooms and pathways have needless protrusions.

16. Grapes crossbred with spicy peppers in mad experiment. Wine doubles as hotsauce and is practically undrinkable.
17. Giant glass dome houses vinyard by innovative youngest member of grape-growers. This technological marvel is viewed as borderline heretical by elder grape-growers.
18. Misspelling led to Vinyard growing Gropes, which are like grapes with touchy and semi-animate vines. Wine from them is sold as a love potion but is just regular alcohol.
19. Vinyard jealous of profits of nearby pancake house selling Crepes. If the two businesses could set aside their difference, Crepes with Grape Jelly could be a sensation.
20. Vinyard guarded by fairy dogs(Cu Sidhe) that work for 1 bottle of wine per year. Iron banned from the entire nearby town for the comfort of the dogs.
21. Grapes inculcated by hallucinogenic and toxic fungus. Resulting wine causes hallucinogenic spirit quests that may actually result in magical powers/rewards if completed.
22. Vinyard grown in swamp on dry dirt-filled canoes, each canoe housing 1d6+3 plants and a farmer. This breed of grape is coveted by other vinyards and jealously kept by the canoers.
23. Vast Vinyard run communally by village of isolated yokels under the impression that grape juice=wine. They sell accidentally fermented ‘ruined’ kegs of the stuff for practically nothing.
24. A low-flying cloud clearly has grape-laden vines dangling from it. A giant lives up there, farming his grapes and drinking his heavenly wine, and is not at all fond of visitors.
25. Wasteland vinyard maintained in dreams of desert nomads, who work there while asleep and work in shifts. If they ever all awaken at once, the dream is lost, but until then, they can get drunk and even sell wine in the dreams of anyone there.

26. Painting of a vinyard has a few bottles of wine appear under it every few weeks. Wine isn’t great (kinda chalky) but provides dungeon inhabitants with free booze.
27. This vinyard operates out-of season, with vines sprouting in fall and becoming ripe and tasty late winter.
28. Grapes cursed to float. Rootbound vinyard almost floated away, but was lassoed in time and held down by chains. Wine tasty but as it floats up, it must be drunk upside down or it will cause terrible heartburn and indigestion.
29. Vinyard split between brothers with bad blood between them. A certain plant is right in the middle of their fence dividing the property and is the cause of infinite contention.
30. Vinyard blessed by a spirit who doesn’t understand alcohol. Grapes can be eaten infinitely off the vine, but ‘wasting’ grapes bring down the spirits wrath on the ‘ungrateful’

I'm working on building dungeon tiles from cardboard for this.

Don't fuck with the Ulazoo.

Do you, or anyone, actually have players attempt to draw their maps to spec with the DM map? I couldn't imagine that ever not being a giant hassle.

If not, how do your DM -> Mapper interactions usually go? When I map as a player its usually just flow-charty with descriptions in the boxes but the map itself isn't an attempt at a recreation.

One of my players is the dedicated mapper and the communication between him and me flows pretty decently. Keeping in mind that torches emits light in only 30 feet helps a lot. For instance I might say something along along the lines of "You're looking down a dark corridor and your torches don't reach the end of it. The wall on your runs 10 feet and connects to another corridor. On your right the wall runs 20 feet after which there is a wall."

>28. d30 places that shouldn't be filled with monsters and treasure but are.
1. The Boatyard of Gambrim Bell, disused over the last week after subaquatic assault by the Sharkmen of Denglix. The precious cargo was deemed pedestrian by them, who only stay to harvest the corpses of any who investigate. A large amount of gold bullion sits in hold of the Busty Old Wench just near the Ghemutian Marines Warship

2. Lord Turnwant's Riding Carriage, this sumptuous carriage sit on the corner of Rosepine Square in the town of Newchester. The silk curtains and plush fixings hide the coffin of Snortom the Discreet, of Hutland and his three former nightwalker escorts, Habeline, Brithac and Guntonia. A large lock box set in the floor contains the will to Turnwant's summer estate

3. Mensroom in the Groping Ferret, the murky and labyrinthine restrooms of the Groping Ferret inn are truly a sight to destroy minds. The pan-dimensional Odhnc have built a colony into the walls of the stalls and ceiling, they catch unwary punters, extract their cartilage and nervous tissue to expand their monolithic manses back home. Several hundred "uselezz" items are set into the hollow cavities of the room

4. Buntington Family Orchard, over the last two weeks, the orchard trees have been infected by a sentient fungus calling itself Koobert. Koobert has taken over the local rats, birds of the 400 acre estate and assumes control at will. Nobody has noticed the change, due to the startlingly exorbitant price of the Bunt Apples from which Ogre Valley Cider is made and their continued harvest

5. The Larder of Wertom's Cakes, is filled with beautiful and delicious sweets from around Northgrumbledon, an infestation of Vampire Hornets has burrowed into the back and is currently nesting for the winter. This has in turn attracted Goth Spiders who will communicate with hornets and assault those who delve too deeply

6. The Stables of Andual Tower, the stables are currently home to Vogberir, horrific maneating horses the size of elephants, they hunt every moonless night by their keen eyesight. Inside the stables, they have adopted Pobert, the idiot son of Emperor Gynopharaxix the Third. His return to the imperial court of Busmane, would be greatly appreciated

7. The backdoor of Tino Tondang's house, the backdoor of Tino's house leads not to the windy savannah of Graht's County, Ganducket but to the lair of the Poatwarden, Homxom Pans, who has glamoured the door with foul magics and leads directly to his personal torture chamber and trophy room in Nogonheim

8. Tool Shed of Farmer Joo, the toolshed is currently occupied by twelve families of sugar-addicted Volemen, lead by their illustrious leader Cockbiter. They brought along miniature weapons of stupendous quality and thirty quarts of Zoopag Venom. Joo hasn't used the shed recently due to breaking his foot when chasing a wayward goose three days ago

9. Water Cupboard beneath lobby stairs of Goblax Abbey, the often drunk monks of Goblax Abbey are completely unaware of the Noculid Worm that has dug it's way in. Originally preying on insects, mice, cats, and anything that enters, the worm often leaves to hunt once every month. It's last victim was Hondwierx As of Nucrane Abbey. If his death is found out, the warlike monks of Nucrane will reward the finder and declare war on Goblax

10. The Roof of Nomgulburt's House, the roof currently home to a murder of Brainpecker Birds, the steep stone work makes it difficult to see from the ground. This is the place John Johnson of the Funtbridge Dooge Company was dropped by the stealthy birds from 600 meters up. His sunblasted corpse could bring the Funtbridge Dooge Company out of the administrative deadlock it's been in for the last four weeks

11. Pat Buldridge's Cupboard, should this cupboard be opened on a moonlit night, from it will explode the skeleton army of Gartabian the Unveiled, 2nd Circle Lich of Krugmonia, who will rampage through the quiet town of Uglik unchecked like wild dogs. The collosal army roughly 20'000 strong is armed with Diamond Spears of Blinding and Gartabian himself holds the 11 lost ioun stones of Hablan Darb

12. The Mill on Dobont Hill, the oatmill currently outputs a phenomenal 4 tonnes of crushed oats each week, the owner Asgulk has contracted Zombie-Rabies from a frenzied squirrel four years ago, the insane Asgulk is currently cared for by the insane ghosts of his digested family who work the millstone from beyond. The naked man moves at lighting pace to eat and attack anything that moves in his home. Four years worth of oat payment are currently held in the attic at the roof of the mill

13. The Personal Library of Haldin Mils, the library is currently occiupied by a gang of Transcender Orogs lead through meritocratic control by the Reasonable Fellowship of Hugblow, No+ and Justacian the Merciful. The Orogs are currently researching the Path of Omnipresence by famed yogi Yogus. Haldin is completely unaware as he thought an idiot servant had locked the door and lost the key and cannot be bothered open it

14. The Changing Rooms in the Fiddler's Burrow Whorehouse, are currently home to twenty doppelgangers lead their leader Jdhgbshql, they have each assumed the identies of Ganfk, Lurfonia, Horfoi, Msiu, Hancca, and the other whores of the house. The mistress still assumes they're all human as do all the support staff

15. The alley between Grover Street and Mugberry End, is home to a family of Invisible Tigers. The discarded remains of unwary victims litter the street, but nobody pays it any attention since Balshat opened the roastery two doors down. Amongst the descarded remains is the keys to Zunth, the Wizards Tower of Brapton

16. The Güüdvinter Lodge, the opulent hotel built on the edge of Ghuvon in picturesque Bulvania is home to Thought Vampires of Clàn Noudomini, they have used the lodge as their ancestral lair for the last two hundred years, they usually feed on the vulnerable and unsupported or any who stick their noses in too far. The Noudomini Clan vault contains hundreds, if not thousands of valuable art pieces

17. The Fortress of the Titanslayer Knights of Barabana, the fortress is currently internally sieged by traitor knights from the Order of the Smashed Mouth, who undermined it using the escape tunnels beneath it. After they summoned a hundred and eighty six succubi and incubi, the hapless knights were overrun in a matter of days and now are enthralled to Succubus Queen Trootavia and her consort Dangtavior "the room-clearer" Jacques of the Smashed Mouth

18. The Longhouse of Hurvik Goealdson, is known thoughou the land as place of peace and harmony between the feuding clans of Gushurrelsmen of Lsartbloven. The entire household has been taken over by the Jdifu of Nahgeiuf from the twelfth dimension of Miwnto. The invisible and meticulous Jdifu control the Goealdson house through subtle control of Probability Matrices and Fate Engines, and in turn the huge tribes of Gushurrelsmen that roam the fridgid expanse of Lsartbloven

19. The Mansion of Ogmirr Vopant, the Volant family has recently run into trouble as young Sibwert Vopant's forays into Zengfu have unleash Zengonia Ultra Frequency Control Waves throughout the entirety of the mansion. Ogmirr now transformed into a massive testicle with a moaning face is powerless to resist as his son plumbs the very depths of the multiverse

20. The Menagerie of Sultan Naiug the Benevolent, due to freak accident by Lord Sorcerer Jasmogi, the animals of the menagerie have gained the paragon intellects of psychometric demagogues. The palace staff have begin to disappear over time but they suspect suicide from boredom under such peaceful and relaxed living. None suspect the machinations of the Spinebacked Gorilla (Multaravar), Zagrobiam Mega Tortoise (Paragomus) and Neckbreaker Emu (Xodaroin).

Really tired, more tomorrow

T&T is the second RPG ever created, isn't that old enough?

Hey you guys play any Traveller lately?
What's your favorite edition?

Anyone have some good tables to use in a sandy desert? Looking for anything that I could use because I like looking at random tables more than DMing my games.

Not so much a table but the entire Dark Suns range should have something in it you can get at. Its a fucked up psionic desert but just going through the Wanderer's Journal is going to give you some ideas. Its been a long time since I looked at the setting, but I think the Dune Trader book has a bunch of tables in it.

>grape culture, grapes of wrath puns
Nice. Makes me want to have italian city states and vineyard fights.

Transcender Orogs are great. Really like how your sleep dep works on these.

Here's an encounter chart I used for a campaign (I really hope the tabs format properly):

1 Caravan
See Merchants of of the Silk Road - Secret Santicore
2 Penitents (d6)
1-2 Single Madman
3-4 4d6
5-6 4d20
3 Ibnan (Fremen/Tusken Raiders) (d6)
1-2 Tribe
3-4 Bandits
5-6 Merchants (See 1)
4 Sand Ship (d2)
1 Merchants (See 1)
2 Pirates
5 d4+2 Ankhegs - Ant Lion Trap (Dex save or fall towards centre.)
at bottom of pit just like cistern
6 d4+1 Desert Mantids in stand of petrified trees
If players see them, it's because they're swaying in the wind like petrified trees can't.
7 d2 Sand Worms
8 d2 Chuul
9 d4+3 Giant Vrulth (4-winged Vulture-Dinosaurs)
10 Mirage (Oasis?) maintained by Desert Vampire (moisture-draining undead) and 2d6 Husks
11 Sandstorm
d2 days? High chance of being surprised, penalty to ranged attacks, no flight. Penalty on everything if no face covering.
12 Rolling Dune
4d8 damage, save for half , if failed become buried - suffocation
search to find buried person
str check to dig them out - bonus if using appropriate implement
30 seconds per check
13 Plain of Bones
damaged weapons and armour, 50% chance of Vrulth (4-winged Vulture-Dinosaurs)
14 Buried Cistern
notice artificial disturbance in sand - as much water as you need
at bottom of pit just like ankhegs
15 God Manifest (petrified alien god)
16 Shipwreck (d2)
1 empty
2 roll again for inhabitant
17 Dead Caravan/Penitents (d6)
1-2 vrulth (4-winged Vulture-Dinosaurs)
3-4 jewelled insects
5 bandits
6 nothing
18 Saltflat
50% d3 Salt Mummies (as mummy, all water counts as holy water, touch is dehydrating, causes salt to form on skin)
19 Shrine of bones and tattered husks
staff of swarming insects
2x giant scorpions
20 Oasis (d2)
1 Roll again
2 Empty

Welp, looks like the tabs didn't format properly.
Imagine the sub tables and info is indented I guess.