Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1709: Return of the Captain Edition

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And by return of the captain, I mean Brutus is back and is fixing the drive, for those unaware. Stupid hurricane.

Jumpers, how have waifus changed your builds?

What would you have for Awakened/Requiem abilities for Za Warudo?

The ability to punch the past.

More advanced control over time (slowing or accelerating time instead of just stopping it) vs being able to exist outside of time?

Eventually, I joined a band of…can't believe I'm saying this, psychic children. Ninten, Ana, Lloyd, and eventually Teddy were also investigating the aliens and trying to put a stop to them. I ended up being the 'vaguely responsible adult-ish' member of the team. My team got along really well with the kids, too. It also made fights just a tiny bit easier.

Just a bit. Teddy got to be with us for the entire adventure thanks to that. Lloyd still rejoined us eventually, though. But finally, we confronted the alien who was responsible for the turmoil and trouble on Earth: Giegue. As he began his monologue and his psychic assault on us, I shouted over him. That I was from another world. That I was trapped in a cycle I couldn't escape. That I could help Giegue if he helped me. That this didn't have to end in bloodshed or destroying Earth.

My words fell on deaf ears. The words of a random Earthling meant nothing to the hate deep in Giegue's heart. He dismissed me entirely. And so, instead, we sang. We know how the story goes from there. Reminded of the love he once held for his human 'mother', Giegue turned and fled to the depths of space, swearing vengeance.

And I was left with nothing.

With no way to gain information and no idea of knowing if I would disappear again or when, I said goodbye to Ninten and the others. I did my best to be easy-going about it, promising we'd probably meet again someday. I, uh…I might have choked up a little bit. Shut up. It wasn't that big a deal, right?

I hit the road and began to wander. I used my newfound telepathy to do some parlor tricks and fake fortune telling to keep myself afloat financially. I'd go on adventures of my own and deal with any PSI-based disturbances I ran into, or just acting the part of a wandering hero.

Hero. That's a funny word. No, I'm just…me. The guy without a name. I made up a new one for myself in Pokemon, and I made myself up a name for this world. I'll probably do the same once again. Just a nameless wanderer who's passing through.

At the turn of the decade, the bell tolled again. And I was gone.

That's it for now. Hope you all enjoyed it. Toss thoughts at me if ya want.

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

>nameless wanderer who's passing through

Jokes aside, looks good Heavens, though I'm really feeling for your Jumper. Being yanked from worlds without any prior warning, and in such a horrifying manner...this Benefactor is nothing like Yuki, that's for sure. Might I suggest you go to Cognitive Dissonance next? Seems fitting after your confrontation with Giegue plus you made that jump so it's only right you make your Jumper experience it.

Control the flow of time for multiple targets, such as freezing time except for a specific group of people. Or freezing time for just one person, or group of people, or just freezing the time of one location. Well for Requiem, Awakened I would suggest instead more refined control over time, rather than just time stop.

So close, and yet so far.

We had a pair of 1707's, but other than that I thought we were on track after someone backtracked by like... thirty editions. Where did we lose count?

Sadly I lack a newsletter. I'll throw ideas at you for free though. To me it makes sense for Dio/Za Warudo to have that kind of power. Dio HATES when he fails. I can see that hate guiding his power to fix past mistakes by chronoporting punches back at the last thing to beat him.


>DIO tries to undo his previous defeats with time bullshit
>Meets and teams up with Dio Brando
>Both of them are ultimately defeated by Jonathan and Jotaro
>End up trapped in a white void
No, wait, that's Sonic Generations, never mind.

What perks make jumpers better in bed?

Anytime I go to the Dragon Age Inquisition jump I always get Dorian. He's the only thing worth getting in that jump.

I remember there was a perk that guaranteed restful sleep. I think it was in a one of the military jumps. something about being able to nap anywhere and still sleep well. Someone help me out here.

Man I don't know. Glad to see there's someone keeping a vague track of it though.

Was it Tophat who made the Destiny jump and was going to update it at some point? Is that ded?

There's one in 80s Action Movies, both Fallouts (one is a scenario reward in 4, 60 Minute Man), one in Sitcoms, and one in Archer, off the top of my head.

Mad Hatter, not TopHat

Jump #400: Kingsman
>Ten of Cups (Satiety), reversed: Taking one's good fortune for granted.
I can think of a couple people who take their good fortune for granted, indeed. McDonalds. Really.
>Identity: Kingsman (-400)
Four hundred points for an origin? Jesus. I guess the extra points to items balances this, or something, but jeez.
>Well Dressed (Free, Kingsman)
It's always helpful to ensure that any useful devices I have will remain useful even if being used a bit improperly.
>Unflappable Manners (500, Kingsman)
As though I don't already have this down pat by now, but hey, never hurts to have it reinforced.
>Manners Maketh Man (100, Kingsman)
This isn't so much adding new skill so much as refining it. Not only can I deal with things efficiently, but I can make sure it looks good.
>Always On Tap (50)
Product placement is good for you.
>All Seeing Spectacles [550]
Honestly, these aren't bad. I don't know how often I'll use them, but having them means I can replicate them.
>The Watch To Observe [350]
Come to think of it, I've been relying on my own innate perfect sense of time to know when everything is. At least now I can make an act of looking at a watch. And it is a very nice watch.
>A Knight In Stylish Armor [0]
At least when I'm not wearing my armor, I've an outfit that will keep me dressed to the nines.

There's really a great deal of things that an outside element disrupts, by being unafraid to step in. Certainly I'm going to do things by the book, but ... well, this means that I end up being in a church full of morons when it's time to go kill crazy. There's just one problem: when a jumper goes kill crazy, they generally shift forms to something more suited to the task, meaning shifting to Kryptonian for the sake of eye lasers stopped me from having murderous intent, and the end result of that was a display of martial arts that knocked out every single person. Every last one of them suffered no lasting damage. I walked outside, to the awaiting ambush.

What did he mean by this?
Didn't Made in Heaven do this? At least for accelerating time I tho9ught it did.
>Freezing time except for a group
>Freezing time of locations
Sounds interesting
>More refined control
What does that mean, exactly?
Talking about manipulating time and also space hurts my head, just because of the confusion of terms with speeding up/slowing down. I think the only way I can keep it straight is that DIO always acts normally when he messes with time.

Alternatively, fucking with gravity as an extension of fucking with time, since gravity affects how time works? Am I understanding relativity correctly?

"What did you do? I had nearly no restraint. I almost killed all of those people; they all tried to kill each other. Everyone went mad."
>"Well, in simple terms..." Insert treknobabble here.
"Free sims cards were too good to be true. Pity that Galahad was out sick today, he might have enjoyed that. Now what?"
>"You know what this is like? It's like the old movies I love - now I'm going to tell you my whole plan-"
"Why would you?"
>"Exactly. This ain't that kind of movie."
The gunshot echoed as my head rocked back as my glasses shattered and the uplink was destroyed, the force sending me rocking backward for a long moment... before I stood upright again, lifting a hand to my eye and digging out a flattened lead bullet. "So you want to change genres, do you?"
>"Wh-what the f-fuck-!" Valentine stuttered, as Gazelle stepped up beside him to pull him back.
I flicked the bullet at one of his two bodyguards, and it buried itself in the man's skull as he crumpled to the ground. The other brought his gun up and fired on full-auto, bullets soaring through the air. I lifted a hand, letting most of the bullets ping away harmlessly. A few were grabbed in my hand; with a negligent wave, they were thrown and quite permanently neutralized the other guard.
>Gazelle stood in front of Valentine, who was still trying to form words, an oppressive fear rooting them in place. "Who- what- what is this?"
I lifted a hand and wagged a finger. "You decided we aren't in a spy thriller anymore, I can go with the flow. So what would you like? We've got superhero drama-" I unbuttoned my jacket to show off a familiar red-and-yellow sigil straight from the comic books.. "-or we've got action-comedy." I paused for a few moments, waiting, before I inclined my head and let my arms drop.
"Oh, I see. You were wanting to use these cards on more people than me. Maybe even kill off everyone in the world, right?"
>"How did you-"
"That means we're in a horror film."
>"I... oh, shit. Oh, SHIT."

Jumpers! We've talked about your hatreds, forms and personality quirks, but what are some of the irrational fears you've never quite been able to let go of? Or maybe even picked up during the chain?

Abruptly I shed my form, my suddenly massive body launching forward from my shadow toward them, shrieking teke-li! teke-li!, as tentacles coated with needle-sharp teeth tore into the both of them.

The test audiences didn't seem to like this alternative to the church massacre, but quite frankly fuck test audiences, they ruin movies. Besides, I was too busy having fun to care, and if physics is going to be go out to lunch whenever it's convenient, then the stars must be right and I'm going to do as I feel fits.

Eggsy followed through with the rest, and oddly, both Valentine and Gazelle were still there in the end. Though the color of their blood seemed to be rather... off. A too-bright shade of red, almost cartoonish, and their behavior was not quite right either. As well, it turned out that some last-minute change that Valentine made caused a bug that kept the sim cards from actually activating, though nearly everything else happened as it otherwise might have. Not to mention Galahad never ended up having a breakdown after surviving a gunshot wound to the head, because he never killed a church full of people.

Also, apparently someone decided to try to blow up the Kingsman headquarters a few years later. Except the joys of precognition include preemptively dealing with such threats because... seriously, some of this is just too silly to be true outside of Austin Powers.

Wait, tell me I didn't just jinx myself...

Well for more refined control I do mean other types of time control than just the on/off, so speed up, down, probably not reversal but that's still possible. Gravity applying to time fuckery is accurate, the connection is even explored to some degree in Jojo part 6. I do have other ideas on what it could become, but they're really overpowered.

Also gravity is technically not it's own thing so much as an attribute of space, and in particular space being warped by the presence of mass, and that mass is in turn affected by this warping. Also technically time isn't it's own thing, so much as just another extension of space, and like the rest of space it is also warped by the presence of mass. Any kind of notable spacial or time warping technically would have some pretty extensive gravitational effects, just no one ever really goes into that aspect of things unless they are specifically intending to go in the direction of gravity.

Here's the the list.

Goddamn Sexual Tyrannosaurus; 80s Action Movies
Sploosh; Archer
Sweet, Sweet Candy; Futurama
To Boldly Come; Star Trek
Kama Sutra Master; Fallout
Never Call Me That Again; Firefly
I'll Repay That, Ten Times Over; Gurren Lagann
Good People Have Good Night’s Sleep; Fate Stay Night
Sixty-Minute Man; Fallout 4, Minutemen scenario reward
Sinanju; Wuxia
You're Gonna Wake Up the Rest of the Bitches; Black Dynamite
Oh, James!; 007
Fornicating (Origin locked (but free!)); Demons of Astland
How You Doin'?; Sitcom
Purview; Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
Heart-String Weaving Matchmaker Mastery; Exalted: Sidereals
Ways of Eros; Luther Strode

I looked at Purview and I can't see where it says anything about lewds. Did I miss something or mistakenly read the wrong perk?

I still hate heights, even now. I can level countries, command empires, control time itself, but looking down from a high vantage point still gives me goosebumps. I'm just good enough to hide it from others.

>What did he mean by this?
See here:

Become the god of lewd stuff, user.
Open your mind to the possibilities.

By that logic you could add any perk that lets you pick a skill to the list.

I should clarify, I don't mean Gravity manipulation in terms of C-Moon, More along the lines of affecting personal weight and weight of objects touched.
That's interesting. I'd like to hear about those other ideas, just for the thought. I don't want to reach complete god-tier after Jojo's, and I'll probably save the awakened/requiem shit until a while after the jump. "Using the arrow a second time never occurred to me."
>Gravity isn't it's own thing instead of an attribute of space
Is it? Are the other fundamental forces the same way? Or just Gravity since it's the special snowflake?
>Time isn't real, it's just another extension of space
I knew that, like the 4th dimension or whatever.
>Any kind of notable spacial or time warping technically would have some pretty extensive gravitational effects, just no one ever really goes into that aspect of things unless they are specifically intending to go in the direction of gravity.
I like the idea of messing with gravity. It's a broad and versatile power, depending on how you interpret and use it, and it's not a super common choice like the classical elements, light, dark, life, death, time or space (even if it's heavily related to the last two.)

The biggest problem I'm having is I also really like the Khanso Stand from JJBA jump, as it's kind of like Justice but it's ambiguous as to whether the 'manifested' objects are real. I really like the idea of utilizing people's memories in the illusions. Mostly because this jumper likes understanding people and their pasts so they can prey on those feelings.
Don't see how useful that is, but I'm not very imaginative. Kind of sounds like the Bites the Dust loop, but instead of all the shit surrounding Kira, gives DIO the chance to go back and right the wrongs. Balance it by only getting one shot?

Poison. I'm not afraid of snakes, or spiders, but I am incredibly disproportionately afraid of poison, this does extend to poisonous creatures, but not actually as much as just raw poison. I mean I have panic attacks right now from handling pesticide containers, and those are actually almost harmless to humans, that knowledge doesn't stop the panic attacks. I can physically handle and do things with poisons, but I am typically actually having at least a minor panic attack while doing so, and it can take hours for me to actually calm down, sometimes days. I just don't see the fear going away when it has never weakened even a little even with me actively handling poisons.

I don't know about irrational fears. I think fearing a lack of power is a very rational thing. I've had several chances to trade power for greater reward, but I have declined. Perhaps a lack of control is more on point with what I worry about?

That Stannis won't be able to take the Iron Throne, which is his by Right

You are technically correct.
But Purview seemed unique in that it gave you raw skill that could beat out literal supernatural abilities and magical enhancement.
It felt a bit more impactful than your typical skill perk.
So I added it to my list.
Truth be told, I don't actually know exactly how good Purview makes you at anything, because that it's still on my list of stuff I need to watch or read. I assumed it was pretty decent based on the description, and the fact that it's from Japan. You know how they get.

Gravity isn't exactly a special snowflake so much as we just didn't figure out what it was for a really long time, even right now we have a better understanding of electromagnetism than gravity. It helps though that electromagnetism only has a few general interactions and can be easily messed with, while gravity by it's own nature requires three interactions to even be a things(higgs field, spacetime, and everything that interacts with the higgs field gaining mass). When it comes to the four fundamental forces the special snowflake could be electromagnetism, because it seems like the weak nuclear force is actually just another part of electromagnetism.

For the other ideas for a requiem The World I got to thinking of the time stop becoming it's own temporary world, within which only that which the user allows may happen, everything they don't either stopping, or being reversed back to when The World was activated, or even being skipped like King Crimson. The other main idea was just the stand actively stopping any preset thing that the user doesn't want, such as knives thrown at the user being frozen, or people finding that if they run away they get stopped in time until the user catches up to them again.

Unfortunately Stannis becoming King would be counter productive to insuring that my family's dynasty held the Iron Throne for 300 years. Thankfully I managed to use Exalted social charms to convince him to become Master of Laws for my half-brother Aegon after we took Kings Landing with the Golden Company.

Hey Yorokonde, how useful is Divinity magic without the turn based combat of the game? The range feels more than a little dangerous/less applicable than in game if we have a significant casting time with RT

Even as an android I'm worried about parasites, cancerous growths, mulitation and other disgusting biological things

I read someone claiming that Air is the most dangerous Avatar element if you buy two Bending Genius perks for it. Why would that be?

Vacuum blades, sucking the air out of someone's lungs, always having it on hand and if you don't you have bigger problems than not being able to bend anything. That's all I can think of.

Mainly by sapping me of my CP. Pun absolutely not intended.

Aaaand funny you should bring that up actually-I just realised I uh, got my shit plain wrong about one important bit of Notes info. I just realised the bit I remembered I confused Nasu saying Brunestud's hanging around waiting for the "final boss" to go down with the idea ORT was confirmed still around somewhere.

Does anyone know if ORT's definitely still around or not?

I'm not sure how irrational it is when it used to be my imperfection AND greater imperfection, but the power of love. Both the explosion kind and the teamwork kind.

Even before that. Trying to turn yourself into despair, stasis and order incarnate gives you a healthy respect for the thing that still stings enough to start working on a corruptions arms race for when people defied your misguided plans to preserve the world with despair. So I'd oscillate wildly between morbid fascination and frustration people didn't realise how dangerous it was. Which wasn't helped when the faction of companions that disagreed with my despair-for-universal-preservation schemes started harnessing it

Nowadays, it's more like-I get it, it's usually a good thing that should be spread.

What I ALSO know with certainty, is that it's a massive enough potential source of energy I'm more concerned about it's propogation than if someone detonated an antimatter bomb in my face.

I think that might be because air not only gives benders the most personal mobility, but also the fastest and most direct ways to kill people. In LoK, Zaheer killed someone by airbending the air out of their lungs-and ran rings around almost every kind of bender just by using airbending creatively.

The one exception? Tenzin, who /crushes/ him until his teammates bailed him out. Zaheer wasn't even an expert airbender, he was just a martial artist who suddenly got airbending powers because of Korra's spirit realm mixup thing.

>Gravity isn't exactly a special snowflake
Sorry. Friend is a physics major and I was talking about the fundamentals. He just said things would be a lot easier because gravity is weird.
>everything they don't either stopping or being reversed or even being skipped
Sounds like Gold Experience Requiem (from what I know about that Stand.) Reads exactly like that on the wiki, now that I look it up.
>Actively stopping any preset thing the user doesn't want
Doesn't sound too different from the above, but less powerful. Those powers seem too hard to write from a protagonist's perspective, at least for me, but maybe I'm just misunderstanding them. I don't want to get into >just works territory

Reminds me of Araki having villains fuck themselves over at the last minute Kira could've killed the entire cast if he didn't stop to gloat. Pucci fucked himself over with the disc and Emporio.with Weather Report.

Mornin thread.

I just had a really stupid idea but I wanted to get your input.

You know how eragon magic lets you store mana (or is it any energy?) Inside gemstones? Well if I am a dungeon core which is a giant gemstone could I use that to dump mana I have into myself for later use making myself a giant stockpile of mana?

Or am I being stupid cause its 5 am.

There's one in Fate/stay Night about being a better lay "Good People Have Good Night's Sleep".
There are also the lewd jumps like the recent Hentai one.

Hmm. I...don't see why not, actually.

Like, in Eragon the reason why people put magic in gemstones is because magic is fuckin' volatile shit that sloshes around in response to thoughts. But when dragons disgorge their Eldunari, they can communicate and think just fine while also being tremendous sources of magic-which happen to look very much like gems. Heck, there's even a floating one that seems to be doing okay indefinitely created by wild magic in a city somewhere.

So I'd think so, unless there's something about your specific isekai magic system that makes eragon's magic go fuzzy for some reason.

>but also the fastest and most direct ways to kill people

Waterbender that can manipulate blood can arguably do the same.

Also, just curious, did you make a build for Desolate Era?


no wonder his real form looks like a shrivelled AIDS victim, kinda makes you think

>"Oh, I see. You were wanting to use these cards on more people than me. Maybe even kill off everyone in the world, right?"
>>"How did you-"
>"That means we're in a horror film."
>>"I... oh, shit. Oh, SHIT."

This bit, right here, gold star.

Is that how you get to skip the recruitment parts?

How did you react when your power ring merged with your mother box?


Oh, absolutely. I think compared to it, air's a bit more of an all-rounder in pure kinetic power and mobility, since Tenzin throws around old man Sato's mechs which were goving everyone else trouble. Not to mention Zaheer holding his own long enough against a berserk Korra he would've literally gotten away with it without those meddling kids.

Also nope, same as La Pucelle it looks finished to me but I don't know of it's 100%, confirmed ready for builds yet? So I'm just holding off in case of last minute updates or such.

A certain thought just crossed my mind and now I have to ask: are there any jumps which allow you to make a perk, or power(s) gained via perk, into a person?

>Hey, gravity manipulation powers, what's your favorite icecream flavor?

Merge? they haven't merged my mother box has Its own power ring.

Most Divinity magic is focused on combat uses, save for a few like Rain, the healing spells, and possibly a few others. So it's more narrow than most magical systems. But that is due in no small part to the Source Hunters rather broad and zealous approach to rooting out Sourcerers by defining pretty much all non-approved uses of magic as Sourcery. And of course Source Hunters only care about the spells that help them kill people better.

I've tried to strike a middle point with the magic system, injecting a little realism while keeping the link to time kept in place. The spells are very quick to cast, so you don't have to worry about significant casting times at all, and recharge blazingly fast compared to some magical systems. It's pretty much shout and go. Command Word style.

I hope this made sense. I just woke up and the caffeine hasn't quite kicked in yet.

There's a perk that does exactly that in Cardcaptor Sakura.

That's adorable, does she have a name?

mother box, I've asked It and that's How It likes to be addressed,I've imported it dozens of times As nearly every Kind of Intelligence based magic User we have I figure all that processing power would make it a better wizard than a human

>There are also the lewd jumps like the recent Hentai one.

There's a new one?


Which would be better in the long run, generic xianxia cultivation technique and just keep cultivating forever or multiple cultivation techniques over multiple jumps like desolate era and world of cultivation?

I pick up more better at sex perks, make sure to import her as often as possible, am forbidden by her from taking bad luck drawbacks anymore,nor polygamy perks basic marriage stuff

Thanks, user.

>The irony of a Demon with God Ki amuses me.
This isn't all that surprising. The first demons were Supreme Kais born evil, who then got banished to what became the Demon Realm.

Plus, as shown by Demigra, and Towa and Dabura (who are both third gen and thus probably weren't born as Kais like Demigra was), sufficiently powerful demons can achieve a form called Demon God which explicitly has God Ki. Hell Demigra even pushes it further into Giant Demon God and Makyouka forms. So demons with god ki are canon to the Xenoverse/Heroes timeline.

>Which would be better in the long run, generic xianxia cultivation technique and just keep cultivating forever or multiple cultivation techniques over multiple jumps like desolate era and world of cultivation?

you know their is stuff that lets you combine martial arts stuff right? but the first thing since if you don't have one specific perk for it multiple Cultivation techniques can actually kill you at worst and unless they are all passive cultivation techniques distract you from progressing in your cultivation thus stunting your progress at best.

How fast are we talking? Take that Blizzard spell with the 15 meter radius, for example. If a caster begins the spell and I sprint for them, will my knife find its way into their head before they can finish casting?


So going desolate era first, only staying the ten years required, and getting a good technique from that would be best for long term before going to the others? I like to assume that the techniques you buy just magically work together since you are paying cp for them.

Well as far as I can tell each Cultivation technique has it's own merits, a few have their own flaws but astonishingly enough they mostly are just various types of gains, mixing and matching the various types /can/ be dangerous so go to World of Cultivation and grab the one free perk that makes all your various Cultivation techniques play nice is my suggestion alongside all the techniques.

On the average human sprint? No, but a Jumper can possibly much faster.

>A fast 15 meter sprint time is between 1 and 1 and a half seconds
You talk fast.

Well, he said that it was completed What benefits would it give to do that?

Nope which is why I suggest World of Cultivation first, that and it's the Xian Xia equivalent to a Green Hills Zone IMHO.

Joan c
I read it as John Cena and now have the music in my head... dang it.


Note to self, finish those updates. Im just procrastinating at this point.

Aionon? No rush, but yeah you said it first.

Speaking of Desolate Era, when it says a Quadrillion years, are we talking about an american quadrillion or a regular quadrillion?

>mother box, I've asked It and that's How It likes to be addressed,I've imported it dozens of times As nearly every Kind of Intelligence based magic User we have I figure all that processing power would make it a better wizard than a human

AI makes the best wizards

>What benefits would it give to do that?
Puts you to somewhat of a Godly level at least by n52 DC standards

>Puts you to somewhat of a Godly level at least by n52 DC standards
Do you remember the comic when that happens? Might give it a read.

By the math, no, you likely won't reach them as a baseline human before they finish.

The record sprinting speed for an Olympic level clocks in at 10.18 seconds per 100 meters. Doing the math, that's roughly 1.5 seconds to hit 15 meters. Taking into account swing time for the knife with any kind of accuracy, you're looking at a good two or three seconds, if not more.

Most average native English speakers say roughly 130 words per minute. The range is pretty big depending on a lot of factors, so I picked somewhere in the middle-low end. Which is just about 2 words per second. Most command word spells in any system are one longer, more complex word, so we'll call it the equivalent of two normal words for simplicity's sake.

So, assuming you didn't catch the mage by surprise and you both knew the showdown was happening, you'd get nailed by the spell. And probably a second one for good measure.

Which is why a lot of Source Hunters invest some time in developing archery skills. Nothing stops magic like a bolt through the forehead.

So God of that tree over there or God of all multiverses?

Well, knowing the author, it's probably whichever number is bigger.

>Do you remember the comic when that happens? Might give it a read.

It think its after the Darkeseid war where League Members became temporary gods

Feat wise he only did a universe but Hal quickly gave up the power after receiving, must not want to repeat the Parallax thing again.

Thank you for the response. There's also the fact that if I had begun running at the start of the spell, I'd be moving significantly slower than 10m/s because one needs to accelerate from 0

You're quite welcome. I try to help where I can. And that's very true, only Mario (and some Jumpers) are exempt from the need to accelerate. I just left that bit out to keep the problem simple. I doubt anyone wants me to whip out my physics book and actually calculate it.

Using you physics books, can you tell me how anyone manages to do anything not completely disastrous with time freezing abilities?

Physics books will not help you here.

Time freezing has no truck with your pathetic earth sciences.

That's magic son. Magic takes a dump on Physic's desk every day before school and sexually assaults the teacher during lunch.

The question you should be asking is which outfit Hassan of Serenity would look best in. Because they all look extra cute, though I'm leaning towards Rider myself.

>Hassan of Serenity

Always good to see a fellow man of taste and culture.

I'm partial to assassin myself

You can put on some 7 mile boots from Dungeons & Dragons.

It's not "time freezing," it's apparent stasis relative to some other object - most likely the planet. And that's about as close as you can get to explaining it without breaking everything.

Using the words "apparent stasis" doesn't really solve the breaking things problem.

The fact that we don't break things around us, generally speaking, when using these technologies and magic is certainly interesting. I don't have an extensive education in any branch of physics though, so I'm not going to try and hypothesize why it works as it does

i was an atheist before the jump
and now i'm afraid of gods (aslans) judging eyes.