ITT: Monstergirls and World building 2.0

Last time I got few good ideas, now how about working in more detail about few of them?

(Also cute pictures are allowed, you can never have enough)

Ideas we got were:
Monsterfolk of smaller size kept as pets - how would you implament them into a setting?

Monstergirls (And possibly boys) in Post-Post-Apocalyptic setting - How would they come to be and would they for societies

Oh and creating some sort of lamia like abhumans for 40k.

More ideas are always welcome

P.S. Don't go into the realm of sex slaves, rape and other magically realmy stuff, this is now what were are looking for


I went the CATastrophe route. Humans are in the process of terraforming an ocean world when they attacked by fanatical purifiers. The aliens shoot down all the planet's orbital assets and garrison fleet, bombard the major surface facilities and move on. The surviving terraforming team, thinking that they might be the last humans in the universe, use their life seeding equipment to create a new race of humans that can survive on the partially terraformed planet. One of the scientists is a space weeb sneaks in the monster girl traits as the new seed goes into production, and they don't have the resources to start over...

I could see this without catastrophy part - after all there is this thing in fiction called space gardeners that supposedly create life in planets that could support it but have none - What if some mad scientist loads up a ship with some mutants of his/her own doing and land them onto such planet - only for it to be found years later by someone else

That's basically the background for Shard. I was honestly a bit dispointed that game that focused so much on eastern mysticism had such a mundane, concrete story.
For my purposes I wanted ancient ruins and forgotten tech for the characters to explore and discover. It was basically a kitbash of Horizon Zero Dawn, Subnautica, and CATastrophe, which is itself anime Waterworld.

Yeah, something like that could be a lot of fun...(And for some reason reminds me of morrowind)




I would love to see a monstergirl focused setting that legitimately explores what a world with abhumans and human-like creatures would be like beyond cuteness and sexual stuff.

Have monsterboys be in the setting, and have different monsterpeople handle which gender is considered in charge differently than one another.

Have some monsters be chill with humans, others wanting to kill humans for past transgressions, and the elements that make monstergirls not human create issues for human society, even if its not direct conflict.

If you have to have sexy shit in the setting, sure, that very well can be a thing that happens, but I'm tired of seeing such neat concepts only used for ecchi stuff. There's neat worldbuilding that can be done.

I am here with you (Main reason why I started this) so shall we get to work?

First thing's first, I'd try to avoid having an "a wizard did it" explanation for where the monsterfolk came from, where we tongue and cheekly recognize the history of monstergirls and try to justify the lewder origins. In fact, I'd have the question of where the monsterfolk came from be a huge thing on humanity's mind. Some think that they're creations of the devil or whatever evil force is believed to work in this setting, others think that they are mutated humans, some think that humans are punished monsterfolk who lost their wings/gills/fins/ect. Humanity is looking for answers just as monsterfolk look for their own answers to why they exist.

I've currently got a generic fantasy world in mind while thinking about this, so my next step would probably be fleshing out a major kingdom or human centric force that unites the humans together. I assume it'd have generally negative views on monsterfolk not just out of fear of the people with wings and tails, but as a tactic to keep humans from going too far from their settled lands and keeping the kingdom strong.

I could see going with idea that there is not one but few human factions, same for most races, instead going for idea - everyone is on a similar level (For example humans are small in number while monster folk while smaller in number possibly are much more dangerous if you went into war)

But maybe it would be best to go with the simple - finding few races of various kind and then giving then environment to reside in - that way you can just get a map and fill it up in most natural way

I can see that working. For tabletop specifically though, it might be a good call to focus on one specific tribe or human group your players come from (assuming they're all humans) so that they can then focus on exploring the monstertribes for whatever reason their mission entails. Have the larger human tribes or kingdoms be in the setting, but a distance from where the players are so that they'd encounter them later in the storyline once they've had their fill of monsters.

Or we could use the concept of monster folk relationships with each other, after all it might not be too friendly...

Monterfolk and their relationships with each other is a good point, yes. Not every abhuman is going to give a shit about the humans, but those harpies or sirens gotta be taught a lesson.

Of course, before we can figure out how each larger group of monsterfolk feel about each other, we'd have to decide on how we'd handle monster diversity. A big draw to monster girls is the fact that there's so many types, and I think we'd need to find the right balance of fleshed out and in depth monster societies, and the random monstergirl or monsterboy that are just small vagabonds traveling here and there and don't have their societies explored too much.

Well I use animals or creatures they are based on for some society ideas:

For example I see crowid harpies as group of extremely smart creatures that have good relationships between the different types of crowids and are quick to adapt, while I could see lamias coming into huge groups during mating season and so on....

Good starting point for each creature specifically, but I'm talking more large scale. The crowid harpies in the "wild" might be adapting easily here and there, but what happens when they settle down? Do they continue that adapting nature and start trying to integrate into other societies? Does a conflict with humans make them incredibly distrusting for generations (crows and ravens have real good memories)? Or do they become human allies? What if bigger and larger wild harpies start attacking their nice little village they've set up?

I'd probably come up with maybe 4 or 5 major monsterfolk groups around humans, and then a bunch of smaller, wilder monsterfolks between everything.

>Most men turned into both instinct driven monstrosities and ended up sterile, but women tended to be treated more kindly and could breed true.
And by some tenacious vitality, enough of these damned survivors made it through the fallout and long winter to pass their damage on to a new generation. Over time the worst of it was bled out, resulting in a speciated monster girl population. Mostly human mutants, but with notable animalistic traits that stand out.

Alternatively, because mutation is supposed to be random they could be the result of intelligent design. The creations of a 'Goddess', whether a mutant herself with a complex or an artificial intelligence from before the war. Each species being based off a unique individual mutant used as a template to produce the populations that were later released. Whether or not this is a good thing could be played with. Maybe the Goddess is benevolent seeking to use it's children to aid humanity, some less than stellar batches could've resulted in , it might want to eventually replace humanity with something... more, or it could have been generations since and their creator is in fact dead having never been able to fix the breeding problem.

Well we can always have swan harpies as the flying bastards that attack everything as for the crows - Well they are known for using decoys and mastering mimicry - could see then setting up traps for those that attack them.
As for civilisation - I think they would do what is best for them in the long run.





We could always have both and it would depend on how far from human said member of monsterfolk is.

Also I feel like working out what each type does could help to come up how they interact so to speak. (Start small and then expand)

Slightly off-topic, but would cold-blooded demi-humans have an advantage for sniping?
I suppose insect ones would fare better because no lungs.


Gargfan back who modded magical realm nto normalish.

Another thought I was kicking around is genus loci. Basically local gods, like Kami. They reflect things in the area that are ubiquitous or important.

So you got snake genus loci, trees, wolves, etc.

They can breed with humans, result is beast peeps

Maybe? Common depiction seems to suggest reptilian and insectoid demi-humans would probably still be warm-blooded, at least partially, and have lungs since they are half-human, especially where all the vitals tend to be. A lamia or arachne could certainly climb up trees and setup to shoot from other structures a human marksman couldn't though.

A cold-blooded creature would essentially show up as ambient temperature on thermal imaging, or at least they'd stick out a lot less. Besides that I can't really think of one.

>no lungs
But why though


I agree on both fronts - they are most likely warm blooded as they are shown to be quite active (As well as capable of sweating though the skin which quite rare amongst most creatures) and I could see some lamia setting up a firing position up in ruined buildings far from eyes of most soldiers



doesn't breathe, it means the aim is steadier.

>more detail
As you wish.

>Mermaids are more like aquatic mammals than fish (meaning they're warmblooded, give live births, have mammary glands, can't actually breathe underwater but can hold their breath for extended periods et cetera)
>They're as intelligent as humans, but due to the difficulties related to building a civilization when you're mostly underwater (they only barely master the craft of making fire, as you can understand) they're mostly aquatic nomads
>A significant group of them happens upon a coastal human settlement, and makes friendly contact with them
>Eventually they learn that for some reason humans are really interested in all that underwater junk the mermaids themselves mostly ignore
>A lucrative trade develops between the two, with mermaids trading underwater junk such as pearls and lobster for human goods like bronze tools (bronze doesn't rust in water, right?), vegetables, meat et cetera
>The city starts rebuilding certain segments to accomodate the mermaids, such as a canal that directly leads into the commercial district
>Over the years these changes become more and more extensive, to the point where the city becomes a Venice-like settlement with canals instead of roads
>As such, humans and mermaids have more and more contact with eachother, and some romantic liaisons follow
>This is especially noteworthy when the queen of the merfolk marries the human lord-mayor, making their civilizations effectively one and the same
>Now some merfolklovers have their houses rebuilt in such a way that there's a basement "entrance" leading directly to the canal "streets"
>The mixed settlement grows wealthy through trade, being able to gather pearls and such that no other human settlement can find
>Over the centuries the humans and merfolk BLANDA UPP into some kind of weird, amphibian race that's mostly human but has webbed feet and hands and feels just as comfortable on land as they do in the ocean

Good work (I just need to check I think bronze does rust underwater you might need coat that with silver)

EVERYTHING corrodes or decays in water. Some things just do it slower. Having any tool keep its edge would be difficult when water always threatens to at least wear it down as it flows. Protective coverings for almost any tool would be necessary when not in use. A quick Google search states that bronze, durimet, and monel are all corrosion-resistant in sea water. Durimet probably can't be made without magic in a fantasy setting, but monel could be possible, being made primarily from nickel and trace amounts of copper, iron, carbon, and silicon.

Try bissus. That shit will make a settlement filthy rich in a few years.

Anyone got few pictures of the mammailn merfolk? Because I only know one and it's not here

>ywn have a monstergirl gf with massive hands that appreciates your small, dexterous hands for being able to manipulate the finer things she never could on her own
>instead you'll just get laughed at by 3DPD

I would love an entire miniature range based solely on /pfg/ threads.

So now we are at the point like this I got this idea: So we don't have magic to create monster folk (Heck maybe just remove magic all together and just use more science and old tech in creative ways), instead they are results of evolution, possibly because world they live in has many isolated areas, which lead to development of many unique sentient creatures.

But then this problem fell (natural disaster, some sort of invention by one of the species or something else entirely)

This would lead to development of monster folk that is a bit closer to realism in a way

Insects don't have a centralized respiratory system. This an advantage for long-distance marksmanship because it means their bodies won't rise and fall as they breathe.

Of course a human-sized creature wouldn't be able to have a decentralized respiratory system because of their volume but then it's a bug person so logic is pretty much out the window at this point.

There are some ways it could happen - it could be the case of humanoid that has lots of bug futures as well (like having both exoskeleton and inner skeleton and having mammalian breathing system and so on)

What's it with /k/ and monstergirls anyhow? Or /k/ and /a/.

>it's MGE but the main conflict is nonexistent
>it's a mindless nonstandard systemless fantasy setting but with hot vaguely-animalistic sexpots in place of elves, dwarves, gnolls, etc.

Is this what those terrible "your party wakes up in MGE, how do you get raped and corrupted" threads have been leading up to?

Not really I am looking at the scary point of the monsterfolk - After all if you use most of them could be physically superiors in interesting ways.

(As for the rape part yeah that is when we get to horror part as it won't be pleasant...)

Thus far all your posts have been about a nebulous nondescript fantasy world with monstergirls peppered throughout it through "evolution" like if Man After Man was written while the author was jerking off. If you want to make the setting "scary", you ought to spend a few days reading other fictional settings or just abandon the "totally smexy babes who are MONSTERS on the outside but cute and friendly on the inside" aspect entirely

Eh...Well horror is not what I seek this time - this time I seek ways to make them make sense and I use term monsterfolk - that does not imply they are cute....

A lot of artists like drawing guns and tactical shit. Those same kind of artists see monster girls are the new hot thing and like it too. It's a match made in heaven.

Also monster girls can be base for some interesting mutants in some settings - especially if there look is deceiving

What's going on in that pic?

Not sure, I found it at random, but I believe the girl is blind.

Some of the waffegeists that /k/ wants to fuck have different characteristics, like fox ears and a tail, or elf ears. I'm not sure why that is, but it's a thing.

She's blind and he's dying from a heart attacked triggered by acute adorableness.

The girl is like a dinosaur, if user ceases to move then she can't see him and thus is worried.

/k/ is just weird like that.

It's not really that far of a stretch to go from wanting a gun-girl waifu to wanting a monstergun-girl waifu


Ummm...that's interesting. Personally I'd prefer if the top half of the whale was all human, but that way works too.


Well this is close to the idea how mermaids should actually work

That's adorable

Looks more like a person got her dress stuck on a whale's face. While cetacean mermaids do make more sense than fish-mermaids (they'd be aquatic mammals rather than half-mammal half-fish), her upper body is literally growing out of the tip of the whale's upper jaw (you can clearly see the throat-pleats on the whale's lower jaw), which raises all kinds of anatomic questions.

Well this is why I said close, the size is way off

There was actually a lot of talk about different types of mermaids in a recent thread, eventually getting to the point of whalemaids being talked about.

which one? and I wouldn't mind talking about it here


Thank you, as for the whale mermaids, well it could be an interesting legendary sea monster (even if misunderstood)

Now I'm interested in seeing a modern setting where monster-girls exist, and the Orca-maids perform tricks in Seaworld with humans in front of crowds, until eventually the whole thing gets shut down because the Orca-maids got a bit too rough with their handlers and accidentally killed a couple of them.

I was working on something like that...So yeah I could look into that...

This could be a part of series of monsterfolk related events in modern setting (We could probably explore some other concepts as well)

So why are there humanoid orcas working in Seaworld? Are they as intelligent as humans and just violent? Are they nonsapient like chimpanzees? Are they sapient but uncivilized and simply being fursecuted by the evil evil humen?

For whale mermaids (and eelmaids and shrimpmaids etc) you may want to have a look at Sea Princess Azuri, a manga series mostly intended as shojo but it has some neat designs and stuff like orca-maids training their voices/sonar into weapons.

Think of them like pitbulls, friendly most of the time, but can occasionally snap without provocation and kill you. I think the monster-girls would largely fulfill the same functions as they do in real life, ie the dog-girls would have no problem being "pets" and what not, the Orcas would for the most part enjoy their job but also get stressed out from the circumstances and lash out (with their immense size and strength leading to injuries for the handlers).

So monstergirls are effectively just animals you can fuck?

They still have mostly human intelligence, but their personalities and standards differ from humans. Obviously no human would be okay with being a "pet" (since it would be tantamount to slavery) but the monster-girls differing standards makes them okay with it (or even desire it in the case of dog-girls).

Now, from there, you could go two ways, the lighthearted way, which would basically be like monster-mosume I guess. Or you get get REALLY dark and have the shark-girls eating the seal-girls and the Japanese sailors harpooning the whale-girls.

You can have both really...And just remined of the dark part when you need

You could have the humans taking advantage and using the monster-girls while still retaining their nature. Like the military using wolf-girls because of their skills, strength, and pack-mentality, but the wolf-girls are still part wolf (and thus undomesticated and prone to violence) and you probably shouldn't get near them if you don't have to.

This would allow the setting to acknowledge and use both sides of the monstergirls, human and animal.

It sounds like you're just making a generic furry setting and making the furries less... furry. I don't have anything wrong with that aside from the massive faggotry needed to consider playing in it in the first place, but don't pretend this can be considered a fleshed-out setting at all.

This is the issue with most Veeky Forums-made settings.
Either you try to flesh them out completely and lose people at every step of the way since your vision contradicts theirs, or you try to satisfy everyone and remain vague.

At some point you have to leave the computer and do the shit yourself if you want your "GATE reimagined as UNEF III in 1985" campaign world.

What's CATastrophe? It's very hard to google.

>Timpopo-chiang was conscripted after highschool to fight in the Great Witch War of 2022


Good God, I can't fap to this.

I have been thinking for a while about monstergirls in cyberpunk land.

Mostly I use 'em as SURGE NPCs in shadowrun. There's a "reagent" store run by a pack of near feral monster kiddos. Technically it's a meat shop, but the nature of hunting in the 6th world and their uneducated manner means a lot of magical shit gets mixed in there with the devil-rat-on-a-stick.

That wasn't really my goal, I just want to have monster-girls that retain the human intelligence but have the monster part be more than just a gimmick or aesthetic.

The way I like doing that is by making them have biological differences.
One of my favorite ones had lamias be absolutely covered in poison glands. One dying was a huge biohazard.

My point wasn't strictly the size (although a whale-sized mermaid would be pretty implausible, but I don't expect fantasy to stick to plausibility), but the fact that the design is anatomically confusing. She's clearly got a rorqual's throat-pleats, which are there to facilitate lunge-feeding (rorquals swim at high speed at a school of fish or krill and open their mouth really wide, the pleats letting their throat to expand to swallow a huge volume of water which they then spit out, leaving the food stuck on the balenes), but she's still got a tiny human-sized mouth. So either her body is literally stuck on the tip of the whale's upper jaw, or the pleats are useless (well, I suppose she could also have some other way of sucking in huge volumes of water).

Uh...That was something I was looking towards - setting they don't show up in unusually

It makes sense, I'd imagine monstergirls would be quite common in the service sector, who wouldn't want their barista or waitress to be a cute monstergirl? Maybe the corporations breed their own genetically modified MGs, or maybe they are just androids, or maybe the ears and tail are actually biological implants in human women required for the job.

And here we have the dark turn I wanted - Now I want to combine cyberpunk and post-post-apocalipit setting in a way where there would be there wild corner of the world.
Then it could be the case that some monstergirs (and maybe boys) that were created as waiters just left the cities and now reside in the wild places filled with scavangers and such (Also guys who wants to hear a way to make a car merfolk could use?)


Bipedal Scorpiongirls could have various societies and variants based off of biomes.

I like the centaur/mermaid style better, myself.

Why not have both? You know different regions require different adaptation

>implying there is a single region in which centaur-based bodies could even remotely be adapted from
>implying centaur-based bodies aren't complete anatomical abominations