Why aren't there barbarian elves?
Why aren't there barbarian elves?
Depends on the setting!
You're one stupid nigger, try googling some time
because you havnt made one yet.
personal homebrew has a entire culture of elf barbarians, there fun as fuck whenever anyone interacts with them
How are forest-dwelling unwashed proto-humans that speak in bar-bar gibberish and with no appreciation for mechanical engineering not literal barbarians
Because they occupy somewhat similar roles with rangers. Also no plus in STR and minus CON elves tend to have makes for bad barbarians.
>no plus STR
>minus CON
git gud, elf barbarbro. It's called Hard Mode. Now prove you're not a HexCasting, Dex-building, casul.
Little boy fucking, goat molesting, Zeus cuckolded, Poseidon fellating Greek detected.
Muh Dwigga
Powergaming isn't even called powergaming anymore, it's built into the system. You want an elf Barbarian? DEX-build is viable.
I remember a time where we didn't care if a Thri-Kreen were optimal bards and just ran with it. We played the unwashed underdogs doing good, not the lab-grown optimised Aasimar Paladinbot2000.
>other PCs make characters based on stats
>make Orc Wizard with 15 Intelligence
>"but that's not what orcs are supposed to do! Don't you want to play a barbarian or fighter?"
>He may have gotten just-passing grades compared to the other wizards, and he worked to the bone to make tuition, but damn it, he's gonna make something of himself!
Best character I ever made, hands down. I worked for the intelligence bump every four levels, just squeaked by enough natural Intelligence with leveling to get 9th level spells by the end.
Overcoming challenges is what makes or breaks a game. Setting your own challenges increases the fun.
Nigga what
Elves make good barbarians tough DND idiotic system doesn't allow for them
It doesn't really fit the theme of most Elves. They almost always have a lot of magic and grace incorporated into them, even wood elves, who are often the most "unrefined" variant in most settings tend to be getting some magical assistance that allows them to live in cooperation with nature and have very long lives.
Meanwhile "Barbarian" cultures in games are almost always depicted as rough and pragmatic, usually living very harsh and short lives, and willing to do ugly things to get results, unlike high minded wizards or civilized knights. Magic is also often distrusted or given a lot more fear and respect, unlike some Mage's who treat magic like a College course.
Now there is nothing stopping you or anyone else from just buffing up some elves to turn them into barbarians, but there comes a point at which there is really no reason to be using elves over humans or another "barbaric" race
That's an orc.
Silly, user. It clearly says "Dark Elf" in the file name.
If thats an ork then where are the tusks?
Because people that draw shitty fap-pics often have no idea what they are doing or deliberately sacrifice canonical aesthetics for fetishes.
>mechanical engineering
Sounds like a true Roman to me, user.
>You're one stupid nigger, try googling some time
Silly user, the point of OP's thread wasn't to learn about barbarian elves!
Then whats to say it's an elf that ditched the canonical aesthetic of typically being lithe so they could sate their muscle fetish?
My favorite idea for barbarian elves was a giant horde of them called The Eternal Horde.
Stolen, thank you much
Pathfinder e.g. has the Urban Barbarian. Take that. Rage for Dex ifyou want and you have a gracefull barbarian with inner focus that gives him/her strength.
And you dont have to come from a barbarian society to have levels in barbarian. Its not the age where barbarian cant read as a class-feature.
who are Valenar for 300
They're called wood elves.
That's a gun.
From what I can tell, favored classes of wood elves are either druids or ranger, dumb anime "elf" poster.
>favored classes of wood elves are either druids or ranger
That may be the tendency, but there is nothing stopping an elf from becoming a barbarian. I mean, you're asking why a race generally known for frailty, grace, and beauty tends to avoid being a screaming berserker.
Then there is nothing stopping a high elf or drow from becoming a barbarian, and any race actually, which makes this thread and your post moot.
But OP, you can play an elf barbarian.
I'm pretty sure Korgoth is a grumpy Noldor
Shitposting aside, why haven't you been in a game with barbarian elves? I would suggest doing so.
Noble savages are a general inspiration for barbarians. You shouldn't think of DND barbarians as anything remotely similar to Conan.
Because Tolkien didn't do it
They are called Wood Elves.
Not every barbarian has to be a Conan rip-off.
Because elves are idealized white European people.
Wild Elf
This humanoid is slender and shorter than a human. It has dark brown skin, pointed ears, and black hair.
Wild elves, also known as grugach, are barbaric and tribal. Wild elve's hair color ranges from black to light brown, lightening to silvery white with age. They dress in simple clothing of animal skins and basic plant weaves. Though other elves consider them savages, they content that they are the true elves, for the rest have lost their primal elven essence in needing to build. Nomadic and rugged, wild elves favor the sorcerer class rather than wizard, although many are barbarians as well.
+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence
>although many are barbarians as well
>a member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations.
There are assuming they don't all live in the same tree fort.
Warhammer Fantasy wood elves are totally barbarous
Conan also isn't mechanically a barbarian. More a fighter/rogue
Bcuz 2cute
>Elven rage at being called "cute" and "lewd" is rare
>Most elves appreciate it as they are, in fact, cute and lewd
>A small number of elves in the forest resent this fact
>To the tune of a swinging greataxe and shrill, harpy-like screams
Barbarians are generally based on germanic or celtic cultures from the end of the Roman Empire. Make Elves on your setting outsiders, excluded from the social norm, many of them even unable to speak the human language. Imagine some sort of tribal societal structure, with the great warriors or elder druids atop the social ladder. Of course, they have their own customs and pantheon of gods; just don't make an easy, simple "primitive vs. developed" kinda story, it gets old very quickly.
Literally Bosmer