>alienating a third of your local player base is profitable
Alienating a third of your local player base is profitable
They aren't buying paint, they're not profitable anyway.
>players buying models and other supplies from the shop isn't profitable
>Implying lazy players aren't buying their minis online
>Implying lazy players need supplies besides wal-mart super glue
>Implying they wouldn't try to play with bottle caps and bits of cardboard if they thought they could get away with it
paints were bigger part of GW revenue that Warhammer Fantasy was
What an incredible degree of assumption, user
Nobody wants to play against unpainted armies.
Same happens with MTG, they're targeting a new audience and getting rid of the old one, two stores in my city shut down forever because the new audience is small as fuck but other stores keep doing the same marketing strategy so it must be profitable someway
I speak from experience. People who don't paint their armies tend to also not give a shit about supporting the FLGS and just use it as a free spot to play. They don't buy anything, yet they'll be the first to complain when they're excluded.
Sorry, but why should unpainted armies take board space over painted ones?
This is true for many games, not just WH.
I hate these 'people' so fucking much. They are usually the least hygiene conscious and the loudest fucks in the store
i mean at least do the lazyman 1 color dip
the fucking greyshits is annoying
fucking why bother getting into the hobby if youd prefer videogames instead
>alienating two thirds of your local player base is profitable
Shit's easy. Hold painting tutorials at the shop, teach kids how to art for fun and they get their moms to buy them plastic mens. Also means you get more painted models.
Store puts in the effort to build community, lazy fucks with grey come here to complain, life is good.
Now imagine there's stores that decide to enforce standards of hygiene, alienating well over two thirds of the local player base.
Ayy lmao
I mean, I've bought 2000 points of spess marines from my LGS so far, and some other items for friends. I even ordered stuff from online through the store, even though I got charged extra for shipping - just to support the store. I even bought $75 on paints and stuff.
I only put together a Reivers squad in the last month since I got started, and that's not even done - I'm magnetizing the arms, which takes forever. I keep getting distracted by other projects, too.
Anyway I've never painted anything (I even feel like my basing is crap), and I am afraid to actually get started with it. Not to say I won't, but I'm not in a hurry to ruin these figures I paid so much for.
I got to play my first game over the weekend with someone else's list (also largely unpainted), and man that was fun. I don't feel like waiting until my whole army is painted to have that kind of fun again.
You realize you can strip the paint and restart if you fuck up? Don't worry about fucking up your early dudes, just follow guides (like Duncan) to the letter and you'll start to get it.
Yeah, I just have to find the time. I just dislike this idea that I shouldn't get to play because of this elitist attitude. At this point I have some 6' tables and my roommate and I are making our own terrain, it's just a matter of having more people to play with.
Even then, we have 6 of our friends new to or getting back into the game, so we're not hurting for players. I find it odd you'd want to keep players out of the league based on something as ponderous as having your entire army painted.
I refuse to play against unpainted armies anyway.
Step 1 : stop being a faggot
Step 2 : try painting
Step 3 : over time, get better and end up with a painted army
If you never start painting you'll never get better user
>A coat of paint is elitist
It's a wonder Warhammer isn't more popular! I can't imagine why Games Workshop can't attract more players...
How about you stop behaving as if you're an excruciatingly insecure child and paint your models.
But painting your dudes is fun
That honestly speaks more of their paints than Fantasy.
/ic/ here. Why do you idiots give a crap if the low quality plastic figurines are doused in paint or not? I'd play against fuckin' tiny cardboard standees. Emphasis on PLAY.
Why bother with neat terrain or physical models at all?
It's the romance of the thing.
They're angry that someone else is having the same amount of fun without having to spend the exorbitant amounts of time and money they were conned into spending.
You can play 40k with a pdf of the rules and some bottlecaps. Unless you're autistic you don't need the painstakingly painted figures to play.
So why do they require you have them painted to the same level? So they can convince themselves the investment was worth it.
Would you still be okay playing against cardboard after you've spent a lot of time, effort, and funds making your army look as good as you possibly can?
I thought the alienation was because of point requirement.
Like I said, it's a time and effort thing. If I had nothing to do but 40k, sure.
No, but refusing to play with someone because of some convoluted sense that their investment or dedication is less than yours, is.
Its a minature game. Playing the game is the least interesting part.
It's like when you're playing a video game with micro transactions and the dude with expensive cosmetics gets creamed by a man with the default appearance. The man talks in the voice chat, he's making people laugh, he's leading his team. The expensive cosmetic dude is silent and bitter, bitter, bitter.
Without question. Why would I have a problem with that? I'm not so shallow and prideful that I would refuse to play with someone not wealthy enough to afford figures and paint, or someone unsure if he's willing to invest at that point, or someone with a disability that prevents them from fine dexterous actions such as painting, or someone who built his own crude figures out of cheap clay, or someone who just wants to be different.
Noo! I'm meeeeellltiiiiiiing!
>No, but refusing to play with someone because of some convoluted sense that their investment or dedication is less than yours, is.
No it's not. It's my time to spend, and I like the look of painted armies on the table. Going to see a movie and wanting to see it in focus isn't elitist either.
Okay, next question. I assume you're still the guy from /ic/. Would you be alright with a blank canvas being displayed next to a painting you spent a lot of time, effort, and money making look as good as possible?
You're considering someone else unworthy due to your time, talent, money, etc. That's a pretty spot on definition. At best, you're a snob.
Not /ic/ guy, but is the canvas a glorified game piece whose looks don't affect gameplay?
>ITT: people pretending painting elitism doesn't make the hobby better
>You're considering someone else unworthy due to your time, talent, money, etc.
Nope, I just want to maximise my own enjoyment.
You'd probably be happier with a video game.
Depends, is this an art gallery? Or am I fighting physically someone with the canvas? Next will you chastise a boxer for not spending time/money getting plenty of tattoos to make himself look neat? The point is the point is to play the game. Play.
May I remind you that coloring these toys is literally on par with a paint-by-numbers activity and incredibly creatively devoid? And I know you can have a tiny smidgen of freedom with it but imagine a venn diagram of "People who can Actually Paint" and "People willing to spend time painting cheap consumer toys". The two circles are touching so microscopically unnoticeably that the referees are going to have to check the video replay. I don't think any of those unicorns are going to be in OP's local game shop.
Yes. It's a purely aesthetic play thing in the great, meaningless game called life. Now throw yourself off a bridge.
>I don't think any of those unicorns are going to be in OP's local game shop.
Do they have to be? You don't need great skill to paint a model to table top standard. But it enhances the experience and advertises the game better.
The way this thread has gone, it makes the game
When I was a kid, the manager of my local GW wouldn't let you play a game unless you had at least 3 colours on a model and had it based, any time one of us kids kicked up a stink he would sit us down and go through our models, and help us paint them.
I really appreciate now as an adult that he made us put in the effort because we really were proud the next time we had a game with an army full of painted soldiers.
It really is 50% of the hobby so why wouldn't you paint your shit. It's not like the actual game itself is deep or balanced.
I'm just glad he didn't let us be lazy, Thanks Steve.
There's truth in that.
I wouldn't bother with the game if not for the painting and modelling aspects, and I imagine many others are similar.
I doubt warhammer would be a thing today if not for hobbyists wanting to paint miniatures.
Why not create a computer program that has high quality models and textures, and play with that? Complete with animations, music, sound effects, maybe voice acting, and you've got something a lot more enhanced. Shit, why bother with the dinky toys? Throw that onto a 360 and you have something a whole lot more accessible, cheaper, and higher quality than the figures. But owo what's this?
>and advertises the game better.
Why that's right, that one shitty company won't get their cut! Fie!
Yeah it's cool that bottom of the barrel artists can get their rocks off and feel like they created something, but if you're shitting on people who would rather pick a better hobby (re: any other hobby) but still want to play then you're just a dipshit.
>purging the subhuman neckbeard, powergaming, lazy non-painters
To be honest if you want to solely play a game there's better games out there for people like you.
You're strawmanning a bit too much lol
This is wrong and also retarded so is The point of miniatures wargaming, as opposed to wargames that do not use miniatures (many use tokens) is to be more visually appealing than those other types of wargame. That is the entire purpose of using painted miniatures and not those other things. This is why non-miniature proxies like cutouts are essentially never allowed in any kind of remotely public venue, it misses the point entirely. Some people do play using these things, but when they do this they aren't playing a miniatures wargame, which puts them at odds with people who specifically want to play a miniatures wargame.
People typically don't have an issue with unpainted or partially pained miniatures so long as they are part of an army some of which is painted. This is because people understand that painting a large number of miniatures can be very time consuming and that you may wish to use game pieces that you have not yet painted, but intend to at a later time. Additionally unpainted models are generally perceived as looking worse than badly painted models, since few things look more out of place on a table than raw plastic.
Unpainted armies draw so much ire for two reasons, because they look extremely out of place on a gaming table and because some people want to play with the same unpainted army repeatedly over a long period of time without making any attempt to make progress painting it. In the later case they doing the same thing as using cutouts, they are missing the point of using painted models, which is to play a more visually appealing game.
Using unpainted models when the other players want to play a game using painted models diminishes the enjoyment those players get. That's why many people don't like to or outright refuse to play against unpainted armies, it is not enjoyable to them and players repeatedly using the same unpainted army also give the impression that they either don't understand or don't care about this.
>Yeah it's cool that bottom of the barrel artists can get their rocks off
You seem like the only elitist here.
>if you're shitting on people who would rather pick a better hobby (re: any other hobby) but still want to play then you're just a dipshit.
How would they rather pick a better hobby but end up in miniwarging anyway?
>You seem like the only elitist here.
That's the fucking joke, the "hyper elitist" coming in to btfo the grubby elitists in the name of bringing The People freedom. Don't think I'd be here prattling bullshit if I didn't read a bunch of posts degenerately whispering that they'd never dare to so much as play against a darkie, whoops I mean a poor person, whoops I mean a player who didn't dye their happy meal toys.
I know; Literally Any Other Game. Find it at your LGS. There are, however, people who enjoy this sort of thing and want to play. Some of these people don't want to paint. More power to them is what I'm saying.
Calm down Alex save it for Infowars
>That's the fucking joke
But aren't jokes supposed to be funny?
Jones would be such a deliciously terrible GM. I wonder if he ever wrote a screenplay?
Sick comeback.
>spends hundreds of dollars on "happy meal toys"
>can't be bothered to spend ten dollars on paint
>this somehow means poor people can't play war hammer
Are you literally retarded? Do you have Down syndrome?
>Sick comeback.
Is this also a joke?
Well sir if you would go up the reply chain (or in the case of poorfigs case the "reply string"), you'd see people talk about cardboard and bottlecaps representing the figurines...
X-wing doesn't require (but still offers) the same "artistry", and blew up so big it overtook 40k for a couple years.
>alienating a third of your local player base is profitable
It can be. Profit is not evenly distributed among customers and part of a healthy community ecosystem is the ability to self-regulate who has membership.
Yes, riding a nice Star Wars IP surge.
We'll see how well it does five years.
Would you honest to god repeatedly play someone who regularly used cardboard standees on a regular basis for their army? If so, why are you playing 40k? Why aren't you playing dirt side or some other kit ash friendly rule set when using warhammer models is part of the rules IN warhammer?
How does Veeky Forums feel about the 3D cut-and fold papercraft miniatures? Maybe not tournament-legal, but as long as they're sized and based right, some of them look pretty damn good and can take a decent amount of effort to construct.
What do you feel is the problem in the first place? Can you explain it to me?
This is where you say to your opponent "I have some proxies, do you have an issue with proxies" then they ask to see your proxies and ask what they are for and then they make a judgement about whether or not they feel your proxy is acceptable. This is basically the case whenever you have anything very strange going on in your army, you inform your potential opponent and ask if it's acceptable.
Yes for fuck's sake, yes you goddamn philistine. I would play on a grid with the the units being letters drawn by pencil. And I will play them on a boat. And I will play them with a goat. And I will play them in the rain. And in the dark. And on a train. And in a car. And in a tree.
How can you not get this through your snot-nosed brain you neckbeard trash? I am flying off the handle!
>Hurr why not play something else?
This is a question you should ask the men who are winning against you with bottlecap armies, not me.
I only play with fully painted and based models, but I have no problem with playing against grey tides and unpainted/half assembled armies because I love watching the feeling of inadequacy sink in over the course of the game
Bet you wouldn't eat green eggs and ham ;)
Checkmate, you can leave now.
you play with a mirror?
Well I don't want to play with niggers, bums, or gray goo.
You're the missing the point so hard that you're at risk of jamming it up your dog's ass.
Upgrading the quality of your tournaments by removing secondaries and WAACfags that only care about throwing dice, yes, it is. The only ones that remain will be the ones that buy hobby stuff.
OP, you're in the Thirteenth Legion? I saw that on Facebook too.
>collect miniatures
>don't give them love by painting them and using them on lovely tables
Aha what.
Types that jump from new GW army to the next every three months are the worst.
If you aren't going to paint them, why not just print paper markers? Frankly, that would even look better.
To be honest I'm always torn by the dilemma of whether to paint my models and never play with them for fear of someone breaking or stealing them, or not painting them and don't use them because I don't want to look like a grey tide faggot.
Fairly new player here
Currently painting my space wolves army, i was going to paint my army before i played 8th but 8th has been out ages and i am not even half way yet.
My local gaming store told me its fine to bring a spray painted army that is wip. Would u guys be cool with facing a player like that? i take ages to paint but I am a perfectionist and like my shit to look good.
People are easy once you have the three colours down, not even based, as a wip. You can do the fancy stuff and take your time with them then.
>what is board games
>inb4 hurrdurr u Kant tell me to play an udder game when I don't want to play thus won the way evry won else playz leetest snobs
>fantasy is only one of their product lines
>paints are relevant to all product lines and even non-gw models
Gee who would have thaught
You know you want to, user, where it doesn't matter a damn whether you're pushing discs or meeples round the board, the PLAY is the only thing worth considering.
Why do you guys assume it's a "never" thing? I'm just getting into the game, it's going to take me a long time to paint everything. Is it just progress you want to see? I don't get it.
Never said anything like that, silly. I Don't mind new people taking their time and getting the basics right, at all. It's almost inevitable your first army will look a bit naff, these days with the new paints and washes it's easier than ever to get stuff "tabletop ready" though. It's a learning experience.
Though these days I'd never field anything unpainted, that might be the Historical Wargamers getting to me.
>Pots of paint cost the same as models
What in the name of Erebus' shriveled taint is a "Leafue"?
People who don't paint at all are scum
A typo of League, most likely.
They're the majority. Don't like it? Paint your shit.
It literally is badwrongfun, the game in a miniature game is almost always mediocre at best, all the actual fun is in the narrative, aesthetic, hobby, and social aspect. If you aren't into that part of the game you can play a board game rather than participating only is the half of the hobby that exists for the sole purpose of facilitating the half you don't do.
It's like buying a nice muscle car and driving to and from work with it and nothing else. Expensive, not as pleasent as just driving a normal car, and overall pointless. Any reasonable person would call you a retard for doing that.
unpainted miniatures is cancer. Thank god painting is practically a requirement for historicals. That and genuine enthusiasm for the setting/scenario that leads painting to be a joyful endeavor and not merely a tedious step before playing the game.
>the game in a miniature game is almost always mediocre at best, all the actual fun is in the narrative, aesthetic, hobby, and social aspect
Hey that sounds like all tabletop RPGs, and you absolutely do not need Official Merchâ„¢ to have fun and be an excellent player in those.
"Hey guys, I just wrote this--"
"but where's your paint? fuck off"
>pnp rpgs
r u stupid user
but painting is tedious
>my personal anecdote is the rule, but if you make a general observation that is commonly true and logically sound, you are making "a lot of assumptions"
Too stupid to make smart posts, too stupid to paint, checks out.
It can be all those and more if you want it to be. I'm not saying there's a right way to do TTRPGs, but if you want "aesthetic" and "hobby" (wh-) then you can get em and more depending on what you put in. It's all about your attitude. There's less of a mold to obey, but that's a good thing.