>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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What's the most fun class you've played in 5e so far?
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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What's the most fun class you've played in 5e so far?
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>What's the most fun class you've played in 5e so far?
Lore Bard.
Paladin is quite fun if you just want to purge evil
plus you get to have the whole knightly vibe and be the face with your high charisma and good reputation
I had lots of fun with a warrior cleric.
Tempest Cleric or Oathbreaker Paladin. Mostly for the to aspect.
Shadow Monk with the Skilled Feat.
It's not an optimal build, but it makes for a hella more fun Assassin or Agent style character than any of the Rogue archetypes do.
Nothing beats being able to walk into (or break/sneak into) a dangerous place or well guarded place completely unarmed and still be able to hold your own in a fight.
>What's the most fun class you've played in 5e so far?
Arcane Trickster
what's your favorite Adventure's League adventure?
Land Druid
The Darklord is fun, I played through it as a shadow monk and 1v1d the assassin like dude until the paladin used her cloak of the mountebank in to cover my ass
>orcpub is down
>orcpub kickstarter has been cancelled due to 'legal issues'
Well shit
Tempest cleric
he protec
he attac
but most of all
he no rat
They started charging for official content, so they got smacked down by Hasbro like the dumb shits they are
shitters be shit
no shit
I heard they were jewish, is that true
charge shit
get hit
i hate DnDbeyond but OrcPub is no better since they did the same thing
Literally who?
>It's not an optimal build, but it makes for a hella more fun Assassin or Agent style character than any of the Rogue archetypes do.
I miss the playtest rogue, they got a bunch of neat tricks.
just a bunch of idiots managing to trick other idiots into paying for something that they can get for free.
>What's the most fun class you've played in 5e so far?
Light Cleric
Lore Bard, honorable mention goes to the barbarian
Im sure those jews were trying to say it was a "convenience fee"
Mine is definitely the Marionette and the Artifact, but Darklord is top 3
Then comes honorable mention to the Horseman
Now I wonder, which class you've played is the least fun/satisfying? Vote!
I've heard a lot about how horrible the Tomb of Horrors is, but nothing about why it's bad or what it consists of. I'm looking for a link so I can look through it but I want to know if anyone here has run through it. Is it really that hard? What's so aweful about it?
I'm not trolling, I genuinely want to know?
When I played the darklord as my shadowmonk, who is a goblin, who eats random monster parts got the cooks, the cooks were the murderers and it sucks because my goblin wanted to keep them around
If we're talking all archetypes included... Barbarian. They've got like NOTHING fun. Even Fighters have combat manuevers and a half-caster class. Barbarians have a rage mode you're always expected to be using, who's upkeep and exhaustion costs are a royal pain in the ass. No other class will make you wish you were playing something else.
anyone got the new character sheets pack? I'm specifically looking for the "introductory character sheet designed specifically to help ease new players into the game" sheet
You left off Paladin
>Player wants to change his character's class
>Sends me a D&D Wiki homebrew class that's woefully broken (Full Wizard Spellcasting, can cast two spells in a single turn, casting stat to AC, Always on Hellish Rebuke, Always on Flame Blade at 4th level, casting stat to spell damage, Scorching Ray cast at a higher level
that also scales up just because, free bonus action dash that also does scaling damage to enemies that walk in the path, Can remove fire immunity/resistance and give it to another person, etc.)
>Try my best to balance it while still keeping it flavorful and fun for hours
>Bring changes to players one of the changes being, they can no longer cast two spells in a turn
>"I need to cast two spells in one turn so I can keep up with the late game damage. Spell casters don't get extra attack so they fall off"
>But cantrips do scale. And you're a full caster, that is your late game
>"On second thought I'll keep my class. Thanks though"
I'm so angry right now. Why did I even waste my time?
>Sends me a D&D Wiki
you could just stop right there. We know what comes next.
Fuck, how did I forget it? Should I make a new poll? Is there anyone in the universe who thinks paladins aren't fun?
Hey tg need advice on weather or not I'm a terrible person.
A few friends of mine are running premade adventures for 5th ed and im a pc in a group of 5. about a week before every session I read the chapter in advance so I know what to do. No one knows I do this but me and I pretend I have no idea what's going on during the session. I do it because I've noticed in sessions I cheat the group has so much more fun because I can subtly direct us in the right the direction, basically just doing things like "oh Rouge pc, maybe you should scout ahead" and when they do they spot enemy npcs and set up an ambush, and making them feel useful. And often when the group gets stuck and I can tell the gm is blatantly struggling to point us the right way I can just pretend I thought up a random Idea that happens to be right.
So should I stop or keep going because it enhances the play for everyone (including myself)
It's a dungeon designed purely as a punishment tool for overconfident players. It's filled with traps that either instakill, or otherwise render a character unable to continue (for starters, the apparent "entrance" will collapse a few moments after the party enters, crushing them-the real entrance has to be searched for). The actual "safe" route through the dungeon is extremely difficult to discover without prior knowledge, and it culminates with a boss fight against a demilich with some very unpleasant abilities
>Someone tried to trick you into letting them play a broken dndwiki character
>Surprised they backed out when you didn't let that shit slide
Anytime someone sends a link to that site I tell them no flat out.
Anyone who still thinks they answer to a god and have to be lawful no fun allowed (good)
I made a new one (with a paladin option) here:
I think it's too late though, everyone will vote in the other
The player usually doesn't try to play broken material and their pretty casual so I gave them the benefit of the doubt because it was the first thing that comes up when you google "Pyromancer 5e".
Hard call between Barbarian, Sorcerer, or Rogue. They're all shitty downgraded versions of Fighter, Wizard, and Bard respectively.
Warlocks are boring as piss too, but that opinion is heresy around here.
Renounce Evil, or else.
Renounce weevil, or else.
there's new character sheets?
>no torches
apparently it's just the one, the rest is a collection of already existing sheets as far as I can tell
So I lied.
Somehow I managed to convince my DM to let me play as two characters at once who are conjoined twins. How can i break this?
I'm a bit stuck, could use some help.
The setting is a floating city above a vast ocean, and I got permission from the DM to be a Human Battlerager so I thought I'd try to write in an explanation for why I'd know a Dwarven fighting style by saying I was raised by Dwarves, but DM said I needed to be a local of the main city. I can't think of a way to accomplish this without essentially putting his entire backstory at sea as the nearest Dwarven stronghold is several months of travel away, and I'd rather his background lead him to a life as a pit-fighter/entertainer. Would it be too out of character for dwarves to have a travelling troupe of battleragers that put on shows for coin? I could probably work in some BS about my PC getting enraptured by their display or something. On top of this the DM wants me to work a villain into my story that I'll encounter later... I am not creative. send help.
Twins have to fight each other to the death
Requesting scarred lands for 5e
Lore bard is stronger than wizard, the only wizard subclasses that can compete is illusion wizard with a generous DM, or a divination wizard who got good portents that day.
Would you make a Pact irl?
in a heartbeat
I managed to find a bad photo of the sheet in question. Still looking for a scan.
Not really. I'm not desperate enough, nor is there something I covet so strongly that I'd be willing to make that kind of deal.
But then one (probably both) of my characters would be dead...
Any spells you'd like to see in 5e?
I'd really like some more divination and abjuration spells.
Also permanence.
own it. Have one of your twins forced to carry around the "corpse" of their conjoined brother. Make them slowly lose their sanity because it, talk to the twin like they're alive, listen when they tell you to do things. Shift into CE and just go psycho until DM says "Okay, fine. Reroll."
>no skills
Looks like all the other ones.
>make grappler char
>fighter/thief variant human simple stat spread
>name him Steve aus Stin because I can't think of a better name and I resorted to a meme
>gladiator background, generally bare bones
>figure my DM will veto the name and help me make a new one
>"wow user you're using German nomenclature! I'm impressed, I'll write the town of Stin into the story for you"
Ran a DnD rulebook bot to a Markov chain Bot we set up in my DnD group's discord server and this is what it generated based on the DnD rulebook bot's posting history in the server.
Thought it was interesting and ridiculous.
You march right back in there and fess up, user. Before this goes anywhere wacky.
user you got yourself into this one now you will play your stone cold gladiator and you will like it
he is going to be so heartbroken when he finds out
Get ready for Baking UA on monday.
he's an old man I don't want to break his heart he was genuinely happy to see me doing linguistic things
fuck I guess it's time to fight the evil baron mcmahon
Do it, love the dream my DM won't let me have
I got Kristoff who wasn't the murderer, and it's been the centerpiece of my entire Lore Bard Role-play
>Knight: You gain a +1 bonus to the tarrasque's choice within 10 feet of the tarrasque
Sounds like something that can be made possible. Like a tarrasque cult or some shit
Was it an intentional design choice that the core has no race with +2 wis, the only ability you can't +2, or just a conidence?
I was hoping for several paragraphs on what was brought to the Wizards office potluck and a sentence or 2 on how to roll for dick length
You have to live this lie user, don't break his old fragile heart
I think if I don't tell him and rp it how he's expecting (German gladiator wrestler I guess???) I think I can get him happy enough where I can confess and hell be ok
doesn't it have something to do with Passive Perception i guess?
Just a coincidence.
What you're doing isn't wrong. You're just running the adventure, basically co-dm'ing
Just apreciate that that's what you're doing, and not playing, so like, apreciate that your goals should be diferent as well
No you live it just like this man said, learn how fake a German accent and be the best damn German gladiator wrestler you can and never reveal your shame
>rolling for dick length
We playing FATAL now boys.
9/10 someone suggest homebrew they just want broken shit
last game I played, the cleric tried to sneak in a 1d10 bonesaw when we were offered a non magical weapon of our choice by an NPC, then made me out to be the asshole for calling him on homebrew bullshit
WotC really needs to put out a one time purchase character gen. I'd prefer it'd be free but that's not a fight worth having.
But I'm a forever DM. I used Orcpub to roll characters for new players, to check and make sure my own builds weren't breaking the game, etc. I don't see how i can justify rebuying full price versions of the PHB, DMG, SCAG, and Volo's and then also adding a subscription for a fully features character generator. Are a few drop down menus and checkboxes really worth over $100?
One day I'll make a BBEG out of you.
trips are truth, time for steve austin to brush up on German accents
When's Kingdom Building?
I have a player that rolled up a Dire wolf so that they could wild shape into PC races in order to cast spells.
We're in session two, level 5, and I really think we're onto something here as a viable homebrewed class.
This is just moon druid in reverse
Why can't your character be the adopted kid of two ex-battleragers who had left their stronghold for some reason?
I find the villain thing a bit dumb from your DM, since he's going to take that character over, but that guy could be the reason those parents left.
your DM might be retarded
Got a friend who's new to DND joining the table. He wants to play a beast master, heard from some people it's super underpowered, other people say it's only moderately underpowered.
How should I buff it? Was thinking I just have the companion gain hp on level ups like a PC. Main issue with the class seems to be the beast being made out of paper and glass.
ok I'll make it work and hope nobody else at the table mentions anything
thanks for the support do i get bonus points for shotgunning enlarge potions to wrestle giants/dragons
It is the truth, I play with an old man in some of my games and he's the nicest guy ever, I couldn't imagine ever doing anything to hurt him
Yes, God speed to you, you glorious bastard
you can go RAW and just fudge attack rolls against the pet
You have to talk to them about it, tell them not to bring it up to him or mention it during the game as to hurt the poor old man
1d10 melee weapon isn't that bad. Isn't a two handed longsword 1d10?
Some guy punched you in the dick, you're looking to repay the favor.
I'm guessing a bonesaw would be 1h so at best it should be 1d8 with 1d10 versatility, but yeah I don't see it as a huge deal. I'd personally stat it as a handaxe without the thrown component
A racist dwarven dictatorwho kicked you out of the mountainhome after he rose to power
>alright user how do you introduce your character to the group
>[glass breaks]
Merely a (((coincidence))).