Is this guy right? Will star wars legion be the most important miniature game EVER released?
Most important miniatures game EVER
>eceleb opinion
No one cares about your wrong opinion
Yeah it would have been the most important miniature game 20 years ago.
Now that star wars has been shat on who the fuck cares?
Give me the cliff notes. I'm not giving views to e-celebs.
I think it's something of an overestimation. Lord of the Rings had a minis game that made a splash but didn't end up being that significant. Unless Legion has some real mechanical weight to it and support behind it I doubt that it'll make any real long term impact. I could always be wrong, though. If they market it right, it could lead to a new wave of new players interested in miniatures games, which is a good thing for the hobby overall.
>der untermensch
Will it become blunder of the year since 8th ed dropped and did well.
I don't think it will have as much of an impact as others do. People keep thinking this will be the 40k killer and cite X-wing as evidence. Not realizing that X-wing got so popular not for taking 40k players, but getting more casual players into miniature gaming. The reason for it is not necessarily the star wars IP (although that was a big contributing factor) but because it required very little player investment to even play competitively. No painting, no terrain, no large armies.
Star wars legions will only be down to the IP to keep it afloat, as it offers little for the hobbyist (painting only), and too much for casual players (needing terrain and to paint their minis and even build larger armies).
At least some of the success of X-wing stems from the fact that it comes with nice, prepainted minis.
Legion has kinda mediocre unpainted minis.
Do the math.
How can people be excited for this? How many storm troopers could you want to paint? What possibility is there for any kind of cool or new shit that doesn't relate to existing Star Wars bullshit?
holy shit that is an ugly guy
Yeah just like how TFA and Rogue One were the most important films eva and we all know how that ended up.
I'm going to get shit for this, but call me when CIS are in the game and I can play some droidekas.
I actually liked the prequel trilogy some aspects of it, the droid army was actually something i liked
>What possibility is there for any kind of cool or new shit that doesn't relate to existing Star Wars bullshit?
Well, X-wing had a brand new ship designed for the game that then started to show up in Star Wars media, so it's definitely possible we'll see new stuff in Legion eventually.
I'll be perfectly frank, I've not seen any of the movies since they were in cinemas, I basically only remember the stuff I really enjoyed, and the droidekas' clear threat to even a pair of jedi was amazing.
They make the jidi run reel fast.
The prequels were proof of lucas gone wild, as in george when people forget to tell him his ideas are stupid and works completely unhinged. Crystal skull is another example.
That being said, the prequels have a lot of cool aspects to them. Tell me with a straight face that podracing isn't awesome. Or that the droid army deploying on the battlefield wasn't really cool. Or that the lightsaber fights compared to the original trilogy were worse.
I do really like star wars, but I have absolutely zero interest in this game.
Oh wow I watched this video and this guy's face looks even worse in motion than it does in that video. Is he some kind of goblin?
What happened to Mage Knight and those "clicks" games that got normies into minis?
He's a Star Wars fan
>Or that the lightsaber fights compared to the original trilogy were worse
Fuck you, the fight with Maul was amazing.
No maybe my wording wasn't clear. I didnt proofread it.
I meant like:
Tell me with a straight face that the prequel lightsaber fights were worse than the original trilogy.
I meant that the things like podracing, lightsaber fights, droids deploying on the battlefield were awesome things from the prequels.
Ah, well, in that case you are right. Though I would argue that the podracing goes on for-fucking-ever and any fight without Ray Park was a lot less excellent.
Don't forget how great the music was. Duel of the Fates is still incredible.
Most definitely.
This is the game that they should have made BEFORE x wing and armada but now it won't matter.
Nice try, but we're not watching the video just to see the goblin.
With the exception of the Maul fight the light saber battles were kind of shit though. I mean look at the Anakin obi-wan fight. They flail around in the air and their lighsabers are no where near hitting each other. It looks like two idiots at a rave with really big glow sticks.
A? As in singular? After years of the game exisiting? If were lucky, they may be a new faction by the time to 20th movie comes out.
A while ago I watched it on tv mostly because I had actually forgotten that a star wars VII had even been made.
as a gen Z i can confirm that close to nobody likes star wars rebellion era, instead we love clone wars
and old republic, until those get some love from disney I dont expect younglings to jump into that
X-wing is popular mainly because its prepainted and easy to get into
The darth maul duel was great, but most of the fights shown on the prequels were a pain to watch for me.
Too hard (sometimes impossible) to understand whats going on on the screen.
And the fights between luke and vader are awesome.
He has crooked, uneven, gappy teeth and everything. He's scottish too, it's awful.
>Is this guy right
Yeah, The Clones are one of my favorite parts of the whole thing. Shame they got less attention then they should in the movies.
At least the expanded universe got us some cool games and stories for them.
And make sure to watch the legendary sequel The Last Jedi™, in 3-D to get the full cinematic experience. It'll have Nines in it and you fucking love him because you fucking love memes and Nines is the meme guy. Rey ™ is in it too, and you want your YAS QUEEN to slay the empire. You should buy a large popcorn, you get a free refill. Remember, you're not a real Star Wars™ fan unless you see The Last Jedi™ at least 3 times. You will see that fucking movie goddammit.
At least when there was oversaturation in 1999, it wasn't exclusively focused on the nerdy nostalgia crowd. And effort was at least put into it.
Ruined by annoying Anakid.
>droids deploying on the battlefield
Ruined by Gungans.
I guess the most I can give you is that the AT-ST was still cool despite getting rekt by Shitwoks, but we all know the AT-ATs in EST were the bossest.
>Clickbait title
What do you think buddy boy?
Don't forget that unlike X-wing it doesn't have the illusion of being cheaper then others. One of the factors that's allowed X-wing to get big is the fact that due to selling fighters as singles, in pairs or at most in triple packs (usually the starter sets) people have associated it with being a cheaper wargame to enter despite the fact that for what you're getting it's actually pretty standard.
Armada didn't take off like X-wing because due to its nature it required 100$ be downed to get in instead of 50$, and as a result of that same nature it's reliant on fewer, more expensive models. Now they're fine models, and appropriately priced in my opinion, but because of what they're placed next to you don't see them flying off the shelves like you do X-wing.
Legion has everything going against it. It can't attract hobbyists, costs too much (entry level is 80-90$ for the starter set), and like Armada also has the problem of a lack of recognisable material to use on top of that. How many variants of Stromtrooper or Rebel Solider do you think they can make before people stop caring?
While I don't think it'll fail, I think it'll end up in the same boat as Armada: good enough to keep going, but nothing like what it in theory should have been.
I would recommend you do some research and watch the Clone-centric episodes of the Clone Wars series. They're honestly great, think Star Wars Vietnam.
I totally agree.
>will end up like every single FFG title I have ever heard of
Could be worse
They largely died off for the most part, Heroclix is still around but it's real fucking niche now.
Contenders for most important/notable miniature games:
- Little Wars, for starting it all
- WHFB, for putting miniatures on the map, specifically 28mm heroic scale skirmish/company level games
- 40K, for being the market leader for decades
- LotR, for being a decent game and for absolutely ruining GW's direction after its bubble burst until the past year or two
- Warmahordes, for popularizing the tourneyfag mentality and for providing the only actual competitor to GW
Honorable mentions
- X-Wing, for attracting normies and proving that transferring popular IPs to miniatures can work, and for being the only real ship based game to take off (sorry, DfC and BFG)
- Malifaux for having a novelty gimmick in the card system, and having the western aesthetic no one else is really doing
All else are basically nobodies. What does Infinity and other games really do that make it noticeable? It's not popular, it's not a money maker, why is it important? Bolt Action and FoW are nice, but historicals aren't even popular. Dystopian is dead just like Spartan. AT-43 is similarly not special at all.
So what does this new Star Wars miniature game do that makes it more important than landmark games like WHFB, 40K, Little Wars, or X-Wing?
This guy has less than 1000 fucking subscibers what is wrong with you faggots. I can understand not wanting to spend your precious time watching the video but if that's the case just don't post in the thread, christ
What about Battletech? It may be dead today, but when it was big it was huge by industry standards.
BT was 6mm right? I give the game props, but it neither stayed alive, nor did it popularize 6mm miniatures or mecha wargames. It's like an athlete that makes it into the hall of fame, but one who doesn't become a household name or historical legend.
What's with the supposed hype for Legion? There's been other Star Wars miniatures games before. Who cares? The models themselves look mediocre too.
This is Star Wars' what, fourth? Fifth? License holder for tabletop games?
It will come, it will maybe or maybe not make a spash, it will be dead in 5 years.
Yeah the GoT ones look better but I don't have high hopes for either.
But GoT is the fantasy/aos/kow/9th age killer! An user on the interwebs said so
As a person who grew up and was educated in England despite being born in America, why the fuck is this guy doing a shitty Lister impression?
Sure it will, because it's STAR WARS!!!
>BT was 6mm right? I give the game props, but it neither stayed alive,
In fairness, BT has had more novels than any other game line except for Star Wars and (now) W40K. There's something like 150 BT novels. Plus the TV series, which is an achievement it shares only with D&D and Star Wars. Plus what? Like 10 computer games (the entire MechWarrior series).
And it does, somehow, still exist, though the IP's been horrifically mishandled in almost every possible way by Catalyst, and the company is run by LITERAL criminals.
>nor did it popularize 6mm miniatures or mecha wargames
Agreed on the first, though it's worth pointing out that nothing has popularized Mecha wargames more than BT in the history of gaming. Every single other Mecha game has been orders of magnitude less successful than BT. I don't play BT now, but it's worth remembering that it was HUGE from ~1989-1998. You couldn't go into a hobby store without seeing its product, and the thing that mostly slowed it down wasn't failure as a game, but the people who ran FASA deciding that wargames were going to die anyway because of computer games. The game didn't crater and fail on its own.
star was is alright but star wars fans are cancer
Lord of the Rings was more popular than Fantasy... during the film period. A LOT of people played it, I remember the stores having nights and multiple campaigns dedicated to it and the stock flew off the shelves.
Then as soon as the film hype ended it plummeted and never recovered. Then The Hobbit came out but it never had the same 'wow' factor LotR did anyway, plus it was during GW's Long Night period anyway.
Star Wars though? Star Wars' popularity pretty much never wanes, especially not now there's new generations getting into it, whilst being fed a stream of new, constant media. Even before there were any whispers of Disney taking over, Star Wars stuff always did well in terms of merchandise. A lot of Normies know LotR, but even more know Star Wars.
Star Wars might be the one thing to actually dredge Games Workshop's beaten wives away from 40k just because it's Star Wars. There's pretty much no other IP that could do that based on name alone. It will also have been long enough for the "8th is literally perfect in every way, no I never looked at Warmahordes/Infinity daddy I swear!"
Because it's FFG, who have both the money and existing fanbase (X-Wing) to shove their product out there and make it stick. It's not some Kickstart project by three dudes either, which adds that 'professional' sheen to a new product that otherwise makes people so shy of trying new games.
How many variants of Stromtrooper or Rebel Solider do you think they can make before people stop caring?
How many variants of loyalist Space Marine do you think they can make before people stop caring?
I have high hopes that it will work as containment game for all the spazzy fanbois and gurrlgamers. Holy shit, how is SW popular again, when the last two decades were just shitty release after shitty release, and the new movies are almost literally a remaster of the original trilogy, just with more black people?
Just like X-wing, right?
>it will work as containment game for all the spazzy fanbois and gurrlgamers
AoS called.
Same, I want droids.
AoS managed to de-louse warhammer from the toxic waac cunts that all threw a massive fit, WFB was a mistake.
Star Wars tabletop a shit.
>Mandated canon colour schemes.
>Spura-limited faction choices
>Speciffically discourages your dudes in favouf of woooaaaahhh Han Solo! Wooooooaaaah Luke Skywalker!
Third. WEG, WotC, FFG.
This sounds like fun based on the general premise. FFG does a good job at making fun games, despite or because of their proprietary stuff. I want to see some Wookee miniatures though, but I can understand why they are going with vanilla Rebels for now.
So, like 40k?
yes obviously things are exactly the same as they were back then
also xwing is already beating 40k in the US
You see the fan reaction to this manufactured second Force Friday and the backlash against the new vehicles?
Then Disney kneejerking and pulling takedown orders on all the youtubers Lego sent free sets to for reviews?
Also, a fucking spider leg chicken walker. What the fuck were they thinking?
This is sadly accurate.
No Kreigspiel?
It didn't use miniatures.
so wait, what happened? Apparently I missed something. Do we hate the new Star Wars stuff now?
Based on what they showed off at Gencon, it looks like a pretty nice game so far. The miniatures probably won't be super customizable, but they look decent enough. The most important thing for me is that all of FFG's miniatures games play pretty well, and if this follows that trend my group will probably pick this up. That said they should release some cooler miniatures for the rebels if they don't want everyone to just play the empire. This would be a perfect time to add in Wampa riders among other craziness.
Apparently. A lot of the /tv/pol/ types haven't been happy with it. My only issue with TFA is that it is kind of a repeat of ANH as they are playing it really safe. Otherwise it is a fine movie that doesn't make the mistakes the prequels did. I can understand that getting rid of EU pissed off some fans, but it was necessary.
*tauntaun riders.
Yeah, I was also a bit disappointed about TFA (after getting over the hype) being so formulaic. I'm really hoping that the new film does something different. If luke reveals himself as rey's father or something i'm walking out of the theater though.
Disney released images of Kylo's personal TIE, then later the new Star Destroyer and AT-AT.
Ahead of Disney's Force Friday II where most Last Jedi stuff is supposed to be revealed Lego did what it always does and gives the biggest Youtube Lego reviewers copies of sets to review before they hit store shelves.
The reaction of fans was this:
>Oh, so he's raising the squashed love child of his shuttle and a TIE Interceptor.
>The pizza slice ship and GORILLAS WITH FRICKIN LASERS ATTACHED TO THEIR HEADS (bonus points, Popular Mechanics put out an article on why its a much worse design for a military vehicle than the already bad AT-AT)
>Holy fucking shit, I don't even. So the Resistance just mated a B-Wing with a Naboo Fighter, their new fighter is their troop transport cut in half, AT-STs were bred with spiders?!
Disney response
>Look at this cool art of how its wings fold up!
>Here's our designer talking about how this is the greatest thing he'sever worked on, btw Rey is totes your daughter's rolemodel now so oppose us at your own peril.
>Lego dropped our products early and gave away our position, they are as clumsy as they are stupid.
>If luke reveals himself as rey's father or something i'm walking out of the theater though.
Oh fuck, I have to agree with you there. Don't remind me of that possibility. Hopefully Rian Johnson does things differently than JJ.
I will have to lurk /toy/ and see this shit for myself. I don't think that they can get stupider than the prequels, but I would love to be proven wrong.
It has a giant dish cannon in its back, it has gorilla front legs because one of the designers threw out the idea in a brainstorming session, and it has spikes on its legs to cut tow cables.
New fighter. Which is literally the Headhunter to the Resistance Troop Transport X-Wing. Finn uses it to reach the "casino planet" which is funtionally Nar Shaada but shiny and new, with space horse racing.
I can understand why they did it, but that is dumb. If they wanted a more realistic AT&T they wouldn't give it big legs in the first place. I think that it would be OK if they got rid of the chunky bits on the very bottom.
Is he supposed to be holding the laser with his bare hands like that? I haven't played with legos since I was a kid, but I thought that you were supposed to flick them out of the tubes to pretend that you are shooting it.
Resistance Bomber. Functuonally a B-Wing, but new, to the point the leaked scenes of the cockpit interior looked identical to the B-Wing.
Bombs these things in a battle.
that gorilla walker though. lol.
and the fighter is... I'm not sure what that is.
I actually get the spider leg walker though. There even was a spider style imperial walker in the EU (not that this one looks similar).
>designing a new ship based on an old ship. >that in the background material was actually LESS reliable than the previous bomber that had to have its armor plating left off due to needing constant repairs.
1) Its not for realism, it was basically just because some guy said "what if it walked like a gorilla" and a second guy said "what if its back was just a big cannon".
2) That's just an image from one of the Youtube reviewers playing with it before the Disney takedown notice went out.
Kylo's personal ship, the TIE Silencer. The wings fold upwards to land, like a shuttle.
Finally the new Star Destroyer, the First Order Dreadnought.
Basically Snoke's Executor.
Flat top, bottom is two giant cannons pointed diagonally. Notable because leaks of the Lego version months ago is how we found out about the evil BB8, Snoke having pink skin with a golden Jedi robe, and him having his own red Royal Guards.
Unfortunately Disney has responded to criticism of Force Awakens mostly being a regurgitation with visually the same ships by still using the same ships but with glaring alterations. Not many people are praising these and most outright hate at least one, so Disney panicked and went after the Youtubers to try and put this back in the box until after the Friday shopping sprees end.
>Pink haired pilot
Manic pixie girl waifu?
Trash design out of 80s pulp scifi art.
Simply a trash design with no aerodynamics.
This is almost okay, except the cockpit ruins the whole TIE design motif. Also I can't tell if it FOLDS up or ROTATES up, which I would have different complaints for in either case.
You can't tell me that any of these hold a candle to the A-Wing or the Y-Wing. These look like toys, not military vehicles (space or otherwise).
Haha benis
Wings slide up then slide down halfway, but in concept art. It may no longer do that.
There's also this.
I hate the Prequels with a passion, but I love the design of the Droid army.