Is there an RPG for Muslims?
Islamic RPGs
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Yeah, they're the same ones that everyone else uses. If you have a problem with not being religious enough you can design your own. I'd say there are ones already but apparently making games is Haram.
How would it work?
Don't they have rules against depicting humans?
depends on the setting I guess?
While this is most likely a trollthread, I do think middle eastern mythology and culture has a lot of really cool stuff going on that could be great in games. There are already some games that touch on the subject, like the 1001 Arabian Nights board game, but there's a difference between outside interpretations of a culture and that cultures own work.
Of course, we're unlikely to see anything like this unless there's real positive change there. If they actually economically stabilize and start to have enough wealth and disposable income in the populations for niche hobbies to be a viable business opportunity, I think we'll see some really interesting games emerging from there, and other parts of the developing world, eventually.
I played with a group that had 3 muslims in it, even stopped for their prayer time
We played a lot of different systems, but their favorite was FATE so I guess there ya go
Not if they're veiled.
All the characters would be veiled and only monsters shown.
Virtues would be emphasized and practiced by all PCs.
Setting would punish evil-doers and kuffar.
GURPS (GURPS Arabian Nights), Fate, Al-Qadim setting in Forgotten Realms, and the Arabian settings in Golarion if you like Pathfinder and have bad taste.
>GURPS Arabian Nights
Was just about to post this.
Does Islam prohibit playing roleplaying games?
Huh, actually a kinda interesting question.
I wonder if there are any RPGs from predominantly Muslim countries. The occasional 'present RPGs from your country'-threads are always interesting, but it's still mostly Europe and the Americas in there.
>>start to have enough wealth and disposable income
>as if Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States and pretty much any Arab country has people who couldn't afford to buy books
You really sound retarded or highly indoctrinated ("poverty dun it!")
>GURPS Arabian Nights
Arabians Nights is sinful and prohibited from Islam. It's un-Islamic.
No, why would it?
To wit, puritanical Christianity does by association.
Yes, along with movies, music and dancing.
Games of chance are forbidden. Pretty strictly, too. Anything else is fair game, at least for moderates.
Um. I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not, but yes, pretty much all the Arab states have indigents.
I feel like Muhammad's early conflicts with the other Meccan tribes would actually be pretty cool to play through, either as a historical re-enactment or through allegory.
It was a wacky decade, and easily enough apparent miracles and enough unlikely instances of untrained peasants armed with nothing but faith beating the shit out of several times their number in trained soldiers occurred to make a believer out of people.
And they have party balance too! It was almost exactly 50/50 diplomancing vs. combat.
They're not 100% indigents, you idiot. Saudi Arabia is a rich country but gambling and RPGs are forbidden.
Perhaps, but it would be just Muslims playing Muslims in game, as Islam seems like the type of religion that can't entertain the idea of fiction that isn't based on its own mythology. Christianity kinda has the same thing going on, actually.
'in the population' is the important bit. Massively centralised wealth and extreme inequality inhibits the growth of hobbyist pursuits amongst the general population, which is the situation throughout a lot of the region, even without getting into the various cultural taboos.
Sure, Wahabis may throw a fit because dice are involved, but no hard, irl currency or goods or anything is up for grabs.
Same with my friends. And one of them is full-sunnah wearing bearded dude.
Can't help but feel this thread is bait, though...
Kuffar detected.
>" O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination― of Satan's handiwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper." (al-Maida, 5/90).
Gambling is forbidden in Islam and RPGs are considered gambling (games of chance).
Well, mostly due to
>O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah ], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.
Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?
Mind you, the question on whether playing a game with dice is gambling is still open.
Yes, it's called "race to Mecca". Allow me to give you a ten minute head start.
You could wind the clock further back, to the original unification of the meccan tribes. Play like some kind of fuckin' pokemon game collecting every tribe's idols.
Wahabi detected. Disregard opinion due to lack of understanding and nuance.
And the ten commandments forbid representation of anything on heaven or earth, and nobody give a shit, not even the Christians or the Jews.
It shouldn't surprise anyone that some Muslims ignore at least some religious rules.
Honestly, by our standards this is still pretty civil, all things considered. It's kinda nice.
In case you didn't know Wahhabis run Saudi Arabia. Or did you not know?
Not anymore than christianity does, but anyway salafitshits would do this because muh evil magic, exactly like the bible belt for amerifats in the 80s
Hm, well in that case I'd also avoid GURPS Egypt.
>He thinks anyone here likes Saudis
Your time is coming Wahabi faggot.
There is nothing in the Bible forbidding games of chance.
Fun fact; "Allahu Ackbar" literally means "God is the biggest"
> PCs must vanquish demons and monsters venerated as gods by various tribes and seal them into idols.
I did know. And they suck for it. Which is a shame, as I guess there is a lot of legit scholarship there that gets swept under the prayer rug due to the House of Saud being tight with Wahabism.
That aside, even though Arabia is it's birthplace, and even though Wahabism is wrecking everything for everyone, neither Arabia nor Wahabism is the 'standard' that most muslims adhere to.
Racial Holy War.
It can also mean "greatest"
>even though Arabia is it's birthplace, and even though Wahabism is wrecking everything for everyone, neither Arabia nor Wahabism is the 'standard' that most muslims adhere to.
It pretty much is because Saudi funds most of the new overseas mosques in the West, in Indonesia, North America, South America.
They have the money, so their ideology gets the air time. Sorry, but whatever your opinion is it's not relevant to actual Islamic construction around the world.
>Gambling is forbidden in Islam and RPGs are considered gambling (games of chance).
True, but at the same time Christianity forbids premarital sex, porn, and booze, and how many self-described Christians do you know who let that stop them, ever?
People follow their religions because they find comfort in traditions. In all but the most backwards hellholes, they can manage to ignore the parts they don't find meaningful or rational.
The difference is that most Muslims follow the Koran/Hadiths while most Christians/westerners don't follow the Bible any more. Muslims are much more fervent believers than Christians, who have mostly abandoned their faith.
Yeah its called Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomyot - 7th edition.
I think INS/MV (the french game that gave us In Nomine) had an expansion book with islamic angels and devils. Since it's INS/MV and contains a lot of french dark comedy, I don't think religious folks would look kindly upon it, though.
sauce ?
I know of a couple christian rpgs that are complete shipwrecks (and are hated by other fundamentalist christians that consider that rpgs are ALWAYS the work of the devil).
So should an Islamic RPG allow pre-marital sex and other vices, or forbid it?
Oh, they may make some mosques, sure
but Outside of Arabia? yeah. They get no say who the Imam is or what the local scholars say
Which must burn their asses, as in Saudi they not only put their own Imams in their mosques, but write every Khutbah for Friday Jumaa
I seem to recall one Imam got in deep shit because he decided "Nah, frig it, I'm going to not do this state-written khutbah, instead I'm going to take shots at the moral failings of the Muslims and the general idiocy of Wahabi 'scholars' ."
They want that monopoly on Islam, but they'll probably never get it.
>Not anymore than christianity does
Except it's pretty explicitly forbidden. The Hadith even go as far as to elaborate that Aisha playing with dolls isn't Shirk because she was a girl who hadn't menstruated yet at the time (there's an exception to that idolatry rule for girls who aren't eligible for marriage yet. Sadly this hadith also states that Aisha was at the time married to Muhammad, making him a pedophile even by the standards of his own time).
Narrated by the child bride herself.
>I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.)
And for those apologists who claim that this only means that Aisha had a very late menses, here's a hadith from Sahih Muslim proving you wrong on that account.
>'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (Peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her;
and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.
And we're talking about two Sahih hadith here, ie. hadith that are given the highest level of reliability according to Islamic historiography.
So no, unless you're a little girl (and we're all little girls here) playing with miniatures is strictly forbidden.
>They get no say who the Imam is or what the local scholars say
Wrong. Boards of directors are appointed by major donors and guess who that is? Wahabbis control most of the mosques in North America via the ISNA and large donations.
Of course it's bait. Doesn't mean we can't ignore OP's blatant faggotry and have a nice discussion about the topic, anyway.
Ain't no Wahabis in my Mosque, so...*shrugs*
honestly that sounds a tad tinfoil-hat, user.
Eclipse Phase
So, was Muhammad a fa/tg/uy? I mean, all the signs point to it...
>but at the same time Christianity forbids [...] booze
Nigga what the hell are you talking about? Jesus literally gave his followers booze during the last supper. Or are you talking about the Old Testament dietary restrictions that Jesus explicitly rejected [while rejecting dietary restrictions in general] (Matthew 15:10-11)?
God damn look at dem tittays
Well, he's a big god.
Well, like most of Veeky Forums he had shit taste. He started life married to a provider christmas cake, and ended life married to a flat loli.
The fuck is a wahabi? Is that some kind of spicy sauce for weebs?
It took you more time to type out that retarded post of yours than it would've taken to google the term and educate yourself.
Idiot leftists all think that Islam and Christianity are exactly the same. Illiteracy and historical ignorance are rampant.
Exactly! Sounds like a great adventure already.
He also got mad over tiny little details and kinda hated fun that wasn't his own.
have some more
Not to mention the rape, mass murder, pedophilia and killing men whose wives he wanted to fuck.
So, yeah, a typical fa/tg/uy given huge temporal power.
Me and my bro talked about that, actually
Like an Islamic RPG where you would be penalized for not doing prayers or fasting and the like.
Honestly, I have my doubts the bits in brackets outside of the obligatory "Peace be upon him" can be relied on. Lots of people use that bracket stuff as a way to crowbar in various interpretations or attempts at explaining shit, or wringing meanings from things.
I see it in books on Christianity and Judaism as well. Very difficult to trust that stuff, feel? As who the frig knows who is adding these little notes.
What kind of characters could you play?
>Me and my bro talked about that, actually. Like an Islamic RPG where you would be penalized for not doing prayers or fasting and the like.
Sounds tedious.
Almost anyone really. There's more than one way to get your hands on people's idols, and there's more than one way to realise that you can unify the warring tribes and achieve relative prosperity by doing this. A thief, an exorcist, a warrior, a craftsman or just a persuasive speaker would all be equally useful.
Are we talking muslim culture (values) or muslim religion (rites, mythos,...)
>thread devolves into cute muslim posting.
I ain't even mad. Last time it happened I filled my folders with orientalist paintings from 1900.
Well, that wouldn't be all that there would be to i, obviously.
But I get the feeling you just want to be difficult and crummy, so...y'know.
Even better, once bound you can call on the various demons to fight for you.
"A djinn? According to the Meccadex that's a fire-type monster. That means I need to send a water-type monster against it.
Abgal, I choose you!"
>just a persuasive speaker
Poet, man.
Ancient Arabians loved their poetry and song.
Kind of like the Norse.
inb4 someone gets mad at me for making that comparison
>But I get the feeling you just want to be difficult and crummy, so...y'know
Oh yeah, totally. But it truly does sound tedious, but no more tedious than any other super detail oriented resource management, so, you know.
You may think that is a pic showing the progression of your wife noticing you behind her and attempting to be flirtatious, but it's actually just three different wives standing side by side doing laundry.
>A thief, an exorcist, a warrior, a craftsman or just a persuasive speaker
Sounds like a group alright. I call the campaign Desert's eleven.
There aren't any rulebooks for executing players for badwrongfun yet, so I'm going to say no.
Officially forbidden. If you look, the way these things are actually handled is they are enforced in the cities in zones containing most of the city. Anywhere outside the zones they turn a blind eye. So anyone; noble, commoner, whoever, can go enjoy stand up comedy or movies or other things that are normally Haram in the zones. This could easily include games and gaming.
>Hahah kuffar, trust my anecdote, no wahabis here
>pointing an rpg at point blank range.
>TFW Iranian ex gave me a Hijab fetish.
I miss her, hope she's doing well.
simple, take d&d and make it have a little more eastern okay´d themes and stuff
use it as a piecing weapon and blow the fucker away
>not rope he´s doign okay
Not even that, bro.
Oh, wait. You're accusing me of Taqiyya, right?
Yeah, sod it, then.
No, they have the same anti-idol views as the other jew religions, but they have decided to interpret this as meaning "never depict a human"
Haha based moslem. Truly you are our ally, this rabbi praises you for your deeds in furthering the west's relation with the near orient.
Some fringe Christian faiths go that far, too. It's why some antique dolls have no face.
Ah, and do remember my friend: if you behave well we will consider this year's quota of mossad assassinations finished, do not fear for we are very merciful to our semetic brothers.
>They're not 100% indigents, you idiot. Saudi Arabia is a rich
If you're a member of the Saud family, maybe.
>this is leftist Veeky Forums....
>if you're not a goose stepping shithead you're a commie!
delusions are something you should get checked out user. Maybe right after you go back to your containment board
>Gambling is forbidden in Islam and RPGs are considered gambling
Only by retards
>He says, not realizing that Hitler was an Islamophile, and both Churchill and de Gaulle islamophobes
What does politics have to do with that?
Islam is not British.
I don't see what point you're trying to make. Plenty of people on /pol/ who aren't nazis but are still retarded.
Well, Infinity, which has an RPG, has 'New Islam' as one of the major factions. They have their own planet and their own space pirate fleet and everything. Biologically enhanced super bodyguard harem babes too. That said, there are invariably three different reactions IRL Muslims have to Haqqislam:
1. They're a modern secular Muslim and they like the idea that Islam has become more humanistic in the future.
2. They're a modern secular Muslim and they just assume the faction is durka durka and bitch about it all day without ever reading into the subject.
3. They're a 'moderate Muslim' who isn't actually a moderate Muslim, their hackles go up at the idea that Islam isn't perfect in its current form.
No, but Britain certainly seems to be turning Islamic.
>roll to pray
>[1] crit failure
>turned into salt
user, small things in living life like laundry are actually cute.
I didn't say it wasn't cute it's just a different perspective on the drawing that can be taken thanks to Islam's views on Polygyny