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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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It's the song that never ends.
I rolled a 69 to determine how Caster Gil would feel about me when I summon him in Fate/Grand Order
What do
So JC have you ever done anything decidedly funny with Soundtrack Perks? I usually lend them out, via devil deals, so folks can 'innovate' music in their own world.
Mabinogi, particularly Chapters 1-4
The jump maker was from the IRC, so wouldn't the status updates be in the IRC?
Is that actually an accepted rule? I don't want to steal a jump that someone's claimed.
>Caster Gil, Apparently
>"A Moth is fine too."
Oh look, a two-fer.
Embrace it, fluffiest of moths. The dice have decreed it.
Unlike Discord, almost all jumpmakers from the IRC post updates and such in thread.
>Skill Linking
Skill Transference [400] (Free for Immortal): You can learn how to duplicate and internalize the magical properties granted to you by items you have equipped, such as a scarf that grants immunity to being shapeshifted or a ring that grants immunity to poisons to a pair of glasses that allow you to see the invisible. This may require wearing the item for several weeks or even months or years if the ability in question is particularly unique, powerful, or broad in effective scope. For purposes of this effect, clarketech is treated as magical. These properties require slots to equip. You begin with two slots for active abilities and six for inactive abilities, and otherwise functions as the slots from Skill Linking. If you have both perks, you can use slots and storage for either skills or magical properties.
Huh, neat! Thanks user!
Though now I need to ask. How high power of a setting is Lost Odyssey?
What are some early-chain Jumps that let you become king of something?
What are some good shapeshifting perks. Preferably not limited by color or to animals. Lunars don't count
>Though now I need to ask. How high power of a setting is Lost Odyssey?
Think final fantasy without the outliers or stupidly powerful bosses. Say FF7 more or less.
>What do
Caster Gil, duh.
Don't cry Nika it only makes Gilgamesh harder!
Take the genderbent drawback if it bugs you. Or have him brew up or find an item to change gender no biggie.
Besides this is Castermesh, he is the reasonable one
Would In Nomine Matre Regina from AvP let you listen in on the Misakas?
Something something bursting his Ea all up in your Gate of Babylon.
If your Immortal, piss easy.
Good news is, Caster Gil isn't nearly as rapey or mean as Archer Gil.
He is about to recharge your mana, you negligent master.
Gay sex?
Stands are bullshit.
>Implying that Archer Gil would dirt his Sword of Rupture with anything that wasn't Enkidu's Holy Grail
I know that.
His genitals don't bug me though.
Yeah, people don't care about you doing a jump if someone's been gone a long time.
Alright guys, I wasnt really able to come up with as much fluff as I would have liked but other than that this is pretty much done and no one's really given me feedback the last few versions. SO this is probably the last pass, let me know what you think.
>This thread
And to be on topic for the thread:
Do it!
Then just be with him. He needs so love after Enkidu
Know my suffering.
At least Mir's cool-headed enough that most days she's only just interested in cuddling.
I do not understand this humor.
Why would a Primarch fight sisters of battle?
Best jumps for shapeshifting powers
>Gunnerkrigg Court [Shapeshifter + You Do Not Exist]
>X-Men (Movies) [Self-Molecular Manipulation]
>Inyuyasha [Shapeshifting]
>Young Justice [Martian, Animal Transformation, Shape-Shifting]
>Marvel [Shapeshifting, Energy+Shapeshifting, Kinesis (Self)+Shapeshifting]
>Teen Titans [Shapeshifting + Animal Morphing + Elasticity]
>Earth's Mightiest Heroes [Skrull, Shapeshifting]
>D&D [Shapechange, Polymorph/Alter Self, Druid, Shifter]
>Full Metal Alchemist [Homnculus Envy]
>Hellsing [Alucard's Embrace]
>Prototype [Hive, Runner]
>Ben 10 [Omnitrix]
>Samurai Jack [Shapeshifting]
>Batman The Animated Series [Face of Clay]
>Batman Beyond [Experimentation]
>Animorphs [Morphing/Escafil device]
>Naruto [Transformation Jutsu]
>DC [Shapeshifting]
>The Venture Bros. [Shapeshifter]
>Gravity Falls [Shapechanger]
>Harry Potter [Metamorphmagus]
>Arrowverse [Shapeshifting]
>Kim Possible [Experimental Plastic Surgery]
>Star Wars: Clone Wars [Clawdite]
>Darkstalkers [Magical Morphology Elegant Appearance, Blood Magic]
>PS238 [Misc. Meta]
>Dragon Age [Shapeshifter]
>Skullgirls [Seeing Double]
>Terminator [T-1000]
>Courage The Cowardly Dog [Charadeshifting]
>Lovecraft [Shoggoth]
>Various jumps like Gargoyles, Once, Disney, Hero BBS, etc. that have generic Magic! that let you cast transmutation spells.
>Various super science jumps like Futurama or Genius the Transgression that could let you invent transmogrifies.
Jump 3: Frozen
Age: 14
Origin: Townsman
The Real Me
Wild Man [900]
Bit of a Realist, More Of A Hero [600]
Element King - Fire [100]
Do You Want To Build A Snowman? [0]
Winter Clothes
COLD COLD COLD HOLY SHIT COLD GIVE ME THOSE WINTER CLOTHES RIGHT NOW. Okay, okay. That was…unpleasant. I got taken somewhere again. And now I'm even younger than I was before. Great. There has to be some kind of connection to the times I got pulled away. Does a certain amount of time need to pass before it happens, or was there something I was doing both times that triggered it somehow? Unless there's a hidden link to 'going to a party at the bar' and 'going shopping for groceries', that doesn't seem to be the case.
Aside from the winter clothes and me being outside of city walls, not much feels very different. Instinctively, use telepathy to read the minds of those passing by me…and it still works. I still have my psychic powers. Likewise, my Pokemon can be pulled quite literally out of my sleeve at will. And I still have no idea what this stupid key is for. Well, I'm in a different world, so it's probably irrelevant. I toss it into the lake on my way into town and then start seeing what information I can get.
I'm in the kingdom of Arendelle, looks like. Sounds vaguely familiar but I've been away from home for about twenty years now and way too much has happened. I do know by now that the worlds I enter tend to be based off of fiction from my world. Wonder if this is a fantasy novel of some kind?...I wonder, am I actually showing up in said fiction in real-time back in my world? I really don't want to think about it. Someone like me continually popping up in stuff people read or enjoy would probably be annoying.
Oh god, that would basically make me Poochie, wouldn't it?
>I do know by now that the worlds I enter tend to be based off of fiction from my world.
How would you know it's not the opposite?
When you get to anew jump, where do your properties appear? Do they just crop up wherever you start out? Do you get to point out a spot and say "yes, I'd like my tower of magic to appear in NYC please"? Do you have to hunt them down?
Battle drills.
>I toss it into the lake on my way into town and then start seeing what information I can get.
>the little fortress that wasn't there yesterday
Poor Key-chan.
Dio being female creates some continuity issues, even if it's a general gender-swapped world.
Mostly because there's not enough time for Joseph's father to be born if fem!Dio tries to steal fem!Jonathan's body.
Warehouse key get's turned into a Sentient Item in Generic Isekai? Best plan or best plan?
So I'm reading Desolate Era to figure out what sort of things the cultivation methods there can do, and I'm only on Book 2 but I already hate Ji Ning so much. It's not so much that he does anything particularly wrong, though I do find his tendency to confuse magnanimity with kindness to be rather infuriating, it's just that he's so god damned boring. He spends three chapters standing around talking about how his training is making him so strong, and then when it comes time to put up, it's over in two paragraphs! How is this entertaining? And don't you fucking tell me it's wish fulfillment power fantasies, because there's not even any fun description of cool stuff he does with his power. Half the time we're told about the fights after they've already happened. "Wow, that sure was an impressive battle Ji Ning fought, he did so many cool things I can't even begin to describe them." Ugh. Fuck this writing style.
He's going to get soft, mothy cuddles.
Has the creator of Generic Isakai gone on record saying that the jump in the drive is the final version?
I plan to use it as the starter for my new chain, and I'd rather not use a jump if it might get updated in the near future.
>Jumper tosses away the Warehouse key
I cannot WAIT to see his face when he finds out he had a warehouse and he threw the key to it away.
Warehouse key reappears in your pocket.
The key always returns to you, you can't lose it. So it will keep turning up, and eventually I'm sure he'll try it out on a door just to find out if it does anything, and then discover the Warehouse.
Doesn't the key always pops back in your pocket if it's lost or stolen?
Though he technically didn't lost it. He knows where it is.
If you Ever get lost you will find your way to the warehouse within a week
Nika post your latest fire emblem jump please
Alright, enough rambling. There's a coronation ceremony being held for the royalty and it's a big deal, from the looks of it. Apparently the royalty just hasn't left the castle the for several years? Whatever, it gives me something to do. No telling when I'll disappear again, after all. Thing is, I'm poorly dressed for the occasion so I get a lot of nasty looks and end up in the far back of the ceremony with what I assume are the other commoners and townspeople. Thing is, even they're better dressed than I am.
There's some kind of commotion happening, but that isn't what gets my attention. What gets my attention is someone standing across from me, on the other side of the crowd gathered around for the ceremony. Someone with clothing and a posture that's like mine - completely at odds with the situation. A pair of strangely colored-eyes looking right at me with a bored expression. Wearing a hoodie and urban clothes that had no resemblance to the people and setting around us.
They looked familiar.
I pushed past the crowd and tried to call out to them, but they turned and walked away. When I turned the corner they were last seen at, they were gone. What the hell…?
Dang it, I forgot about that. Oh well, at least Jumper's reaction to the key constantly reappearing will be funny.
did your Eevee evolve?
I agree, I love xianxi but hate that one. I prefer world of cultivation or upgrade specialist.
You mean this?
Wouldn't training Daos in Desolate Era be a great way to create some powerful Gaia Memories?
It's a Volteon now.
Yeah, probably. Who could withstand such an OP Gaia Memory, though?
Thanks dork
OP of the Republic Commando Gauntlet from the last thread here. Here's version 2, with better visibility and a few minor changes.
Can you even do that? I don't see an import option for sentient items.
Turning the key into a waifu is almost the best option, second only to turning the warehouse itself into a waifu.
Go for it, I did and I am going through my chain as a dungeon core. First jump I upgraded to better shinier cores, probably gonna be jump 10 or so before I get to do that again.
Welcome to most Chinese writing in general.
It's not even the wish fulfillment it's not even the OPness dumb shit, it's... their literature is just naturally BLAND.
Why a gauntlet?
Gauntlet means you can't take your powers with you, right?
I felt like that would be more true to the spirit of the original game.
Nah that ain't Chinese writing in general, that's just xianxia writing.
you never mention if you roll high or low,it's either a middling success or middling failure. Unless you're using modifiers which you didn't mention either I'd say A 20 modifier in the negative is fair considering his general attitude towards folks
Okay do you just refuse to get most jokes?
Because that one's difficult to miss, even for a fucking moron.
banchô isn't a moron, he has legit cognitive/psychiatric issues
Unless they're very specifically noted to appear somewhere else or it's otherwise impossible, I say that all my properties appear more or less in a clump, which is placed somewhere out of the way and unlikely to attract a lot of attention. That varies from jump to jump. Like, sometimes they're an hour's drive out of town, sometimes they're off in the country.
But it does mean at this point there's a place following me between jumps with, like, a couple different restaurants, specialty shops, a few mansions (all of which are strangely empty), surrounded by ruins with a small pyramid nearby, and a network of tunnels and bases underground.
It's a pretty weird place for canon characters to accidentally wander into. Invariably, they feel like something is straight up weird about the place, but they are unable to describe exactly what.
Which he ignores his psychiatrists orders about.
He is a moron.
I rolled on a 100, plus like it's a general roll I use sometimes. It's not an intense serious one, else I'd put a modifier on it. My apologies if it didn't come off as such.
It's a joke about sexual positions
Usually we get rewards for doing Gauntlets in addition to common stuff like the gear you get from going to Star Wars. I'd suggest maybe some space ships, Thread loves them some space ships when Thread can get them usually, to be particular maybe a (Functional) copy of the Prosecutor, for completing that mission. Maybe awaken the force in those who survive the Jedi battles?
Just suggestions.
This is pretty neat. Thanks Dalekguy.
I hear some shouting in the middle of the castle before there's a collection of gasps and mounting panic. Trails of ice followed the Queen as she fled and crossed the lake, fleeing while the cold would steadily cover the entirety of the waters and then the land that followed. Snow began to fall, and a Princess rides off to find what I assume is her sister. Well. There's the plot. Might as well follow it. Double-checking my gear and my supplies in my Bag from when I was on the road, I begin my own trek along the snow.
It's a lot harder than I thought it would be. The snow fall only intensified as I walked along the increasingly cold path, and the winter clothes kept my warm but didn't make fighting the growing blizzard any easier. In irritation, I shook my fist at the falling snow and hoped it would melt, and then the air in front of me caught on fire. When I panicked and wanted it gone, the fire disappeared. Then I tried again. And again. The fire fizzled out against the overwhelming snow and cold, but it would appear and intensify along with my wishes.
Okay. I'm pyrokinetic now, as well as psychic. Sure. Why not. At least this makes clearing a path a little bit easier. I have to fight the blizzard, but I can torch holes in the snow and get a clearer view of the road and the terrain I'm on. The water freezes again not long afterwards, but this makes my life simpler.
I wonder…between this and my psychic powers from the last world, do I just get stronger with each time I get abducted? It's like I have some kind of cheat mode for reincarnation without an off switch. I'd be delighted if not for the fact I've, twice over, lost everything in a sudden bolt I had no real control of. First I was shot twice and presumably died. Then, when I rebuilt my life again, it was taken away and I was in another world.
Which begs the question: When does it end?
Good idea. I'll definitely include some capital ships as a reward in version 3.
Sort of bare bones, and there is almost no actual perks but instead just equipment. Flesh out the scenarios like actually describing the opposition you'd face and what your doing and also add a "fuck order 66" save the jedi your supposed to kill from your clone brethren" and add some fluffy perks like super commando or a commander type perk and you'll be headed in the right direction, as is stands its pretty bad.
Companion options, such as being under Ashoka/Anakin and Commander Cody or Rex. Domino Squad?
An actual drawback section instead of just missions?
So... It's mostly just gear to pick out.
There's only three perks. One of which does nothing but make you not look like Jango Fett (and requires you to be insane), one that gives you 5 extra troopers to go along with you, and one that allows you to... dual-wield? Is that amazing or something?
You also really need more drawbacks. Though honestly there's not really much to buy, so maybe it's not necessary until you add more to it.
>Which begs the question: When does it end?
Silly Heavens!
>When does it end?
So have I just gotten really lucky in the past? Because while I do agree that a lot are boring, I have read entertaining stories of the genre. Though I will admit that the best xianxia series I've read isn't Chinese, it's actually a Western series by the same guy who wrote the Traveler's Gate books. I'm thinking of doing a jump of it once a few more books are out, so far it's only on book three. It's really good, though. Characters with complex personalities interacting and clashing, really well-written fight scenes, one of the coolest cultivation systems I've seen, a really interesting world that it's all taking place in with hints of some bigger over-arching conflict it's all set within, and best of all, a main protagonist that's growing in power at a fast but plausible rate and that has a personality that I don't find incredibly grating.
There are drawbacks, they're just kinda meh compared to the number of missions.
>When does it end?
When Decade decides it is time, only then will it all come to an end.
Also I forgot to turn off my trip.
There's exceptions to every rule, but xianxia writers are generally incentivized to turn out endless streams of generic shit.
Some of them are paid not by the sell but they word, user. So they turn out hundreds of thousands of words to get their paycheck, it doesn't really matter if its good or not at that point.
Americans and the English are just better writers by nature. The only thing that Chinese are good at is copying and stealing from others. If it's Chinese literature then it's a guarantee that it's trash.
This...could be so much more user. I know there's more to this setting. No leadership perks, no combat perks, no inexpicably lucky perks, no tech perks, no perks that go into greater detail of what you're a clone of.
Hell even the missions are too bare bones to really bother with. No intimate detail on clones, or companions, or anything.
I want to be positive user. But I know for a fact that having a badass group of strom troopers that grow and become more awesome and individualized over time should have far more going for it than this. This feels more like a V 0.0001 of something barely past any kind note taking phase. Get back to it user. I normally hate being this critical but you really deserve it with this.