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Thread Question: What was your first AoS army?


General's Handbook 2017 (pdf)

Core rules


Army builder

Previously on /aosg/:

Remember guys
>Hide samecast shitposters
>Report stormcuck shitposting
>Ignore SCE false flagging
Keep the thread clean and don't give any (you)s to cheetahfag. If something looks like a bait it's just a bait

>playing stormcast

That's pretty much Kirbys last Fuck you. Bastard kills Fantasy and leaves a massive shit show and we are just now seeing the beginnings of Rountrees direction of AoS

>obligatory soon

I'm planning on starting up a pure Soulblight army. What's the best weapon for a VLoZD, Lance or Sword?

Skaven pestilens. Vermintide got me into warhammer around when they released (about 2 weeks prior). Felt right to go with the rats. I was a little disappointed to find out the old world was no more. After a few weeks of reading 1d4chan, I as stuck between rats and lizards. Chose rats because I didn't like the seraphon lore (I wanted aztec dinos, not dream lizards). Then I went out and grabbed a pestilens SC and thanquol (since that command ability looked like it'd help the monks). Then GHB came out and now thanquol is still unpainted :(

Started sylvaneth because i like tree people and wood elves, also started collecting tomb kings after because holy shit people on ebay give that stuff away like candy

Ive been out of the loop for awhile, did the new handbook change anything for death eater courts?

New allegiance abilities

They have mediocre allegiance abilities now

New Allegiances, new Allies, new unit and battalion prices, so yeah, just a teensy bit.

Skaven, because the Spire of Dawn set looked like an amazing deal. Got 3 of em (one bought, one free, one bought-split between friend who only wanted elf half)

Then GHB2 comes out and fucks over mixed skaven :S

>playing Manletguilders

Stormcast vs Freeguild


As in, just for AoS, not WHFB?
Stormcast. No regrets. They are fun to build, quick to paint and have a wealth of kits that can be interchanged easily.

>inb4 playing stormcucks

What colour scheme did you go with?

My first full army was skaven but my first purchase was Storm of Sigmar box. SCE are perfect for painting and assembling. The sculpt is neat and models have nearly no visible moldlines

I was just looking at the starter boxes. There's kind of a group starting here, and I want to mix things around. One dude has Stormcasts and everyone else is either playing chaos or looking at chaos that I know about, and by everyone I mean 2? Maybe 3? People. I'd like to do either death or destruction to have more representation.

Destruction seems neat, but I'm not really interested in Orks and the space Marine Orks are fucking retarded. Maaaaybe savage orks. Grots, however, seem pretty cool. In particular, I like their cavalry. Wolf riders and spider riders? Pretty sweet. However, the thought of having to paint a gorillion tiny grots doesn't sound the least bit appealing. I'm a little bummed that if I mixed them, I'd only have basic grots as a battleline, which is not only more tiny bodies, but less wolves and spiders. To be honest, I'd give up the wolves if there were more spider options. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be an easy way into them.

Then there's death, which seems to have a bunch of easy entry points in that they have tons of boxed sets. Nighthaunt has some sweet models and sweet abilities, but like spiders, they're extremely limited in models, but they have even fewer ally options. They have awesome monsters, too. I guess general death is a thing, but in don't want to be screwed if an X Battletome comes out and I can only use a small portion of my stuff with it.

This is harder than I thought. Every time I think I've made a choice, I find a reason not to or find something else. It's like there's nothing that says "Pick me!" and its driving me crazy.

I suspect most of the oldfags here are probably tired of seeing my shit by now.

Skaven will get a battletome soon enough with likely a pestilens, a skryre, and a verminus allegiance. Verminus will probably get twice as many, or at least more ally points or something.

The only sin here is putting a new model on a square base

Well, I like it; Especially the wings.

Bolt day is coming soon.

>Skaven will get a battletome
you already got one, to the back of the queue with you.

> square base

I don't actually play yet but I've been watching threads. Thinking of picking up the tzeentch SC box. There's only really one other person I know who has any interest in it though and I'm waiting for him to buy his stuff before I make the commitment

Remember you - that looks great
I miss ponytails SCE user

Djinns are back?

What do you have against square bases you bunch of faggets?

Tbh i prefer squares for plynth style displays, i just like memeing

You mean Metca Redtails? She's still around. In fact, she recently took down a Verminlord by herself.

I am in the process of rebasing my whole Stormhost, but it's slow and boring work.

What's your secret behind the red/yellow transition? Airbrush?

not him, but thinned paints, i guess


The vial of the fulminator. Having some trouble with the wording.
Can I only use it on 1 skryre warmachine in 3" or any skryre warmachine in 3"?

A orinary 2€ brush and some patience, mostly.
Base the object white, then paint them very light yellow, then add a drop of orange into that yellow and paint another layer, except you leave the tips unpainted. Repeat over and over, switch from orange to red at some point. Done.


RAW it's not limited, though that's unusual by item standards, so RAI might very well be different.

Yeah, and that's what I'd like to know before I invest into too many doomwheels at once.
I mean, I do want one anyway, but if I can field two of the bastards while also using some neat extra boost, that'd be great.

Can one really have too many DOOMWHEELS though?


Wait for the FAQ, then.

Rules as written vs. Rules as intended

>newfag alert

How do you deal with 4th-wall-breaking rules?

Made this for you guys, maybe someone will like it.

Read as written, read as intended.

Are there any left?

Been here for a year and a bit, but I guess I've just never seen


>Are there any left?
Not for undead at least, the only ones that had them were Konrad and other named char which are both gone.

Alrigjt boys, which seraphon unit will this fucker be the best conversion material for?

Find me one that's still in play and we'll talk about it.

I'm confused about the liber bubonicus. If I put it on a plague furnace, I get the furnace's prayer, but how many pestilent prayers does it get? It has the plague priest keyword, so does that mean it gets the ability and uses it twice?

Bastiladon, I guess?


It uses the furnace prayer twice and pestilent prayer twice. Throw in a few more plague priests for bonus keks.

Furnace prayer once sorry

The furnace has no Pestilent Prayers, it's prayers are called Noxious Prayers. But since it *is* a Plague Priest due to it's keywords it gains the Pestilent Prayers ability *and* can use it twice.

Holy kek that's 5 prayers in my new hero phase now. Hope they don't rule of 1 nerf bat me now

Total War: Warhammer 2 looks terrible

How good are Stormcast units like Vanguard Palladors? I was thinking of doing an army based around them.

Warlock Engineer (100)
3 x Stormfiends (300)
3 x Stormfiends (300)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (70)

40 x Clanrats (200)
- Rusty Spear
Total: 970/1000



No point in taking clanrats as allies. Better drop the thrower and pick a WLC and two mortars for horde fucking

Palladors are weird. They require some finesse and a solid understanding of the enemy. Once you zoom across the table it's easy to get caught with your pants down if you don't know what you're doing.
They can murder the fuck out of somebody unprepared by dropping down next to them and sticking them full of bolts and javelins, but the countercharge may be unpleasant.
If you want them give them javelins and have a Lord-Aquillor tag along to provide an escape vector, some punch and maybe a Staunch Defender bubble to keep away the worst of the damage.

Wanderers for me. Had some wood elf kits left over from a half-hearted attempt to get into WHFB, and because I really loved their new models from the last codex release.

I liked playing them a couple of times, but it coincided in my occasional dip in interest in Warhammer, which happens every other year for about six months or so. Didn't pick them back up after my break because I saw how poorly they competed with other armies as time went on and jumped on Stormcast because I wanted something easy to paint and low model count.

Their allegiance abilities in GHB17 has me interested in Wanderers again though, but likely not until after Path to Glory is over and I'm done with my Death.

what do you hope to gain from this? are you that starved for attention?

Makes sense actually, thanks. I have no models yet, would this list be a good start?

Guess what, shit-for-brains: You're giving it to him.

>not replacing the attention arrows with the @

That's kinda neat, user. If nothing else, could serve as a basis for even more.

I guess Beastclaw Raiders are my first army, although they're still on their sprue. Bought the SC! while completely shitfaced.
Now, I'd rather have bought Spire of Dawn and kill elf-,man- and other-things!

I dunno, I'm thinking either Deathrattle or Flesh Eater Courts

>>not replacing the attention arrows with the @
No. This is not okay. Making a conversation legible is not the same as an up-vote.

How dis?

-plague furnace (200)
>master of rot and ruin
>liber bubonicus
-plague priest with warpstone tipped staff (80)
-plague priest with plague censer (80)
-30 plague monks (210)
-30 plague monks (210)
-30 plague monks (210)

Total: 990

Would it be worth it to swap some monks or monks and a priest for a WLC/plagueclaw?

Why not a d4 for alliance?

Which army is the easiest to collect?

I'd say Seraphon since they're cheap, but Ironjawz have very good boxes too
And Stormcast Eternals have boxes, appear in the Starting Set, etc
Deathrattle is slowly becoming quite easy to collect, too with the new box

That was so you get something like the current distribution of books, it's just making fun of the fact that Death only has one book while Order and Destruction have so many.

Vermintide 2 just got announced

My first army was Skaven, because i bought the Spire of Dawn set for me and my gf, and because elves suck.

Khorne or SCE, because of the value you get from the starter boxes and how cheap the models are on ebay. Bonesplitterz and ironjawz and FEC are alright because they only have a few units to chose from. Ogres are good too.
Really the only armies 'hard' to collect are horde armies, sylvaneth (because of the forests) and elves. And maybe the newer dwarves because they are quite expensive.

What colours did you use? I want to use a similar scheme for the plate of my vanguard forces, coupled with silver wolf pelts.

After a good 10 years away from warhammer fantasy. I have returned to my beloved Lizardmen. Most of my army is no longer available to me, having been deposited in an unknown location many moons ago.

Sifting through the bug tombs that are my attic I have managed to scrounge up:

What I think is a Skink Chief (has a sickle) but I think I'll use him as a starpriest.

20 Skinks w/ mixed weapons (Javs and Blowpipes).

10 Saurus w/ hand weapons.

What would other Lizardmen players suggest I add to my fledgling force?

(First order of business is to add another 20 Skinks to actually be able to field legal units)

I'd like to add a few Stegadons down the road and a big block or 2 of 40 Saurus to make a formidable front line. (Just like the days of old)


Leadbelcher and Balthasar Gold for the armor.

Different user: How did you choose it? I've been brainstorming an SCE colour scheme for the heck of it and I've been having trouble finding something that clicks.

that seems like a really hard job to do, but I hope you get a good mini out of it. Im a simpler man, Ill just get the new deamon in the kickstarter to play as a deamon prince for my StDs

Honestly, I just like metallic colors, so that was pretty much clear from the get-go, but thought the golden models of the starter looked too garish.
Then, as stupid as it may sound, I just inverted the colors of my space marines (brass armor, silver trim, blue cloth), picked a color for cloth and such that said 'sunlight' while also meshing well with the metal parts of the armor, i.e. red, and called it a day.

It's dead Jim.

I like metallics, too- especially for Stormcast. Somehow I think they just don't look quite right when not metallic, but I'm trying to break myself of that. Partially because I just did an all-silver army and feel that I need a break/to force myself to expand.

Most bold, simple colors work quite well. White, black, maroon, purple, all good.
There's also that one idea pretty much every other SCE players seems to have: Stonecast, painted like marble or jade.

Next novel when?

Sorry for the blog post, but any help here? What is the most practical to start? I know the general advice is to just pick what models you like, but at this rate, I'll never pick anything.

Frogman for teleportation purposes

Tell us what you're picking from

I think Destruction sounds like up your alley from the post. Keep in mind however if Grots are your preference, victory is going to be a very rare treasure you will gain only through a fair bit of luck and struggle.

However yes you should just go with it. Perhaps if you're extra picky, try to look through their army catalogue or even their warscrolls and see what one jumps out at you gameplay and thematically.

Get REALLY drunk, put on the GW website and see what your alcohol addled mind likes better than overthinking sober you

Looking at a Slaves to Darkness 50 renown Skirmish Warband. Would anyone mind reviewing this list and tell me how it may perform on the field?

>Lord Of Chaos (20)
- General
- Command Trait : Spiteful Destroyer
- Artefact : Favour of the Gods
>6 x Chaos Warriors (24)
-Hand Weapon & Shield
>1 x Chaos Knights (6)

Total: 50/50 Renown

Like I said in my first post, it's probably Death or Grots. Sylvaneth are neat, but I'd like to spread the factions around in such a small group.

I shouldn't be surprised that Grots aren't that good, but what is it about them that makes them particularly bad?

If I'm honest, I like the spiders the most out of all the grots, but they're not really enough to make their own army without way too much of the same thing. Maybe I'm wrong, though. I like bits from the other stuff, too. Wolf Cavalry, grot bombs, assassin goblins, ect. Sadly, none of them have any sort of starter box except the spiders.

This is either excellent or terrible.