Why the fuck do they insist on nerfing the yagmon coalition?
The red river kingdoms rape them now and they still have to deal with the neo- alquire empire
ITT: we talk about a wargame that doesn't exist
Other urls found in this thread:
The moment they introduced the fucking Fishmen into the Yadmon Coalition armies was the moment they realized how shitty a faction they were, and ever nerf is an attempt to apologize for their sins.
Fucking yagfags are getting salty. You weren't complaining in the fourth age when you could just spam out arquebusiers and pile move to end state but now you're shitting yourselves because you might have to take a guard choice or two.
>Not having a full fishman fighting force
>Why even live
At least now they don't just run roughshod all over the Gilded Isles. We still need a buff though, everything else shits on our supply lines without issue, and we only have half the power cards as the red river.
In all honesty this entire round of supplement releases is a shit show. Ever since they introduced Minor Factions it became obvious to everyone the less popular Major Factions are never getting a book again.
They'd much rather just publish a Capre Republic mercenary company minor book than try and make them work as a main force. Is this a bad thing? Some people say no because it just lets you have a more diverse force and more freedom to build. Personally I think it's shitting all over the spirit of the game with highly hostile factions.
Fishmen weren't cancer until Alcer Company minor faction book came out, now they're everywhere. On their own in Yadmon they're not that bad.
You fucking fishlovers never learn, do you? Reproduction By Budding is the worst thing that fucking faction ever introduced into the game (and if you combined it with arquebusiers you practically broke the damn thing), not to mention their lore is ridiculous and completely shits on what made the Romance of The Red River so important. Plus, it opened up the floodgates for fucking moisture grinding.
>gilded isles
>not an NPC faction for the other empires to bully for supplys and too make their armies look good in fluff
Neo-Alquire is a massively overhyped threat honestly, they haven't got a decent new unit since like 5e, as said the major factions are rubbish now
And the meta's that now you run the Batallion sans Borders, buy as many Saa-quiri minis as you can like the zerg-rushing fuck you are, pad it out with Neo-Alquire heavies or some shit so your opponent doesn't see through your strategy, then do exactly the same thing.
Mhar-Qui player here. How the hell do i beat Red River Kingdoms? Two turns in and i either eat TrampleStar or have retreat away from the obejctives
>make a story about how the first emperor of the red river went on a crusade to kill all fishmen
>this had a heavy price of killing near all the rivermen soldiers
>this explains why 75% of the army uses magic or has low as fuck morale
>also explains the rise of the golden age of red river philosophy which caused the expanse of red rover cultural influence and the wide spread of the river speak
>lol the fishmen actually survived and are way smarter than the rivermen even though they have no public education or anything
>also they took back all the old fishmen territory for some reason
>not running energy protection vs. tramplestar
Bro, you're playing Mhar-Qui, you need to get yourself some Qui-leets, like, yesterday. Run them while you can because they're sure as hell gonna get nerfed once devs realize their precious Red River Klandoms are getting pissed on.
Fluff question
Why didnt Zarvus unite the empire? Instead he fucked off to be a space hermit based on dubious visions and that begun the whole disastrous Age of Ruin summer campaign.
I find that running energy protection actually causes a nombo with my Far Reacher, which, in my experience, is just a stronger top deck than Qui-leets.
Then again, I run more Drop Barge Bombs than the standard, but what do I know?
Does anyone here play MORP?
when will they give the pikali more than 2 operatives?
how the hell am i supposed to play them on less than 750 points otherwise?
>not recharging your power cards by sacrificing victory points
>not even knowing how to use scream wizards
Oh, didn't know you were running Far Reacher's, that's a bit uncommon in the current meta. In that case you could try swapping out a Barge Bomb or two for some Tar-wek operatives, but I haven't tried that myself yet.
Too busy chasing alien tail.
Nigga how is temple star even a problem hahahahha just run Qui-leets nigga hahahah
They never give a clear explanation but do you remember that weird bit of Neo- Alquire lore that implies that the Black Witches made contact with the Orb Prince, but nothing ever really came from it?
Well, most people think that fucking with Zarvus was the favor that the Orb Prince finally did for them.
Because they wanted to have a summer campaign and sell Age of Ruin versions of the other major characters?
Duh. Consistent fluff matters nothing to the almighty dollar
>"The Water Monster is right, Catman. They are among us."
What did the First Emperor of the Red River mean by this?
>fluff answer
The Darkheart sent him the visions from Elysium in order to prevent the Princelings from joining the Empire and sealing off Elysium from the High Worlds.
The real reason was that corporate wanted to push the Elysian line to the moon because a bog standard battalion of Elysian frogmen costs ¥120,000 and you need a minimum of two if you want to start the game with an astral assault, which if you've ever played an Elysian force, you need to do in every game.
Fuck this meme, every goddamn thread.
FE was talking to the ghost of Catman I, not Catman the Second who happened to the in the room.
RPG when?
>fishmen are right
>we should fuck up the furry first and then backstab them
Now bear with me here
The Orb Prince IS Zarvus
Or rather the Orb Prince is an avatar of Zarvus meant to avoid his responsibilities as the heir to the Void Stone Throne.
How that happened is pretty strange, im sure youve all seen youtube theories about it and the connection to Elysium and Fishmen gods.
But thats wrong
He didin't seal off elysian that was the horror yawgameth
Oh fuck the Yawgameth Rising books, version 7.7 was a clusterfuck that should be expunged from history.
They're shit this edition. Absolute shit.
Two turns using them, out of power cards. your anus is open for reaming.
Conserving VP's will get you further than the value of scream wizards every time. Do you even play competitively? And no, the Australian league doesn't count.
If they just brought back Yagmon Bird Whisper units, we wouldn't have half the problems that exist now. But noooooo, apparently this company just hates having a balanced fucking game and actual creativity that doesn't revolve around fishmen.
Is there a GURPS conversion about thread related?
I don't know man, if Orb Prince was really just an avatar of Zarvus, then why are the Orb Prince and the Darkheart on such good terms right now when Zarvus is almost entirely anti-Darkheart.
>Neo-Alquire Empire
>Overhyped Threat
The Sinners Sons were/are one of the best units introduced so far! Fucking cost next to nothing to deploy them victory point wise so you can just zerg rush a whole band of them if you don't fuck up on the objective.
Even then, you can use your power cards to go for a Sins of the Father roll for each one.You lose them and they arn't assured a kill but you can just spam them like the shitty knock off Scottish Jihadists they are and your golden
Wrong, at best its an underappreciated zer
I'm telling you, an RPG would never work out. There's simply no proper way to transition power cards into a RPG friendly format.
of course there is user, check the /GURPSgen/ OP pdf, its somewhere in the mega
you birdfags are the worst
a unit that can swoop 90 cm during the draw phase then bombard in the arming phase and then retreat in the consolidation phase?
yeah it annihilates the fish meta and it brings back all the other problems with had in 4th edition.
do you want to deal with tide and wind condition rules again? because I fucking don't.
Tide and Wind conditions were the ultimate barrier of entry, now with them gone anyone with half a brain can come in and ruin the community. Every edition just keeps simplifying shit that doesn't need to be simplified.
Yet some angle touched user in the last thread showed us his homebrew wip.Proving you wrong and making the game designers look like retards for not coming up with it sooner than some asshat in his moms basement.
Battle Report Time
I'm running a yagmon coalition, love that they're no longer 'that guy' army and I can play my fluffy Vortarion Battalions Reaver's with yagmon imperial artillery support.
My opponents playing a Gilded Isles death core with ancillary support from a horde of Alquiriom warcallers.
We roll up eastern marshes with blood river as mission, I deploy the bulk of my face defending the eastern portion of the river with my Reaver's poised to death strike.
Turn 1
Hes attacker so gets first activation and of course fires up his first unit of warcallers ,fortunately they blow their load. There's a fucking lot of Kharazan Screeches staring at me now though.
My artillery activates next thankfully and tears into those screechers , i deal out a lot of tears and they fail their awe test so trigger flow state despite having 15 MP ( my opponents going eyore at this stage despite his list being comp as fuck)
The rest of our activations are just our units positioning forward with my sacrificial blue coats holding at the pass and staring across at his death core. My Reaver's still awaiting landing.
Turn 2
His death core successfully activate and tear across the river with spectral mist and cut open my blue coats ..just as planned. Unfortunately he also battle focusses into my artillery...
I choose to activate my Reaver's which zoom in and aim their lance fire at his death core which predictably just bounces off their crackle plates , as a last ditch I double activate and ran the Reaver's into what's left of his screechers. Hilariously I roll trips so they run them through and go blood crazed into his warcallers.
He triggers a second unit of screechers which manage to cross the river and opt out of firing to use reality tear in my poor blue coats who of course turn tail and run, with a few of them being warped into the immaterium for their troubles.
So were tied at 10 VP a piece at the end of turn 2.
>Will cont later when I get some.more time to post.
Apparently zerg rush is the meta, but fuck it, I am not painting 200 fishmen or whatever. Any competitive 1,000 point army comps that focus on a few powerful units? I have a Yawgameth Brain Golem, what are good units to go along with it? Maybe Capre Republic merc dragoons with a captain?
Threadly reminder that if you don't spam just dogs you are 150% retarded. Most of the time you win with majority support and your reinforcement&repopulation phase is insanely strong for a size category M army.
Shit I need to find that. How did he do it? Other than directly using the power cards. I've seen about six attempts and they all break with the fluff.
What if they're fielding a Steel Archon?
Vote fagets.
Thanks for batrep user.
Are Kharazan screechers a subset of Scream Wizards?
I know their mechanics are the same, but I don't read the novels or fluff w/e.
Where have you been kiddo? Alquire Exemplars beat the everliving fuck out of any fishman cheeser and can resist just about anything except compression blast troops.
I like this thread
why do they keep nerfing scream wizards?
I haven't seen them in the competitive scene in forever, but everything keeps needing more power cards to do anything, i wouldn't be surprised at this point if next edition you need 3 power cards just to move them 2cm.
am i just retarded and not seeing whats so OP about them?
You keep your distance and abuse the Pack Tactics and X's Best Friend rule as much as you can.
merc dragoons took a big nerf recently, you're probably better with the Capre Republic scalejumpers instead. Weaker for sure but long term those AoE attacks are going to still be just as effects as dragoons, plus they eat up less power cards.
Flexibility, my man. However, GAME COMPANY overreacted and made them incredibly inefficient. I'd say SCREAM-WIZARD SPAM FAGS BTFO but I genuinely feel bad for em.
>actually using Steel Archons
I will never understand people who willingly do this
Good fucking riddance. My Space Paratroopers need their time in the shine. We only have 4 army books for the 4 main Brotherhoods of Troopers, and we really need 7 more army books to fill out the roster properly.
Scream Wizards add an AoE fear effect to their barrage attack by spending a power card. You can split them into a ton of squads, spend a few points to get more power cards and basically panick all of the opponent's key units in a single turn.
Granted, they could be countered hard but shitters kept complaining.
Do Black Witches work better for a Yagmon, Red River, or Neo- alquire army?
Gee I wish I knew, he said he was from Albanian or some made up country and put it into the new paste bin.BUT OF COURSE RETARDS STARTED ORB-POSTING AND THE GENERAL GOT DELETED!!!
I heard rumors about the introducing another swarm army
I want to fucking kill myself
Just let me play mountain fiefs in peace
>Space Troopers
>Ever becoming relevant
Next you'll be telling me that Zarvus will be coming home from his space adventures.
>mountain feifs
My nigger
The morale buffs from having a black witch commander is what makes zerg rush broken
I've heard rumors that Zarvus will return in the next age release and introduce new factual-scale Space Paratrooper models.
Bullshit. Zarvus is the King in the Dreams. It's gonna be the biggest twist in the story.
Do you really think they'll respect the fluff over the money to be reaped from being able to re-issue the entire Paratrooper line with 'but they're bigger" models?
They're what happens when a scream wizard eats up too much power , they turn into an eternally screeching energy being of sorts called a kharazan screecher after kharazan the first known scream wizard to delve too deep and turn who is said to still exist as a near god like being. Warcallers can then harness them to their will through their own divine magics though it's a dangerous sport to say the least.
I've heard they might release a kharazan model but a lot of people say they'd have jumped the shark at that point and open the flood gates for everything from The Overseer of Neo-Alquire to Mufud & Glom sky callers of the Karak tribes to get releases which isn't much in keeping with the skirmish nature of the game.
Fucking Orb posters, that's why I don't really touch this game. I mean, I read the lore wiki's, but I'm an RPG guy, so I just wait for the inevitable tie in.
I was thinking about trying to covert the power cards into a die roll, but it can really screw with the action economy balance needed for an RPG.
Red River, fluff-wise they regularly (work for/subvert and goad) with red-river and the yagmon. Red River units compliment them well though considering they are more martial based and lack good magic units (no matter what people say about the hermits and their few other magic based units).
He's not even relevant fluff. It's been like six years since his last mention.
Just run some cauldron throwers and a tempest lord, mountainbro. Fiefs might be underpowered right now but they are decent at dealing with zerg rush. Just don't waste any power cards so you can use a surprise golem avalanche when you need it
premium autism in this thread
Do you actually play or are you just a 40k/mtg fag here to be jealous of our superior game?
BULLSHIT! they don't need them, its a waste of a unit slots and victory points!
Your wasting powercards if you try using any black witches abilities you fool.
The hermit shit is based on the fluff, which also explains why you get so few of them - most of them are at home doing their magic shit and making life better for the populace.
Of course optimizer fags would complain about how the game isn't giving hermits combat abilities that depend on understanding modern physics - because apparently being able to do something with magic means understanding how to do it without.
t.bird whisperer
So since there is no model for a fishman arcane reaver yet, I'm thinking about converting one using the body of a fishman hydrophage, the head from the sealord, and maybe take the arms/weapons of the kraken tamer? Thoughts?
hey, theres only been 1 orb poster this entire thread so far!
way better than the previous general, where there were about 5 posts about the actual game
Powerlords playere here
Should I take Sage-Emperor or Divine Magnate?
I usually run Astrolabbe of Infinite Possibillusions, who synergizes better?
>Scream wizards players always taking full squads of Psyloch Shyftats with Wyrpflyngerz
It's been awhile since I've read up on the lore, but from what I'm picking up.
>Yagmon Coalition is unifying all the smaller factions that Red River Kingdoms BTFO.
>Neo- alquire is still trying to contact things from Elysium and might wind up waking the King of Dreams up, not to mention pissing off Darkheart and the Orb Prince.
>Red Rivers is still not unified and is just stalling for time.
What are the RR Kingdoms even doing lore wise?
Converts aren't tourney legal any more. You gotta send it (the entire model) to them for a 3d scan before they can send it back with a cert of legality.
At least the 3d printing of the models and bits makes the models much higher quality.
I can't stand the pants on heard retarded naming conventions of new models
That was the fucking point you fuclong idiot i was trying to make someone life easier
Divine Magnate. Have you seen anyone using a Divine Magnate recently? No, but I'll tell you why. Their mechanics are so confusing that no one knows how to use them and no one knows how to counter them. If you figure them out, you could do some serious damage.
Oh yeah, old units were a lot better
>Necrotasm Dreadhunter
>Slobber demon of Nargorororor
And who could forget the best one?
Flumbo is the best unit in the game, fuck off.
Inb4 this thread in mined for actual names in a game
>confusing mechanics
Sage emperor gets nuked by black witches or le mighty orb
Divine magnate is pure shit
Run the long mans pipe player instead
Take both, but you gotta spend a lot of points on The Emperor's Court option. But the synergy with the Astrolabe is tremendous. It got nerfed a bit with increased power costs, but Court let's you add the MagiGen Array and send the PCs from that direct to the Astrolabe. 600 points and 2 slots (Court counts as one, but you get five slots out of it) for 2000 equivalent? Hell yeah
can confirm, nobody else in my LGS knows what the fuck Magistrate does, but there's an explanation somewhere on the wiki, and its insane how flexible they are
Yeah, I'm not denying that it's a good hero character (especially since any non human faction can take him), but it's just a dumb name for the Great Verdant Dragon.
RR is trying to unite thenselves or fighting off neo alquire
I know in lore the Scream Wizards and the Black Witches don't work together, but you can still use their units together in game, right? I swear I saw someone using both recently. Did they change up those weird 4e rules about them?
It all went to shit with the Terwyllygyrz expansion
>Wytterslaynt Whipwhittlers with Wendigo Warbles and Wanton Whackhammers
>Tylquaggle Kyllers with Villiage-pilliage Skragglers and Wyndowsyl Klyps wielding Kragsylk Whyips
>Skavejank Wankyrs wielding Cave Shanks and Margrave Staves on Wavelank Skankshavers
>Gerwunk Grymblgrynderz with Geargrave Gyrojets
>Wykkersnap Wanderlads with Wunderbars riding Krazyleg Lanklettes
>Tymewrynklyr Pykkylrykz with Portylrip Klynch and Nyhylystyk Kwypz and Vyktymyzed Assystynts
>Insaneslayn Paynchraynerz led by warleader Nomsayn, with Realnigga Krippkilla with Hipshot Switch Clip, and Shynkykkyr Lilniggaz
>Syblslyte Wights in Lie-In-Wait Nightwatch Tights on Leyline Lineweight Waywatchers wielding Waylay Slightweights with Layerlain Linekites and Lie-Weighing Watches riding Leysight Aerolytes with Glydewait Delays displaying Libelcite Swatches
Your the self admitted cancer that ruins every tournament, I play Neo-Alq. They play just fine without your gamewanker nonsese, its barely passible fluff wise and its broken mechanics wise to have such powerful magi.
5E was a mistake letting anyone use them.
I got the starter set recently on a whim (former 40k and cardfight player, got tired of them), but there was a leak in my garage.
Models are fine, but power cards are soaked to the point of usability. I don't know the game well yet, but can you get boosters for the cards, or sets of some kind?
I'm in Singapore, the community for the game seems pretty small so I figured asking here first might be good.
Oh yeah adding in three Magistrates to Gets you a ridiculous level of nukage.
you need to take the shadow shout compact, but yeah you can use them together now
i don't know why you ever would, they both drain power cards so damn fast you wont be able to do anything by turn 3, but you can if you want to