The 2 million goal has been reached and more stuff has been unlocked alongside previews for future goals.
The 2 million goal has been reached and more stuff has been unlocked alongside previews for future goals.
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Dance of Death never ever.
I highly doubt it was ever gonna reach that, if you look at the kickstarters the end goal gets lower and lower.
Personally some of these models this kickstarter was meh... to be honest. They really gotta put some kickass new models we haven't seen in a while to really get people to give money to.
Just my two cents.
Yeah sadly they probably won't get near the goal they wanted for this KS but as you said there really weren't all that many super cool models in there.
I'm backing it just because I'm starting to get into mini painting and I think itll be nice to have all these later on just so I have stuff to paint.
I've been looking all over for a decent model of a dragon in flight so that I can convert up some actually dragon-like Heldrakes.
If you can find any D&D attack wing they should be pretty cheap right now as they were discontinued late last year. All of the dragons from that are flying and are decent for pre-painted minis.
I don't know about you, but I'm psyched for the Roc mini. I think it looks sick.
Definitely my favorite of the bunch
now i can buy those damn apes
On a related note, the Gnarlwood Kickstarter for pumpkin men and proxy Nurgle models could use some pity cash if you lot are interested, looks like it may not get funded.
Dinosauz and Cavemons.
Is it just me or was the scifi expansion really unimpressive compared to the usual fare?
No scenery or vehicles, the miniatures are mismatched and represent radically different types of games, and small as hell.
No i noticed it too. And the chronoscope stuff is the stuff I want the most. And while $50 is probably a good deal for what it gives, seeing how much came in the other expansions chased me off from backing that.
Seeing that pictures, I'd say it's not funding for a reason
Can we hit a goal today?
I hope so. The closer we get to the Blacksting Wyvern the better.
That actually looks really cool, especially the hut. I will have to grab that one.
Same. I love Neanderthal stuff conceptually.
I really hope we get part 3 though.
Those are pretty rough sculpts from what I can see. They just don't seem to be worth the cash.
>Personally some of these models this kickstarter was meh... to be honest.
It's all taste of course, but for me this was the best one since 1 and probably the one I'll be spending the most on. In the first Bones I was happy with just my Core set, with this one I want a bunch of the addons.
I do think it's just the nature of the beast that there will inevitably be diminishing returns, a lot of people probably still have more minis than they know what to do with from the first Bones KS.
I prefer 3, but only because the Graveyard and Mythos expansions plus Shubby and Tiamat addons were so amazing.
As far as Core goes, I actually like this one entirely unlike 3 where I only picked up parts from the PM.
I personally want them to do another big terrain expansion like the Graveyard. I would be all over that. Otherwise we don't have anything with as much wow factor as Tiamat so far.
Bones 3 mind.
Well we did get Baba Yaga's hut and addons for the Graveyard fences.
I really wish the Chronoscope had come with terrain though. Some Shadowrun street vendor carts or something.
I want those ice giants.
Back it for $15.
>Otherwise we don't have anything with as much wow factor as Tiamat so far.
Yeah, definitely a taste diff here, I've never bought and never been very interested in those humongous dragon pieces. I can't see myself using them in-game, or if I did it wouldn't be often. And I don't like displaying this stuff around the house -- it's not nerdshame, it just isn't my style at all.
I get what you mean. I didn't even buy Tiamat personally, but being such a massive figure it is something that is bound to draw eyes to a Kickstarter.
Fuck, we hit a goal and its just this stuff.
Gonna be harder to get the next goal now.
Are these just cardboard tiles that they happen to be charging $49 for?
No, plastic. They come unpainted.
>And after that - Let’s give have some Dungeons to adventure in! We’re cooperating with Frontline Games to offer these brand new Stones Dungeon tiles! These double sided tiles add personality and flair to your game space, and are compatible with all major manufacturer’s resin and plastic tile sets - but without those pesky walls getting in your way! This set includes 10 each of the 4 double sided tiles shown. Tiles supplied unpainted. You can receive this reward by increasing your pledge by $49 and selecting this reward in the pledge manager.
I think I may be able to use them, I have the Pegasus Games cathedral sets and I can use these for floors.
If this is like the bones equivalent of Dwarven Forge then it shouldn't be bad. I would like to see actual photos of the tiles though.
Literally an inferior product to what I get for cheaper and more coverage simply because I Hirst Arts.
Yeah, bummer. I don't see the campaign passing this goal, and it's exactly the kind of thing they didn't need to drum up enthusiasm home stretch.
Still, I'm guessing that since they'd made an agreement with these other guys they couldn't delay the goal or just replace it with something more juicy, so I kinda sympathize with them. They were probably hoping to be well past this stage by now, to be honest.
Eh. I'd probably not pay more than forty bucks for that. But they haven't shown us the part 3 of Lost Valley yet, which is also supposed to be at 2290k, so maybe that'll help.
whats the point?
is this literally just puking out plastic in semi decent shapes? and nothing more.
The human size minis really aren't great with Bones, on account of the too bendy, but the larger sculpts are pretty good. And I'm prepared to accept a bit of derpyness out of the human scale considering they're about a fifth the price of GW stuff and make for a lot of enemy flexibility in D&D games.
Pretty much this. Their best quality is cheapness, ease of painting (no spray priming necessary is right), and for me especially, ease of converting. All their issues are easy enough to fix. It makes them pretty worth it in my opinion.
Welcome to Veeky Forums!
Same. I can't paint well enough to do justice to really high-fidelity facial sculpts and shit like that anyway, so that isn't even a factor for me in practice. I just want a ton of minis I can paint to a passable standard and table in roleplaying games and that's what I get.
I want more things to paint and use in my games user.
Can I pledge 1$ and then add some of the "extra basic miniatures"? I just want the Horror stuff.
Check the Reaper calculator link they have on their page. It'll tell you exactly what you need to do and what to pledge.
Lost Valley 3 will likely be a Rex and maybe some fresh kill markers
Just dropped out. There should be a wave 1 open now if people are interested.
You're right that you don't need to prime Bones, but they come out so much better if you do. If I'm just cranking out some table-ready minis quickly I don't bother priming but if it's a model I really like and want to look nice I prime it. Your first layers can be much thinner if it's primed.
> Bones 3 hasn't even shipped yet and they're already over 2mil on Bones 4
Oy vey! More money for the plastic greedy grabbers.
I would really recommend cleaning the mold lines on these ones at least.
I got all of my Bones 3 months ago. I am not sure what your deal is.
Bones 3 has been sitting on my work table for two months. They finished shipping it before they started 4.
Yeah bones 3 is pretty much done shipping from what I understand, however they are still in the process of getting them out to retail. That may be what he's referring to.
I got mine at the start of the summer.
You're a moron.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!
What are the ones at the very bottom called? really digging them
I dunno, I got a large mini from them and they use this awful quality soft plastic for it that I really can't stand.
Oh Lord. This is exactly what I asked for. I am now $30 poorer.
Those are actually mantic minis. Their kings of war line, naiads i think. I don't play KoW, but they were ideal for this underwater ancient evil empire ive been working on for a SoBaH campaign
That's Bones plastic, which is what the Kickstarter is about.
But based on the Graveyard set they mix it up with a harder plastic that is still Bones but stiff, like cheaper GW plastic.
nice, I was planning something similar but couldnt find minis that really fit. Thanks
This is good because larger flat surfaces warp way out of detail with bones 1 plastic stuff. Some of my bones 1 stuff was warped and even a hot water bath didn't fix them. Bones 2 and 3 were better 3 being the best. I expect they have worked out all the production problems now.
One thing I do notice is that the smaller figures are boardgame quality but can be painted up to look decent, the large models are spectacular. The bigger the model the better the result. I'm glad to see so many larger figs this time around. Definately getting that zombie dragon to replace the atrocious one in green horde. The giants are nice too. Darkreach is an amazing deal too.
I only backed Bones 3, but the Mystic Circle from that was of the bendy Bones plastic and needed to be hairdryer-ed to lay flat, but the entire Graveyard set was stiff Bones plastic.
I'm not sure why one and not the other was which plastic.
They have been improving the formula that they have been using.
Alright everyone, fess up. How much are you currently in for. Share with the class so the rest of us can point and laugh and tell you why you're stupid.
I'm in for $260.
still debating on whether or not i should pitch in an extra 30 for the fantasy terrain
$164, but with current plans to raise to ~$337
$444, though I'm strongly considering dropping to $394.
Fucking Munchkin memes.
I know, the fucking faggots kept spouting about this for the whole kickstarter....
>dat astrolabe
get some wagon with horses. stick that on top. BAM! poor man's celestial hurricanum
Well the next goal was reached. I just upped my pledge to $51 to include the fantasy scenics.
151 here.
So happy the Blacksting went through. Now I'm debating getting dupes of stuff like Goblins or something from the core set.
Currently ~$200.
Core set, Darkreach expansion
King Cobra, Frost Giant Raiders, Rulers of Hell, $7 extra monster set from the core set.
I'm buying predominately to get a nice spread of minis for running RPG's
I'm interested somewhat in the Lost Valley Expansion just because it gives another setting/set of druid shapes for players. I am also tempted by the wraiths as well but I need to see what my current undead lineup looks like and if I need them.
I can't say I'm too interested in the terrain as I'm probably just make my own but by and large picking up the equivalent of a standard mini at $1 a pop (even if it turns out to be closer to $2 AUD after taxes, exchange and shipping) is really nice.
Tree of despair
fantasy scenics
female amazon statue
Im a wargamer, so I am mostly interested in the terrain options. The amazon statues I got because I have planned to do a female pinup stormcast eternal model. I hope she is the right size. They are difficult models to get 3rd party for, which is probably part of the intention. The female models I find are generally either too small or too large. We will see. If not, then she will make a cool statue for fantasy terrain.
Holy shit, the Stone Giants look great!
Also, fucking Velociraptors and an Orc tribe!
Those are probably the worst raptors I've ever seen
Nah man, you can just greenstuff the feathers on.
I was more referring to the fact they got giant eyes and seem to be quadripedal
I can see the eyes being big since once they're painted up its the only way you'll be able to see them.
They are leaning a bit too far forward, but its an easy fix with a hair dryer.