Other anons of Veeky Forums how do you guys keep going when you legit just want to die?
Other anons of Veeky Forums how do you guys keep going when you legit just want to die?
Space Meth
By despising suicides with a passion and generally being too lazy to get someone else to do the deed via car or cop.
Regular Meth
Seeking help.
Although I never wanted to die, or rather, my father's death years before showed me I would cause much more harm if I died.
I just remember that suicide is a sin, and Lord will punish me for it.
This isn't /adv/.
This thread isn't Veeky Forums.
weed, writing, and art.
Stop thinking about it, distract yourself.
Be too lazy, afraid of pain, and/or concerned about how the people who love me would react to do the deed. Distract myself with dumb shit like this site.
Hey, if there is no God, then you may as well kill yourself. Not like anyone is going to punish you and you certainly aren't having fun.
But, if there IS a God (and assuming it's the Christian God), then suicide is a bad idea. Can't preach the gospel if you're dead and God would rather you be alive and know Him.
Seek help, do some research into various world views, decide for yourself.
Hope you feel better.
>suicide is despicable
>but it's fine to manipulate other people into killing you
>the only reason I don't do that is because i'm just too lazy to bother
No user, you are the demons.
Never claimed to be a role model, user.
William Lane Craig is a pretty good place to learn about the ins and outs of Christianity. Just FYI.
Anyone got the Pugmire Core PDF to share, I don't wanna spend 15 on it
Jump into lava and roll up a new character
I realised that the possibility of an eternity with no afterlife is infinitely worse than the next 50 years I'd have to live through.
Because life and death are both illusions, and I would just be trading one pile of shit for another.
It literally doesn't matter, you will hurt here or hereafter. There will be no change on the other side.
At least here though, there's videogames and prostitutes. I recommend you try both.
I can't kill myself, I'd disappoint too many people.
I also need to see how JoJolion ends
not Veeky Forums, fuck off trying to make one of the last decent boards into /v/ 2.0
I talk to family and friends. I also don't go on Veeky Forums for 40k threads, because even at my happiest the 40k fanbase on here can make me want to die their autism and toxicity.
Hyperbole of course, at my happiest I want them to die, not me.
Antidepressants and therapy. I thought it wouldn't help at all but it's actually helped immensely, I'm in a much better place now than I was when I started
well i kinda fumbled my first suicide attempt so now i'm a bit scared of trying again, might not die and become handicapped instead
just waiting for death can't be that bad, there is the occasioanl good shitposting thread and other things to keep the mind occupied
Unironically, TTRPG. I have a nice high-paying career lined up for me (pharmacist) if I don't lose it and try to kill myself again. I tell myself I can support a nice comfortable life with this where I keep writing or playing campaigns with friends new and old.
Emil Cioran once said that despite being depressed since he was young, he never felt the need to commit suicide because he would die eventual without it. In The Trouble with Being Born, he wrote, "What is your rush? You can kill yourself anytime you want. So slow down."
By letting my rage grow ever stronger than my desire to die.
I get by with a little help from my friends.
Staying alive is my fuck you to everyone.
"You are a waste of space."
"I will waste more, cunt."
I hold my girlfriend close to me for a while, everything is okay after that
Accept that everything sucks and carry on, has worked fine for me for the past 15+ years.
I remind myself that there is no escape from this place. There is no other side, just a dark void in which there is but an eternity of nothing.
Then I remind myself that I, some poor slob, live a life better then 90% of the human race now and 99.99% of the human race throughout all time, and that instead of focusing on what I could have had/been, I focus on taking joy in what little I do have.
Doesn't work every hour of every day, but it makes it easier.
By running around trying to patch the holes in other people's lives even as my own crumbles around me and the emptiness in my heart yawns ever wider.
>Hey, if there is no God, then you may as well kill yourself.
No. Not at all. This life being the only one we haves makes it that much more precious and its loss even more tragic.
Ideological fanaticism.
Knowing that if I die, I'm no longer a hindrance to people I hate.
Keynesian economics is dildos. You don't need the government circlejerking with corporations to run a morally pure ethnostate.
I'm less in the economic side and more in the political and spiritual side. Mussolini just makes a good image for being the one who wrote the Doctrine of Fascism and I like the quote on that image.
Ideally the economy should self regulate if moral business was conducted, but I think minimal regulations should be in place for the interest of the people and stop exploitative practices harmful to the nation.
Too bad Mussolini was an incompetent buffoon who got strung up by his own people. Not exactly strong.
I got games to run. I can't die before my Pc's do
Frantic obsession that does nothing to fill the void. I have no interests, so instead of latch onto hobbies linens vampire and drain what little joy there is until only a withered husk remains. This usually means spending more and more money on shit like warhammer that will never be fully assembled or painted.
Also, that image is soul crushing.
Well, he wasn't a bad leader in peacetime, he wasn't really ready for war. He was still competent enough to seize power, but was definitely the weak point of the Axis, other than Japan bringing America into the war.
I shitpost hard enough until something good happens.
That frog has parasites that are eating it alive.
It's a slow and painful way to did.
>fitting for this thread
Nihilistic determination that I will prove myself at something or die trying, so what's the point keeling over mid way to that goal if not forced to?