>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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What's your favorite race in the PHB? Why?
Hardmode: No humans
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
>/5eg/ Alternate Trove:
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>Previous thread:
What's your favorite race in the PHB? Why?
Hardmode: No humans
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I'm a big fan of half-orcs
Non hardmode: Variant Human
Hard mode: Probably half elf or half orc.
Because I'm not a faggot.
Fuck drow I hope they drown.
I'm a little confused about mystic
>Push (1–7psi). As an action, choose one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d8 force damage per psi point spent and is pushed up to 5 feet per point spent in a straight line away from you. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage
Do they still get pushed on a succeeded save? I feel you could read it either way
Yes, it still gets pushed.
>What's your favorite race in the PHB?
They're humans but better in both crunch and fluff, I can just wear a hat and cover the knife ears.
Is there a sage advice or something that confirms this? Because there's a similar power under mastery of fire that specifically says the extra effect doesn't happen on a successful save
Fuck the hate they get, dragonborn are a blast. Most fun character I ever played was a bog standard dragonborn paladin of bahamut. Sword and board, smite evil, bring justice and light. Fuckin' a.
No it doesn't. Are you retarded?
Read it this way:
On a fail, x and y happens.
On a sucess, z happens.
If it doesn't specifically say the extra effect doesn't apply on a save, then it still applies.
No sage advice necessary.
I guess, but the same document has Bestial Claws which doesn't actually say what kind of action it is, just that you "for an instant" get wolverine hands and attack with them, meaning that by your logic a perfectly vaild reason is that you can just do it endlessly.
What I'm saying is that this document has shaky/ambiguous writing sometimes, so for all I know everything is ~supposed~ to work like the one fire ability and they just didn't for some reason.
Are you? All spells and magical effects specify added effects do not apply on successful saves, take sunburst for example:
Each creature in that light must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 12d6 radiant damage and is blinded for 1 minute. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn’t blinded by this spell.
Bestial Claws not being specific enough is weird. Push uses standard language that's replicated a bajillion times over in other features, even outside of the Mystic UA.
>What's your favorite race in the PHB? Why?
Human. Players always make better humans for some reason. Elfs are always haughty tree huggers. Dwarfs are always drunken warriors. Humans need great characterization in order to stand out, so players create actual characters.
Explain to me the appeal behind psionics, because to me it just looks like magic, but for people who think they're too cool to be arcane casters.
I would say lizard men if you gave me Volos. PHB? Dragonborn.
Explain to me the appeal behind magic, because to me it just looks like psionics, but for people who think they're too special to be science manifesters.
People like the idea of psychics powers because it's real life magic just like crystal healing
For 5e, since I've not played any other.
A class that doesn't use fucking Vancian magic is a breath of fresh air.
Now this makes me wonder if anyone has ever played a "maimed" elf or half elf that had its ears cut.
Oh you
like a sorcerer but good
You just clip 'em, like dogs.
What other spells and effects are similar to the mystic one?
Or is this just another example of mystics breaking previous design patterns?
like a monk but good
especially wot4e which they refuse to acknowledge
Niggas always forgetting how big the ESP phenomenon was in the 60s/70s/80s/90s. "(High) Magical fantasy" is a much more recent invention, and was used in some of the earlier cases as "psionics, but breaking physical laws and science instead of following them in an unexplained way".
Prior to our current idea of high fantasy magic, "magic" in mythology and old stories was far more subdued. Think Conan or Lord of the Rings, not Harry Potter or D&D.
Are we going to have elves with clipped ears and tieflings with docked tails now.
Japan knew what was up with all their ESPer wanking, that's for sure.
Just DMed my first session. I think I like it better than actually playing.
There's a similar power under mastery of fire that does (Combustion) On a
successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn’t catch on fire.
Tell me this shit isn't better than some dumb Wizard going "lol I cast Slow" and hiding in the back rank.
New player here.
How can I make better characters?
I would argue it's just mystics being poorly written.
So I have a major problem with my DM and party. I'm the only female in a group of 5. There's always been open sexism at the table, both in game and out, and my character has often been forced into exploitative and degrading situations. I've managed it as well as I could and gone along with it for the most part but today's session ended with my character on the verge of being sexually assaulted, without me having much say in it. When I protested afterwards everyone said I was just overreacting.
I'm really not sure how to handle this, other than up and leaving.
Sure. Let me be more clear.
Are there any effects outside of mystics that behave like the first one where it doesn't specify they aren't pushed on a success?
Seems to me someone just forgot to add it or they're breaking previous design patterns like with the mystic ability that lets you charm someone and they have no idea (also dumb).
Since we're talking about Mystic.
I really hate the concept of Wu-Jen.
keep your wizard out of my mystic jahn.
Seriously though, get rid of it and fix Order of the Awakened's features to make them more of a blaster, like most of their disciplines suggest they are.
Just leave. They really aren't worth your time, and are trying to magical realm your character while using you as wank material.
They aren't worth the effort.
That's hot. Tell me more.
>Co-GMing a game, female player asks for help with her UA Ranger since she doesn't know the rules
>She just hit level 4 and isn't interested in boring stat increases, wants a feat that'll help represent her robot buddy mechanically because Beast Conclave is too complicated so she opted for the simpler Hunter Conclave
>Direct her to Magic Initiate Wizard for Find Familiar, Prestidigitation and Minor Illusion
>She's happy with her robobuddy having mechanics now and the little flair of utility that having magic sparkles gives
>Another male player comes online and chimes in later on a couple hours after the ranger girl took her feat
>Says MI Wiz is a terrible choice for a ranger, especially because she doesn't have the INT for it
>I explain it'll be fine, she has the best familiar of an Owl and none of the spells even scale off her INT besides the Investigation DC of the minor illusion, whether or not she has 20 or 8 INT the overall potency is the same
>Guy changes subject to the ranger's weapons
>Says they should use a light crossbow instead of a hand xbow
>I say the ranger has the crossbow expert feat so she'll get more attacks off with the hand one and gets to keep a hand free, lower range is an issue but the ranger is okay with it
>Guy gets mad, leaves the voice call after saying "I'm done arguing with you"
>This was after literally three exchanges of words
>Cusses me out in text, says I should learn to fucking read, pastes the crossbow expert feat text to me, says a light crossbow is one-handed while shooting
>I'm confused at this guy's outburst
>Point out that the crossbow expert feat that he pasted specifies a hand crossbow
>Point out that the light crossbow has the two-handed property
>Someone agrees with me
>Guy calls the person who agreed with me an alt account despite having heard the both of us speak at the same time in the call for the last two sessions which were both less than 24 hours ago
>He leaves the game
That's my assumption too.
I also think it's silly to assume that because something doesn't specifically say x doesn't happen that it then happens.
Think of a character in media who you think is interesting. Then steal it.
First, take the thread-derailing false flag bait back to /pol/.
Second, tell your DM to stop being such a limp-dicked little bitch trying to push his magical realm and rape fetishes on the table. You're all there to have fantasy elf adventures, not listen to his 50 Shades of Gray fanfiction or watch him creep on girls. He can go ERP in an MMO if that's his bag, but it doesn't belong near the table.
Get the fuck out of there, no one should be subjected to that shit.
Just leave those autistic fucks.
How are people like that? What the actual fuck?
If breath weapon and sunlight sensitivity still work while wildshaped, does a lizardfolk's swim speed apply too?
>He leaves the game
>He pms the girl asking if she'd rather have his help or """this idiot's""" (me)
>Noone understands what the fuck just happened
Is this real life? I read so many stories about neckbeard fedoras, I thought irony and memes were so saturated into internet culture that noone did this unironically. This can't be real, noone is actually Mr. Nice Guy anymore. This has to be a prank. Surely nobody could be THIS RETARDED?
pick something FUN and interesting
or you will wish you had when you get a bit higher level and realise theres more fun to the game than just the combat
psychics tend to let you be monks that don't kind of suck ass, and you get to escape vanacian magiic
5e version in particular is interesting because of how disciplines work.
If you don't like X and your group won't stop doing X despite you asking them to, then the best solution for everyone is for you to leave.
If you're being sensible then it's in your best interest, and if you're overreacting then it's in their best interest. Either way it's the best decision.
>Man That Guy is a piece of shit, I wish he'd fuck off from our game
>one week later
>he fucking dies
Only do this if other players don't know it. One of my players constantly steals character ideas from critical role and it drives me nuts. I don't even watch the shit (a different player told me), but it still fucking grinds my gears.
5e made vancian magic simpler by making it so you don't "Fill slots" with spells.
I hope 6e just fucking dumps the system all together and uses spell points, they're more fun.
Tell them you don't like it and that if it continues you'll just leave. Be clear that it makes you uncomfortable. Whether or not you're "overreacting" isn't much for them to decide when they're the ones causing the situation.
First group I played with we had a girl who played a tiefling and we came in contact with a perverted alchemist gnome that was interested in her because tieflings are kind of rare. He gave her a strange potion, told her to take it, and the next day she woke up with an extra nipple. It was a pretty stupid joke but had no impure intentions. Nor did we dwell on it or reference the fact, DM even said after the fact it was only going to be temporary.
Still, the girl playing the character let us know it made her uncomfortable so none of us ever included anything of the sort like that again because we value her as a player and a friend. If these guys aren't willing to consider your point of view, then find a new group.
>and nothing of value was lost.jpeg
Who the fuck knows, because which part makes them swim? Their legs? Webbed feet? Being able to contract muscles throughout their body?
Is there anything in mystics that lets Mystics make attack twice? Because some of the Immortal disciplines (Bestial Form, Giant Growth) seem really cool but don't exactly do well when you can only attack once a turn, and
>multiclassing on UAs
Half-Orcs, because they're stubborn and tough like Dwarves but their women are sexier.
This. Utility spells are everything.
Cantrips usually deal enough damage for my purposes.
I mean, sure I could take some high level damage dealing mega spell, or I could take mass suggestion and avoid combat entirely saving everyone resources.
I think there are some disciplines that enchant your weapons to do that. I can't remember which though.
Its much more fun if you make the stolen character your own. Start with a basic idea, like "Steve Irwin" What class would he be? Ranger? Ok, cool. I dont know much about Irwin's life, so why is he an adventurer? Maybe he saw or heard of a mythical beast (a Tarrasque?) when he was a kid and now he wants to find one again, to see it with his own eyes. He wants to show the world the beauty and majesty of nature and he loves the thrill of discovery.
I think nomads can attack twice or something?
Who cares mystics a shit
How the heck do we not have a mystic order based around just flat out fucking things up with psychic energy?
Wu-Jen used to just be weird sorcerers, but now they're bullshit psychics? Fuck off
Mastery of Force
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to try and speak with them one more time about it, if it doesn't go well I'll leave. There are other things which make leaving sort of complicated, but you're all right that it's the best decision.
It really sucks because this is the best group I've ever played with when they're aren't being creeps. They're all really into really roleplaying and the stories are great. I genuinely have a good time when they're not being sexist and weird, but the way they've been taking agency away from my character and the situations have just been really awkward and uncomfortable as of late.
>It really sucks because this is the best group I've ever played with when they're aren't being creeps. They're all really into really roleplaying and the stories are great. I genuinely have a good time when they're not being sexist and weird, but the way they've been taking agency away from my character and the situations have just been really awkward and uncomfortable as of late.
Tell them this.
That's a single discipline, I'm talking like a whole order.
Wu Jen are these weird wizards that use Psy and are control
Looking at the disciplines for Awakened you'd think they'd be blasters, but their features aren't anything of the sort.
>It really sucks because this is the best group I've ever played with when they're aren't being creeps. They're all really into really roleplaying and the stories are great. I genuinely have a good time when they're not being sexist and weird, but the way they've been taking agency away from my character and the situations have just been really awkward and uncomfortable as of late.
Tell them this. Best wishes.
If I wanted to make a character that fights along side the ghost of a family member, how would I do it?
The ghost is in a robot
Ancestors Barbarian, probably
Talk to Group with a strong "what the fuck guys if this is how it's going to be I'm not continuing with this group".
Provided the creature is capable of swimming, yes.
mantle of courage lets you and up to 5 other people take an extra action to attack/dash/disengage for 1 round, but its concentration so it might not work with other stuff till you get psychic mastery
celerity lets you dash or weapon attack as a bonus action, but at that point you may as well just be a psiblade and this shuts down a lot of other combos without anything to deal with iit
nomadic arrow gives you a concentration effect where at the start of your turns a range/throw weapon does a range attack without using any actions at all
also you can just be a soul knife
You could reflavor a ranger's animal companion.
Not quite what I meant, I'm meaning as an actual creature that's either summoned or beside me.
I'd like to say dwarves, gnomes, or halflings, but I rarely ever play them because of the bullshit 25 move speed.
God damn I hate this game. I end up playing elves half the time
They very much exist, user.
I thought /pol/ was completely ironic?
not supported. you can refluff animal companion or find familiar. or you could go the necromancer route and take animate dead
>Any community which gets its kicks by pretending to be idiots will be swarmed by actual idiots who believe they're in good company.
/pol/ hasn't been ironic for actual years. That's not to say everyone there is serious, but the ironic shitposters are way outnumbered now. They know they're talking with people who are serious, but prefer to think otherwise.
This. Or say their spirit resembles an animal.
>this shit just happened to my DM
I barely knew the guy but the people I know pretty well aren't that beat up about it
I guess I fail at the hardmode, nothing outside of human has ever really appealed to me in any fantasy games. I suppose that's kind of strange now that I think about it, fantasy has been my favourite genre for a long time but I always, always play humans.
I guess if Human literally wasn't an option i'd probably pick Half-Elf or something.
Might want to throw out being a cleric with spirit guardians could also work somewhat. But they have noted that they want it to be a controllable creature.
If that's the case I say either spirit animal or their spirit inhabits a suit of armor Full Metal Alchemist style with artificer.
Convince one of the other players at the table to play a ghost.
sent ;)
Bah, I hope they make a summoner class eventually.
Are you a female (girl) or female (boy)?
England is my city.
Summons are pretty much the worst unless you're fast at taking your turns. Which I'd probably argue 90% of players aren't.
I really like dwarves, and they're definitely my favorite, but fuck me if starting with a feat isn't more fun
Do I know you? I have no messages...
I'm going to, thanks.
Noble, your retainers are the ghosts of your inlaws, forever nagging you.
You're questing to find out how the fuck to get rid of them.
>Do I know you? I have no messages...
it's a meme
Go with Cleric, you have spirit guardians, guardian of faith and spiritual weapon as spells which can easily be fluffed as a ghost fighting with you. If your group gets butthurt at the idea of a ghost swinging your spirit weapon they can get to fuck.