So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of tabletop?
Is she a fan too, or does she shit on it?
So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of tabletop?
Is she a fan too, or does she shit on it?
But user, I wanna be the girlfriend
That's pretty gay, bro
Mine's older brothers used to play MTG and she's a huge tolkein fan so my RPG obsession isn't really seen as that weird to her.
I think she's just glad I'm not into Warhammer, MTG, or anything else that involves actually going to game stores and being around a bunch of insufferable weirdos.
She makes us snacks and then leaves us alone while we play while she watches Netflix. Good shit.
She'd sometimes watch us play, but didn't show any interest in joining the group.
She played when I managed to hold a group together. She was always interested but the group overall fell through so I never got to see her in full action. She usually sat back and allowed the group to do whatever, occasionally taking action when necessary.
My first girlfriend couldn't give a fuck less about tabletop, second one humored me on the existence of it but wanted no such partaking of it
Third girlfriend, however, is totally cool with all forms of nerddom (such as card games, board games, pen 'n papers, etc), but has expressed severe disinterest in Tabletop.
So, as of yet, no luck getting a tabletop girlfriend
Not a huge fan but doesn't shit on it. Her dad played back in the day so it doesn't appeal to her because of that. And she's too competitive for team orientated games.
You mean wife?
She's not into tabletop herself, but has at least tried it a few times and gets why I enjoy it. The funny thing is listening to the party healer sync up with my wife when she's playing OW as Mercy in the next room and both of them are swearing at their teams.
me too
My wife is pretty cool with most of it, she's played D&D before and respects that I do other tabletop games, she's really into boardgames, deck builders, and RPG vidya; so I'd say I got pretty lucky
toppest of keks
whats her opinion on new ubermensch battle mercy patch?
>remov shield knight
>return enchantress
>your girlfriend
No idea, last few days have been too hectic for her to get into it. I just hope one day she feels up to some Borderlands or Fallout.
I am unironically a girl but my ex boyfriends never play with me. My last one just didn't find it fun
I will say that I'm pretty sure i'm a tabletop pleb.
Can you ironically be a girl?
She says one of two things to me before I leave to go gaming
>if I'm playing
Have fun, don't die
>if I'm running
Have fun, seek Vengeance
She even has pizza or warm ups waiting for me when I get home. She may not understand my love for tabletop but she supports me.
If she didn't adore anime so much I would start to like her.
according to Veeky Forums things with penises can be girls so yes?
Well, shame about the animu part, but otherwise sounds like a great catch
Aren't most tabletop miniature games already competitive?
>If she didn't adore anime so much I would start to like her.
have you ever dated someone who never shuts the fuck up about pleb shit like naruto and one piece?
its hell
I'll let you know as soon as I find a gf.
I'm looking for a good one player system to run for her
But other than that she sounds really great, what the hell user?
As much as i love the idea of dating a Veeky Forums girl, i feel like it is a trap in some kind of way. Like severe mental problems or a perchance to make only snowflake characters
She's fucking Jamal behind your back, cuck
More like dumb slut who takes bbc behind your back
>it is a trap in some kind of way
I mean, you're not wrong
>i feel like it is a trap
Could've left it there.
She fucks niggers and gets pregnant with their babies you cucked retard
My wife likes to hear stories and occasionally tags along to watch but doesn't like to play. She'll sometimes play simpler card or board games.
She does like the animu and has patrician tastes (SDF: Macross an Gunbuster are her favorites).
... it's all boy love and futanari. Big meaty b**bs and c**ks
And a shit ton of saliormoon. Like collectors edition stuff. Like first printing this book is worth a few hundred stuff. Like this figure was only released in a tokyo expo in 1998 stuff.
She wants the black dog saliormoon stuff so bad.
But hey, I own several kilos of dice and folders of role play character sheets and story ideas.
meant for
She loves BBC and kissing you after sucking nigger dicks you cuckold fag
>it's all boy love and futanari
So she has good taste
Your are a very sad young man.
Alot of systems work. I would say try open d6. For no reason.....
Pokemon tabletop united works well too but it needs fixing as there level up system is a bit broken. It also means she can run a team of 6 monsters without combat taking a fucking year.
You're the sad one with nigger sperm on your lips from kissing your wife cuck
Everyone was doing a good job not responding to him, why'd you have to ruin the streak?
... Dang
>Slow down, fucking Tank~
>comments about healthy, happy relationship
>"Being 2 regular well-adjusted adults is unheard of. He must be a cuck!"
Come on mang. Would it trigger you more if I said we were both in-shape and have well-paying jobs?
This board sometimes..
My ex and her family were really into tabletop games. Could never get her to try D&D even though her dad and uncle and me all really wanted to play.
Honestly breaking up with her cool-ass family was at least as painful as breaking up with her.
Don't reply. Just report and hide.
Is there an ainmu that's got a healer like this?
Somthing to watch after we finish "kiss him, not me!"
Wow you feminist cucks are delusional lmao. Didn't realize sheds come with internet access these days, or are you allowed in the house to feed the nappy headed niggers you call your children even though you've never slept with your "wife"?
She's an entry-level nerd and she is very interested in it and getting to play with my group but I've been putting it off because I know my DM wouldn't stop oogling her and because I don't want her to see just how lame I can get.
She also happens to be sixteen
Where do you even get girls that play tabletop, card games, board games and the like?
In my experiences, you get lucky if a girl does anything above video games (usually pleb stuff like Guitar Hero and first person shooters)
Does she suck nigger dicks or just let them cum inside her you sissy cuck?
Your insecurity pleases me; I want you to know next time I fuck my wife, I'll give her an extra thrust for you. I'm sorry about how you've never had someone other than your father touch your misshapen dick.
/Pol/, please go back to your board. You got important #happenings to attend to
Sucks dude. Maybe play a little 1 on 1? Get her to cover up? Talk to the dude and say somthing.
Getting her into it slowly. She's played Pathfinder and Shadowrun with me and my group. Next games are Mutants & Masterminds and Only War
Haha yeah and by "fucking your wife" you mean letting a ten foot tall negroid with glistening muscles do it
The Minori and Serara in Log Horizon are kinda like that.
The 4 stages of the relationship there
>mutants & masterminds
>Only War
She's okay at the table but has shown more interest in the prep bits in RPGs.
She's probably more into board games than I am.
fair enough
My girlfriend has been DMing for longer than I've been playing. She knows the struggles of forever DM.
Man you just can't stop thinking about that BBC, can't you? Did it start when mommy told you you'd have to start calling Tyrone "Daddy"?
Yeah I think about it every day because I'm actually trying to save the white race
preach. fucking beta white nationalists.
>Talk to the dude and say somthing
He just can't help himself, he's a good dude and he doesn't mean anything by it but he just has a way of creeping out girls that rarely fails. I could give it a shot but would more than likely end in disaster.
>Get her to cover up?
Good telling a teenage girl that, especially this one. At most I could get her to show up in her school uniform which would actually make it worse.
>Maybe play a little 1 on 1?
That could be the only solution, but it's not as fun you know?
*Good luck telling a teenage girl that...
Old one wasnt into it, new started playing tabletop rpgs with my group 2 weeks into dating and wants to paint minis with me and play garagehammer
now i need to not fuck it up
She hates d20 systems, fantasy/sci-fi settings bore her, but she claims to be "okay" with cyberpunk. She only ever reuses one of two characters she's made, who are gay for each other. One is a vampire. She complains about me "not being around" when I go to game with other people and sites her "anxiety" for why she never accepts my invites, even in systems she claims to like, such as WoD. She'd rather stay home and play video games she hates.
this is like from a videogame, right?
Shovel Knight
The few times I got mine to play well is when I play to her magical Reem stuff.
We did play ptu for a few years off and on.
I got a friend like that. Falls in love with the coffee shop girl because she wrote a smiley face of the receipt type of guy. Bless him. you dating me?
In all fairness you can try having people over for gaming. The most normal ones you have. Some people don't feel right outside their home.
It's so good
Unless you're phone posting from our bed while pretending to sleep next me...
Just checked on the gf. You and I aren't dating.
She's almost as into it as I am. Every year for her birthday I run a game, usually Call of Cthulhu, and every year she dies to some horrible monstrosity. We appear together a lot on our friend's real play podcast frequently. On the other hand there are some board games she won't touch, like Race for the Galaxy, and she isn't aware of the existence of this board, much less that I come on here frequently.
My Ex hated them, but my friend I tried to date in high school still plays with me to this day.
Don't got a gf though
you sure?
taking applications here.
she loved it, got a custom license plate, before she killed herself.
She one of my DMs so yeah she likes it
She is not a fan of tabletop. finds the act of roleplaying a bit silly. In fact she's not really into many nerdy things save for anime.
However she is incredibly supportive, likes that I have a hobby where I "create" something instead of just consuming media (I GM). She also likes hear about the happenings in our weekly games and will listen to my rants on lore and game systems.
She made me cupcakes that looked like Orks for my birthday a few years back, If I can find the picture I'll post them.
>Dating a sixteen years old
Local laws aside, you better be damn close in age or you're on the long train to Creepsville.
My wife and I met at a board game night, and while her tastes run much softer than mine, she'll still play shit like Caverna and Core Worlds pretty regularly. She's also been roleplaying more than I have this year, although she's probably quitting her group soon. Apparently her DM is running a "sandbox" game where there's only one right solution, and is both punishing them for any attempt at deviation and being completely obtuse about what that "right" answer is.
The surly one is most attractive.
Claiming to be a girl ironically on Veeky Forums is literally one of our oldest memes, predating the site right back to SomethingAwful, where the tendency of forum users to "casually" mention being girls to get preferential treatment was lampooned regularly.
>... it's all boy love and futanari. Big meaty b**bs and c**ks
>She wants the black dog saliormoon stuff so bad.
No offense, but I want to steal yo girl.
I turn 22 in october and she turns 17 in february, is that too much?
That's pretty skeevy, dude.
That's only a five year gap. My parents have more of an age difference than that.
Seen way too many instances that prove this right, but at the same time, I have a stable and wholesome Veeky Forums real laifu waifu, so I /can/ say that it's most excellent if you do find one.
Really? I don't think it's that big of a deal other than for the fact that when we go out drinking we have to go places they won't card us.
We have the same interests, we get along famously, the sex is a-okay, we're there for each other.
It's just a regular relationship, dude.
The current ages are what's skeevy, not really the age-gap.
I know a very happy middle-aged couple who are something like 7-8 years apart; however, if they were instead together when they were 12 and 20, we would then call it beyond skeevy and straight pedo.
>censoring yourself on Veeky Forums
Namefags are cancer.
I disagree.
>t. Someone with parents of that age gap
Original guy, it's kinda pushing it. A really mature 16 year old still isn't close to being an adult.
See A 30 year old who marries a 25 year old is fine because they're both mature adults in the same stage of their life. It gets into creepy terriory where the age gap seperates causes an inequality in experience.
My partner only does freeform RP and she kinda see using dice and rules as a waste of and energy and that people would abuse and god mod in free form aren't people you'd want to RP with in the first place. I don't entirely disagree with her, but the table tabletop format I think works better with groups.
Though she seems interested in doing table top that goes along with stuff she likes, like wanting to run Masks because she loves stuff like Teen Titans and Young Justice, or Star Trek games because she's a trekky. But we'd need to find a group for that stuff.
pic unrelated
Not only is my fiance supportive of my tabletop hobbies, she has become a fan of ttrpgs too.
Kind of a shame she hasn't shown interest in playing MtG or tabletop wargames, she's really not into competitive playing.
I had her as a table member for a while before, and a short time after we started dating. Game dissolved because some other members are stupid levels of drama magnet, and one other guy was playing an evil character, which obviously didn't end well.
She enjoys the RP aspect of the games, though a lot of the crunch intimidates her a bit. She really likes all the characters she makes and encounters, and she's done art of one of my former PCs, as well as some of her own characters.
>t. Girl (male)
Is 16vs21 really a problem? Even our life experiences aren't all that different: She's in highschool and I'm in college, she hadn't had previous sexual partners and I had, she lives with her parents and I live with a roommate, she doesn't have a car and I do.
Girls mature faster and I post on Veeky Forums, big whoop.
She is OK when I play, but she prefers to stay away.
She likes combat/story ratio I tend to enjoy. Is chill and understands I won't give her all the attention. First time we played (I ran) she went out dissapointed, so I dashed and kissed her following with an explanation why I was neutral, since then ut has been all dasies and roses.