It's a boardgame, with special dice, FML
Necromunda: Underhive
Other urls found in this thread:
"As well as the underhive style of play covered by the boxed set, there will also be ways to play Necromunda with the multi-level skirmishes that defined the classic version of the game. These work great on tables using the Sector Mechanicus terrain sets released earlier this year (great news for anyone who built a Shadow War Armageddon board)."
Fuck off.
So we get a choice? Cool
Looks like a scatter die, injury (FW, Stn, OoA) die, and some sort of sustained fire die, which were already d6 tables in NM.
I'm way more buttflustered about selling the game on flat battlefields, or GW's direction with mainstream 40kids worrying me about like gimmicky Escher Razorwhips with MonoRazors TM or Goliath Bloodragers armed with Bloodfists TM etc.
Minis look nice though; always valuable for Dark Heresy or Inq28 etc at worst.
I'm guessing the box won't cost 130$ like SW:A but I'm probably wrong
>inb4 150$
I'm in Aus so I'm expecting a shafting regardless.
Well, thats that rumor engine solved.
Why do Ausies even buy product if it's all expensive as hell? Why not just go out and wrestle wildlife and Aborigines?
>upside-down drop-bear land dweller
I'm so sorry
At least the terrain looks pretty nice. How long until White Dwarf rules for custodies in the underhive?
I like to keep my day job and hobby separate, user.
Oi yeah nah I'll take here over Trumpistan any day, it's just a bitch to find cheap warhams. And foam sheets always seem to be a bitch to find too.
>I'll take here over Trumpistan any day
Whatever you say Auscunt
>foam sheets always seem to be a bitch to find
those models look like piss.
0/10, fuck off m80.
Hopefully it's fully find out and not just a bad copy of the shit show that was SWA. It really just needs a reprint of the originals.
Fully fleshed out*
(You) #
Nevermind. Going by the rulebook size in the community pictured, they're doing fuck all for the actual game.
Also, why do the models look the same? The Goliath ones all look like clones, and the Escher ones all look a bit on the fat/overly muscular side.
So that's why they didn't give a shit about have a consistent scale. Then again, the new AoS boardgame's skeletons are explicitly in scale with the old skeleton minis.
At least the new minis and the props can be used with regular Necromunda.
They spoiled an orc for that game earlier today with a bane mask
What? The lasgun one yes, but the one you posted? I didnt see that anywhere
'Ez a big git.
Fer you.
yea. something about new gdub models isnt right.
Its just "too much." Too much detail, too much gubbinz. compared to a cadian shock troop-- whose simplicity now is becoming a thing of beauty...
Im hoping the difference in base sizes doesn't bode poorly; from a game balance perspective it could mean either noticeably different 'baseline' stats between fundamentally human gangs, or that those floor tiles really are board game squares.
I wouldn't mind them so much if they weren't so samey. Like why does EVERY Goliath need to have a mohawk? Escher does the same thing. Same armor, hair styles, and faces on pretty much every miniature.
I'll wait to see more, but at the moment this announcement has pretty much killed my hype for the game.
Well, that was disappointing to know it's just a scenery bit.
fuck off indeed.
GW is just stretching the limits of assholery.
Whats up with this Shadespire game?
I'll tell you what it is. that Cadian isn't a mind fuck to paint. Its doable, reasonable, its a jobber, its REAL!
That is coming out soonish. It is a new thing rather than Mordheim 2.0.
GOD DAMN THAT SHIT IS UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OP's picture, lower middle, the marker.
So uh, was anybody else about to commit some federal crimes when it looked like it was just a fucking board game.
International crimes were on my mind when I saw the board game shots.
Jesus fuck where has the a-team been since AoS? Every model since fantasy went to shit has been horrible.
plastic dudes that i can customize easily and that resemble post apoc riders.
im happy, lets hope the base box isn't over 100$
The ones posted earlier in the thread look pretty monopose, so there goes "can customize easily".
they're still plastic, that makes them easier to customize
wait, those arent some easy to build bullshit i hope
If you look at the way the contours of the muscles mesh across the arms and the torso (especially down by the armpit) its pretty clear these are monopose. To the untrained eye it may appear the shoulder straps are there for a point of articulation like in orks or catachans but the details tell another story
Redemption Cults when?
The voiceover is gloriously over the top.
Eh, it's true to form.
Fuck. I hope they release some non monopose sprue then.
But what about the "highly customizable" models being talked about in the earhammer community post? What were they talking about?
still hyped after all. Those will be the first GW models i buy in 5 years or so.
>modular hairstyles
I'm gonna fucking do it.
Gimme some words to put on their shirts, lads.
>Space Marine Fortress Monastery
Which SM chapter recruits from Necromunda frequently enough to keep a Fortress Monastery there?
Imperial Fists.
Whenever you read shit about models being "customizable" always remember: heads and paint. All they have to do is include multiple heads and multiple cannon paintschemes and the model is now "customizable". From the looks of it you'll probably get your choice of arms, but the actual pose will be locked down. On top of that you can see some armor plates and grenades which are probably modular.
At the end of the day you're getting something less poseable than a space marine kit but more diverse than those khorne dudes who came with the AoS kit who are an apt comparison.
I've always wondered how hive cities can fall unless you just level them from orbit.
That's centuries worth of territory you'd have to crawl through while being shot at by billions of people all the time.
thanks for the info.
>I'm way more buttflustered about selling the game on flat battlefields,
i think thats just starterbox simple terrain is all.
Nice try, Redshi(r)t.
Hype up the return of Necromunda...and then release something totally different with minimal effort and expect fanboys to eat it up. Fuck, it really is low.
Fuck off shill. We won't Accept you GW Bullshit here. Your models are trash and so is your rules. This thread will defy you.
>hasn't even read rules
OK doomsayer w/e you say.
eh, its still plastic multipart. Conversion for new poses and loadouts will be trivial.
it's a fucking boardgame m8. With some optional rules that may be close to old Necromunda.
And if it does manage to capture the feel of old Necromunda, great. But my hopes aren't high.
Get home from hardware stores in the form of unextruded foam insulation. It's the purple stuff that goes in walls. It's just styrofoam.
My impression is that like a lot of things in 40k, taking the key strategic points can usually give you a victory. So, you take the spire, seize the governor, fight a series of battles to take over all the major air recyclers and water pumps, seize all the major transit hubs on the outside of the hive... A massive undertaking to be sure, but you don't battle it out across every single square inch of the underhive. Areas you don't see as essential to maintaining control of the hive you can simply fill with nerve toxin or whatever other horrible wmd you've got. Or just collapse massive sections of it and shoot whatever crawls out.
Also, it's important to bear in mind that not every part of a hive is occupied. Large sections of Hive Primus, for example, are essentially uninhabited or very sparsely inhabited. There's a literal wilderness within the hive, and one that's not really worth conquering. Kal Jericho had an excerpt from an Imperial Scholar complaining that no one's ever bothered to fight a campaign across the Underhive, because leaving it filled with mutants is less of a waste of time and resources than sending guys in to cleanse it.
And, well... most 40k games take place in ruins right? That's probably what's left of the hive after its void shield fails and the ships in orbit lance beam it to hell.
Iron hands. Their chapter master was a necromunda noble. They recruited from gangs often.
Whoops, that should be imperial fists, not iron hands. Herp derp.
haha shut the fuck up
>And foam sheets always seem to be a bitch to find too
Bunnings has it, under the name Knauf insulation.
Blood bowl started as a board game and they keep adding teams and stuff.
If you don't like the mohawks just leave them off. Its mentioned that they're a seperate bit in the kit.
But mohawks galore is just staying true to original necromunda, its what we expected.
It's still fucking gay because they won't release any other gangs if its just sold as a board game.
They've said a billion times that they're releasing more gangs.
Enjoy your fucked up health care system while your government pays billions in bombs to kill peasants in Afghanistan with basic ak's and a pair of sandals.
Well... at the very least the Goliaths could be used as Khorne cultists and the Escher as Slaanesh cultists. Still unsure about the scale.
At least we can hope they'll do some made to order stuff like they did with blood bowl.
I'd be up for some cawdor or arbites anytime.
They've already said they're releasing the other gangs you mong.
why does it always devolve into MUH FREE HEALTHCARE
there will be more gangs.
Its looking like the Blood Bowl release. An initial "boardgame" starter. Extra teams and expanded rules released later.
they're the same scale.
Eschers just have tall hair and platform-heels
I don't give a fuck about the game GW tries to foist on us, I'll just play the old one, I just want the new minis
Because it's 1) awesome; and 2) symptomatic of the problems of the United States for services in general: we've got nice roads, good schools, cheap uni, and fuck all Yanks. It's nice.
>Cheap uni
despite Malcolm's best efforts
No. Both of you shut up now before this devolves. This thread is about Necromunda. Talk about Necromunda.
It's too bad you don't have two oceans and a gulf though.
Because it is the only legitimate argument they have over us. Meanwhile they live in a literal dystopian police state complete with thought crimes and illegal opinions. They pay double what we do for everything for the right to not have the right to own a gun or a future as a nation.
>nice roads, good schools, cheap uni
Except we don't really have any of those things. Plus we've got Zimbabwe-level internet speed.
That cunt does not speak for all Australians. We know our country is going down the shitter, like everywhere else on the planet.
What did he mean by this?
You cannot stop the ausposting. Just accept it.
He meant what he said. There are literally opinions that will have you fined/jailed.
in USA ? Land of the FREE :D ?
demonstrate these claims
>dystopian police state complete with thought crimes and illegal opinions. They pay double what we do for everything for the right to not have the right to own a gun or a future as a nation.
All of that is false (except for the paying double part.) Getting a gun is easy, just fill in the paperwork for a license and as long as you don't have a criminal record or history of mental illnes you'll get approved. Only real difference is that its easier to get a shotgun or rifle than a handgun and that we don't generally consider self defense a legitimate reason for having a gun.
That's kind of a meme. It's really not that bad here. Sure, if you walk down the street saying how much you hate boongs and arabs you'll get in trouble but who does that anyway? It's not like they bug your house.
No. I mean yes, there are. But theyre pretty few and far between. The opinions that'll get you in jail in the USA for posting on facebook are pretty much restricted to:
- Don't threaten to kill people, especially the president.
- Don't threaten to blow anything up
In Australia your going to prison for not using some bluehaired dykes pronoun.
That is such an American comment. Literally have no clue about anything beyond your obnoxious meme of a country.
If you knew literally anything about contemporary Australian politics you'd recognise how fucking wrong you are.
>Meanwhile they live in a literal dystopian police state complete with thought crimes and illegal opinions.
So, the US/UK?
You can go to jail in Australia for saying that higher emissions taxes lead to higher costs on gas and that immigrants commit more crimes. You literally live in a prison. You can't even defend yourself in your own home. And it's pretty much impossible for anyone who lives in an even remotely suburban or urban area to get a gun, which is pretty much limited anyways to hilarious lever action abortions.
Fun fact - due to old jew enforced law in Poland you will go to jail for contesting the holocaust. Not for saying it did not happen - but for even contesting figure of victims (so If I would say that not 6 but 3 millions have died I will go to trial).
Except that if that was the case then half our Parliament would be in prison because they believe and say both those things.
And nope, you can get a gun. As said, just fill out the forms, pass the checks and done. Just most people here don't feel the need to own one.
Ok back to the topic - I think GW will strike gold again with this title. If rules are good the idea of making a game that can be played BOTH on 3D table and on a board is just so fking OP I cannot to scratch my head why they did not do it before. Now kiddies can play at home without expensive terrain and go to shop to indulge great tables ! This is so good that GW will rise again with this kind of tactics!
This all depends on the rules tho - they should be equaly good for the board and for 3D terrain.
Also special dice are as someone said - scatter - so normal, wounds (ooa, stunned, and so on) and ammo roll die. So this is not some FFG faggotry!
>Higher emissions taxes lead to higher costs on gas
You realise that the current government is VIOLENTLY sucking the coal and gas lobby's dicks, right?
>Immigrants commit more crimes
riiight, that's why our immigration policy is "send them to christmas island" and pauline hanson is a senator
>You literally live in a prison
well yeah that's what the british put us here for dumbass
>You can't even defend yourself in your own home
self-defence is a valid legal defence you petrol-huffing cunt
>It's pretty much impossible for anyone who lives in a remotely suburban or urban area to get a gun
You have to go back.
see THIS guy actually lives here and knows that we're only SLIGHTLY a madhouse
Yeah, let's stop the "americans trying to /auspol/" shit. I'm cautiously interested and will probably be picking it up on release.