Time for another "Wholesomeness" thread where we post cute, comfy and generally nice and heartwarming things 'cause why not?
Also 'cause previous thread hit image limit
Time for another "Wholesomeness" thread where we post cute, comfy and generally nice and heartwarming things 'cause why not?
Also 'cause previous thread hit image limit
And some additional six images or so for inspiration...
And other stories relating to the setting of story-pic related which are more comfy and or wholesome compared to pic related.
and here I would like to ask for some pics with a "Japanese Motif" to it.
the more "Artsy" the better, preferably, but eh, ya don't HAVE to do this and just go along with your day.
Have a happy time posting.
There's more of her, I think if you google Crow girl and friends, or something like that, you can hit an Imgur gallery.
However, do not bully the crow.
even if she has a face that says "bully me"
It's okay, Owl is there to cheer her up.
See, they can even play with each other.
Though sometimes it doesn't work out...
Dragonborn are cute
Please post them for they are cute
more monster girls please
give me all of your snake girls please
Ooof. I know this feel, user. I know it all too keenly.
Unfortunately the rest of the snake girl art I have is too lewd for a wholesome thread like this.
is there any way you can gib lewds?
There's probably a monstergirl thread on /d/ where you can ask for pics
Thank's for continuing it while I was asleep
Well that's a blast of ass from the past.
space commies are cute
Who are those two supposed to be?
>She very obviously poisoned this apple
>Eat it anyways, just to prove your manliness to her
I don't get it
All this is adorable - I love crow harpies
If we have any writefags about, more wholesome Primaris Marine stories would be great.
And then that commisar power hugged that carnifex to the ground
Is that a pun?
Fukuro = owl
Ofukuro = one's mother
When it comes to Megatokyo you only need to understand that it was a series that slowly crawled up its own ass as each influence and author quit the project until the whole thing was left to be run by a basement dwelling, shut in weeb with a waifu complex, who was so lacking in basic social skills the last third of the series could be seen as an instructive guide into how people with autism see a slice of heaven.
>who was so lacking in basic social skills the last third of the series could be seen as an instructive guide into how people with autism see a slice of heaven.
Man, as an autist I kinda feel offended being linked to Megatokyo like that.
>Hug in a mug
I want a mug like that...
If you ever feel down put this in your setting or get your DM/GM to put this in their setting as a super cute and fluffy obtainable pet to cheer you up!
Keira Metz (pic related) and an M.I.T. College Student Boy from the looks of it I guess?
>the last third of the series could be seen as an instructive guide into how people with autism see a slice of heaven.
If you feel like ranting, I'm curious to hear how it went down. I just assumed it turned into a feelfest between the girls after the other dude left. Which, you know, they made a literal comic about.
Think I remember seeing an unfinished version of this on a critique thread on /ic/ a long time ago.
fixed for Veeky Forums
Is it too soon for all the teacup dragons again?
Also wholesome threads are best threads.
he looks so happy that it makes me happy
thank you
She didn't poison it, she envenomed it - big difference
It's perfectly okay to eat venom; your stomach acids are strong enough to denature the complex protiens in venom that make them dangerous.
I thought that said "how to tease lamias" for a sec
I remember that 'Piro' bought out Largo, the original writer (back when it was a comedic series during the first third) and he left, and thats when it turned into pure melodrama and waifuism.
That's not how it always works, user. Venoms and poisons are two different things that affect different parts of your biological processes. For example, when nicotine enters your blood stream it causes a mild euphoria, causes your veins to constrict, increases your heart rate, and lowers perceived stress. If it enters your stomach it causes extreme nausea and can kill you. Venoms are deadly when they enter your blood stream. Poisons are deadly when ingested. This can be because of several reasons, and just because something is poisonous doesn't mean it's venomous and vice versa.
honestly since this is a chinese drawing I just assume whatever she pumped into the apple is supposed to make me horny so she can rape me
That's a very fine point, user.
That being said, most venoms made by animals are "safe" for ingestion, and do not cause serious issues when consumed. This includes snake venom - and one would also assume lamia venom.
>supposed to be heartwarming
>posts terrifying /x/ shit
read the whole thing
This makes me happy. I wish I could be happy more often.
I did. His dead grandpa protects his sister and then they get married and bang the end
This always warms the little black hole that is my soul.
Read the end of the story, he goes back in after a night and his grandpa has to chase the ghost away every 3 months
They didn't have another room, probably
Ehh....Well...This is cute...Why is this not a film already? Just why?
clearly using the foreign boy as a staking horse
Chill mate, here in Asia (SEA and EA to be specific) you quickly learn that you cant escape the spooks if you live out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. They will ALWAYS be there. The best thing to do is to either ignore them or live with it.
Though my family doesn't do the "respect and offering" thing that guy's grandpa does. Out here there are almost no benevolent spirits, mostly malicious ones.
There are multiple ways my people has coped with it. But my favorite, and my mother's family method, is to yell and swear at the filthy fucking spirits for daring to trespass into OUR house.
I still remember my aunt encountering a ghost when I was staying at their place one night. She went on a 20-minute tirade of the most colorful swearing I ever heard. Ghost never came back. It was glorious. I even did it myself, though to less effect.
Woman of the house has more authority, better effect
Doesn't surprise me Korea and Vietnam and other area's are hell mouths with all the killing and suffering that's gone on there though
>bites apple to poison me with her venom
>eat apple anyways because venom needs to go into the blood stream to work
>smack her lightly on the head and tell her to never try and poison me again
>take her out on a date anyways
you are constantly surrounded by the ghosts of the dead, try not to shit your pants.
True, my aunt had quite the presence. She, and most of the females of her family much to our dismay, has a tendency to expect you to do what they say and make you do it.
But on the subject of ghosts, I did managed to make a ghost give-up by fapping to it.
>be young teen
>still living in parents house cus Asian
>its past midnight, everyone asleep
>aw yiss its faptime
>open up some porn and start jacking
>feel eyes one me
>panic and look around, thought parents woke up
>resume fapping, starts to get close
>hear murmurs behind me
>nearly there
>large, heavy solid-wood chairs started moving
>immediately lose it
>now blue-balled
>pissed, I turned to the darkness and stared at the direction of the chair
>continue fapping to the ghost without lowering my eyes
>tell the shadows "This is for you,baby" while making kiss motions to the shadows
>make it soundas creepy and lecherous as I can
>blast my load into the darkness
>ghost never moved another chair again
But now I have a ghost fetish, so theres that
congrats user you fucking bound yourself to a fucking spirit by offering your life force to it
>comfy thread turns into /x/ thread
I approve, I miss when Veeky Forums had /x/ over for dinner and then we'd make out
What's up with people suddenly talking about ghosts like they're a real thing? Did I miss some world altering event or something? I'll be pissed if everyone else got psychic powers but I missed out because I overslept.
it's /x/. /x/ and Veeky Forums used to be close. Then /x/ left us. /x/ has been fucking every other board since. Every once in a while /x/ will come back and we'll remember how good we used to have it, but /x/ is too addicted to drugs to clean up her act.