could StormCast Eternal's fit in the Old World? like instead of the old world dying off what if they where simply Angyls or something
Could StormCast Eternal's fit in the Old World...
Dig around hard enough and you'll find stuff like Dwarf Rune Guardians. Just say that Sigmar came back with buddies like Grungni and taught people new magic and forging techniques and shit.
They could have quite easily. Basically Living Saints: the army. A celestial host of Sigmarian heroes that appear when the winds of magic are strong enough to fight the enemies of The Empire. Like anti-Daemons.
Boom wow and like that the setting was saved.
Too bad that took way too much effort for GW to figure out.
They could have introduced them in ET if they thought of it then but they wanted to shove that Chaos wins ending.
hell, they could of poped up at the last minute in the time of need for the Empire. that would of been cool as hell.
This would have really been great, I'd no problem with sigmarines if that was their lore.
Others would. Beyond the Space Marines in Fantasy complaints, they'd call Deus ex Machina and Empire not being an underdog and shit.
and was a side thing that didnt take the focus away from the Pikemen
like I said in , Just make them a side thing that only occurred once and a while. not with every battle. even make them grail knights tier.
Not really, make them only able to manifest when the winds of magic are so strong that Daemons can as well. aka something that only happens every few centuries.
then make it that they could only be summoned by a holy ritual
Kind of this. In putting them into the lore, you'd be giving the Empire a potential 'avoid losing' button. Lore aside, you know it'd be trotted out whenever the plot demanded, and it'd make every battle feel cheap to know that the Sigmarines could swoop down and save the day if the Empire ever loses.
And now the Empire gets an edge that no one else in the setting (aside from Chaos) gets. Sure, there's the Green Knight and Gromindal, but they're single units, not whole armies. And GW still can't make whatever stupid new model ranges they want with beehive robots and steampunk goldships, because those just don't fit well with WFB and what it's crowded with already. I don't like AoS, but I can understand how much freedom it gives GW since it barely has any rules or limits.
Oh, and suddenly all the other gods are worse than useless. Remember how WFB is a polytheistic setting, and as far as I can tell AoS just kind of forgets about that since they have their gods leading them and all? Ulric and his White Wolf knights are going to look fucking useless next to GOLDEN DEMIGOD MAGICWARRIORS. And the elven gods are apparently all useless now too.
Many of the old gods died in end times. The new gods are guys like Sigmar, Nagash and Tyrion. The AoS gods are actually pretty active with their Slaanesh kidnapping.
Which is part of why I'm saying that Stormcast Eternals wouldn't work well if slapped into WHFB. They were made without the Old World and its take on religion in mind, which had their deities (besides Chaos) as more or less equally distant and not having obvious effects on the world. So a magical Sigmar-focused army smashing through enemies of the Empire would be very out of place, and would make any god that wasn't Sigmar look bad.
Sure. Just get about 50 of them, rank and file them on square bases, and make them look pretty. Now that you have your first 200pts, you can go buy 150 more and really make your way to that 1000pt starter list you've been dreaming about!
What if the lore was still The Old World but they just used the Sigmar rules?
I mean fuck, FB is getting popular again thanks to the video games, and GW can do nothing to cash in on that now since they already destroyed the world and gave us a whole lotta nothing in its place.
But the new setting is better?
There's almost nothing fleshed out compared to the old setting, and they're taking their sweet time filling those gaps.
Unless they just gave the other gods their own 'word-cast' Eternals. Deathcast Eternals, Wolfcast Eternals, Treecast Eternals!
they could even look different and distinct from eachother like how Chaos Demons look different depending on the god.
Weak bait
Maybe, but not in their current state. I honestly think theyre REALLY fucking ugly and unimaginative
The setting had no space to expand, that was the real problem. It was stuck in perpetual status quo, where nothing could change in any significant way. AoS might not be as fleshed out as 30 years old setting of WFB, but it's also not having to jump through hoops to justify anything beyond empire vs orcs/chaos fights.
It had plenty of space to expand. They could have expanded east, they could have fleshed out the New World. Hell, they could have had a massive world-shaking event that changes things up without literally erasing the setting.
And I'm saying that someone who LIKE AoS in both game and rules and thought the old rules were utter trash.
I dont see how AOS made this any better, its an even worse status quo. literally nothing fucking changes
>le destruction say in green relm an le deth stay in blak realm
I just cant get interested in that at all
WFHB at least had the illusion of change at least territory and sub factions could change.
what the fuck changes in aos? nothing.
fucking this, I tried to pitch this idea.
Sigmarines arrive as fucking valkyries/angels of order. They even had that guy wielding Ghal Maraz who was supposed to be Sigmars chosen or something who could have been the origin point of it.
Dwarves get Ancestor Spirits coming back, bind them to rune armors, now you have fucking Dwarf Ghost Golem armies
It'd be easy as piss to give the other races their own fuck you's. Elves already have the literal avatars of gods running around. Orks can just get more Waagh shit.
AoS changed shit from initial status quo more than WFB ever did with anything, including endtimes. The setting started with gates of azyr closed and chaos ruling all mortal realms. Now you've had sigmar reconquer many realmgates and push chaos back, and establish new cities in the realms. You have kharadrons come in, you've had Alarielle die and be reborn, and now you have Gordrakk's Great Waagh invade other realms from Ghur. We'll have even more development later on, since Nagash didn't recover his full power yet either. Point is, AoS is now treated like a modern game with living storyline, liek Malifaux or Infinity, not as setting permanently land-locked in the now.
And that's cool but the problem is like none of that means anything because the setting has no weight. I care nothing for these realms or places because they've done nothing to make me care.
That's their failing.
I can see where you're coming from, but by the same token, even though I played WFB from end of 4th edition, and a few years ago I could probably knew the entire timeline and heroes of the setting by heart, I prefer what they did with AoS. It's a great post-apocalyptic setting with actual good ending possible, and I'm sick to death of grimdark no-hope stuff.
This is the thing, there's no "world" for me to care about. GW seems to think that shitty main-character-led "narrative" is fluff now, like Guilleman in 40k.
I think the AoS setting is great, if they do things with it.
I though the WHF setting was great, and wish they'd done things with it.
Basically, the big problem is that AoS isn't any better than WHF right now because the latter was stagnant and nothing changed but the former can change and I don't care because they've done nothing to make me invested in it.
>. Now you've had sigmar reconquer many realmgates and push chaos back, and establish new cities in the realms
oh you mean exactly like what WHFB did except with a more cliche division of territory?
we went from like 10-12 different factions with their own interests and intentions, to 3-4 with very blunt motives. what the fuck are you missing here? the world is objectively less complex, are you fucking stupid? which is bigger 12 or 4? idk retard you tell me
>Now you've had sigmar reconquer many realmgates and push chaos back, and establish new cities in the realms
this is a non argument you could have easily done this in WHFB if the writters got off their lazy fucking asses
>You have kharadrons come in
those fuckers are THE most generic steampunk pieces of shit since the stormcast
back in the day when people used to say WHFB was a little generic I understood it, but I felt WHFB had a nice take on the whole fantasy genre. I feel now however it has devolved into a very flamboyant style that doesnt really reflect the former dark and gritty setting it used to have. Its almost like they took a hint from world of warcraft with their bright popping colors. WHFB always had this air of reality too it. And it seems like theyre betraying it with making armies more and more outlandish to the point where its turning more cartoonish and loosing its charm.
I am just not fucking impressed by ANY of the new models
>you've had Alarielle die and be reborn
my dude who fucking cares, carstein died and came back or something like that
so fucking what
>Point is, AoS is now treated like a modern game with living storyline
>AoS is now treated like a modern game with living storyline, liek Malifaux or Infinity, not as setting permanently land-locked in the now
How is chopping the complexity down to 1/4 and segregating races to set worlds making it more complex?
YEA NOW THEYRE JUST PERMANENTLY REALM LOCKED YOU DUMB CUNT and the realms are fucking boring cookie cutter trash
>I think the AoS setting is great,
look at a WHFB map and then look at an AOS map; which has more going on? which one looks more believable?
I said I like them both, what do you want from me? I already decried how they've not made AoS into anything worthwhile, but the setting premise itself is fine.
I don't play fantashit to play XVIIc with elves, AoS has way more going for it.
this is literally the shit I drew up in the third fucking grade
"the river of souls"
if you like this shit drink a fucking gallon of bleach asap. stop holding back the human race
Magic wasn't that common in the old world.
Daemons of Order, arriving at the 11th hour to stop the End Times.
Bam. Done.
Go play 9th age with the two other grogs plz.
>Go play 9th age with the two other grogs plz.
my man if you like this setting then youre gunna love this hot new series that just came out
its called harry potter and its about a boy with awesome wizarding abilities :^) an hes godda find out how to controll them
and this new magical world featuring fantastic amazing places™ such as: ENCHANTED FORREST! :^) and spooky castle! :^)))
youre gunna love this diverse complex new setting!
>AoS changed shit from initial status quo
>you've had Alarielle die and be reborn
>Boom wow and like that the setting was saved.
>Too bad that took way too much effort
GW hasn't cared one bit about the fidelity of any setting the moment they became a publicly traded company. They made an inferior product backed, but they custom tailored it to sell well. High-quality products are a SHITLOAD harder to move than inferior goods with a highly recognizable brand.
WTF, I love Oldhammer now.
welp, this thread devolved to shit and back.
hope this thing sorts its self out in the morning
Yes, you dumb goy, your army will for sure be supported and receive updates :^) why don't you buy some Stormkikes^tm now though? They're really good and customizable :^)
Personally, I would have had them taking the battle against chaos in the warp.
Like chaos is getting ready to swarm the world and they, with other heroes and magical creatures, do a preventive attack to bring the fight right under the gods noises and destabilise, hopefully abort, their attack against the old world.
That way you can keep the old world AND have weird ultra magical new ones. The old world get more down to Earth as most magical things went fighting in the realms. In the old world politic, strategy, logistics and numbers are the key factors to victory. Meanwhile the realms get full over the top wonderland where magic and heroism win the day. However, sometime the fight in heavens is brought to earth, or weird magical phenomenons bring mortals into the warp.
> A powerful demon escaped the realms for some nefarious purpose in the Bretonian countryside, will the stormcast hero able to hunt down the beast before it open a new gate for invasion? But maybe the day will be saved by some young intrepid bretonian knights in search of glory, or maybe from the even more unexpected help of humble peasants defending their lands.
> In one terrible night at the outskirts of a great battle, a magical mist engulf a newly formed battalion of the Talabheim militia. Lost in the unknown and inhospitable realms, will they ever find way home? And even if they do, how changed will they be?
And that would allow the exploration of places like Norsca, now that the gods eyes are turned elsewhere.
They should have been in a wacky specialist minigame desu
chaos warriors of sigmar? sure
but the aesthetic sucks for the most part
But do you want to give every race a FUCK YOU? Is it something the setting needs or that the players want?
>status quo
I really hate this argument, because it assumes that the setting is something that has to move forward, like some sort of story. It's just background material to explain why factions are fighting - and it wasn't like with events like the Storm of Chaos things weren't shaken up. GW could have easily done a Tomb Kings conquest style campaign or something like that.
I get that people like the idea of being able to get new things, but it's not necessary when the game and setting are solid enough. You don't need an expansion pack or anything like that.
Probably not as an entire arny without a massive lore change.
But as an Empire Special option? Yeah.
Maybe as some special project of the Slann to make a perfect version of humans.
AoS is also grimdark no hope.
They spelled it out from the start that Chaos wins again.
Now if anything mattered, it would mean something.
>Chaos wins lol
>more stormcasts in the mix
>stormcasts win lol
>some place somewhere that intern came up with is liberated/corrputed beyond salvation
Rinse and repeat
I think a stormcast ethereal could pass as a champion or super special servant to a god of order or something like that.
Radious already did it.
No. Chaos won, and now we have a post-apocalyptic scenario, with the Civilization fighting back. It's definitely noblebright.
Sure, especially with End Times lore. SigFranz could create his own Warriors of Order after gaining the wind of Heavens. No one knows where they go between battles but they always show up with a lightning bolt at the worst fighting, LoTD style, before disappearing in blue light.
Some say they're Sigmars will made manifest, others suggest that they are heroic souls come back from the dead to fight the final battle against chaos.
>magic wasn't that common in the old world
>every literally-who noble has a wizard on retainer
>wizards are as common as warrior priests
>several thousand running around altdorf alone
>elector counts are literal who nobles.
>altdorf that is specifically a haven for wizards has thousands of it.
>warrior priests of the TT variety are extremely rare and the setting is full of fallen or otherwise impotent priests.
What's the point? They already pushed the reset button. We know that there are no stakes, because if they lose then lol new world who dis. You know what? Even with how awful End Times was to half the factions, I could respect all the bluffs finally being called and Chaos definitely winning and everyone getting destroyed. It'd at least be consistent, even if I would hate that to be the end of the franchise. But to do that and then restart it all in a completely tonally inconsistent world with MEHREENS at the helm and expecting us to care now we saw behind the curtain? Not interested.
if gotrek and felix is anything to go by, even minor town nobles will be able to keep a wizard of some sort on retainer.
>AoS is also grimdark no hope.
they kinda sacrificed the whole "grimdark" idea when sigmar came back from fucking nothing, and they introduced these really brightly colored models
the gold wizard was literally living on the count's dime in middenheim.
can anyone tell me how well AOS is being received RN? I want nothing more than to see it burn.
they just made the game completely unplayable they had to can everything: the setting, the models, even the game itself. just everything. I cant play the game any more it fucking blows. the khorne models just look like neon red blobs.
Not as good as GW wants it to do, not as bad as bitter Oldhammer fans like us want it to do.
skub on Veeky Forums never ends, silly frogposter
The concept could be easily inserted.
The aesthetic is extremely jarring next to WHFB though. This is one of the reasons why AoS games are such an eyesore to look at. Their look would have to be at least a little different.
I really dont get them releasing all these fucking WHFB video games right after they can the series
what the fuck is up with that
The licensing fee was probably dirt-cheap.
You genuinely do not need to progress the 'plot' of a game in the way you're asserting should be done. In fact, that's often a bad thing, as we've seen with End Times and recent 40K.
What matters is that the setting has room for your doods. Which the Old World had plenty of. It wasn't infinite, but you could reasonably fit most concepts into the fluff.
As for expansion? There could have been tons of expansion. All of Araby, of Ind and Cathay, of the Dark Lands, and Nippon and the Southlands - all of that was still unrepresented in the game and for the most part unexplored by the fluff.
I think GW thought that videogames would directly compete with WFB while it was alive, and now that it's dead they can rake in some cash from an IP they're no longer really making use of anyway.
GW isn't releasing them, they have nothing to do with the games. After theu became publicly traded they openned their licenses up and allowed most any company to pay licensing fees to make games with their IP. Whereas, before, the only games that got made were the ones GW had a large part in.
The crazy thing is, after the initial shock of change settled and before it became clear that the whole thing was going to be a chaos circle jerk, most WHFB fags on Veeky Forums actually enjoyed the end times. There was a new thread every day talking about how this would change the setting and what new, cool things might drag themselves out of the ashes. Of course it's a little tragic looking back and knowing what we do now, but those threads really revived WHFB discussion on tue board.
why would they compete? Did DoW compete with 40k?
Yeah, back then we thought we might be getting a sweet post-apocalyptic version of the Old World with the remnants of each faction slowly picking themselves up out of the ruins of civilization.
Nobody could have foreseen He-Mang and the Masters of Copyright Infringement.
It's not a runaway success like 40k, but it's solid and was 4th top seller according to US charts if I recall? Point is, it's not going anywhere but up.
>but it's solid and was 4th top seller according to US charts if I recall?
Nope, it was only top 4th briefly.
It's not even in the top five anymore. It's very much going down.
They could have just kept the old setting as a shattered world now drained of the winds of magic that have now manifested into the planes of AoS, it would have provided something to actually care about, an interesting low fantasy setting where all magical things are now very rare and a potential way out of the current braindead fluff should wiser heads have ever prevailed. But reading the fluff now it's obvious the place isn't exactly awash with writing talent.
Imagine of the AoS realms were all fragments of the Old World.
I'm not a fan of the whole "fragmented realms connected by stargates" thing. It's really video-gamey and while I don't mind vidya influence in game design if the first thing I think of when you describe your setting to me is "oh, kinda like Mega Man" then you've gone too far imo.
>Its almost like they took a hint from world of warcraft with their bright popping colors.
Sadly, this hits the nail on the head. They want to sell models, not water the beautiful plant that was the WHRB world.
When I first saw these guys I thought that they were chosen of the 'good' gods, Sigmar, Ulfric and Valaya as apposed to the chaos champions.
Then I learned what Geedubs had been doing and that they blew up what was one of my favorite fantasy settings and replaced it with something I find boring.
Agreed 100%
>but it's also not having to jump through hoops to justify anything beyond empire vs orcs/chaos fight
There are a million and one reasons why any two factions may have a battle in WHFB. There's actually less of a reason to fight in AoS because territory and resources are literally infinite on any one plane.
If you AoS fags just admitted you like capeshit more than a more relatively grounded setting then I'd respect you a little bit.
Newfag tier bait
Literally just Paladins of Sigmar that appeared at the end of the end of times and pushed chaos back to the poles, with them barely remembering Azyr before they are send back to the old world with Sigmar's power