What mystical and esoteric things are in the forests?
What mystical and esoteric things are in the forests?
go ask /k/
other than that, I wouldn't worry about it...
MYSTICAL squirrels.
>Metsänpeitto (lit. forest cover) is a phenomenon found in Finnish folklore. It was used to describe people or domestic animals who went missing in nature for unexplained reasons.
>People "covered by forest" were described as not being able to recognize the terrain around them, even if they were on familiar grounds. In other cases they might have walked endlessly through unfamiliar terrain, or were rendered completely paralyzed, unable to move or speak. Unnatural silence devoid of the sounds of nature was also common.
>People or animals under the influence of the phenomenon were described as becoming either completely invisible to other people, or looking like part of the nature around them, like a rock. In one story a man had been looking for a missing cow for days. When he finally gave up and returned to his work, the first tree stump he struck with his axe transformed back into his cow.
>The cause behind metsänpeitto was usually credited to maahinens, who were small humanoid creatures living underground (usually translated as "gnomes"). Some people managed to free themselves from metsänpeitto by their own means, for example by turning their jacket inside out, by switching their shoes to the wrong feet, or by looking between their own legs. This was because of the idea that everything was topsy-turvy in the lands of the maahinens. Some were released seemingly without reason, others only after being sought after by a shaman. Some were never seen again.
>Metsänpeitto greatly resembles "kamikakushi", or "spiriting away", found in Japanese folklore.
Wendigos man.
If there's one thing that keeps /k/ up at night, it's those.
Leshiy, kikimoras, upyrs, volkolaks
Thunder children.
White-face Bear.
Wolf Spiders.
Wendigos, skinwalkers, and fairies.
Why do the Finns have so much in common with the Nips?
I like this picture.
On one hand it can be a cozy 'oh look the night is taking over the forest and plains'
>playing Camouflage with fucking spirit things
Mongolian rape babies.
But the druids were a conspiracy!
Wildmen, people which distance themselves from people so much that they end up more animal than men. Some say werewolves are the end result. They always existed where men don't.
Capelobos. Humanoids, but their hoofs are perfectly circular to confuse trackers, their screams horrify one's heart, their claws are suited to split open one's head, their anteater heads excel at sucking one's brain. If it doesn't find brains, it eats puppies and kittens.
The copper-penised owl as well. It takes away bad children and puts them in a barrel until sunday. Then at sunday he drains their blood, cook the blood, eat it and then the kid.
The Baba Yaga. Did you know she has two identical sisters and likes to suck maidens' breasts?
Don't forget to fear the forest itself. Inulpamahuida. Its name means “mountain climber” (inulpa = to climb and mahuida = hill) and refers to the tree’s clawed branches, which it uses to climb up the steep Patagonian mountains. Mapuches held a great fear towards the forested mountains and did not want to go into them.
Don't forget the mundane terrors as well.
And the WTFs
They share common Finngolian ancestry. Ancient Japanese were Finns who fought against Korean empire in paleo-war and were separated from their brethren. This is why Koreans and Japanese hate each other to this day.
Goat-men. They worship an ancient, dark god.
Satyrs and dryads as well, of course.
I wanna fuck a dryad....
Who doesn't?
no they they weren't. how is i t a conspiracy to just lie about something existing when it didn't?
Mister Bradsaw, will you stand up please.
Abandoned cabins you wouldn't want to stay the night in. Caves to deep, convoluted, mazes. Streams that will only get you lost, if you follow them.
What the fuck user.
Shit's for real. Whatever you do, don't fucking climb them. Not on your life.
It looks weird, but they're probably just left there from smugglers back in the day. Much easier to dock you ship in the forest and unload there than to do it at the coast where the authorities will be expecting you.
how is this biome called, wetlands?
That's a pretty modern stair. Also you'd still have to move your ship past the coast to get into internal river systems or if the river goes across borders, that would be a prime spot for custom authorities.
Yeah, the one that leads up to a tree is better since the coast authorities aren't going to be checking that.
Stairway to Heaven.
It's called a lake.
What the fuck are you guys going on about?
It's not that weird.
Have you got stairs in the woods?
quads require you to elaborate on the copper-penised owl. I hope its name has nothing to do with its main activity you mentioned.
Are you sure it's not deer that keep them up at night?
I've put up a few myself. It's all for fun.
>Finno-Korean hyperwar
You, I like you
Does anyone have links to that ranger dude who posted stories about his encou ters with them?
Here you go. Each entry has a link to the next at the end.
Poor quality fiction.
You mean you got wood?
I know where this is going and there is not enough money in the world to get me to climb that thing.
My wood once got stares does that count?
I thought it was skinwalkers....
I always thought this picture was adorable. They're not hostile, they're curious. I could share my granola bar with one and we go on magical adventures.
I've read that creepypasta, one of my favorites.
There's a really good series of creepypastas about a forest ranger talking about mysterious stairs in the woods.
Dark White People is a pretty poor translation of an already very difficult to translate word. The description seems to be in reference to their dusky, sickly pallor, bruised colouring with pale surrounds or their completely pale skin and tendency to lurk in shadows.
Locals of the area have been blaming pretty much every unexplainable or perilous occurrence on the dark white people going back many hundreds of years. Countless stories are passed down both orally and in texts of encounters, warnings and most importantly, ways to deal with them. Like many global iterations of little people and trickster spirits, the dark white people fill the same cultural and mythological niche, however rather curiously, dark white people can and have been killed and studied a rare few times. Legend states a stuffed corpse took up residence behind a local church. In fact, the local peoples took to oncoming Christianity with relish as they had finally found something bigger than themselves to protect from the dark white people. They had little pagan beliefs to be changed or stamped out, save for their tormentors, which inevitably stayed, but, according to some of the older locals, are dwindling greatly, but this makes them even angrier.
Can you paste it?
Actually got posted, I didn't notice I know it's nosleep but they're actually a good read
My fellow Veeky Forumsniggers.
/k/ here it's both but I wouldn't worry about it, it's not like they exist amirite?
Business cocoons
Well I'm not sleeping tonight.
Or going on the stairs.
That keeps other things up at night
Fleshgaits actually. Skinwalkers are murderous shape-shifting shamans, wendigo's are anorexic grey super-cannibals, and fleshgaits are animalistic voice mimicking bodysnackers.
*bodysnachers, but I guess that works too.
Yeah I wouldn't worry about it.
Don't forget Sasquatch family groups, tribes of two legged dogmen, and the Goatman....that about covers all the spooks you need to worry about in America besides location specific cryptids.
I feel like deserves a bump.
They say you don't want to be caught under the shadow when the sun goes out
A mystical hole that leads to a dark room with red curtains, house of the evil spirits that linger in the woods.
I kinda like the idea of animals suddenly talking to you once you are deep enough. Never anything concrete, just basic and half cryptic messages like an old fable. Or maybe you just hear voices and when you turn around there is nobody except a few birds. Some give you warnings to leave the forest, others give you helpful advice and encouragement and some tell you not to trust the others. Adds mysticism while not going too strong too quickly.
In the same vein you could have have passing mentions of the "King of the Forrest" or something. You never see it but you do find giant paw prints in the mud and its "influence" is omnipresent (do with that what you like I have't really developed it).
Leave symbols charms and shrines scattered through the woods, leave it ambiguous as to whether that is a good thing or a bad thing for the players.
I just read this recently, one of the best "innawoods" stories, though it lays it on a bit thick especially at the beginning.
Are there any more like it with good innawoods stories that don't just fall back on goatmen/wendigos/skinwalkers and with a good deal of mindfuckery? Particularly ones with rangers or people who live around the woods and not random campers (this part isn't too important)
Amonster from slavic folklore. In slavalnd everything and it's cousin have a spirit.
Leshij is the forest spirit, the forest master. He can move paths to confuse and mess with you. Sometimes appears as an old man, modern rapresentation have him either as a treeant, a a 1meter tall old man with mushroom hat.