Remember guys >Hide samecast shitposters >Report stormcuck shitposting >Ignore SCE false flagging Keep the thread clean and don't give any (you)s to cheetahfag. If something looks like a bait it's just a bait
Luis Jackson
>FW Fimir models coming out never ever
But hey, at least we got that faggot shitty ugly dragon that they keep showing at every fucking event
Isaac Gonzalez
Why are Khorne Daemons so bad.
Literally why play them when Ironjawz are just better.
Brandon Lopez
>What is the most fun army to play against? Deathrattle. You could win, or you could lose, but you are killing a lot of stuff either way. Also, it has very little to counter your army's abilities.
Adrian Morgan
>expecting nu-FW delivering anything but overcosted titans and Knight variants for 40k
Jacob Ross
Sylvaneth are great, their battalions got hit with the nerf bat pretty hard, and kurnoth hunters got more expensive, but pretty much all their units are useful in some way or another
Nathan Foster
You forgot marines and marines galore
Brody Cruz
Wanderererer fags report in. I can't summon hunting hounds any more thanks infinite wisdom at GW.
How do I run a core of 20 counts as sisters of the watch at 1k+ without getting punted?
Going to ally in 6 warhawkrider/prosecutor counts as, with double waywatcher and spellweavers. Not much of a spell selection, the healing might help but the units of 10 might not last long enough.
Evan Scott
Thanks for the reply do you know the awnswer too my other question "if I take a treelord ancient with a silver-wood circlet I can cast awakening the wood at 30' right? what about part about enemy's being within 3' of the wood, would this extend to 9'?"
Nicholas Powell
>LARPing as the /aosg/ police
not everyone loves SC
Austin Nelson
you have to play aggressive and tie up your opponents' units that could threaten your sisters bunker. They do pack a punch but if anything touches them they will all die instantly.
Adrian Powell
When they do make anything, it's always Khorne shit. It's fucking infuriating, the last two AoS releases have all been Khorne and the dragon will make three Khorne releases
Juan Wright
>and it's infuriating Looks like it's working then.
Nicholas Reyes
Exactly the role summonable hunting hounds were going to fill.
William Fisher
From previous thread
Does the Godsworn champion of Ruin batallion bonus (a unit) apply to Chaos lords as well? Or are HERO and UNIT distinct?
Also, if I am reading this right, is it possible to sync the favoured of the gods (switch chaos lords mark artefact) with the StD trait to change a non marked units bonus each turn?
Gavin Cooper
>Death focused event next year >implying it won't just boil down to yet even more fucking Stormcast releases while death units are simply reboxed and bundled up with maybe one or two new special characters at most
Carson Murphy
You don't like Stormcasts™, you stupid goy? Then kill yourself
Jordan Smith
honestly you want to take flying behemoths to throw at your enemies lines and do your heavy lifting in combat while your sisters snipe down priority targets
sadly, wanderers do not have good options to do that.
Christian Brooks
ignore stormcuck poster
Hunter Price
>Not wanting the entire setting to be big frowny metal supermen VS everyone else. Wow, you like a diversified setting? Fuck you, you pleb.
Michael James
HOLD UP HOLD UP HOLD UP Where is that model from? It's awesome
Oliver Harris
>you must like SC to post here
yeah nah
Joseph Bennett
The OP? Knight of Shrouds coming sometime in 2018 when Death finally stops being dead with some Malign Portents event they teased.
Hudson Jackson
I don't like the stormcast (and sometimes khorne) focus either but their boxes sell. If they publish some mini games on the side they would be stupid to make it between factions rarely anyone plays.
Mason Adams
LOL this faggot is playing a NPC race!
Logan Perry
it's been teased at Nova convention it seems.
Julian Flores
>implying death will get more than one box of repacked skellis or zombies in addition to one unit 99% of the other dead factions can't use
Michael Anderson
I understand they use SC sales to pay for a lot of their stuff, but the problem is they keep using the SC sales to mainly pay for more SC releases instead of actually focusing on other factions. Its Fucking annoying. How many different boxes of vanilla models do we need?
Zachary Wood
There is this event. Malign Portents. We don't know precisely what it is, but it looks like a campaign or something.
Anyway, this is basically the story of the return of an angry Nagash.
For the occasion, they will introduce 4 heroes, one for each of the Grand Alliances.
Those will be the heralds of their respective faction. They said something about fielding them for free in related games, not sure how it works.
Lucas Cox
>return of angry Nagash
Nah, not Nagash's return... someone else is coming back though, and he's pissed...
Kayden Parker
To be honest, I'll bet half the fact their stuff sells is purely because it's the only one that gets regular, consistent updates. Look at 3/4s of the other factions and armies. >no releases in years >still old boxes with square bases so you have to buy round ones separately and make sure to get the right conversion, and that's if the base isn't outright unique to that model too. >old models, usually lower quality and detail than newer ones >never advertised, compared with SC that appears on all advertising and constantly gets shilled by GW at all times You get the impression they're just there for some old fans to buy and will either be forgotten with nothing new released or be gotten rid of sooner or later.
Hence everyone getting into it buys the army being advertised constantly and that gets regular releases and thus is a safe bet. The entire argument is "Stormcast sells because it's the only army to get constant releases so it should have constant releases because it sells because it has constant releases because it sells because it has constant releases because it sells". If they don't support the other armies they can hardly pretend to be surprised they're not selling. Everything should have been fucking reboxed when the setting was rebooted.
Sebastian Ortiz
Stop responding to the same dumb bait over and over again.
Thomas Reed
>An angry Tomb King on Exalted Chariot
Ryan Wright
Dominic Carter
Eventually the only army anyone plays will be SC and they'll release a few subfactions of SC to give their player base of all stormcast players some variety. Then in stores youll see nothing but games of SC vs SC.
welcome to the 40k ization of fantasy. Marines for everyone!
Josiah Parker
Not my care or trouble, but Stormcast are trading low. Ogres trade at 1:1 (swapped for 12) and others have done far better: 2:1 or better for Elves. There are over 100 SC for trade at the club. The GW store does not bother to reorder their core troops, the ones on the shelf have dust (very clean store! Kudos2 GW). Supply and demand is a harsh Law.
The SM can serve any chapter and most of our 40K have multiple SM Chapters! I 'm a SM slacker with only 2 1/2 (one guy has 7+, 5 q7 300+ points!), but I run Orcs, Chaos and am being sucked in by Harlequins!
Logan Brown
What do you mean by trading at 1:1, 2:1 etc. Is it some sort of model barter/exchange program?
Justin Bell
New nighthaunt hero! >still no command ability.
I'd say i was calling it, but it just seems so obvious
Nicholas Phillips
>You get the impression they're just there for some old fans to buy and will either be forgotten with nothing new released or be gotten rid of sooner or later. this is true for most 40k factions too.
Orks get one new kit every two years. Core tyranids havent had anything in years. Dark Eldar got the one model in the triumvirate boxes if that counts as an update. "plastic sisters of battle" turned out to be celestine and her groupies, and not replacing the over two decade old sculpts they currently have.
Kevin Kelly
>finally once everyone has bought into stormcast they will release SIGMARIS STORMCAST >models will be twice as large so you can't kitbash with previous line of models >warscrolls will be stronger with no significant points increase >people will actually go out and buy their army a second time
Logan Nguyen
> good to warhammer community site to learn more > click on Malign Portents video > literally 10 seconds of fucking nothing Jeez why even make the fucking video?
Jace Harris
I've seen many people making custom warscrolls and heroes, but have anyone ever actually played custom stuff?
Landon Murphy
Luke Howard
Get hype faggot
Hudson Nelson
>Pestigors >capital P It's an actual unit, guys!
Nolan Brooks
Here's to hoping they are properly disgusting.
Ryan Perez
>$35 blister
Jacob Scott
I had a couple of games with a few custom warscrolls for my commanders before the first GBH came out and made build-a-hero possible.
Caleb Scott
Lexicanum could use your help getting everything age of sigmar up-to-date. Sign-up and start editing.
If you don't have any books you can also help by adding any warscrolls and product descriptions to the lexi.
Samuel Howard
Owen Roberts
Nolan Hall
Rock on, you crazy diamond. I mean, nobody will come and do shit, but I appreciate your dedication.
Adam Roberts
Gib moar info pleez
Aiden Johnson
Fucking hell >could have bundled them into Blightwar >BUT HOW WOULD WE FIT THE STORMCAST IF WE DID THAT!?
Easton Price
i Have only made custom heroes for Silver Tower and Shadows over hammerhal but they are based on existing warscrolls. I would say not hard to do provided you playtest a bit, base around examples from existing heroes and do the necesary tweaks with the feedback. Mine play very well compared with the existing ones.
Allying in Shadowblades >Assassins (80) >Dark riders x5 (120)
Nathan Jenkins
Nurgle Daemons vs Sylvaneth would have been a much more interesting boxset.
Leo Brooks
Thanks! I really could use some help too, but I'll just have to keep on trying.
Kevin Brooks
That was an OLD fight. That was the hype fight from the new Everqueen/Beetle monster kit. Nurgle versus Death would have been KEWL... You could even make a female vampire/soul blight/ banshee or whatever...
Daniel Anderson
BTW anybody has the Spire of Dawn book?
Kevin Stewart
Mh. Yes, you are right
Justin Parker
>god of death vs god of decay
Jesus fuck GW you have made enough money with SC that you can afford risks to help pull normies into your other available armies for more money and you STILL give us more SC
Benjamin Jones
Hunter Flores
Even the Rountree era can't escape from the lazy lure of easy money.
Ryder Perez
While I kinda get the frustration over the Stormcast overload, GW is still in the business of making money. Stormcast/Marines apparently sell very well, so why stop and support niche NPC factions? It's not like they are a charity and aren't responsible to their stockholders.
Other factions will come and will be supported, just not now. I'm also waiting for more Death and Aelves but give it time. The game is young.
Isaac Ward
>just not now
It's been two years and all we've had is a Stormcast release of some kind every few months, Chaos, bigger Orcs, a few repackaged Destruction factions and one or two bits of new stuff that's worth talking about (the Kharadron, Fyreslayers, and the Sylvaneth to a lesser extent). Flesh Eater Courts barely even count considering how little attention Death's got. There's a difference between 'making money' and taking the piss. Plenty of people would be willing to drop the cash on 'niche factions', the constant Free People/Soulblight/Grot Sky Pirate shilling in these threads proves that. Stormcast are only as popular as they are because GW shills them so aggressively.
Somebody post the starter boxes image.
Jackson Robinson
Just be happy Stormcast got most of their lineup now. They don't really lack anything anymore, maybe a Warmachine and a Wizard (if they ever get any). They had their time in the sun and it's almost over now.
William Gutierrez
I hope so.
Charles Bennett
>Stormcast/Marines apparently sell very well, so why stop and support niche NPC factions? They sell very well because they're shoved into everything, advertised to death, and are pretty much the only supported faction except for occasional Chaos. It's literally just a constant feedback loop. >Only support Stormcast. >Stormcast sell best because they're the only supported faction. >Stormcast need more support because they sell best. >Stormcast sell best because they're the only supported faction. >Stormcast need more support because they sell best. >Stormcast sell best because they're the only supported faction. >Stormcast need more support because they sell best. >Stormcast sell best because they're the only supported faction. >Stormcast need more support because they sell best.
Xavier Foster
nobody fucking cares about stormcast, stop posting about them for fucks sakes
Josiah Bailey
>nobody fucking cares about stormcast >Everyone posting about Stormcast That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Luis Gonzalez
Forest Dragons are hilariously good at fucking things up. I absolutely hate fighting vs my friends sisters of twilight/glade lady on dragon because I can't kill it very effectively.
Dominic Davis
You mean the one with 20 years of whfb starters vs 2 years of aos?
Kayden Perez
Yeah but they already had everything then they got dragons and then they got space wolves
Just wait, Sigmar will open a new Extremis Chamber to deal with the Nurgle threat
Nolan Nguyen
> new warrior chamber > consists solely of STRONK, INDEPENDENT WYMEN WHO DON'T NEED NO MALE 2018 folks. Pre order in December
Tyler Myers
Please respond
Evan Watson
I'm excited/stressed. I have several boxes of the metal ones, should I unload now while the ebay price is still high and hope for the best?
Dominic Gray
Are there any Seraphon players willing to tell me about lizard's kits quality? I'm thinking about starting an army but I noticed that some of these kits are so fuckin old. After fucking with orc boyz and orc warboss on boar I don't even want to touch anything older than 10 years. These models were fuckin terrible - Grand Canyon-tier gaps and moldlines in the worst places. What about Lizardmen? How good are these sculpts? Are they relatively easy and nice to prep or maybe I will have to fuck with liquid greenstuff for few days to fill all gaps and holes? It's not like I'm lazy or choosy but you all know that some kits are just god-awful and cleaning and assembling them is not really a rewarding experience
Liam Martinez
Translation: >I am lazy and don't want to work on my models
Grayson Gonzalez
They fit together nicely and you can wiggle the arms around to pose them slightly but the legs are pretty static on the warriors and temple guard. Skinks are pretty old and monopose too but they're so small it doesn't matter. Slann have a nice model, as do most of the lizardman heroes. The Terradons/Ripperdactyls have a great kit, can be a bit hard to put together but overall the plastic is great. Kroxigor are an older sculpt so they don't look too great but they fit easily enough, they're finecast sadly. Stegadons are nice too, bastiladons are as well.
The Dread Saurian is pretty nice too, I like the model and after the initial gluing he looks great.
Our cold ones looks like ass compared to the Dark Elf cold ones. The "newer" kits are nice, if you get the SC Box you'll get the Carnosaur/Trog and 12 warriors with 8 knights.
Asher Garcia
>Q: Does a hero – as a single model – count as a unit to fulfil the requirement to have 8 units for a Bloodmarked Warband? A: Yes.
>I am lazy and don't want to work on my models Bitch, I'm a skaven player - I have cleaned 120 clanrats to make them look good but there is no fun in this Yeah, I want to start with a start collecting box. What I'm worried about is if the big models parts like Carnosaur ones fit well together. Assembling the tau piranha was a traumatic experience desu
Bentley Martinez
Unload. If the Nurgle releases of late are any indication the Pestigors will probably be very good.
Anthony Jenkins
The big monsters are all very new, like 2014 I think. The only really old plastic kits are the saurus, saurus cav and skinks.
Jaxson Torres
They fit together fine, the cold ones just leave you with a sense of dissatisfaction compared to what dark elves get. Like it takes no prep at all outside of cutting the parts out and gluing them together, the BSB is the only pain in the ass for the Warriors/Guard.
Jackson Gonzalez
Thank you kind user.
Caleb Ortiz
Well then, I think I might give them a try. They don't look very well in some pics but on the other hand they seem to be fun as hell to paint
Liam Gonzalez
Unload *right now*, before there are any image leaks or community articles. If the DG stuff and Horticulus is any indication the new Pestigors will be baller, so better dump them before that.
Christopher Rodriguez
Only big Lizard I have had trouble putting together was my Stegadon. Carnosaur works well and snaps together fine. If your careful the legs and upper body stand without glue even.
Adrian Myers
Does anyone know of any video which explains the setting of AoS?
I'm a bit lost.
Chase Evans
Best resources for totally new players? I'm reluctant to just ask you lads for tips/tricks, simply on the merit that I hope there's some repertoire to read through.
Austin Kelly
Read, motherfucker.
Brody Fisher
Check ot the 1d4chan tactics pages. They're kinda hit-or-miss at times, but the general gist is there and for the most part it's entertaining to read.
Owen Morgan
Are they all pretty well done? Or do some factions/armies have far less to work with? I'm looking at Flesheater Courts or Seraphon if that at all helps.
Easton Long
read a book nigger
Joseph King
What book, faggot?
I type 'Age of Sigmar explained', 'age of sigmar lore' into youtube, google and so on and get fucking nothing of value.
Stop being so reclusive and help me out.
Mason Powell
Read the first campaign book, Age of Sigmar Mighty Battles in an Age of Unending War
Adrian Watson
There are several books that deal with the lore, such as the Realmgate Wars campaign series or the basic rulebook. They're all in the OP. Grab maybe City of Secrets, Auction of Blood, Garden of Nurgle and Lord of Undeath as well, those also explain a lot. If you really need a fucking youtube video to explain this shit to you I cannot hep you because you are beyond help.