Flames of War General: Salty Russians Edition

Old Thread >Flames of War SCANS database:
---Includes our Late War Leviathan rules!
Official Flames of War Free Briefings:

Current Veeky Forums fan projects - Noob Guide &FAQ, and a Podcast
Quick Guide on all present FOW Books:

Archive of all known Panzer Tracts PDFs: mediafire.com/folder/nyvobnlg12hoz/Panzer_Tracts

WWII Osprey's, Other Wargames, and Reference Books
and, for Vietnam.

--Guybrarian Notes:


Panzerfunk, the /fowg/ podcast.

flamesofwar.com/hobby.aspx?art_id=1949 the Azul Division: no longer linkable off the main page

Which army do you play the most?

what actual country are you from?


docs.google.com/document/d/1JWmbvVANUraO9ILWJZduRgiI9w4ZC3ytNUQE8rK7Xrw/edit?usp=sharing an "i want to get a starter set" for late war.

Do you play TANKS? what is the local scene / meta like? (multi)

Other urls found in this thread:


lord have mercy, battlefront is slow at answering emails

>around a month ago, buy infantry and 5 models are just not included, countless more are very badly damaged or miscast
>email BF about it, they take 2 weeks to answer
>they ask me to fill out a damaged item form, that's fine, I send the info right back
>8 days later they respond saying it will be in the post
>that was 6 days ago. received another email just now, "ETA is roughly 4-5 weeks on that item. We can send you missing items at that time."

do they only have one guy answering emails? I answer 100+ emails at my job in a day. Do they really get that much email traffic that it automatically takes over a week to answer an email? Or would it just be better to phone them

>Yes, you are. READ the changes before griping (it's fucked up enough without exagregations and strawmen)
>- Your Red Banner Strelk is (I assume) heroes, so are unaffected, only non-hero units are hit by this.
>- LW Soviets do not get reduced points, that's "only" for EW soviets (where everything is hit on 2+ already).
Red Banner Strelk is in Barbarossa. It's the only Trained list the soviets got. Now it's conscript, at the same points as it was at trained, AND suffers the "you only get 85% of normal points" thing. Or you could assume that they're talking about the LW one where neither of these apply, in order to keep up your assumption that everyone saying something bad is a moron. Perhaps you should think more before you strawmen people as not reading?

New EW/LW rule changes:

Future product announcements:

I stand corrected. Forgot that there is in fact Trained soviets in EW. Then your objection is notworthy. (Reasonable interpretation would be for LIU to apply only in LW, but RaW it doesn't).

this is why i love the flames of war community. We shitpost but discussions don't turn into shit flinging insult arguments (usually.) Good on both of you for being discussing the game like adults

>would it just be better to phone them

Apparently so. Facebook and the forum are full of similar complaints.

Can't wait to play Strelkovy with the new changes!

How do any of the V4 changes fix the US vet blobs the article explicitly mentions as the problem to be solved?

>Since a US Rifle Platoon can be 12 teams strong and a US Armored Rifle Platoon is 14-strong as standard, increasing the point at which Units start making Last Stand tests will either catch units like these, or have very little effect.

Silly user. They were mentioning the US Vet blobs as things that need to be saved from the nerfing. That's why they decided to write the rule as is.

will do. I guess the long distance charges to new zealand are worth it if it doesnt take so long just to get a reply to an email

They should have a US or UK customer service line. Just make a post in the product discussion or on FB and they should redirect you to it.

What did he mean by this?

Is Phil actually an employee of battlefront or just one guys brother that they send out?

Company owner.

What the fuck

No that's Pete Sumovich. Phil is head designer.

well get some someone to design Phil a new head

People have car accidents all the time. Brake lines practically cut themselves these days.

Lead game designer. Not the owner.

How the fuck does he not know his own rules?

He doesn't have to? If people bought your stuff even thought you didn't do any fuckin' work - would you bother actually doing your job?

we have top men on it.

You have been visited by the komissar of protection.
If you reply to this post with "Swim true sweet schwimmwagen" you will be protected from the next rules update or gulag trip.
>typing "cheers" will negate this immunity

>Because I just don't care anymore

Swim true sweet schwimmwagen

Swim true sweet schwimmwagen


>Swim true sweet schwimmwagen


Swim true sweet schwimmwagen
No kulak for my gulag

>late to the party, as usual.

I find it odd that after 15 years BF's designers are thinking about making Hen&Chick have nothing to do with your ability to shoot.
who came in and shit-kicked their entire design philosophy?
....it was nice to not be conscript to-hit in the nastier late stages of the war....

He actually believe this.


shit. the funny thing is, in a STRATEGIC game this would be a viable approach to varied and opposing doctrines. but in a tactical objective grabbing game, it makes the Soviet forces utterly disposable.

chill out, it's just a game, in the end, we have this.

also: try using flamesofwar.com right now. so much live update.
...i was going to point something out, but here, have a link...you'll need it:
so, seeing how BF executes things,
This means:
--September / October: more MW US stuff... very likely they are trying to do catch up work to actually release on time.
--November: Hammerfall, maybe new Late War book, maybe Stripes
--Christmas: Stripes, Wildcard DAK 90, The LW Boxes and stuff, maybe Italians?
--January: Italians
--February / March: 8th Army book
--April / May: maybe Eastern Front, maybe Fate of a Nation
--May / June: Eastern Front or Fate of a Nation
--July / August: the 2017 list gets completed.

oh, worth noting the Nam/FOAN stuff is going to be released by Osprey...so, expect possible book dimension sizedown, expect possible exact release date.


I never got on the 4e band-wagon (just stopped playing), could someone explain this one to me?

Basically some of the 4e changes made Soviets good, so Phil just put out a bunch of errata that specifically targeted the Soviets and nuked them in uselessness, while going out of his way to say those rules wouldn't effect US forces just because.


>Since a US Rifle Platoon can be 12 teams strong and a US Armored Rifle Platoon is 14-strong as standard, increasing the point at which Units start making Last Stand tests will either catch units like these, or have very little effect.
Holy shit. I always gave them the benefit of doubt about making USA the powerhouse it is, about making Pact shit and NATO really good, about making soviets bad, i always tried to think they were not doing this on purpose but holy fucking shit this is too fucking obvious and too fucking much.
Fuck you Phil, die in a fire.

Man not only disposable, but complete unable to engage in any offensive action. There's no way in hell you can assault with them, or even win an infantry firefight. They are just potato sacks meant to sit in a foxhole and die.

The memes dont stop coming.

thats some quality cheersposting

I want to start playing FoW 4e LW but I'm
pretty confused with all the books available.
What do I need to buy ? Or I'm better start playing TY instead and wait for BF to update the army books for LW ?

Bail this game, try TY if you want but if i were you i would stay away from this mess until we get a competent designer

You're better off waiting until there's a better 15mm rule set.

See what your local community is playing, but in general TY or MW is in a better place as far as rule coherency. V4 EW/LW is a bit of a mess right now. You'll still get a good grasp of how the rules work for V4 by learning TY, there are only a few minor differences in the core rules.

Play Battlegroup in 6mm
Wait for Battlegroup NORTHAG if you want a cold war game like Team Yankee.

Battlefront don't deserve your money for how they have acted especially Phil and since they are still small unlike with GW a boycott will hopefully kill their business and see them out the door as they are a massive cancer to the tabletop community.

Idea for the large unit morale thing:

Each platoon within a company-sized unit counts separately for Unit Last Stand, while still working as a whole unit in all other respects.

Ignore these fuckers, play V4, I don't even know what they're doing on the thread right now.
There are pdfs in the scans database and good advice on starter sets.
For the time being you'll need the ew-lw rulebook and any force book pf ypur choosing.
Maybe stay clear of Soviets until the new rules are either cemented or abandoned though.

Get out of here Phil

It's a dying game, and a dying thread. The sooner it goes, the sooner something better can take it's place.


Play V4 LW it's fine. And I'm saying this as a soviet player. It's still fun.
TY is good too.
Play both like I do!

You honestly think Phil knows or cares about our little group of fucktards on Veeky Forums?

t. Phil

I'd love to think that he was one of the many people claiming to be Bartosz a while back.

We are all Bartosz.

Indeed we are.

Speak for yourselves, I identify as an Abrams

I thought the joke was that people identify as an apache helicopter...

Fuck you, bigot. Identity isn't a joke.

I identify as a joke and your post deeply offends me

You can call yourself whatever the fuck you want.

I reserve the right to laugh my ass off about it if it's completely fucking ridiculous.

I identify as a go die horribly and painfully.

c h e e r s s a l t b o i

don't you know? the fact we are bitching this heavily means we LOVE Flames of War!
let the edition wars come and pass, or let them continue. It matters little: we will play this game nonetheless.
We shall pursue our game, whatever the cost may be; we will play it in our clubhouses, we will play it on the storefront, we will play it in our homes and in any place that lets us, we will never, never let our dice rest.
and now until forever:
Fuck Hen and Chicks!
For German Space Magic!
For Our Magical Realms!
For all our Spams and our Veterans!



is the Burger holiday of Semi-Communist spirit threatening to shank our typical gaming weekends?


So now that Vietnam has been announced with the addition of the Meme Corp (Yet no South Korea) How much of a parking lot do you expect it to become?

A Wulfenstein panzergrenadier company

Parking lot is all about the command rules, so, probably likely.

Well the good news is that the T-55 will actually be worth a reasonable amount of points in that era.

No worries, it can still be made spamtrash with shit ratings and special rules.

Historically M41 walker bulldogs win T 55 despite their weak gun and armor. Communists subhuman horde can't stand against mighty free world soldiers.

I can't tell if I like this or not.

For me at least, I'm away on my annual pilgrimage to Dragon*Con.

The place where the idea for our half-assed little podcast came from.

>me on the left

fucking sweet!

>that wasn't the Historical outcome...see the wiki on Vietnam: the country for babby's 1st details.

please fill us in with updates, oh Chapter Master!

>please fill us in with updates, oh Chapter Master!

Supposedly our glorious Primarch, Guybrarian is here as well, but to be honest, I don't remember if I have his contact info anymore.

motto senki, kudesai!

>komissar meguminovich tries to motivate the shtrafniki to finish the mine removal


top kek

hahhaha, we are all drinking beer and attending cons.
slow threads on weekends mean it is up to me, the mere Anonymous, to keep the thread alive for our master's return.

have a doge

Soooooo big

It's not that those SAM carriers are big, it's more that the Hetzer is itty bitty.

Or possibly both

oh. my god. those are like....so Hueg!

They don't look too bad for resin/metal, did they come that clean or have you been working on them?

Those minis look great.

>Flames of war is dying
I feel so vindicated right now.

Project harder, you might get it in HD.

Just imagine having your dick sucked by two Zelda's at once. Heaven.


Me too, but also upset. Now the community will be splintered between
>V3.5 and V4.5 homebrews that "fix" said versions
>Lard Island games
>at least 3 other games, some of which probably aren't out yet
It's going to take years and years for the community to coalesce around something.

Truth hurts doesnt it name faggot?


Flames of War is being reborn.
here is the utter fucking truth of it:
--Battlefront are secretly X-wingaboos. they love that game.
--TY took off unexpectedly, less due to the game and more because it was Modern FoW, which 60% of us secretly wanted.
--BF looked at the numbers, and had a thought
--Let's make FoW more like TY, and more like X-wing!
--They did. this is V4.

now, V4 is literally the thing Grognards hate: it's the super-easy version with all the 'modern' tweaks (cards, low pts, etc) designed to reign in new blood.
of course it has haters.
but, oddly, we are also getting new blood. the trickle is small, but it is happening.
think about it
what would you do to get the new blood in larger volumes?
simple: iconic battles we ALL have seen
D-Day. Bastogne. Drive into Germany. and now we have 2 new Stalingrad movies.

there are no new movies about Afrika.

the only reason this isn't moving is, unlike last time, we didn't have WWII films in recent memory backing up BF

THINK about it.
it's a rebirth. with all the blood and gushing babyshit.

>now, V4 is literally the thing Grognards hate: it's the super-easy version with all the 'modern' tweaks
As long as you play MW. If you play EW/LW, you have a soup of conversion rules, rules changes, large imbalances, and just a general mess to deal with.

This ignores also all the V4 MW historical accuracy problems Phill covers with his eternally unnamed "sources", but it's baby edition so whatever

So many geckos, goddamn.

don't they come in a 3-pack anyway?

also, here, have this.
new version of the V4 Character sheet.
(because the EW/LW conversion requires a character-sheet.)