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MTG Flake Thread: "Pirates and Dinos and Aztecs, oh maya" edition
Thread question since some people are morons
What side of the Ixalan conflict would your flake be on? The Brazen Coalition, the Sun Empire, the Legion of Dusk, or the River Heralds?
I can't imagine any of them that would genuinely side with pirates, considering they're all assholes.
They all suck. Pirates are assholes, the Sun Empire are barbarians and the Legion of Dusk are vampires. I don't know much about the Merfolk, but I imagine they aren't much better.
Except they're not barbarians, they're on the same technological level as the invaders.
Don't you have a dungeon to dive?
One would definitely take the pirate's side, although her relationship with them wouldn't go beyond "working to reach the same goal". Dunno about the rest.
>not thicc
Dungeon is fucking dead
I don't think any of mine would actually end up buddy-buddy with those factions.
I do really appreciate that magic is getting less trapped into patterns and cycles though. First a commander set with four decks, now asymmetrical factions that aren't just some WUBRG pattern. Things are looking up.
>asymmetrical factions that aren't just some WUBRG pattern.
Naya dinos/natives
Grixis pirates
WB vamps
GU merfolk
R gets represented twice, leaving WUBG
WB and UG means every color is represented
Yeah but it's not a 10 or 5 point wheel. That's all I care about.
I think his main issue is with colors equally divided neatly between five or ten factions, with an equal number of colors in each faction. He appreciates the asymmetry of the factions of Ixalan.
Reposting fish bitch for the new thread.
Considering she's a race supremacist she'd probably hang with the merfolk.
In fact, I'll dump all of the flakes that aren't currently on the collage.
Wait how does she know the human she's looking for is a planeswalker?
And that's that.
>5 color
>time fuckery
Yeah, Igan is hot garbo.
Wait, is it known that the church of Avacyn got all thuggish and corrupt?
That doesnt really seem fitting for the tone of Innistrad.
>music without red
How is his music so popular if it ain't got SOUL?
Is Carmello just a pop idol???
The Justin Bieber of Magic the Gathering.
At least she isn't domain. :^)
RIP dungeon
We all know cowboy plane and the stupid racing plane are going nowhere too
Carmello in an old Avacynian church, "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Avacyn was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber."
But aren't they SO COOL? Like fucking METAL DUDE
I thought slivers couldn't get sparks because they are artificial creations?
>Cat demon shaman
Cat Demons are a thing in magic.
They cannot. But people tend to break lore here.
>people tend to break lore here
We try to cut back on it, really
There is a Sliver in the list of characters
I'm fixing her flakesheet so it makes more sense.
Nice flake deadgoon
Everyone look at the fags
Look and laugh
Sup, fagbomb
Why does a mushroom have a spark?
>look, people are having fun! Don't they look stupid?
I'm sure whatever you are doing right now is very entertaining.
Each color gets two tribes though
W: Dino Vampire
U: Merfolk Pirate
B: Pirate Vampire
R:Dino Pirate
G:Merfolk Dino
Just use Lorado
Laughing at you is pretty entertaining, yes.
And this is why magic gets too caught up in boring cycles. Because nerds are autistic about patterns like this.
You find yourself on the wrong board to make fun of make-believe friend, can I suggest you leave and go find more likeminded individuals?
Part 3:
The not-slivers made noises Aetevik did not understand. As they drew closer, they brandished weapons it barely recognized and cast magic it only just barely understood. What Aetevik did know, without a doubt, was that they were attacking the hive.
Aetevik would kill the not-slivers for trying.
A shrill chirping drowned out all noise as slivers swarmed into the chamber from the connecting tunnels. The intruders launched their magic; massive cones of fire burned away at some branches of the swarm. Others were shredded by invisible blades, but the swarm is great, the swarm is many. The Swarm is one. Aetevik could feel itself becoming stronger as more of its' brethren crowded into the chamber. With strengthened legs it shot forward towards the closest invader; its' arms becoming visceral scythes. The not-sliver had no time to react before it was cut down, and Aetevik turned its' attention towards the other invaders. One was in the middle, casting some spell and shouting commands. Two more were nearby, and they were truly dangerous, cutting down members of the hive left and right with their weapons. The hive decided as one to get out of range of these two. Wings sprouted from Aeteviks' back, getting it out of range of these invaders' attacks, and it was soon joined by the rest of the hive, all taken to the sky to stare down on the intruders.
"What the hell are they doing, just floating there?"
The not-slivers continued to make noises. Unbeknownst to them, the hive flying above was shifting, changing. The hivelord had not yet joined the battle, and there was truly no need. The swarm shifted, many of its' members growing extra limbs, spikes, or armor. Some were becoming thicker, their muscles enhanced by their allies. In the center of this shifting, growing hord rested Aetevik, looking down at the few not-slivers remaining...
Should I even continue at this pace? Last time I updated this was almost a month ago.
Demons cannot spark though.
0, not +0
also dude slivers lmao
Depends on the plane fucker
I've been at this for months and this is literally the first thread I've seen someone claim that Slivers can't be Planeswalkers. Has something happened to make Veeky Forums autistic or something?
But they can't
They were never allowed to be
I don't see a 'no' here. In fact, the only thing I found at all basically said that a Sliver with a spark would be unlikely to ignite it due to the hive-mind aspect of the species. That's why I had Aetevik settle down in the skep; it's not interested in exploring it's planeswalking abilities, it's interested in making sure the hive is running smoothly.
I think the point being made here is that a sliver getting a spark is highly unlikely due to the fact that they would be writing themselves into a scenario where slivers are a planeswalking menace spreading to multiple planes, and they'd rather not do that. Not strictly impossible, just improbable, from my reading.
Exactly, and I'd never argue against that, which is why I chose to keep Aetevik on Shandalar after he ends up there; I'd have no good way to write out a huge battle that would be necessary otherwise.
How are you not getting that is a 'no'? MaRo would have had to use the thinking emoji to get any more transparent with that answer.
>I think if there was such a thing as a planeswalking sliver, it might spell doom for many, many worlds.
>Literally what is fanfiction
>One sliver getting the spark could mean the whole race getting it. Hmmm…
And they did. Were you not paying attention in previous threads?
>Planeswalkers no longer have uniqueness rule
>Are Legendary permanents instead
>Implying there could be a non-Legendary planeswalker
>But what kind of planeswalker wouldn't be legendary?
>Perhaps... a bunch of slivers sharing a spark!!!
That's good, I'll use it.
>Don't break how I see the lore in a snowflake thread!
W o w
>Don't break the lore
good idea. otherwise, you get summoning from the ground tier shit.
A little late for Innistrad flakes, huh? Regardless, this guy hasn't seen the light of the thread yet.
[angery angel noises]
not again
Why are you angry? Clearly Lukas is doing the best he can for the purity of Innitrad.
My nigga
I need some pictures for an Abzan flake!
I don't know how Igan would deal here. The vampires line up with his values best, but I don't think he'd be willing to deal with them because racism.
Please don't glorify colonialism.
>Why isn't everyone Mesoamerican!
Cool character, but she seems better suited to not being a planeswalker.
So during all these world ending events (like the Eldrazi showing up on two planes, or the God-Pharos' return), do the number of planewalkers go up?
These apocalyptic events likely cause enough trauma that if an individual that experiences them does have a latent spark, that spark will almost definitely ignite.
So yes, it's likely that almost every latent planeswalker on Amonkhet has either died or had their spark ignited. I'd say the same for the majority of planeswalkers on Innistrad and Zendikar.
Friendly reminder that Esper is the best plane ever, it got ruined when re-formed into Alara and no other plane will ever come close to it.
But Jund and Grixis are just awful!
Ixalan gonna be best block for this general?
>Multiple flakes
How many is too many?
Thank you, Based Plaguelord.
What sort of magic would you expect a Red/Blue or Green/Blue mage to use?
The Izzet seem to be the U/B posterchild and just make a lot of lightening and explosions. Simic on the other hand are all about ~growing~ things and on Theros I believe U/G get some neat time magic stuff?
Ice and Fire
Giant Growth and Shrinking
Apparently walkers can't leave that shithole, so maybe not.
>The plane that is literally a giant pile of death metal album covers and over the top nonsense.
I mean, I like Esper just fine, but that's just poor taste.
Carmello is less of a passionate musician and more of one of those virtuoso performers who's crazy classically trained. He's not playing ditties from the heart, he's playing chord progressions and harmonic combinations that sound good, because he's good at it.
Also he's a joke on Franz Liszt, so yeah he's pretty much magic Beiber.
UG is nature and nurture working together, the fusion of intelligence and wisdom, the combination of physical and mental. Combine them and you get a color combination fixated on external and internal growth, on making something become more than what it already is. The mage gradually bolsters his knowledge and his own form (or that of his minions) until he reaches a point where he is unstoppable and capable of not just anything, but everything.
On the other hand, UR takes advantage of red's focus on spontaneity and the short-term and blue's focus on planning and the long-term. This color combination is about creativity and ingenuity, about having options and showing of your massive intellect. The mage has access to almost all elemental magic which he uses to hinder or harm the opponent however he wishes, while he flips through his memory like the pages of a book with the aid of his magic, plucking out exactly the spells he needs for the situation.
Esper is SHIT
Fuck off, worst colors.
>not liking wild, primal sex
>not sleeping when you want to sleep and waking up when you want to wake up
>not eating what you want, when you want, wherever you want
pretty shameful t b h