Anybody actually use these?
Weird dice thread.
Anybody actually use these?
I forget who said it but there's the old adage "If it's not broke, don't fix it"
Why does it truly offer over a standard D20 other than just being different. Simply being novel is not a virtue, there have to be improvements.
Dicerings are a cute concept, but they were always a bit expensive for me.
Then again, I bought into the PolyHero kickstarters. They're silly novelty dice, but I do like the designs, and the Wizard set is a clear improvement over their earlier Warrior set.
"If it isn't broken, you can still improve it"
Well, you can wear it.
I thought these were pretty neat
I think it would allow for more discreet rolling if you used it right.
>Simply being novel is not a virtue
Yes it is, some people collect novelty dice for the sake of novelty. As far as novelty dice go it's not hideous and looks like it could function as an actual die, which makes it far better than most of them.
Great for DMs.
I would use it. Ironically. Not on my finger.
Changes aren't automatically improvements
Sure, but it can be hard to tell until you try.
they also have one for hit locations.
Sidegrades are not downgrades, no matter how much they tickle your 'tisms.
I used to travel for work a lot, with several coworkers who were into TRPGs; this would have been a hell of a lot better than trying to constrain rolls on an economy class tray table.
What I'm saying is that you don't get points just for creating something different; literally anyone can do that. It has to be GOOD.
>Sidegrades are not downgrades,
They are when they cost money. I have no reason to buy these at all when their successors work just peachy if not better
Chessex dice roll like absolute shit, and they still sell in huge quantities. Dice are sold as a fashion statement and not as a randomizer, you're just sperging because these ones aren't your style like an autistic child triggered by the very existence of green henleys rather than his red crew-neck.
Is that you? The one TRPG player ever who bought a platonic solids plus 2d10 set and then stopped?
Plus, not everyone HAS a d20. The person buying OP's image could just as easily be a new player or a Shadowrun-only guy getting for his first foray into D&D, at which point he has just as much reason to go with it as he would to go with an icosahedron.
Was this sponsored by Bad Dragon?
Made me chuckle
yeah, they look a bit like rune stones, or something that you would throw before a battle to read the omens.
Actually, Yes. I own the d100, and wear it every day. It is pretty cool having it in real life not just at the gaming table.
Never rolls off the table.
Same here. I have the d20 one from a gift, I just walk around with it occasionally, never used in at the table. Especially now that the bearings have slowly gotten worse despite cleaning it, which is the big problem. It's an expensive die that can break much more easily than a chunk of plastic.
It's way shittier at rolling than a normal d20 but hey you can wear it.
Source: I own one.
A player of mine had one. I don't think she ever actually used it in a game, but she wore it for a long time and would talk about it a lot.
Whoa there, friend, I agree that D20 rings may have some benefits. I see the argument. I was arguing that something that is different isn't automatically better. If anyone's sperging out here, it's you.
Try to explain why you are wearing that ring at work.
They're for LARP.
How the fuck do you even throw or read that d20?
You flip it like a coin which randomises the side, then it rolls around on its edge until it stops on a number. Which one is face up is actually pretty unambiguous on a flat surface. It's not the most practical die, but I do think the design is kinda neat.
That...actually makes a lot of sense. The thought legit didn't occur to me. You're LARPing and you wanna calculate damage really quick? You can't fucking roll dice there.
Just say it's a sex thing.
I have one, but mostly I use it to fidget around with my fingers so that I don't habitually flay my fingers. I mainly play WH40k RPGs, so I've never used it in-game.