Yugioh thread!
Yugioh thread!
Building Lightsworn. Should I order a playset of Snow, or is she likely to be hit on the list next month?
i don't know how to build a good deck.
i know malice doll of demise is old but i really want to be a part of me deck.
i want to run him on a dark deck that revolves around graveyard and banish zone, not only that but recycling.
Infected Mail might work well with it.
No one knows. This is KoA, literally anything could get banned for whatever reason. Just wait.
huh that's weird, we're already 4 posts and there hasn't been anyone who hasn't played the game for 10 years complaining about how terrible it is while having very faulty understanding of how the game is currently played!
is it actually acceptable to discuss yugioh on Veeky Forums now!?
>is it actually acceptable to discuss yugioh on Veeky Forums now!?
What's the point? Stop bumping MTG threads
At the same time, if it doesn't get hit it might jump up. At the very least, she's an excellent waifu.
So I heard Lightsworns got new support. Are they good?
Twilightsworns are pretty lame. Lumina is the most usable. Ryko has a really strong effect for a Normal Summon. The rest are bad. Lightsworsn are always playabe.
I saw new Ancient Gear supports, and given that they're not reliant on extra deck monsters (aren't there like, 3 fusion monsters?) Im assuming they're good in link format?
I held off making a fluffal deck because I wanted to see how they'd work in link format, are they ruined?
I mean, it is a tabletop game...
Fluffals are pretty playable in link format, but the TCG still doesn't have Frightfur Patchwork which makes them more viable.
Here I go.They need to stop baning cards to push products the game is not fun on the deck building side.They need to make combo deck work more fluidly.They need to stop with the shitty attempt at control strategies.They need to balance out the extra deck the crap with links wont do it.They need to give more flavour to monster types each type is the same shit with diffrent name.Also improve what they did with DT that shit was fun the flavour was just boring and didn't match well.
>t.player that has been on this shit game for 14 years.
i run a badass invoked blue-eyes deck.
How many "umi"s is that now?
Invoked Blue-Eyes is pretty fun. Do you include Cloudcastle + True King of All Calamities? As it is, Cloudcastle effectively gives you a way to synchro into another Merkabah, while being Wind to open up Raidjin.
no i run 7 lv1 tuners 8 blue-eyes monsters , invoked engine, x3 return of dragon lords ,trade in, melody, and twin twisters solemn strike and warning, and a few other things.
I'd say find room in your extra deck for 1 Cloudcastle and 1 True King of All Calamities. It gives you an easy lockout against a bunch of decks, and a
also getting an invoked windwitch deck as well.
those 2 cards are pretty amazing i should have gotten them a long time ago. thanks for the recommendation.
Always happy to bring to mind one of my favorite underrated Synchros. I run the combo in my Zefra, in my Yang Zing, and in my Metalfoes as well. I'll pick up Invoked if Invocation gets a reprint.
Post your meme techs!
I find Yugioh to be a little too mutch for a while already, at least around the Necroz era. That was too fucking stupid.
Still, shameless self-promotion:
Next episode soon(tm).
>I find Yugioh to be a little too mutch
too mutch what?
Too much everything. Too fast, too much consistency, too much stupid effects, too much powercreep etc etc.
But isn't that the appeal of Yugioh?