What's the deal with SJWs forcing their politics into RPGs?
What's the deal with SJWs forcing their politics into RPGs?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Elven Refugees
What is this?
I'm morbidly curious.
A presentation by Ryan Gabirel Windeknecht from the University of Tennessee held at Dragon Con 2017
What's the deal with anons forcing politics into Veeky Forums
What's the deal with Conservatives forcing their political ideals onto the table top community? Starbucks? The NFL? The music industry?
>What's the deal with SJWs forcing their politics into RPGs?
No different than /pol/tards forcing their politics onto Veeky Forums.
I don't know, but here's Dragon Commander.
not Veeky Forums. reported, hidden.
Looks like he went last year as well
They're zombies. They have an insatiable hunger for living flesh and will try to force their way into any place where they can smell it.
>accuse faction of x
>muh you do it too
>the classic soviet tactic: The americans lynch negroes.
My dude the left wing is far more guilty of infusing their politics into EVERYTHING in the year of the lord 2004+20-7.
Shit like little boxes with spoiler warnings or friendly "reminders" how one has too accept is the left wing domain.
The right wing larps as being pro-free speech atm because their views are shunned by the public atm.
This is going to change sooner or later and the right will hve the instruments of censorship your types reintroduced.
Classical liberals (I really hate burgers and their retarded political terminology) like me cry and stand nearby meanwhile.
Stop forcing politics into Veeky Forums yourself or you are part of the problem.
I can't believe that's a real thing. Someone, please tell me this is a joke/fake
*Shit like little boxes with spoiler warnings or friendly "reminders" how one has too accept pregnant male werwolfs...
>Classical liberals
Someone needs to make a game out of Dragon Commander. The strategy game it came stuck in was barely involved with the politics, which is just as well because the most efficient option was always to abstain and let the popular vote make the decision. A game which actually worked with itself would be fantastic.
Elven refugees are not real, user. Calm down.
Nothing is real.
Everything is satire.
If I accuse you of using "reddit spacing", will you promise to stop shitting up Veeky Forums and never post here again?
Wow, integrating social commentary and fiction? Something never done before. My mind is blown. Fucking SJWs, what will they think of next?
>Elven Refugees
>/Pol/tards injecting their views
Someone needs to remake Ego Draconis with a functioning engine. They can't blame technical limitations when Drakan did the same thing 10 years earlier.
Public Demonstration, if God hates us.
welcome to the real world, where things happen that aren't your mom coming home with groceries or your grammy dropping by for dinner
>retyping greentext
How new (domain:Russia)
More like Orc. We literally are living in LOTR times. Nearly every human is corrupt.
Calm down, kiddo. I think the biggest issue here is how ham-fisted these supposedly educated "academics" are. It would be different if the obvious satire was less...obvious or less sincere. I mean that's just cringe-in-a-pic.
I agree with King Trumpkin. The elves are the greatest enemy that mankind has ever faced.
I mean, they tend to make better games than alt-right. I'd play Blue Rose over RaHoWa. Any day of the week.
Dobre privyet?
Orcish marauders.
Pretty new, huh.
>i may be shit, but have you seen these other guys
Thinking /pol/ cares about Veeky Forums shows that you aren't from Veeky Forums at all. Veeky Forums has always been against bullshit.
I see no fault in my king's decree
RaHoWa was made long before the """alt-right""" was a thing.
I think you dont see any obvious right-wing rpgs because they don't need to justify their beliefs to themselves by injecting it into everything they do in their daily lives.
The real world reflects what they believe enough already.
They already ruined comics, cartoons and videogames
Now they're coming for your tabletop games
Everyone who's not a centrist who looks at data and changes his opinions based on that has serious issues
Byela Novod?
>when you've been posting on Veeky Forums every day since the board was created but some newfag tells you to go back to a website you've never been on because you made fun of OP for being a faggot
It's going to take me a while to find a suitable reaction image and the thread will probably be 404 by then so just imagine it was a good one.
I hope you meant to write RADICAL centrist there, kiddo.
I don't really care if fiction has propaganda if it's good. South Park is basically right wing propaganda, but funny. Fallout 1&2 were full of left wing propaganda, but good. Troika games are full of libertarian propaganda (it's funny how their WoD game is like that too despite source material), but still the best computer RPGs like ever. WoD is full of literal SJW shit, but still good if you find players that aren't into that shit. Paranoia is like built on left wing anarchism against the state, but still very fun. Hell, even GURPS has some propaganda (libertarian variety) even if it's well hidden. Apocalypse World is SJW shit, but still manages to be quite interesting.
The only things that suffer from propaganda are already shit like Pathfinder.
The problem definitely isn't (((Dwarves))), they are our greatest ally
>equating elves with dirty sandniggers
>When they came for TV I said nothing because I'm one of those guys who doesn't watch TV
>When they came for the comic books I said nothing because comic storylines have been contrived and shit since the 90s
>When they came for vidya we had no one left to speak for us so we started the biggest shitstorm that keeps the SJWs quaking in their boots even until today
>South Park is basically right wing propaganda
What? They swing both ways, they barely ever choose a side and stick with it.
Hey, I'm a centrist too! Pic related.
Dwarves are a great society though, they bring commerce, industry, craftsmanship and booze.
Look at what a dwarf presence did to Dale.
Elves are generially just layabouts who live off of forest handouts, save the little few who actually do something.
>South Park is basically right wing propaganda
Did you watch the most recent season?
Friendly reminder to sage when replying to this post, since it's not particularly Veeky Forums related.
I'd be more hopeful if it weren't for the fact that every website including Wikipedia is controlled so heavily that they delete or falsify Gamergate articles to make people who support it seem like villains.
Hell, a lot of big gaming forums will ban you for posting anything positive about it. Reddit's major gaming subreddits used to insta-ban you for even saying the name. People talk about it in hushed whispers.
The thing too is that RPGs let you- the DM and players- run the game however you wish despite the intentions of the authors.
I still remember that thread where someone described how he ran a game of Blue Rose that made the 'Good guy' kingdom out to be oppressive pseudo-Fascists without even changing any of the established material.
>Shit like little boxes with spoiler warnings
SJWs are truly the greatest evil in our time
That's why a place with ridiculous freedom of speech like Veeky Forums is great
Get out of here Stalker.
But there are plenty of right wing RPGs even if you exclude shit like Myfarog. Warhammer (though some would say it's left wing satire), Twilight 2000, Traveller, Call of Cthulhu, GURPS, Riddle of Steel, and probably many others.
>People talk about it in hushed whispers.
And that's what rebellions are built on.
It's called the politicization of everything. Or, sometimes, referred to by the left-wing slogan "the personal is political". The idea is that there is no sphere that is not already political, therefore all you're doing by injecting your political agitprop into it is countering the capitalist/white supremacist/patriarchal system that's already invisibly in place.
Basically, the Left's view (which if you buy into the rest of marxism is perfectly justified) is that most of culture is shaped by the ownership class's attempts to subjugate, distract, and set against itself the working class. That's already there and in place. So the fact that traditional fantasy has few strong female characters (not completely true, actually, but certainly fewer females than males) is part of that larger effort. In other words, reactionaries ALREADY politicized RPGs to support the current system, and so people are irrational and bigoted to complain when activists arrive pushing a different political system instead. To them, it's responding to politics with politics.
And of course it works the other way, too. Since marx-friendly ideologies don't recognize the existence of political non-combatants, they believe that it's appropriate to use all the weapons of politics to attack and conquer institutions (not just companies but religions, non-profits, libraries, media, clubs, families, and charitable trusts) that they see as political opponents, to bring them into line with "correct" values and beliefs.
Add to that the additional problem: that since capitalism is an inherently bigoted system, any supporters of capitalism are bigots whether they realize it or not. They're also exploiters of women and minorities (hence "rape culture"-- where the rape is collective rape of women in general by men in general via patriarchy). People who don't buy into marxism are victims of "false consciousness". They are either dupes or bought off traitors to their class.
So yeah that's why.
>Classical liberals (I really hate burgers and their retarded political terminology) like me cry and stand nearby meanwhile.
HIV complaining that it doesn't like AIDS.
>South Park is basically right wing propaganda
>being against censorship is now right wing
What the fuck? Did you miss the entire season where they were making fun of both Trump and Hillary?
What does this even mean?
>If you hold an extreme belief and then change it when you see evidence that indicates that it is false, you've got serious issues.
Did you mistype this? It seems like exactly the thing you people should be doing.
I haven't watched it for some time, but last time they were still right wing libertarians. Also, I know they shit on conservatives, but right wing is not necessarily conservative.
>not liking Trump makes you an SJW
I know a ton of right-wing SJWs then.
It is annoying though, you have to admit. But like said, it just makes me want to run things that mock that sort of politics.
I mean, come on, what did Onyx Path expect people to do with their pregnant werewolf line?
>Oh, I guess we have to add this element in to be respectful
Nah, nigger, if anything that side box only inspired a thousand joke NPCs.
>so we started the biggest shitstorm that keeps the SJWs quaking in their boots even until today
I don't play video games, so I don't even know what Gamergate is about, besides something about a lady who had sex with a guy to get a favorable review of a game she made. Why do /v/irgins keep talking about it like anyone in the real world cares?
>Elven refugees
THIS is why leftists cannot ever be trusted or reasoned with. Helicopter rides are the only solution.
>All people on right wing like Trump
Are you serious?
>oh no I don't know what classical liberals are because I am a burger and I am clueless
That shit literally is a standard political ideology.
>le reddit spacing
>I may be shit, but you have seen the other guys
I think both sides are shit fagget.
>South Park is basically right wing propaganda
It really isn't.
>Troika games are full of libertarian propaganda (it's funny how their WoD game is like that too despite source material), but still the best computer RPGs like ever.
They are good but I can't see propaganda. Sure the anarchs have an anarchist bent but their shitty side is shownaswell.
How about stabbing people because they have short hair?
Is that more threatening?
>Classical liberals like me cry and stand nearby meanwhile.
Are they right wing? None of them present the politics as anything other than in setting dressing material. Even if you made the argument that WH40K and 2000AD present obvious right wing politics, even then there's a question of whether it's satire or not. And even then, they don't moralize it like 'The Imperium represents how society should be run if you're a good persyn like me, the author'
Well, except for Myfarog, which is just as cringe-tier as Blue Rose.
What the fuck.
I literally have establishment views in my country and yet Veeky Forums anglos are completely baffled by the concept of continental liberals.
Its neither a meme ideology nor uncommon.
The quality has declined significantly, so you aren't missing much. Either that or I've outgrown it.
I wouldn't consider "libertarian" to be particularly "right wing", considering how liberal everything but their economics is, but, that aside, they ran an entire arc parodying the election, and it was pretty clear what side they were on, to the point where they had to do a rushed rewrite of their entire finale because the election turned out the opposite way.
Fucking saved. Well said.
>because they don't need to justify their beliefs to themselves by injecting it into everything they do in their daily lives
I'm not sure if this is considered alt-right, but from growing up in rural Oklahoma, God how wrong you are.
Every other conversation was blaming Obama, gays, or Muslims for everything. How so and so disaster was because we accepted the gays. How black people are doing everything wrong (but "n-no, we're not racist!"). Fear mongering about guns being taken away. You name it. I moved away to Colorado a few years ago, but I still see relatives share shit on >Facebook about "the liberals are declaring war on Christianity" or "Sharia law is coming to Oklahoma!".
I also cannot count the number of trucks that had Confederate bumper stickers... Despite the fact that Oklahoma was Indian Territory during the Civil War. I don't get it.
So, what if they're right though? What if everything is political?
It's not that far fetched, it's not as though society just stops as soon as you close your door and turn on your TV. Our systems are built upon and sustained by more than just representatives and legislation.
God bless Veeky Forums. Though Hiroshimoot and the mods sometimes delete threads in a questionable manner, they seem to let anything go as long as it's on its own board.
Oh sweet summer child. Remember the halcyon days of, well, around 60 minutes ago? Immediately before you discovered that the treacherous essjews were treading on your safe space, back when you still had a folder of God-Emperor memes and though Deus Vult Paladins were hilarious?
>South Park is basically right wing propaganda
Making people believe things aren't political is the first step to getting them to stay home and let the oligarchy tell them what's best. "No need to trouble yourself, friend citizen."
This shit goes for both the left and right assholes who want you to just nod and consume more TV.
Calling yourself a classic liberal is stupid, because the standard political system is liberalism. Liberal republics are the norm. Liberalism was about representative constitutional rule, which nobody except some extremists are against.
You post on Veeky Forums?
I thought you killed yourself when you got blocked on twitter.
>In the meantime, pure intellectual minds like me will calmly sniff glue while the foolish masses consume their gluten-filled products
Granted, it'a nonsensical, but it's the same concept. No matter how true your statement was, you sound like an absolute grubby basement-dweller when you assert your "intellect" like that.
Trust me, SJW outlets like Polygon, Salon, etc. bring up Gamergate more than Gamergators do. It's like it left them with PTSD that a bunch of consumers would dare not consume their games.
If you're not a gamer you could safely ignore it though.
Hiroshimoot will sell us out the second it benefits him. Did you not even pay attention to what happened with 2chan?
And everyone knows the smartest political ideology is radical centrism
>elven refugees
try orcish migrants
>"Sharia law is coming to Oklahoma!".
Australia just had one of our members of parliament dress up in a burqa in order to demonstrate how we should ban them. I hope the next time she does that they mistake her for a refugee and send her off to christmas island.
>South Park is basically right wing propaganda
It was a whole bizarre thing.
At the begning it was about exposing how curropt the gaming media is tripple A titles can just pay for good reviews and 98% scores.
Then some SJWs got upset because it was "attacking a woman" for having sex. And neck beards and MRAs spiraled off into their own all women are sluts thing. And in the end it had very little to do with video gaming.
Libertarian is right wing because core of right wing politics is free market economics. Similarly how communists (the real ones) are left wing despite that they often hate social liberalism of social democrats.