Are there any traits common among elven players?
What takes a man to play an elf?
Are there any traits common among elven players?
What takes a man to play an elf?
>Are there any traits common among elven players?
They're usually human.
Pointy ears
>Are there any traits common among elven players?
They usually play elves in rpgs
Dick piercings.
That's an elf. Only an elf can live without any bones in their neck.
usually fags or women play elves
They wish they were pretty irl.
>Are there any traits common among elven players?
An abundance of estrogen, if the player is male.
The chance that you will get a serious answer is nill, nobody here plays traditonal games.
Since I play elves myself, I can't answer, being biased
>Legolas was the main character, right?
>There aren't any guns, but a bow works too.
>These guys are the best at magic, right?
>Who's ever seen an evil elf?
>Why do you hate elves? They don't hate you.
>I'll decide what class I'll be later down the line.
Basically, elves are Babby's First Fantasy Character.
well, nothing I've seen since no one's playing an elf.
I suppose as GM, I use elves the most and here's what's come up in the NPCs
>One was basically a stuffy, British Bobby cop
>One is definitely not Antonio Bendarez
>One is a Welsh ditz of a druid who can't read the conversation mood.
they generally play the game instead of nitpicking on what others do based on some kind of "humanity fuck yeah" high horse that prevents them to enjoy playing as or with non-human races in fantasy-themed meetups of glorified pretend
tall, thin, pale, pointy ears
>mann 14889
wew lad
Good taste.
They're either liberal hippies or in rare cases romantic conservatives. Both types tend to be distinctly feminine even if men. They're also likely into poetry and write long backstories for their characters.
Their weaknesses on the table to watch out for are Mary Sues and taking game too seriously. They're usually good roleplayers though and don't really cause problems any more than dwarf or human players.
Pretty sure that's the best we'll get.
Got several check boxes on this one
They play Elves.
I play Wood Elves if they aren't tree hugging faggots, which they normally are.
They can appreciate nature but they better be able to channel the savage side of it as well as the peaceful and loving side of it.
Well it's anecdotal evidence, obviously, but in my years of gaming, I've seen three types play elves, which are, in order from most often to least often:
Weeaboo girls who like to draw pictures of feminine boys and write fanfiction about them and their gay adventures, and who then play characters based on these inventions. I think every one of these girls I've met has either turned out to be a lesbian or "bisexual", by which I mean they only date girls but tell their parents they are bisexual. I think like 50 or 60% of all elf characters I've seen in games were played by these types.
Power gamers who pick them for stat reasons.
A few neckbeardy type guys who frequently play hot elf maidens or sexy elf dudes in a very wish fulfillment manner.
So based on what I've seen, I think there are two main reasons people like elves. One is that they are the perfect wish-fulfillment race. They look almost entirely human, so they don't require you to be a furry or into aliens or something, and you can still imagine yourself as the character, but they are faster, smarter, sexier, and just in general better than humans, while also being slightly exotic enough to be cool and having the exact right levels of superiority and melancholy to appeal to the sort of people who really like to self insert.
The second is that they are highly androgynous, or at least the elf dudes are, which appeals to a lot of people who are lesbians, bisexual, raised on anime, or similar things, which is a lot of people in this hobby.
The idea of eternal life and being a sly bastard is kind of attractive to me, also, I've read my fair share of tolkien and as we all know, tolkien elves are awesome
Are there really power gamers who pick elves? I have never seen one. Usually those types go for exotic races like tieflings since there's more abuse potential or just mere humans because elves are only good for magic.
His giant black eyebrows were so uncanny
Obvious reasons.
>Better stats. Have Dex and Int favored, which are the requisites for the good classes like Wizard or Ranger, have nightvision, and better senses.
>Interesting cultures
>Can reach the top shelf
>Have better booze than the dwarves
>Fuck everything up over Muh Jools.
>Leave everyone to deal with the fallout while moving off to Magical Elf Island.
They were cunts. At least the Dwarves had the dignity to stick around and suffer the fallout from their hubris.
>Power gamers who pick them for stat reasons.
We really need to start hunting people like these to death. I honestly don't consider power gamers humans.
Are elves even that great for power gamers? Yeah, plus DEX, awesome, but more feats are probably better in the long run.
More like they refuse to turn tail and run away from their homes.
No true Dwarf runs away and abandons their Ancestors, Hearth and Kin.
>the good classes like Wizard or Ranger
Melkor please go, nobody falls for your ruses anymore.
Well if you're playing the D&D editions that are popular (3rd and 5th), than the wizard is definitely far better than any of the Dwarf favored classes.
Humans actually make better rangers powergaming wise. Especially if you plan to be competent in melee too.
There are better wizard options in these editions.
I mostly saw people use them for wizards and sorcerers in Pathfinder. +2 Int, plus they had a bonus for overcoming spell resistance, and the Dex bonus which is good for everything. Whether they are ultimately better is debatable, but a lot of people liked those bonuses and played elf because of it.
>Wizard isn't good
Brainlets please leave.
some elves were dicks, but then there are the awesome ones, and they left cause they were likely friggin tired of fighting the dark for thousands of years.
For examples of elven awesomeness look at:
Also, if they dont leave for the undying lands they kinda turn into ghosts over time
Where does my elf nazi wanting to purge the kingdom of any non-elves fit in to that concept?
Some Elf subtypes are better for wizards. Plus they have sleep immunity and resist charm and enchantment effects.
Sounds like romantic conservative.
I like the pointy years and being pretty. Anything else will depend on the setting, but I generally prefer to be a spear-wielding wood elf or similar stuff. Magic's cool too I guess
Same, I like wood elves if they're savage and fearful, like some sort of predator archetype. Hippie elves of any kind make me puke
I am a lanklet and usually play elves. Maybe there's some wider correlation between that.
I'm a turkish looking hairy man, thick ass-hair included. I don't really understand the meme about male elf players being effeminate, I just like suave motherfuckers. The only thing going for me is that I'm skinny to the tits
This guy I met who played Wood Elves in WHFB never once wore shoes. Even when there was snow outside he came in barefoot.
Being in contact with the earth gave his army power.
Did he also go like "duuude", smell like weed and dress like it's 60s?
Was legolas superior to gimli?
The one guy who always played elves in my group was an Army scout. He'd go camping in the woods on his off-time when he wasn't deployed or at a training exercise.
I wouldn't lump any stereotypes on him, because he'd probably ghost me all quiet like.
How does he roleplay his elves?
His Rangers and warriors are the silent professional type. Confident but not loudmouth arrogant.
Int-based casters are total nerds based off the intel people he's worked with.
Elves without cowtits aren't elves at all.
Shit taste detected. Elves are children of nature, ones with cowtits won't survive natural selection.
He's just baiting, don't take him seriously.
Being someone who often plays elves, I mostly choose them because I read the Silmarillion and the Noldor were fucking badass.
I went though an elf phase early in my gaming time. For me the "logic" was:
>be human, therefore why play as one? that's boring
>Vain/Narcissistic tendencies
>Want to make a cool/attractive character in shallow by proxy wish fulfillment.
Now I like playing humans in these kind of games because Humanity Fuck yeah!
>Humanity Fuck yeah!
muh niggah
Fuck off and stop trying to dig up that corpse, or just go back and stay in r/HFY you fags.
It's the same wish fulfillment but instead of wanting to be something else or something you perceive as better, something you can idealize, you start fellating whatever you already are.
>man, I want to be something different than humans but still looking generally the same
>dwarves, gnomes, halflings?
>nah too short
>yeah alright
usually my group's reasoning behind ever playing elves
what about the pointy ears and gay connotations of being an elf?
Stop projecting your own faggotry.
the one guy we have playing an elf right now plays as if he was an arrogant mercenary that is almost always squabbling with his cleric girlfriend, who is another player playing an elf
they're both the most angry and arrogant characters in the group, ooc they're married and laughing after the arguments
That's kinda cute, probably. Hopefully they aren't fighting some personal wars and laughing it off for show.
It's usually when he does something she sees as morally wrong (I.E looting the stores of a village after it was recently sacked by the force we're chasing) and him proceeding to insult her religion and it goes on from there
Afterwards he's just laughing like 'Fuck my dude's a dick lol"
The player's probably the most heavily religious guy I know, so probably nothing personal
people that don't like elves are insecure, in my experience (though I haven't really played since I was a teenage)
That sounds like a match made in heaven
You will never love an elf.
They're magical cow tits, filled with the hope and dreams of men (and lesbians) everywhere.
Elf player who often hates other elf players here.
>Female players
they play elves just fine.
>Men who think it'll be hilarious to play up all the gay stereotypes they can think of because "elves are gay" memes
they ruin the campaign.
The other reason to play elves in a campaign that isn't all about elves, is because you like to play overconfident elitist characters who are filled with hubris. You may also enjoy playing the 'civilized' racist.
Seems about right to me.
>What takes a man to play an elf?
Being the only fucker in the entire party to need torches one too many times.
Elf Fighters have the best aesthetic
The best elves are pathological people. That's how you create a situation in which people are forced by their own love for aesthetics to stare ugliness in the face.
>implying a British music fad was in any way shaped by America
I think this much be why everyone hates burgers...
>self-aggrandizement versus emulating an ideal
>Are there any traits common among elven players?
They play tabletop games.
>What takes a man to play an elf?
The desire to become superior in every aspect including looks.
Elves are literaly superhumans.
Tabletop players in general are usualy betas and socially maladjusted individuals.
>Elves are literaly superhumans
Until you actually read their description and look at their stats.
>implying it wasn't
I think this is why everyone hates elves...
>Implying Ramones were not punk
>Implying life in America and life in Britain were vastly different
Every single elf is proficient in certain weapons and has certain magic abilities.
They are highly dexterous, have an inate heightened perception and 7 times the lifespan of their ordinary human counterparts.
I'm sorry but ordinary humans can't compete with the most ordinary elves.
Heck they are a race where everyone bascially starts out with a level as Dex based Fighters.
This only works if you apply being super humans to other fantasy races as well.
Faerun, the Victorious Blade of the People, a.k.a. Eldreth Veluuthra.