Filename Thread
I don't get it
To stop the bed from creaking.
My players always have "plans" that are essentially this. Once they broke away from the game for twenty minutes to discuss a plan while meeting with a local Baron. They didn't want me to meta ruin their plan by knowing it, as if I would. They got back to the table looking all smug, and lost their smirks within seconds as I described the Baron's courtroom full of nobles. They expected him to be completely alone in his keep during a party they were invited to. They were gonna just walk up and stab him. Twenty minutes this plan, Jesus...
but thats not what creaks and has no effect on creaking.
This is not a feels thread
the fucks this from
There's new Arthurian legend movie. Now with 50% more action scenes and 60% more diversity.
guy ritchie's layercake
Holy fucking shit can I get a source
What game?
there's like one chinese guy in it
I really home you people aren't asking because you think it looks good. It looks so bad with all that cg and the slowmo just shows how bad the cg really is.
It's less the CGI and more the choreography that appeals to me
"vigorous activity" would cause the headboard to rattle on the wall.
I don't know how this has to be explained to you.
It's probably not a good idea for tryion to taunt gregor like that?
I've always wondered why more dwarfs don't get ripped, grow a beard and carry axes around. I would.
Can't tell if this is supossed to be anti-Jew or anti-Nazi
Then why aren't you doing it now, user?
I'm 190cm and have shit-tier beard genetics, I don't think I'd make a very convincing dwarf.
I believe in you. You can do it.
>Implying that's a bar to Dwarfdom
What is this from?
So, nothing that prevents someone from getting ripped and carrying an axe
then he would just be a filthy inbred Dane
Wat the fuck did I just read
It's just a shitty caption. How new are you if the idea of incest is what makes you react like this?
Take your sick filth and leave degenerate.
I'm not into incest. If it was something I had posted, it would probably be about human females being kept in breeding farms by male monsters.
My point is, that's really fucking vanilla and this is Veeky Forums.
Amusingly enough, at some point in the near future I want to play Crusader Kings II and rebuild the Persian Empire.
So this kind of situation is gonna happen a lot.
>human females being kept in breeding farms by male monsters
Now that I can get behind
Funny enough blue boards can have some really fuck up threads and posters while also having very vanilla anons, the only consistently degenerate ones are /v/ and /k/
>Funny enough blue boards can have some really fuck up threads
Looking at the OP I wouldn't believe...
incest is beautiful, the fuck is wrong wit you?
.t Tomaru
Once upon a time, Veeky Forums could cope with literally anything.
Now Veeky Forums is a quivering, whimpering, whining pit of fearful autists and hapless victims with no imagination or coping skills.
Needs a name
"Well played chaotic neutral character."
This was drawn by ShindoL
Famous murderhobos
Looks infinitely better than shakey cam
I don't get the stealth bit, what is going on? Why does it look like it's bolted to the wall but not?
Virgin much?
If my bed were bolted to the wall it'd make the same racket. Maybe it's because I am BIG GUY who fucks with force.
When you take your first lovely maiden, but her dad is downstairs cleaning his shotguns you will understand the importance of a well-anchored bed.
Why not just use the floor?
I dunno man, anchoring my bed to the wall just sounds like a good way to end up with drywall all over the place and dust in my face. I'd rather just do the normal shoving-face-into-pillow shit.
The bed has a more romantic feel to it. Also, have you ever sat down heavily on a upstairs floor? Or dropped something? That sound can usually be heard on the floor below, now imagine you are ravishing the fair young lady on said floor, and what will be heard below.
Eh. My first time was in a carpeted 1-story house, and her mother was in the next room. Romance takes a back seat to freaky hormones when you're 17.
what is this an ant family tree
>Why not just use the floor?
Or you could just, you know, fuck when the folks are not around. I could figure that back when I was 13, so I'm surprised some people don't even in their adult age.
The floor hurts the hip bones.
>fair young lady
I read this as fat young lady.
Close enough.
That's the lame option, I bet you don't do drugs before going to church either
Why does this look like the artist for kobayashi?
by golly i'm gonna need that sauce.
Because Japanese artists aren't afraid of putting their name on porn?
Oh shit, it's really by the same dude? Time to start diggin'
>pool noodle
is this some new fit meme for autists with no spotters?
I like mommy stuff. Guy fucking his daughter just seems wrong
>pool noodle
That's a foam roller, presumably it's to keep him from slamming his jaw while letting him bring the bar lower.
Proper safety is never a meme user
neat I have never seen one before but I am gonna be super self conscious about fucking my jaw up next time i lift
And mine was in a cinema, but that is a story for another time
Vanilla fag. And besides, you are then reliant upon waiting for said folks to go out and them not returning suddenly. Has nearly happened to me before.
Get a thick carped. They call it "shag pile" for a reason user
Sauce please
Our first dog used to do that, too. He had a favourite spot on a built-in shelf in the kitchen, just by the door to the dining room. When he was still little he'd fit in no problem, as a grown up his head and legs would hang out. Because of a congenital disease he only got 4 years old, we've had 4 other dogs since then, and I still miss him. The other 3, too...
>And mine was in a cinema, but that is a story for another time
You need more widescreen.