So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of tabletop?
Is she a fan too, or does she shit on it?
Some /pol/tard got the previous thread deleted
So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of tabletop?
Is she a fan too, or does she shit on it?
Some /pol/tard got the previous thread deleted
She helps me paint and model my miniatures. She doesn't enjoy playing tabletop, but is happy that I have something I can do with friends. She's also said she might be interesting in learning a TCG - literally any TCG other than MtG. My girlfriend is very /pol/.
She thinks I'm a fucking nerd so I resort to playing and discussing tabletop with the side ho instead
It's how we met. We're married now. We're part of 2 gaming groups meeting weekly. She brings the joy and wonder, I bring the paranoid practicality. Works out pretty well.
My Girlfriend plays. She doesn't like it as much as me and sometimes the game makes her upset. I tell her it's better for her not to play than to be forced to play but she's still playing.
Got my ex into WHF. That was about a year before AoS. Hope she wasn't too mad about that one. I sure was.
What did the /pol/tard do?
She knew I was a nerd before we started dating. I know she's done some tabletop rpgs, but we've never really been over that topic.
All in all, she's cool with it.
I love how you've turned /pol/ into a codeword for people you disagree with. I've seen more threads derailed by people accusing others of being /pol/acks than I've seen actual /pol/ derails
>Babe, how much money have you spent on your warhammer guys?
>Veeky Forums
>Not basically ran by /leftypol/ at this point
Does /pfg/ still suffer from people spamming anime and furry shit?
Yup, /pfg/ is basically /erpg/2.0 ever since /erpg/ went off the board.
Girlfriend loves watching my tabletop games and thinks the minis are pretty awesome. If her work schedule lined up better she would be joining our usual dnd group. Can't yet convince her to get into 40k though.
She's played D&D before and enjoyed everything but character gen, what's something simple I can run for her?
Oh, sure. My girlfriend and I have very different opinions of tabletop. I consider it an experimental investigation of fantastical narrative exercises motivated by the need of the human mind to experience wonder and exploration to truly connect with the soul. She is of the perspective that the gaming session is at its core an expression of artistic emotion in a social environment for the purpose of strengthening fraternismal bondings between the spirits of the participants. Ultimately we just like to have a good time playing and preparing the rich and assorted environment for the session for all of our many friends, Together we discover new worlds and examine complex ideas through the kaleidoscope of fiction. Afterwards, we have sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procrastination.
>Sole purpose of procrastination
That's probably a typo, but I can absolutely see myself doing that
She plays Pathfinder with a group and I play D&D/40k. It's a great time having someone who can at least get excited about this stuff
Don't give me flashbacks like that user, I nearly went full PTSD
Not really, he either got banned or moved to Starfinder but the threads have been really tame lately. There's still celebrity bullshit from those shitty ERP games but it's slowly but surely dying out.
>implying I'm not a wizard
Here i am just pushing minis around and rolling dice merely to escape from the mundane and relax and laugh with friends...
In all seriousness though i have a bit of both you and your girlfriend's perspective. The fantasy element is exciting and i get to think outside my usual framework whether tactically or socially. But i also get to spend tine with a group of guys and girls I've known for a long tome and build those relationships up further.
She is actually about to begin her first campaign with my current DM in 5e. Shes pretty stoked, as shes spent the last year hanging out most Thursday nights with us and now gets to actually play the game. She wants to play a goody-twoshoes type character with *mysterious backstory*. Im pushing for her to roll Paladin, and just hit everything that doesn't do the best thing possible.
More like what did the anti-/pol/ witch hunt did...
I'm beyond the needs of flesh but not beyond the need of companionship. Dating asexual is pretty much out of question, they tend to be damaged goods or otherwise dozen kinds of crazy, more trouble than they are worth.
Lately, I have been pondering the possibility of (informally) adopting protege, apprentice of sorts, as long as they end up better with me than they would be on their own, I believe it justified.
You can always spot the /pol/tards because they're the only ones who reply to posts making fun of /pol/.
What emotion is her face trying to convey?
I'm trying to get her into it and she does enjoy the concept of it. But free-form talking and large groups kinda freaks her out a bit. So I'm running solo games with her for awhile and slowly bringing in people she's already friends with into the fold of things.
I'm hopeful of the results and accepting of the fact it's gonna' take a few years to really get it going. But we both share most other nerd hobbies anyway and I'm already bringing her into other board games.
In the meanwhile she's infecting me with anime.
"God you're so fucking cheesey and dorky but the dick game ridiculous."
/leftypol/ is full degeneracy
/pol/ has some non extreme people and kino trolls
On Topic:
She plays as well, at first she felt left out as I was neutral to her after the first one-shoot I ran, the bitch litteraly went out of the shop when we finished, so I had to follow her like every user should when femles act like that, because women.. so I kissed her to remedy it and explained I have to be neutral for If I am not no one will have fun, including you. She understood that and is now having fun and not bashing me for being neutral cunt to her during the sessions I run. Oddly enough she likes combat as much as I do, I checked, she is not a trap.
My nigga
Wow, you two.
Yeah, it's a great little game to spot that
Are you the catan table guy?
>Do you Catan?
I only come back here every once in a while when the other Veeky Forums is too slow. It's still mindboggling to see this site in such a state.
The mere implication offends me.
Someone needs to create a Jack Chick version of this image
>the ______game
Out, nigger
>Triggered by slang on the internet
How absolutely pathetic.
Begone untermensch
I think not fäm
Pick one
I will pick the GF, thank you very much.
>tfw every past girlfriend said that
>tfw too autistic to get a gf but too poorfag to play WH40K
Why would I want a girlfriend? Especially in THE CURRENT YEAR? Especially especially when I have such "childish" hobbies as anime, manga, vidya and yes, TTRPGs?
We all know how it goes, she'll "tolerate" your hobbies at first and then slowly but surely demand you give up on them because they're "childish" and because any buck spent on figurines and rulebooks is a buck not spent on her. And that's assuming she doesn't want to sit in on one of your sessions and NOT FUCKING PARTICIPATE.
Even ignoring how much the law wants to dick men over, I honestly see no benefits to having a gf as a non-normie. It's a boring path of Netflix show du jour and facebook games.
>Why would I want a girlfriend
Possibly for the hot steamy rough sex? Unless plastic models... Nah, I dont want to know. R 34 has broken too many taboo's already.
You do realize there are non-normie girls out there too, right?
She's a player in my D&D campaign and DMs oneshots sometimes.
I hope your girlfriend gets hit by a car.
Yours too.
Fuck off.
You sound whipped as fuck.
Dungeon World.
How fat is she?
Don't date Japs.
If she doesn't tolerate your hobbies, fuck a hooker and save the condom, turn it inside out and fuck her with it. Then break up with her.
dont turn it inside out, i got that backwards. sorry.
>25+ old virgin detected
>Tfw never gf
>Being this autistic
she's indifferent but had a small flame once when we played together; seems not having any internet in a remote cabin makes anyone a ttrpg fan.
I am kinda sad about it
We both love it, independently before we met. Of the rpg campaigns we've played, she is the one who initiated and brought me into the games.
She's also been patient as fuck whenever I've gone on a tear about a system or a mechanic, and how it could be better.
She's pretty cool.
nope. 24 not a virgin though, had a girlfriend once and learned my lesson. You will one day, too.
>butthurt i outlined the truth so responding with nude girl cartoon
And I'm the virgin?
user stop lying on the internet.
>literally any TCG other than MtG. My girlfriend is very /pol/
Wait, did I miss something? I normally don't visit /pol/ or mtg threads, why would /pol/ be anti-mtg?
Wizards of the coast is based in seattle
Should I be happy that that seems non-sequitur to me?
>seems not having any internet in a remote cabin
Isn't that the point where you start fucking like rabbits?
Well, they're including women and non-white people in the art more often now. Some people are mad about it, I guess.
Yes. You should be extremely happy. If you were in the know, it would explain literally everything
lol I don't have a girlfriend
She's my current DM
I mean, wasn't a recent set about an Egyptian-themed plane? That's like complaining that Kamigawa had a lot of Asians, or the Greek-themed sets had a lot of religion. Duh. (don't really know the names of recent sets; haven't bought cards regularly in years)
>entry level geek, 16
>eager to try it out and join my group
>don't wanna take her because the DM is a sperg that scares off women
I was posting in the other thread
She's jealous she can't play in my group because it's full, but she helped draw my character description. It's hard to include your autistic girlfriend in social situations.
Do your group a favor and don't bring your GF to a game. Ever.
why not?
Luckily her brother was/is into dnd and mtg, so she doesn't find it too odd. Isn't really into it herself however, which is fine.
With that said, she outright refuses me getting started in 40k, mostly because a friend from college blew tons of money on it so she's aware of the danger.
Nah shut up faggot, I'm not lying.
Because MTG is full of SJW garbage now.
>letting your gf control your life
unironically kill yourself, cuck.
>why would /pol/ be anti-mtg?
Because MTG is full of SJW crap. Honestly, If you still give money to Wizards of the Coast, you are a cuck of the highest magnitude. This is a company that has turned its back on its fractured D&D fanbase to attempt to pander to Skyrim meme-sters who read funny nat20 stories on Tumblr and come to the game expecting more of the same. A company that thinks pretty art and nice page layout can make up for shitty game mechanics. A company that BTFO's the coolest villains it has created since the Hasbro buyout, solely to wank to the shitty planeswalker group that no one cares about. A company that decides to crossover D&D and MtG, but picks the settings where they have to do the least work (Innistraad). A company that keeps pouring out shit mechanics for MTG, bloating the game with keywords which are never used again so might as well not exist as keywords. A company that puts traps and fags into its games to virtue-signal and make the game just plain fucking embarrassing to play. And a company that shortens the fucking Standard cycle in a blatant, open, public attempt to make more money, faster.
And what does the MtG community do?
They open their mouths wider to take the cock deeper down their throat.
>My girlfriend is very /pol/
Where do I get one of those?
She thinks I'm stupid to spend as much as I do on plastic miniatures, and is interested in the lore, outside of that I keep the hobby to myself unless she directly asks.
Be in the south and have a sister.
The obscure rpg thread had a sweedish one called gangrape, try that.
So when she orgasm's does she shout
Make sure to have as much fun as possible whilst playing it. Since they fucking wrote in the rules that having fun is wrong and the "game" is only to teach people a lesson
Didn't read lol. Stop being so assblasted over a card game.
I think my GF was the "That Guy" of my group. She demands special treatment, will start PvP if perceived as slighted, hoards loot that she doesn't need, actively supported the BBEG of my previous campaign to the detriment of the party, and has fundamentally zero interest in the actual rules of the game despite intrinsically wanting to be powerful.
After doing a LOT to counter her behavior in the group she was in I eventually had to have her switch groups(I GM a few). When we switched I told her she was gonna have to chill out and she's mellowed out some, but not sure if it's the group dynamics a bit different or that I put her on notice. Well, it'll remain to be seen I guess.
She likes it at least as much as I do. Plays some RPGs, and really enjoys painting minis. Big into fantasy, kinda enjoys wargames. Loves most board games. Between this and everything else about her, starting to think she might be wife material.
Oh you're serious let me laugh at you even harder
>for the sole purpose of procrastination.
Are we talking legit autism or autism.jpg?