No links edition
Do a proper threat you fucking mongrels sub-edition
No links edition
Do a proper threat you fucking mongrels sub-edition
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1st for khorne
Do World Eaters ever get tired wearing those big hats?
so they're just fucking nakey in there huh
Why would you wear clothes?
what kind of rules can different forgeworlds expect in the admech codex? Will they bring back the option for a pure skitarii army?
I mean, there has to be at least a cloth layer between skin and metal right?
I mean some kind of long johns or an undersuit or something would probably be a good idea so your skin doesn't get nipped in the armour joints but idk maybe space marines get a special organ put in to prevent that happening
Because fuck metal on skin for extended periods of tine
So does anyone have experience with Death Korps this edition? How are they? and do they tend to come out decently well cast?
And how can I get the artillery carriages for less than FW?
Theres the soft armor beneath the armor, same thing that you see in the necks of the miniatures and between the articulations. Beyond that, yeah they're naked, the armor needs to be fed their shit and piss to recycle into water and nutrients so wearing clothes is counter-productive.
surely they could at least wear like assless chaps or something
way to link to a thread where the bump limit is reached
I'm really finding it hard to care at until they start showing the actually cool gangs
>bump limit is reached
>it's only on page 6
Do you not hang out here much? That thread can still be alive hours from now. If we make a new /40kg/ every time the bump limit is reached the last two pages of the catalog will just be old 40k threads.
Real thread here
Migrate and consolidate
>that much toe articulation
Just got my first squad of Guardsmen. Is it easy to paint them after assembling?
Any tips from other Astra Militarum players?
>posts a non-khornate
Try a REAL world eater.
I think it's easier than assembling them after painting. Trying to line wrists up with hands attached to the guns while not getting glue over your paintjob is harder than painting around the gun to do the chest on cadians at least.
Assembly after painting really only works for marines, orks and skitarii (where you glue the arms to the torso but keep the legs separate) in my experience.
Is it possible to make a voidweaver which doesn't look retarded? The prism cannon seems too good to not take one, but I can't get over how goofy the rear gun seems.
Are you retarded?
You can just find people that sell generic World War artillery models. Glue some Aquilas on them and there ya go.
did gscb get banned?
How are Chosen with just combi bolters now? What would be the best legion tactics to run with them?
Would the rear gun fit anywhere else on the model?
>No links edition
he's khorneposting
of course he's fucking retarded
you get them off chinamen you fucking dumbdumb
Does anyone have an english version of the new WD battle reps?
Anyone playing Nova open?
>And how can I get the artillery carriages for less than FW?
As stated, chinaman.
These work too.
Are rhinos important in a Death Guard list? Or in chaos lists in general ( it seems they are not that great to take with SM, so..)
> implying they don't enjoy it
I keep telling you chaos guys to use your soul grinders.
rhinos are overpriced and not really worth taking. for sm razorback at least makes up for it by being a discount predator.
>not really worth taking
Since I think I've got all the models I want for my Astra Militarum Army (a valkyrie is still unassembled until I think of something better to do with it than potentially be a Scion bus, if for some bizarre reason I don't want to deep strike those), so I've been thinking of expanding my Tzeentch cult second army.
Right now all I have is a pack of Rubric Marines, along with a few cultists I got mostly to examine the style. I also got a box of Neophyte Hyrbids for autogun bits, but there's still plenty of pieces in that box to use for mutant pieces.
I spied a box of Flagellants in the stack of leftover Fantasy models at my FLGS, and thought that some of those bits would be perfect for cultists. Would it be blasphemy if I used those for bits, though? The only Fantasy I ever got into was a bunch of pewter greatswords and a pewter Steam Tank that you could probably bludgeon somebody to death with.
Why is it that when I ask about Chinaman I get told to die, but when I ask for a way to get things cheap suddenly everyone says go China?
Because no one will spoonfeed you the contacts. Learn to look for yourself or enjoy the jewworld prices
I never asked for contacts, just what recasters are good and don't rely on a sekrit club to sell.
BTW any experience with MirandaIrene?
Very good
MI is decent. A good bit of advice would be to look at some of the ebay sellers. I got my email contact from there. Good luck user
Yeah good luck, chinamen are hard to find :(
Any smart anons got ideas for a 20pl no duplicate units list for renegades and heretics. Really don't want to have to play as CS just for stronger rules....
Just got the new DeathGuard and currently assembling 1500 pts.
Looking at the army now, how should I play them?
Slowly advance until I get gunned down?
Do I just cram Rhinos and land raiders?
What new death guard? the starter set stuff?
If so, wait till codex to make your choices. Can footslog, transport. Up to you... they aren't rocket science.
There's a CSM codex coming out soon?
I guess I'll wait if anything.
Btw, did GW release any info on the Mortarion or the DG termies?
CSM codex came out a few weeks ago
Death guard codex comes out september 19th, same for mortarion.
Terminators have no date yet
just bought a guy's IG for 300 CAD.
it had
>3 leman russes with switchable turrets
>about 50 cadians, including some lascannon and heavy bolter heavy weapons teams
>all the assorted sprues
>regimental advisors
>7e codex
>7e datacards
Everything except Pask is assembled and painted to decent, if not display, quality.
Why are conscripts considered OP?
sheer numbers and they're super cheap.
stick them with a commissar and you have the ultimate bubblewrap. They have hundreds of shots, and sure they're wounding on 6s on anything of significant armor, but the sheer volume of shots will tear through most things.
If GW got rid of Chaos, should anyone really mind?
Mount the gun on the bottom reaver jetbikes style
>t. someone who uses the word "chaosfag" seventeen times a day
>Literal nigger marine
>It's a World Eater
Like pottery it is.
no duplicate R&H
half your entries are batshit or worse, so you need to do with what little good stuff you have. (hint heavy weapons + BS5+ equals fukk this shit) you dont have access to orders aswell.
example you might want snipers. 2sniper rifles do diddley. more means duplicate units
Primaris flyer, termies, and drop pods when?
I have a friend who plays 40k and he thinks Space Marines do jobs like mercenaries. Help.
they don't
not officially anyways, unless they're renegades out past the light of the Astronomican.
There's some wheeling and dealing that goes on depending on the chapter but it's not outright ever.
I want to run a list that looks like
>Supreme command detachment
>3x Daemon prince
>Supreme command detachment
>3x Greater Daemon
Maybe some gribblies to fill in. What God should I run and why? Also are there any good third party DP/GD models? Running the same model seems a bit gay.
Hey guys, I've been looking to get into 40k for a while now, and was looking for suggestions on what army to field. I was thinking of a Wraithknight centric Eldar army.
Cool. Do you plan on using attachments of other armies? Any paint scheme in mind?
Das bronze m8. Like a really tan dude my dude.
Is anyone supposed to be so impressed by the new and constant fluff about the Heretic Astartes of the Long War that they fawn over how they had to battle countless infirmities and foes over thousands of years just to have a chance to fight the servants of the 'false emperor'?
Because to me, It only makes the average loyal Astartes even more amazing. To me, the average loyalist is surrounded on all sides in a hostile galaxy - and all he has is his faith in the God Emperor, his faith in his battle brothers, and his faith in his bolter. Blessed is the loyal heart, damned is the traitorous soul.
Kharn is siberian
No wonder he's so based
fuck ADB
He thinks that Space Marines aren't devoted or something.
>leaves his legion for being too hardcore
>uses mainly ranged weapons because he sucks so much at melee a fucking sorcerer is better
>visibly intimidated by a khornate daemon
>when asked about the mark of khorne he says 'its just for good luck lol xD'
Niggers lack the discipline and bravery to be a world eater, let alone the religious fervor. Too busy muh-dicking about, it's no wonder he left the legion.
REAL khornates are all slavs. Why do you think WE are so popular in Russia? Pic related.
Greetings from NOVA
There are three different looking versions of blood thirster with different weapons.
I'll let you decide what you should do with that information.
Chaos ones and renegades do. Loyalist ones would only be "mercenaries" for Inquisitors or other marines, like a more famous chapter master or Primarch. which isn't really mercenary work.
Chaos ones don't. Unless you count Berzerkers killing the enemies of a warband, and then that warband, for free.
I was planning on using Harlequins, but with a focus on Wraithbone constructs.
That's awesome. What units?
>mercenary work
Then they wouldn't be mercenaries, they'd be charity workers
How important is having a psyker in your army in general?
How good are the armies in Dark Imperium as a core to build up around? I've been holding off getting into 40k but 8th ed looks interesting and the death guard models look pretty sweet.
Get three sets of starter Plague Marines and you're good to go to shit on most armies. Primaris marines can be decent by themselves but require more tools to perform consistently well.
Most likely Players, Wraithguards, Wraithknights, Shadowseers, and a few sets of Skyweavers/Starweavers.
Depends on your meta. You might want one for denying shit if lots of psykerfags pop up in your area.
IG is op this edition, as long as you ignore tanks
by extension the two IG subfactions both do well due to not being focussed on tanks
What LoW are bringing for Konor tomorrow?
Time to use your soul grinders to secure the last planet in the Konor system!
I want to use Cypher and Fallen in my CSM list (I have a LOT of CSM stuff, Thousand Sons army, Death Guard, and just CSM), but I dont know what role they can really serve. All I can really think of is throwing them in a transport with ccw's, plasma pistols, and charge them into combat.
Any other thoughts?
no-can-do, they don't share the right faction keywords.
No one would play with someone who withholds rhinos from fallen players. That's not even double nigger. That's like, triple nigger.
They're literally "chosen, but better" for the same cost, last I remember. No transports is their weakness to make up for that.
give me a link to the chaos codex or i shoot the goat
Very nice user
Except they're literally "chosen, but worse" you fucking mong.
Why don't we just also pretend that the game has different rules for all bad units?
Thanks, I'm a complete noob to this. I think I'll get the starter box and play with my cousin before going to a FLGS.
This isn't a "houserule a bad unit" thing, this is a "GW is incompetent and their RAW inexplicably contradicts the reasonable RAI, with total disregard for fluff and balance."
Cheaper than chosen with the same stats, built-in Commissar, and have a 3% chance of blowing themselves up with plasma to any other unit's 17%. And they can take melee weapons more readily than chosen.
I mean, but sure, sounds shitty to me user. Guess you're right.
Find it in the OP or shoot yourself.
I have bad news user
Follow the link in the 11th post.
OP, if you don't know how to make a thread let someone else do it.
Post and related content.
I had a spark of inspiration for my Kabal symbol when I looked at the freehand I did for my Hekatrix's mask. I might contact my friend who's a commission artist to do a cleaner version of the symbol for me.