What sounds does a owlbear make?
What sounds does a owlbear make?
ring ding ding ding
Something between an owl and a bear
This is what I always thought
Sort of a guttural SKREEL sound.
... this is not the sort of sound I expected ostriches to make.
I did not know they made that sound. I thought they screeched.
Kinda reminds me of dinosaurs.
It is bizarre indeed.
I'd use this for a battle cry
they scream, i imagine like a screech owl.
What's amazing about the lion's roar is how long it travels. I live half a mile away from the zoo and lons roaring at night sound pretty much the same despite the distance.
It says
>stat me
Over and over all day
>"screaming ostrich"
>sounds more like Treebeard having an orgasm
>video contains a lion demanding the info from his stool pigeon he asked for last week
Like this
When they're calm, gathered around a kill with their cubs for instance, they sound like koalas:
When they're trying to spook prey into revealing itself or chasing an intruder out of their territory, they sound like an angry owls. The noise echoes and seems to come from all directions, always close by...
When they're hunting you, they make no noise at all.
What's worse, if you give in to its demands it'll recite the entire spiel
Came here to post this.
oo ee oo a a ting tang walla walla bing bang
Something between Chewbacca and Chewbacca.
a mix between barn-owl shreeks and bear growling.
pretty scary if i think about it.
except higher and without the gooey part at the end
I believe this
>That Koala noise
It's awesome when you hear it at the wildlife park, terrifying when you're walking down a country road at 2am after a piss-up.
Also, Koala's can run 40 kilometers an hour and have very sharp claws.
Australia - not even once.
>owlbear muhreens
Drop bears gonna drop.
Ravenguard successor chapter
The stealth of an owl with the explosive power of a bear
But owlbears are nature's greatest miracle.
Only because the wizard responsible called himself Irving P. Nature.
slav alert