Every socialist I know that plays D&D mains Paladin and prefers it over any other class, regardless how useless he might be in the party. Why are political extremes drawn to it? Do they realise they meme themselfs by playing a Paladin? Sessions usually folow to them realising they can't do shit with their PC in social encounters, because to most NPCs in most settings their ideals are just so out of place everyone thinks they are an asshole. Especially when the Paladin robs the rich merchant to distribute the bread no one wants to eat.
Paladin is a perfect class for socialists
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Fuck off back to /pol/
I can confirm this. I have a hardcore stalinist communist/socialist friend and he always, without a fault plays either a Paladin or some form of Inquisitor. Never gave it much thougut though.
> shit-tier logic
/pol/ really needs to leave.
What the fuck guys I haven't been on /pol/ for months now. I'm a centrist capitalist, please stop.
The paladin can appeal to many political extremes for a variety of reasons. That's because what the paladin stands for can be co-opted by many political ideologies. Some examples:
>A paladin is a man of the people, rising up against oppressive nobles and meting out justice against them
>This clearly makes him a socialist that seeks to destroy power structures and dethrone the predecessors of the exploitative bourgeois in the name of the proletariat
>A paladin is a steelfaced guardian protecting his people from unknown and unsettling threats from beyond his realm
>This clearly makes him an alt-right proponent of tightly guarded borders, the fact that he's guarding a "wall" only makes it better
>A paladin is a devoted enforcer of justice, making sure to eradicate the crime the thieftakers so incompetently miss
>This clearly makes him an anarcho-capitalist, as his very existence proves you don't need an organized police force to enforce the NAP
>A paladin is a chaste warrior of good, truth and wholesomeness
>Clearly this makes him a Christian Right conservative who hates video games for the violence they inspire. Thank goodness this TTRPG that involves detailed genocides isn't as violent!
Same with historical figures, really. Robespierre was a communist, Napoleon a fascist, Muhammad a feminist and Caesar a nationalist. You can easily shoehorn as you please.
I'm a socialist and I love to play paladins, but because I like using roleplaying to explore a foreign mindset.
Any paladin that starts a class war needs his shit slapped. You're a god damn chivalrous knight and you're loyal to your liege and your god, in that order. Your job is saving maidens, slaying worthy foes and backhanding any peasant who doesn't show you proper respect.
That's not a paladin. That's just a knight.
A paladin values his God above all else and does GOOD and JUSTICE regardless of whom he may offend.
is correct.
t. I have only played Paladins in tabletops for the last sixteen years.
>Muhammad a feminist
>That's just a knight.
Maybe but a paladin is "just" a very good knight. Yes he will brook no opposition to GOOD and JUSTICE but it's the king's justice and what's good is upholding the feudal order. But you do have to avoid giving offense, because being polite is one of the essential courtly GOODs.
You could have a character class that was about class justice and the common good. That wouldn't be a paladin, and the knight-in-shining-armour image isn't appropriate for a character with a socialist worldview.
I'm best described as a Radical Traditionalist and I also mostly play Paladins. I can confirm that political extremes love it. Although my main draw to the class is DEUS VULT
>backhanding any peasant who doesn't show you proper respect.
You really are a socialist. The code of chivalry includes
>Protect the weak.
A proper knight would ideally NOT backhand a peasant for minor disrespect.
There is no such thing a centrist. If you are a capitalist you are from the right.
I get it. You have no interest in playing a paladin. You just want to play a self-righteous Christian crusader. The second you begin letting people suffer because "muh feudal order" you fall. I hope you appreciated those holy abilities because they're gonzo now!
Islam actually improved the situation of women in the region at the time of it's inception. Believe it or not they were even worse to their women before Islam became a thing over there.
I always laugh at the fact that he stopped a weird wife swapping/first night cuckholding thing in Arabia.
>i have ever been on /pol/
Fuck off back there
>get to have cool armor and a big sword, don't have to speak softly
>get to help out niggas in trouble
>anybody that fuck witchu fuck wit GOD
I find paladining is a good outlet for tamping down the overly altruistic ideas that try to get stuck in my head. I do want to help people, but I'm also far from a position that would allow me to do so without excessive sacrifice.
oh shut the hell up, they do not.
>Especially when the Paladin robs the rich merchant to distribute the bread no one wants to eat.
>Lawful Good
A paladin would only consider taking something not theirs to give away in the most dire of circumstances, and then should consider themselves EXTREMELY indebted to the victim of the theft. If an incredibly charitable knight REALLY needed to feed some orphans, he'd be more likely to give away the last of his rations and go hungry than to steal it from a merchant. Any hints of Socialism are people roleplaying their own shitty ideals, instead of the ideals of a holy medieval warrior of justice. A paladin that steals rather than working honestly to aid others should fall from grace.
Oh wait, is this fucking 5e where you can be a Paladin bound by oath and virtue, but also somehow NOT be fucking Lawful? Fuck that.
i'm a conservative and i usually play paladin in RPGs because i think they're a more interesting fighter class + they can self heal themselves. also who doesn't love ripping & tearing demons or taking back a holy city?
but fuck alignment nazis for taking them way too literal. i can not even begin to tell you how many times i had to rules lawyer my alignment because the DM would consider shit like stepping on a crack in the sidewalk an excuse to fall.
>inb4 haveyoutriednotplayingdnd.jpg
why do you think i quit my DnD/PF group?
I can second this. I'm also conservative and love paladins. They're fun to roleplay. I think where the complaints against paladins come from are having to deal with people who inject their own personal ideals into the paladin, making him less of a holy knight, and more of an SJW with a sword. Politics aside, not being able to roleplay a slightly different moral outlook than your own is just shitty roleplaying. Too many people can't imagine a good and just person having different views than themselves, I guess.
> Weird
First night is not weird. It's an old tradition in many cultures of ancient times.
Yeah, and most people have moles, but moles are weird. Weird =/= uncommon, it just means odd to the beholder, which is a subjective, opinionated thing.
>you can be a Paladin bound by oath and virtue, but also somehow NOT be fucking Lawful? Fuck that.
i think it's possible and completely reasonable to be a CG paladin as described you'd have to RP it as some sort of religious zelot crusader and/or have a god of war as their god of worship
i can only imagine what things were like over there before the rise of islam if it actually improved things
>a paladin is "just" a very good knight.
A knight is a title, not an occupation.
>you'd have to RP it as some sort of religious zelot crusader and/or have a god of war as their god of worship
That's not really a paladin, though. Paladins as a class exist to emulate holy crusaders and noble knights. If you aren't a holy, noble knight, then you're just a CG fighter/cleric. Paladins are an archetypical champion of their alignment, and making a zealous, archetypical champion of another alignment should require a class with totally different abilities and niches to fill. Some sort of supernaturally charismatic rebel warrior sounds awesome as a class, but is not a paladin.
A paladin isn't defined by their god. They needn't even have a god. They are a paragon of Lawful Good ideals, and their powers are a manifestation of the ideals themselves. Antipalidans have incredibly different abilities, and so should the chaotic good counterpart.
I'm a socialist, and my favorite classes are bards, rogues, and clerics. I think the clerics are more from my Christianity than from my socialism, though.
I'm fairly right-winged and paladin is easily my favorite class
>Every socialist I know that plays D&D mains Paladin
Yeah, that's a large enough sample size to draw conclusions from. Let me try:
>Every Democrat I know that plays D&D mains Wizards
>Every recently married person I know that plays D&D mains Fighters
>Every dark-haired woman I know that plays D&D has a tiger as a companion
Weird how the statistics work out, isn't it?
Replace SJW with an extreme, they are not the only extreme out there.
Fair. I guess I was just thinking of the shitty paladin my group had once. Guy was hardcore tumblrshit, and made his paladin act the exact same way, because he couldn't understand views other than his being Lawful Good.
Mixed economy is centrism.
>something not theirs
guys, i'm super spooked right now
But isn't SJW chaotic by default? I mean they're willing to break the laws in order to further their agenda.
Yeah, there are people who actually believe this.
Muhammad's first wife was Khadija, an older woman who had inherited the business of her father and was effectively an entrepeneur. Muhammad started out as her servant before she married him. Even in Saudi Arabia today this scenario would be impossible (this is the country where women are stoned to death for driving, remember). Don't tell me Muhammad improved the situation of women when his first wife is the best example of this being utterly wrong.
If that's not enough to convinvince you, let's have a look at something his lost wife: Aisha (aka the mother of the faithful) had to say.
>I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women
>Inb4 "muh context"
The context is right there
>A man beats the shit out of his wife
>Aisha tells on Muhammad, describing that the wife's skin is now greener than her clothes from all the beatings
>Muhammad investigates what's going on
>The man claims his wife accuses him of impotence
>Muhammad sets the record straight... ON THE MAN'S IMPOTENCE
>The fact that the woman is quite literally black and blue (or green and blue? or gold and yellow?) isn't even adressed by the most examplary man in the religion of peace
I'm not saying stealing's the wrong thing to do if it helps the children and doesn't totally damn the merchant, I'm just saying it's a chaotic thing to do, and therefore not a "paladinly" action at all.
I don't try to find the logic in it. Most people will assume that their views of good are the same ideals that a lawful good person would have, because people like to cast their beliefs in that light, I guess. I've straight-up had a supposed LG paladin try to overthrow a well-intentioned and competent king because the king was a bit too harsh on taxes, and a poor person begged for the paladin to help. No talking first, just a straight-up assassination attempt.
I hope you made the paladin fall for that shit because it sounds more like what Robin Hood type rogue would do.
I'm a socialist and my favourite class is monk. Sometimes lawful good, sometimes lawful neutral.
Paladins are great but I haven't played one yet. I love the concept of knight of God, order, and goodness, as long as one doesn't play lawful stupid.
Really? The socialists and communists I know always play Warlock/Sorc furries because they're they're fucking retarded.