So now that it's been confirmed that we're getting nids, Eldar and IG after AdMech, what's your wishlist lads? What do you hope to see? Expect?
IG, Eldar, Tyranids Confirmed November
give us plastic aspect warriors for fucks sake. just like a dire avengers box. thats all I ask, we can make autarchs with them, we can get some customization, we can have squads that dont look like a bunch of copy cats. all i ask for is plastic aspect warriors
Toxicrene, Maleceptor, Haruspex, Tyrannofex to be made actually useful for the first time ever. Zoanthropes minimum brood size back down to 1 or them made able to do something (anything), venomthropes removed from the game completely, replaced with plastic malanthrope.
So obviously plastic malanthrope, plastic biovore/pyrovore kit and a plastic lictor.
>we can make autarchs with them
Realistically expect HQs to lose wargear options.
None of these Codexes are going to come with model releases, user.
Confirmed by what, faggot?
Games Workshop you idiot, have you been living under a rock?
let me live in peace with my empty hopes
Given how fuck ugly and comically proportioned GW CAD squads have been of late, I'd rather have the mono pose
>durrr spoonfeed me hurrr
I expect each codex to be almost exactly like the indexes, except for some small numbers tweaks that may make one or two units more viable, and additional psychic powers. Plus some derivative faction tactics (there's going to be a sneaky brood that gets -1 to hit from enemies 12 inches away).
In other words, 8th edition started off promising, but the codexes have been a let down so far.
Got a link, faggot, or are you just trying to send ad revenue to clickbait sites?
That's not even true at all.
Why the fuck would you go to clickbait sites when you can go to the community site you goddamn fucking retard??
Have you seen the codexes released so far? They're exactly what I described.
Also some egregiously bad units (Like obliterators for chaos) may be buffed.
How is over 2 dozen unique stratagems, a dozen relics, new Warlord Traits, sub-faction rules, massive points changes and shit a "letdown" for you?
Community site?
All I see is a necromunda thing and some shit about a gay event called the nova open
Read the Nova Open article dumbfuck, it's a massive convention where they announced a bunch of shit.
Plastic Sisters? Please?
Dat ass.
Compared to past content releases in earlier editions, it really is anemic.
Whoo, my alpha legion guys get bonuses copy pasted from the raven guard guys how original and exciting!
oh, yay, everyone gets objective secured let me change my panties I'm so wet with the uniqueness!
Oh, and I get ONE (1) whole relic? That's way better than the multiples my sub faction could have gotten in 7th edition!
Hell, tons of the stratagems are just copy pastes from space marines to chaos space marines.
That's because you play [fill in the blank] Space Marines, faggot, of course some of your Stratagems and tactics are going to be copy-pasted from another variety of Space Marines. Don't play a bland army and then whine that the edition is bland, jesus fucking christ.
My ______ space fags were actually interesting in 7th edition though. They didn't do too well in the transition to 8th, which indicates that it is 8ths fault.
Also, 8th is commonly criticized as bland, so that helps.