The GM places a large belt around your midsection and tightens it a little whenever your character takes damage

>The GM places a large belt around your midsection and tightens it a little whenever your character takes damage

Is this ok?

No, but I'm going to do it to my players anyways.

Thanks OP.

I need more context here, is this for some sort of masochistic BDSM game, where everyone knows the safety word? Then sure go ahead.

For all other non lewd games? Not so much.

This is most certainly not okay, GM or not, I'm not taking my corset off for just about anyone!

Can't we just have a nice wholesome corset thread?

I'd take it to Veeky Forums or something.

>arrive at friends house
>wants to play catan with you and his GF

Oh god yes please I'm playing something with high health and little mitigation.
And healing ability of course.

Did he actually get hit by lightning?

fucking kek

Fucking scrubs

>have electric dog collars for all players
>shock goes from 0-100
>Take the lowest and highest amount of damage done last session
>apply it to this session so they take a level of shock equal to what they get hit for
>players are more cooperative than previous groups have been
>overall taking less damage than any previous group
More work is required but it's been interesting. I'm glad someone else has the same idea.

As long as it works both ways. I'm game.

is he ded?


I am diamonds.

Some belt.

If you really want to ...

did he dead?

>The GM places a cock-ring around your dick when you're below 50% hit points
>Dildos for women

>it's a girdle of genderbending
Does this improve the experience?

>dildos for women
>not women and men

but I poop from there

Sorry, you'll have to find somewhere else to poop from.

if you don't like it just take it off


I mean, are they okay with you enacting your fetish on them? Is this safe, sane and consensual?

The game seems a little extraneous at that point, though. Why not just hang the point of it and take your players to the ol' S&M dungeon.

Not right now you don't.

>not getting your players to tighten it themselves while everyone watches

>not killing your players in real life when their characters die

Fucking casuals ruining the hobby, I swear to G-d.

GM should lay off Jahi's contortion porn.

sauce pls

OP, have you been fapping to Yuni art again?



This is worse than vore planes

What am I looking at

Ten years of creeping sanity loss.