EDH/Commander General

"Boss Hogg" edition

Previously: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Horrible place with primers, access at your own risk.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread question
What, if any, is your favorite fuckoff huge commander?

Other urls found in this thread:


The biggest commander I play is a 5/5, where is your god now timmy

MLD is love, MLD is life.

noob here, pls help


You already posted him OP, Thromok has always been a major fave of mine.

On the other end of the spectrum, I've finally decided to give myself up to the Jank Gods and build this pile of garbage. I have no idea how, but I'm gonna make her work with whatever pile of garbage I can. Any suggestions, no matter how small, is appreciated.

for previous commander decks, is $65 worth it for the old 4-color proliferate deck?

Too many lands, my dude

Also find some room for an Ashnod's Altar, Reveillark and Karmic Guide to loop the shit out of Blood Artist

You posted it. Nothing quite as satisfying as killing someone with Warstorm Surge/Pandemonium trigger when you slam him down, killing a second opponent with commander damage in one swing, then flinging him.

>Guy at LGS is a massive backseat player
>Will walk around the table looking at people's hands and tell people what they should or shouldn't do

I fucking hate super spergs.

Depends if you want the stuff that is in the deck or not.

Atraxa alone is worth 20$.

Ask him if he has anything better to do after losing his last game

Don't do that. Nothing is worth how godawful she is, Pharika is an active detriment to any deck she's in.

Kibitzing at an LGS should be grounds for being kicked out.

sweet jesus you weren't lying. Time to browse the decklist and add up my chases to see if it's worth it then.

My EDH decks are commanded by a 0/0 and a 2/2 partnered with a 3/3.

>hey, what's a good way to gravehate?
>I know, give my opponent Deathtouch Chumps
And to add insult to injury, she isn't even an infinite mana sink like Nylea, Purphoros, Erebos, or Heliod.

From the previous thread.

I think part of the thing with the demand of Dragons is that getting a moderately functional five color deck out of the box is pretty appealing. Also a lot of the dragons can fit into other decks quite well.

Mine are a 0/0 and a 4/6

Should I be playing to the little guys that draw me life more?

i was also thinking im lacking in spells and had too many artifacts


I bought all of the precon decks and I definetly see the appeal of the dragon deck. The collection of Jund colored Dragons made me want to play my old kitchen table deck from when I started playing magic. I think I might build Wasitora as my next commander just for that.

Used to be Doran, now it's this beefy fuck.

Is there a consensus on whether Scion is the better dragon commander or not?

Scion is better but this new one is fun for a more casual deck.

>-1 for free
yup, now play all the tribal changeling instant and sorceries and enjoy your commander.

Ishkanah is the biggest body on a commander I have. I just like being able to cast them more than once.

Jalira is a Timmy deck through and through.

Constellation is better than you think. Even draft fodder works.

Run fight cards to get value of your deathtouchers outside of combat. Shinen of Life's Roar is better than you think.

Yeah, I have a Scion deck and I love playing it just because it's capable of such huge plays. I picked up the Dragon deck for some of the new tech despite so many doubles from the deck I built a while back.

If you have enough graveyard recursion I'd put Scion over his boss since you can abuse that to force a bunch of dragons out for extremely cheap.

But I'd say if you want to play a more straightforward, stable deck (Graveyard hate can fuck over Scion), the boss himself might be the better choice.

My commander is bigger than your commander. And it is also a ridiculous source of card advantage.

Every time I see the Ur Dragon I just want to build timmy.dec with him but then I remember the manabase would cost me a kidney.

I have pic related lying around too and no deck for it.

I know this, in fact that's the reason I chose her. I want to see what's the best I can do with a commander everyone see's as shit.

Thanks bud

This is my Skullbriar tech.

>mfw my local card shop, the only group that plays commander, are full on competitive tryhards that all try to go turbo infinates or other bullshit
>To the point it's near pointless to even try and play creatures
I hate it here

Are you thinking about getting the original dual lands? Unless you're planning on playing in an insanely competitive scene you don't have to worry about that. The Shocklands from Ravnica can fuel it just fine.

You need some Teeg in your life

I need something. Commander was the last facet of the game I enjoyed and they killed that pretty quick. They only ever use commanders as color identities and it drives me up the fucking wall.

Yup. Obvious includes are things like Mulch and Grizly Salvage. Suddenly Reclamation. Lots of good self mill in GB. You aren't a reanimator deck though, you're a token deck. Run token doublers and overrun effects. Keep your creature balance in mind, as you want to profit from her ability as much as possible. Other good token producers in those colors should be considered like Grave Titan and Avenger.

People shit on her because GB has tons of good commanders and because ultimately, she's kind of a shifty necrogenesis. But they being enchantments and having death touch can be a strong enough reason to run her with proper deckbuilding. Trample and overruns as I mentioned pair really well with deathtouch.

Yeah you definitely need the G-Daddy.

They can combo, but it'll be a bitch and a half for them to get there.

I actually had a no-fun-allowed deck with him, but they rapidly adapted to the meta going to far as to do a 3-4 way (depending on the amount present) attack against me to knock me out as quickly as possible. Same thing happened when I rolled Zur.

The three-mana rocks don't strike me as necessary in two colors- maybe swap the Manalith for a Mind Stone? Swiftfoot Boots would also be worth tossing in. As has been mentioned, you're running a few too many lands; may I ask what the Darksteel Citadel is in there for?
As much as I love Venser's Journal, this doesn't seem like a deck in which it would particularly shine, not without a handful of card advantage pieces added. Of those, you simply must get yourself a Skullclamp.
That being said, it looks like fun. Linear, but fun.

That's... pretty fucking bad. If they focus you out just so they can masturbate their decks onto the table, they might not be worth playing with.

I'm having a hard time imagining a meta where a counterspell is worth running over a void shatter or dissipate.

I get how good Counterspell is and how big a deal 1 mana is on something like that, but graveyards are so fucking key in this format. Surely exile is worth it, right?

You already said it. There's a massive difference between leaving UU open and leaving 1UU open when you're not running 4 copies of your good counterspells.

Can't drop a Void Shatter into an Isochron Scepter

The one store right by my place of work went that way as well. They helped nearly kill of Magic beyond the group that is led by the owner's son that just hops from netdecked infinite to netdecked infinite.

I put up with literally adding 40 minutes of driving to avoid going to that store for Magic.

Illness in the ranks, everyone gets nothing when you shit in their graveyard


But enough NOT to run things that exile? Maybe my understanding of cEDH is different, but do they NOT run Eternal Witness, Yawgmoth's Will, Snapcaster Mage, Reanimate and similar?

I get running Counterspell in addition, but instead of is weird to me. Or is it legit only Counterspell, Mana Drain and then 0 cost countermagic like Force and Pact?

Counterspells are relatively weak in multiplayer formats anyway. It's harder to do control with stax-esque effects because you're controlling a board not just one guy.

they're not worth it. between WotC being utter trash for several reasons and them I lost most of the taste for the game. But then every once in a while I check out Veeky Forums again and get pulled back in... The next set looks ok though if nothing else than for the white holy order of vampires.

*Blocks your Wheel*

>blocks their wheel
>not enhancing your own wheels

This man slaps your wheel on the ass what do you do?

Eternal Scourge allows for repeatable snek generation

>Boros ever getting to lol7mana
But I agree, I'm finding a spot right now for him, Magus of the Wheel, and Reforge the Soul

>ordered Shauku in case I would want to make a Mairsil deck in the future for only 50 cents weeks ago
>Shauku is now $5

Is Mairsil really that effective then? Or just another dumb investor?

>not suspending a wheel of fate and flashing out your cat at your upkeep with blood moon out to prevent shenanigans
Next you're gunna tell me you dont have avacyn and batterskull in your deck.

Honor-Worn Shaku is getting bought out because Planeswalkers are legendary now and don't care if you tap them.

Oh, misread. No idea why Shauku would spike.


>Thread question

I feel like this card is supposed to bully blue players, but I got it played against my Naya deck and it made me even more sad. Those colors dont get much card draw so getting it dunked on sucks.

>blood moon
I c-can't do that user, my Boros deck only has 7 basics

kys commie cuck

You know it only affects instances where an opponents draw 2 or more cards at the same time right? Multiple instances of 'draw a card' are unaffected.
But yes it will shit on your skullclamp plans.

Reserved List + Mairsil, yup.

Just buy every card on the reserved list to be safe desu.

Battle lands, enemy pain lands and allied check lands along with the regular any color lands is enough desu, and that entire manabase will cost you like $20.

Yes I know how to read, thanks for the condescending remarks. My Sylvan Library appreciates it.

My playgroup doesnt let me play the bloodmoon anymore, so I feel you.

y-you too

>mfw everyone at my table has really expensive mana bases and almost no basics
>MFW me playing bloodmoon is almost always guarenteed a scoop if it's not gone before it comes back around to me


But there was no face....




Try proposing a budget Commander challenge. If they're super-spikes, you may be able to goad their egos into it by presenting it as a test of their deckbuilding ability, somewhere in the $50-$100 range.

why are all edh players 10 times more retarded than the average mtg which i should add is already substantially retarded

ty for the advice, yeah i already have skullclamp from my lcoust god deck so ill throw that in there and remove some land. darksteel citadel I threw in there just because i suppose. Should i drop it all together or keep it for a basic land?

my friends play green and like big boys so im always worried i dont have enough creatures/mana to compete, but maybe thats what i got myself into play a lifedrain deck

last time i went to my lgs someone tried to counter my erebos with silumgar's command because he thought it was a noncreature spell

A lot of them haven't played regular Magic where a mistake can be severely punished, teaching them an important lesson.

Because it's a """""casual format""""" and mtg has the worst casuals

I'm starting an EDH podcast. Any tips / complaints about current casters that you have? Just trying to get a feel for the community, and I don't want to end up just doing stupid Twitter questions or begging for patreon like some of the fucks in the community. Also, any topics y'all wanna hear?

>Any tips / complaints about current casters that you have?
Please don't fully read out every card you bring up. Please.

Play cards like tombstone stairwell and shit on your opponent's yards while filling your own. It's her biggest strength.

Bloodmoon +aether membrane+ cathars crusade is still my favorite lockout. It just works

Terrible idea, infinites and cancer exist on every level of budget

>Guy uses several banned cards in his deck such as Primeval and Yawgmoth's Bargain
>Gets his shit twisted when I use Kiki-Jiki and screams and throws a fit how it should be banned

I fucking hate my LGS

For real, right? Or when they explain fucking evergreen keywords like first strike. I know some people are noobs, but Christ dude...

Kek, gotta love the double standards of retards

Why are you guys even letting him play with you? He should be forced to play by the same rules as everyone else. Shit, if my LGS let me use Yawgmoth's Bargain, Tuesday-night Commander would turn into goddamn Mad Max

Why is he allowed to run Prime Time and Yawg's Bargain? Fucking dump on the dude and tell him he's a massive hypocrite.

As an aside, Prime Time would be absolutely fantastic in my Wort deck

dont over emphasize politics

dont name drop, dont plug a favorite card into every deck just because in your meta its good.

whats the premise of the show? is it gonna just be "talk about edh" or is it gonna be deck techs? whats the general feel?


Sometimes your just going to slap someone with some damage. It's not always going to be the most optimal play but it's what you can do to get the game rolling.

>Why are you guys even letting him play with you?

He's been around longer and is friends with a lot of the people there. Dude's honestly a douche since he will just randomly hate people for no reason and give people death glares. Like he doesn't even wait for the person to do something dumb he just sees a person and hates them for whatever reason he's come up with in his head. He's probably chased some people off from being super uninviting. I know if I was running a store and someone like him hung around I'd tell him to cut his shit out.

every group is different.
if you play tryhards you are going to get your shit slapped hard and quick.
if you play casualshitters a game may very well last you a whole day and you're bound to hear one of them ask if they've read any good mlp fapfics lately.

ideally your group will be somewhere in the middle

I'm brewing Inalla Tribal Reanimator to deal with the tryhards on my LGS.
I'm under oath to only use it against gay cEDH decks. What can I do to screw those nerds pretty hard?

I had a Tromokratis deck that was hella fun. Shame voltron gets so boring.

How good is Collective Effort? Worth running in Grandpa Edgar?

Nephilim's errata'd to legendary when>

>Play Krenko
>Someone immediately puts freeze effect on him so he can't untap
>Put umbral mantle on him
>Another player immediately exiles the mantle
>The other three players just attack my empty board until I lose then the Edgar and UGx players just durdle for another half hour.

Cool. I guess I should just trash Krenko? I just like gobbos.

Literally never but play them anyway and slap anyone who is too tight-assed to let you