Forge World thread. For those who want to discuss their outlandishly priced resin without being memed.
Have you bought anything yet? Or are you planning to soon
Forge World thread. For those who want to discuss their outlandishly priced resin without being memed.
Have you bought anything yet? Or are you planning to soon
I went through an inquisition phase a few years ago and bought some of those brass etched inquisition sheets, and the rhino and land raider doors.
Then this year I was at the LVO for an AoS tourney and bought the chaos dwarf character.
That's it.
I'm tempted to buy some Shadow Specters or Corsairs.
they're selling new doors soon
I bought a Chinese recast of a Thunderbolt Strike Fighter and I regret it immensely. I should have just waited one more paycheck and bought the official model but I was far too impatient.
After a few more paychecks I'll buy the official model, and possibly a Macharius model.
So far I bought two primarchs, eldar avatar and shadow specters.
I don't get the obsession people have with the barely modified generic marines and slightly modified dreadnoughts which are 90% of their releases though.
Which primarchs?
eh i will likely pass. my inquisition phase has passed and i feel no drive to work on it or finish my projects. mostly due to the very likely scenario of a pure inquisition force becoming more and more a thing of the past
The Thunderbolt is really old, so you might get one that needs a couple replacement parts from FW or a lot of sorting out, but someone just got one on Veeky Forums from FW a month ago or so and said it was flawless.
Always makes me laugh when recastfags try to pretend their garbage is "as good or better" as FW, or "you just don't know the right recaster".
Lorgar and Angron.
Fuck loyalists.
>you just don't know the right recaster
That's right though
New Fimir when.
Yeah I won't lie, I bought into the meme of "as good or better" and when I received my model I was immediately disappointed with the overall quality; mold lines that ran too deep, pieces wouldn't line up quite right, bubbles, etc.
Like I had bought recasts of some Kriegers before and they were pretty fine minus a few almost unnoticeable spots here and there, so I figured the recaster was pretty good on vehicles.
Boy was I wrong. I'm never buying recasts of vehicles again.
Eh, Alpharius model soon, hopefully.
Marine spam emphasis over unique models is lame
Yeah. It was a pain in the ass to get a hold of them, and I initially thought it was pretty good, but as I was putting it together it became obvious it was a bad recast. Maybe I got unlucky, but either way it left a very bad taste in my mouth.
Only dumbasses buy from Z. Either go with CCON or if you're lucky enough, CDR.
I have no qualms with admitted I'm new to buying recasts and I'll freely admit I'm a dumbass, but as I said, the kriegers were pretty good so I had little reason to believe the vehicles weren't.
Maybe I'll give recasts another shot with Alpharius, or the previous two you've mentioned, but I'll play it a little safe for the time being when it comes to vehicles. I know I'll have to get recasts for the Tauros though, since they recently cut the non-venator model out of their catalog.
Then no wonder it was shitty lol. I would buy from him only for crashed vehicles terrain. Go with CCON, Alpharius or the new ones.
CDR? Never heard of that one
I've got a pretty significant HH admech collection, which isn't with the times in the current meta but I love it, and a decent sized chaos dwarves force. I'm considering getting shar'tor because I guess fireglaive dwarfs aren't battle line any more? I really enjoy the bull centaur sculpts and their scale is in line with the new AoS range so they don't look too out place. Can't say so much for the dwarfs themselves but thats pretty much the whole non-stormcast/ironjaw/KO/syl/fire dwarf range.
Looking forward to that ludicrously huge Khorne dragon, if nothing else for another Tamurkhan style campaign book. It would lose a lot of its charm not set in WHFB setting but that first nurgle book was so excellent.
Not too stoked for anything in 40k right now, there's nothing other than maybe some rapiers that I'm looking at. 8th did a nice job of tuning the game back down to a more traditional 40k scale, with super heavies costed a little more conservatively and the new wound table I'm pretty pleased with it. But other than the leviathan dread there's nothing out of FW for csm that is making me raise my eyebrows.
FW Tau stuff is pretty sweet, I wanna buy some sometime
What would I need for starting a HH army? The Lego Custard have gorgeous models.
Only ever bought my Kasrkin from Z because GW doesn't even make them anymore. Casts were OK, no horror show but they needed cleaning up. Thought about buying a couple gunships from him but I think I'd rather just get it from FW.
That jet pack riptide was pretty based. I liked the blastoff/reentry rules it had.
Or an actually good recaster
I plan on building custodes the minute I win the fucking lottery lmao
>HH admech collection
Cyraxus one day
The Yvahra? Yeah it is sweet too, a beast. You can see it in the OP image flying over the titan
Who would you suggest, Alpharius? Used Z for my Kasrkin because Alpharius didn't have them.
That diorama is pretty dope. I really enjoy seeing the FW modernizations of the old titan legion color schemes. I think these are the first Legio Atarus dudes not just in the section of a HH book.
>tfw the reaver shoulder plates are on backwards
>triaros in ad mech
>krios venators
Alpharius is actually sculpting new Kasrkins with pieces of dangerous environments Cadians and green stuff. So basically he's doing more for them than GW. CCON or Miranda are also a safe bet, there was this one guy who also recasted metal stuff
I wonder when FW will make an Emperor model
Literally the most must have 40k model possible
All recasts are shit. You would never take a photocopy of a photocopy over the original or first generation photocopy.
>FW thread
>becomes recast circlejerk
So I guess you have personal experience uh?
Can you spot the difference?
>Alpharius is actually sculpting new Kasrkins with pieces of dangerous environments Cadians and green stuff.
Sweet Jesus I hope it comes sooner rather than later
>I unironically own a legit FW warlord titan
I knew people bought things like that but would never admit it in 40kg.
How much was it?
The pound's been in the toilet ever since Brexit, so it's not quite as expensive as it used to be.
>CDR? Never heard of that one
That's how he likes it.
I got this today, looks pretty good for a recast. Not that I have any real frame of reference.
Oh well
I want to get some Deimos Predators. Not even snowflake ones, I just think they're more appropriate for my Death Guard project
Good news for FW buyers
Post pictures son
>buying resin recasts of plastic models
This is beyond pleb. The plastic ones are literally free on eBay if they're starter set shit.
>business like having hyper exclusive clientele
>when they are selling two-bit cheap toy bootlegs
Lol you're not selling expensive stocks or VIP memberships, poorfag.
Uh okay user, no need to get defensive
Alpharius' stuff is the shit. So glad I found that guy.
BMM is my other goto one. Especially for older stuff. Pricey, but I've yet to buy anything from them with so much as a moldline on them.
I have to buy some kriegers. What do you suggest? Miranda, Alpharius of CCON?
Not MI his moulds are really worn
I bought some. The quality was subpar. Also, since they stopped supporting them to shat out more marines, FW can go to hell
Ok thanks user :)
Alpharius definitely. I've seen some of Miranda's and they're good, but Alpharius has a much better eye for detail and overcoming the problems with some of the scullts like thin cloaks etc.
The Grenadiers I bought were indistinguishable from FW once painted. In fact the pipes from the masks were actually more defined than my originals.
>literally free
show me some free ones.
> "I paid way to much and now I must justify.jpg"
>Have Hierodules
>Want to play with them
These things are like 100 points too expensive to actually be useful
No seriously. He only interacts with clients on a single reddit page that you need to be invited to. He then selects people to open up to from that page. I've been there for months and am still not in his special circle.
Guy is Fight Club tier paranoid
Thinking of buying a supakannon battle wagon lads, I assume I get the full BW kit if I buy it from FW?
>Salty FW mug
>paid FW shill
Pick one
Keep posting reviews from other recasters and giving good feedback. He'll get to you eventually.
I bought an Eldar Phoenix bomber and had to get some stuff replaced. It's pretty cool but I never got to use it in a game because at the time it's rules made it nigh untouchable and more killy than a fire prism. Still have it sitting in a display case along with a couple of other 40k models (that haven't seen a game in years due to friends dropping out and me not having time and/or gaming group).
I wanted to start a corsair band so bad, then I realized that it would be fucking expensive, that I have basically no game possibilities and that transporting that army would be a pain in the ass with all the modifications and gubbins stuck on those space pirates.
>still no Battletomes for Chaos Dwarfs in AoS
>Still no more Fimir
>But at least we get more Big angry red Khorne demons!!
I heard that since Blight died, GW has been putting boots to asses
Honestly it seems that Bligh was the only person who actually worked at FW. the rest of them just got dragged along in his wake.
Any other IGfriends wish we could go back to the days of FW releases being variant Leman Russ turrets and new IG regiments?
It kills me that every new FW email is just another Marine in such and such mark power armour.
I might get one of those lancer knights and I'm picking up a load of Hoplites when they release rules for them again.
No rules for hoplites has fucked my Melee Admech list hard.
>I heard that since Blight died, GW has been putting boots to asses
Considering his complete autistic devotion, his death was like losing 3-4 actual people. Not surprising to hear that they're having problems
I'm thinking of building an ork Kill Blasta tank out of a friend's leftover Baneblade bits and a Mk IV scale model tank.
>damn it feels good to be a loota
I bought chink recasts of some characters like the mk IV techmarine off of ebay and they were perfect
I bought a Carab Culln from forge world and it had a fucking slipped mold line on the leg
in addition to my order of a vraks renegade torsos pack and a weapons pack being miss-sent as just two torso upgrade packs.
Shipping from china also took 1/3 of the time it took to get items shipped from forge world, and I live on the east coast and didnt get expedited shipping either
chinks have always been as good or better than forge world in my expirience, but I'm sure I have just been particularly lucky/unlucky so I cant say it like its a fact.
pic related isnt the same carab culln, but its my other version of him. (I got pic related from FW though and didnt have any major issues)
Got all the Hobbit character releases thus far.
>Have you bought anything yet?
I was going to but ended up having to put the money elsewhere.
>Or are you planning to...
Yes. I'm planning on laying down some money for a Chaos Dwarfs/Legion of Azgorh force for AoS. I never had the money to throw at it when WHFB was around, but I like the models a lot, so I figured better late than never.
Yes fw does seem uncoordinated
>Planned on doing an entire scratch built Nurgle themed WHFB Daemon Army
>GW releases plastic Plaguebearers
Well fuck...
>Plan to do a heavily converted Skitarii army out of Imperial Guard
>GW release Admech as their own faction
Probably for the best... The spark just isn't there any more, even though I have generally positive opinions of the new edition of 40k. I just hope my buddy will get off his ass and finally buy my 5k of Chaos off me.
I've gotten a couple XV-9 suits and a Secutarii Peltast upgrade kit. And a whole lot of random FW bits from FW bits resellers on eBay. The suits have some bubbles, the Secutarii are flawless, and the FW bits are mostly good, but Heresy Grav-Guns fucking suck considering how delicate those weird bulb knobs on them are.
I'll admit that CCON, while maybe not so good at larger models (prone to bending/miscasting), does VERY good detailed character. Got a DDoK Commissar with sword and it is just as CRISP as FW. Larger models tend to warp, though. Unfortunately, it's also probably the only place you'll find an Arvus Lighter at this point.
I'm considering getting some Solar Auxilia for a small project, but currently only Forge World has both the Command Section and Infantry that I'll need.
I just bought inquis doors and reinforced armor for a shelf raider crusader/retinue transport
>strawmanning in 2017
alpharius model is already here
>Love Forgeworld models
>Find out models can give you cancer
>tfw too afraid to put them together
FW resin is non-toxic, it's the chinashit that gives you cancer.
Dude moved from reddit, now he has a website you need to be whitelisted on to get in. Not even sure how he picks up new customers, probably friends of friends that are already in.
assuming your not lying, how much of a pain is it to assemble?
I'm really tempted to buy one
>How much was it?
Maybe this is why you can't afford real FW shit, because you're too fucking stupid to look up shit like this that's right fucking there.
how much did it cost?
>What are sales/discounts/different currency exchange rates
If you can buy it in Britain, it is probably safe
Not him, but look at the model's size. Project for a year like nothing else
brb to snort some FW resin dust then!
sounds like it time to fire up the marine machine
>Buy car
>Find out people die driving all the time
>tfw too afraid to drive my car
When will FW give up on 30k?
Our group decided to try some Russin recaster someone found. Website looks dodgy as fuck. But half the price of retail for some plastics and free shipping for orders over 30USD was worth a gamble.
The stuff ended up being better than FW in quality, and arrived 2-4 weeks earlier than they said it would. Plus since they label it as a gift I don't get stung for import tax like when I buy some stupid amount from FW.
Whilst is may not be China recast prices they have a good range of stuff and are quick.
There are only issues if you are going to be sanding the resin, or directly inhaling the small bits of flash you cut off. As long as you wash your hands after working on the stuff if you are cutting it you will be fine.
I mean we were at higher risk of issues from back during 2nd Ed when everything was made with lead in it.
So don't smoke the not plastic plastic crack?
Why would you get a recast of something that's $8 on eBay?
explained in another thread, free shipping and trying out this recaster for quality.
So you are retarded. Got it
>tfw u fell for the fw meme
well it wouldn't be $8 for me after shipping it would be double that. And now I know that it's a good recaster.
You're 1 edition too late Shas'la