>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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What's the best dungeon you've ever experienced? What made it great?
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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What's the best dungeon you've ever experienced? What made it great?
How would you stat a wendigo?
I finished up Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan and I had a blast running it. Unfortunately the players missed a lot of stuff in their fervor to escape the poisonous gas.
Sunless Citadel is still on top though. That shit's a timeless classic.
>What's the best dungeon you've ever experienced? What made it great?
An adamantine mountain dungeon. The thing was hollowed out by Drow and a Dracolich. We went inside to destroy its phylactery. Turns out there were a fuck ton of rigged statues and glyphs. Who woulda thunk it?
Anyway, every 50 or so feet further, the air would get colder and colder before slowly becoming shitty to powerful ice breath every round. We had to devise a solution to this cave spitting ice breath at us every couple seconds. So my cleric just bought an extraplanar friend and he scooted us through.
The center of the mountain near the top was the phylactery, underneath a swirling maelstrom of ice. Inside was a beating heart with the box inside, defended by a Yochlol.
It's interesting that Glyph of Warding needn't be harmful according to the new errata, meaning you could do some crazy shit with it, especially if you can set up multiple over a long period of time.
Hahaha, cucks. I finally got my DM to agree to do another system. In 2 months time we're gonna be playing Torchbearer, and I'll finally be free of 5e forever.
I'd start with a lycanthropes hybrid form and adjust from there.
Cold immunity for sure.
You can have it be human sized, or grow as it eats. Both have basis in cultural lore, although i personally find the ever-hungry nature of a Wendigo that grows proportionally to its meals to be an interesting aspect.
You can also go the entirely spiritual route, where they are basically cannibal ghosts that possess and mutate people.
>i finally got my dm to do another system
>i am free
you could've been free whenever and you know it
Modified version of death frost doom. Lots of weird arcane tech, and mysteries. Deadly slime that was so big that it became a moving obstacle in the dungeon. A lot of the various devices and mysteries were connected, so the players lulled the slime into a slumber with a religious instrument.
I also made it so the souls of the dead were connected to the slime, so upon killing the slime they had released the undead above the dungeon and in the walls.
Some kind of khemrian warhammer dungeon. Lots of traps and some actual magical items, which was pretty cool. (Like a bow with range: sight), a set of plate that didn't weight anything).
>What's the best dungeon you've ever experienced? What made it great?
It was basically Andy's room from Toy Story in a Giant settlement. All the enemies and traps were toys, most more antiquated than the ones in the movie. Giant kid wasn't home but the party insisted on finding the giant mom when she happened to be showering. Wizard and warlock worked together to get her to drop her towel and give us a lifetime of eyefuls. Rogue ensured she stepped on a toy block in pursuit of us to let us escape.
>i personally find the ever-hungry nature of a Wendigo that grows proportionally to its meals to be an interesting aspect.
Ooh that'd be cool. Wendigo becomes more powerful as it devours more. Maybe they're something fairly weak, like CR1/2, until they eat something. But then it takes two people, then four, then eight, and then it just keeps doubling, with the creature getting more and more powerful as it's left alone to feed.
You can't attack using the same action, the bonus action from CBE is ok, so is Action Surge's.
As I said earlier
>It's a common item that grants the restrained condition on a hit
>No saving throw
>Wastes a creature's turn to get out
If it hadn't any drawbacks, everyone would use it. Wanting it to be better is wishful thinking.
>I also think it's kind of fair to be able to attack when a Lunar Druid can transform into a constrictor snake and restrain with a higher DC for free on an attack roll that does damage. And then the druid can still turn into a bear later and do other more useful shit when they're not doing that
You're comparing Wild Shape to a Net.
How does this sound as thd start of the campaign?
> Party wake up in a tavern, meet masked being who calls himself judgement
>Tells the party they died together, and he's not sure why
>Points out small ethereal scar on their bodies, says that many people have bden ariving with them, and that each time they seem worse
>Agrees to resurrect them in exchange they figure out what's been causing the scars upon spirits.
I'd put them just about anywhere else that's not a tavern. It's solid otherwise, though.
It's less of a tavern and more of a very fancy bar really, it's sort of a place between worlds that lies within the Noosphere.
Better idea: party wakes up literally anywhere that's not a tavern with strange scars unsure of what happened and need to piece together their last nights. Give each of them definite clues of what happened and let them figure out that:
- they were all killed
- other people have died similarly with similar scars
- they're the only ones who weren't
And only then consider introducing some skeleton in all black carrying a farming implement.
Hmm, yeah, I'm digging that aesthetic, the best between worlds places are fancy bars and train stations/trains themselves.
He's a bartender, not the grim reaper.
How true are the numbers in pic related?
It has undefined variables, so accuracy is irrelevant.
Reposting from old thread.
So basically it's full of shit.
2x damage is too far and might just kill the party with a spell that rolls high
Rotating buffs sound fun
Mindflayer PC race when?
Divination Wizard seems fun, but I'm worry about party healing. Is Healer feat enough to get us through? 1d6+4+level per short rest seems like an okay healing out-of-combat.
It would be really helpful if you told us anything about the party
It's good if you can constantly get new heal packs, otherwise it's shit
There's probably a better feat for you, tell us about the party so we can truly judge
There is one way to do it with your reaction, though.
>Have sentinel feat
>Throw it on an enemy with slash damage
>Enemy makes attack to destroy your net
>It is within 5 feet and making an attack on a target other than you
>opportunity attack
My point about the druid is if they can use a bonus action to gain temporary health and gain an attack that does damage and restrains on one attack roll in the same turn, why shouldn't a martial be able to throw a net if they have dual wielder and their character is built almost exclusively around this tactic? If it requires a feat same as CBE to do it why not? Then not everyone can use it.
It still has the drawback that you can only use that net once, and you'd have to use an action to pick it back up or pull out a new one.
>No saving throw
Because you have to make an attack roll. Not only that, but it's a ranged weapon with a 5 normal range. So let me get this straight. they made a ranged weapon where you can only attack with disadvantage, unless you have some advantage effect to cancel it out, or CBE feat? Makes it sounds like you should only ever use one if you have CBE to begin with, otherwise you will waste your turn 50% of the time due to disadvantage. At that point you would be using the handcrossbow anyways.
If there's already a legal way to use the net and attack in the same turn, why is Net even classified as a ranged weapon? If it's not considered two handed, and it's supposedly possible to effectively net someone with a one handed toss, why aren't you able to swing the net onto someone as a restraining grapple while still holding onto it?
IMO it just makes more sense that it should be a martial melee with thrown rather than a ranged weapon with 5 normal range.
so how would you guys implement a "multiple identity" mechanic. Like, just a bipolar one, jekyl/hyde, switching in between two character sheets, basically
If i stab with a shortsword is it still slashing damage?
I wouldn't but if I had to. At the end of a long rest roll a d20 odds is one personality and the other is evens. Keep the classes at least a little similar.
What is the most versatile and useful class at level one if you don't know what kind of equipment you'll have access to (if any)? I was thinking Sorcerer maybe but I've never played them so I could be wrong.
Wiz or Bard
Shortsword already do piercing damage though.
That feel when dagger and shortsword can't cut net but a whip can.
It's between a paladin and a fighter, so at least they are similar.
I don't like the pure 1d20 randomnes tho.
Fighter, Sorcerer and Swashbuckler.
> He doesn't buy 20 Healer's Kit after the first adventure.
One encounter I've wanted to do was sort of a immobile construct that's keeping 8 platforms afloat, and as a lair action it causes a random platform (1d8) to shake and deal damage to people standing on it.
Could you work with your DM to work out some kind of direct stimulus for the transformation? Something like:
>If X happens, make Y check, and the roll decides if A or B happens.
>When condition X is fulfilled, transform
That way you have a certain degree of control over it so that you can proactively attempt to avoid a poorly timed transformation. Maybe you don't want to have control over it though, I dunno.
I'm thinking of making up homebrew rules for upgrading home base, and having it require resources and give benefits to downtime activities, like a better workshop would make crafting cheaper and faster, a better business would earn you more money.
This is possibly one of the worst ideas anyone could have for a PC.
Most people can't fucking roleplay one person.
Consider this:
When you make a character, you're participating in a game with other people, so the type of character you make must also be entertaining to everyone else.
Barbarian. Your "Rage" is your second personality assuming control of your body. The mechanics might not strictly follow what you want to do, but just RP the different personality by making different tactical choices in combat and stuff.
I'm assuming you still want to have it semi-random, but obviously you are trying to avoid a situation where you could potentially roll evens or odds every time in that scenario and have them overstay their welcome.
What exactly is the context? Would they be aware of each other? I feel like the stimulus idea from other user isn't that great. That pretty much guarantees it will never happen randomly.
If what you want is to toggle regularly, but without control, I think it would make a lot of sense to roll a 1d4 or something and say they switch after that many days or w/e period of time you're going for. This also helps if they are aware of each other. Paladin may feel the chaotic fighter starting to slowly take over, and take precautions to ensure nothing crazy happens. If it happens in one day maybe he doesn't have time to prevent anything. When the fighter feels he is going to change back, he might want to exercise control over their lives by putting the paladin in a compromising position he has to deal with when he takes back over. Of course, this roll gives forsight for when the transformation takes place. If they are not aware of each other, then it doesn't make sense as you shouldn't know when it will happen.
Another idea would be to roll a percentile, and if it falls in a certain range the change happens. Then every set period of time that you roll it, increase the range by a set increment. This way you would eventually have a 100% chance that you would switch, but it would still keep some randomness.
seems like an interesting idea to me. Easier to make two generic opposed personalities with a fun gimmick than one genuinely interesting one.
The timer seems a little more apropriate.
They are aware of each other, more or less. We're dealing with a Shadow of Mordor situation here.
I also think the timer helps because it gives the DM notice and creates opportunities to use it for or against you at their discretion since they create the timeline of events, while not making them in complete control of it. You and DM could also hide the roll from the others so they don't know when you'll change unless your character roleplays the info to them.
this seems obvious but if they are the similar alignments it probably will not be interesting at all.
I would NOT implement that. Just multiclass and restrict yourself to use stuff/skills only from one at a time.
Alternatively, the guy with the barbarian rage has a nice idea. Just RP different personalities. It doesn't have to be restricted to barbarian rage. A druid could go "a bit deeper" than others in wild shape and become a bit of a beast in their mind too, which alters their personality.
>I would NOT implement that. Just multiclass and restrict yourself to use stuff/skills only from one at a time.
I had this strategy tried in a group a couple of years ago, and it was terrible, and two paralel charactersheets became an inevitable option everyone at the table eventualy gravitated towards.
One of the many drawbacks of this strategy, is that you're basically playing a character at half progression at any time. At some point, you'll be the guy playing a level 3 paladin in a level 7 party.
Works out OK if they are both casters.
Well, it depends on how you see the underlying idea of split-personalities.
To me, it makes a lot more sense that the split is literally 'in the head' and even though characters think they are separate, deep down they are in the same brain and therefore are wired together. This expresses in a share of experience, even though parts of it, including half of episodic memory, are not available to the respective other half.
Of course, your idea of split personality could be more magical and they're literally two in one body, completely split including brain. This could also mean two souls and that again could be interesting for pacts with devils. What happens if one soul is ripped out but the one sustains the body?
I was leaning towards the first case since mentioned Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and those shared (most of) their memory.
This looks less like a fight and more like frolicking through the bog with your unfortunately savage-looking bestie. Like, they're in the middle of a spa day and they've been keeping it together the whole time but now all the attendants have left the room and they're going "eeeee" over how excited they are.
Anything about clerics I should know about? What is the best domain?
Life's good for healer
War's good for being a martial while keeping everything else.
Light's good for being a blaster, tempest's OK at doing that too.
If UA is allowed (This one is almost certainly going to be in Xanthars since eveyone loved it) then Forge cleric makes an amazing tank.
just don't go trickery domain.
Rate my backstory for a Red dragonborn:
>Born and raised among his own kind.
>Bred and raised for war
>grown up with an addiction for satisfying that itch, that kept craving blood and violence, like his fellow kin.
>One day cower from a fight. It was a battle where his tribe was raiding a town of 600 people. Little resistance, the fight was more a massacre than an actual battle
>He ran, with no other goal than to find a place where he could avoid the constant need to shed blood.
>Finally found a priest in the road, who spoke of a small monastery, who would be able to help sate his endless anger and hunger for blood.
>Finds the monastery. It is run by humans, and is devoted to a Dragon called Tamara.
>there he grows to control his emotions, and reins in his tendencies for evil and chaotic actions.
>At the end of his stay, he leaves as a changed man. He is a calm and quiet individual, and hopes to spread the word of the God that welcomed him, despite his past, and hopes to help others in a similar situation. There is always hope. There is always light.
>But the sight of a Red Dragon or a Red dragonborn, will forever be mired - They spark his old anger and fury, and he will struggle to keep calm if they do not show remorse for their actions.
Good/bad? Too much/little?
The idea is to go for a very defensively built paladin of Ancients (feels more appropriate than Devotion to me), who carries a shield with the sign of Tamara. Generally avoids fighting unless he has to.
I am almost tempted to dip into barbarian just for the rage ability, but it sounds like a pretty terrible idea, even if it is fitting for the character.
Most dragonborn aren't divided into colors like that. They're mixed breed, some red-brown or yellow color, and breathe whatever.
They need spellbooks and/or foci. I can't count on having either. Cleric could work if I could create a Holy Symbol from scratch.
It is two souls, yes
>a Dragon called Tamara
kek, is there a real life story to this?
>dip into barbarian
That could mean that he embraces the violent tendency at least a bit, which kind of negates his character. It would be cool though if he dips in one level but vows to never use the rage ability, since he's better now. In a dire situation, he breaks the vow. Sounds cool.
Might be according to his DM's rules. But you're right, he should probably talk about that.
GM has a mostly similar world to the standard setting, but there dragons have clear divides.
>kek, is there a real life story to this?
Nah, just regular good old Tamara.
Seemed like a fitting choice for a "redeemed" dragonborn.
>>dip into barbarian
>That could mean that he embraces the violent tendency at least a bit, which kind of negates his character. It would be cool though if he dips in one level but vows to never use the rage ability, since he's better now. In a dire situation, he breaks the vow. Sounds cool.
Yeah that's more or less the idea. It would primarily be used in combat with red dragons or dragonborn.
We are running Hoard of the Dragon queen, so I expect it to come up fairly often.
Schlomo pls
I wouldn't
>tfw you'll never play a lv17 open hand monk and omae wa mo shindeiru people
3 days until new UA. Will it be shit again, or will mearls finally take the hint that nobody likes his dumb variant rules that only worsen the problems they're supposed to fix?
Will the wait for food & provisions finally be over?
Crossing fingers for Food & Provisions
Variant Variant Encumbrance inbound
Variant spellpoint system but only for wizards.
Is it worth taking crossbow expert as Valor Bard? I mean... swift quiver also use bonus action.
>new UA
>on labor day
lol are you kidding me? It's coming out the week afterwards
Hope you enjoy Forgotten Realms Initiative system
I unironically hope it's about food and maybe exhaustion.
>Forgotten Realms Initiative system
Everybody acts at once and the DM tries to retcon the clusterfuck into something manageable?
Where were you when you realized warlocks were just magical girls?
Aren't Paladins more at risk of being fucked over than Warlocks are?
Yeah but Pallys don't make contracts.
Right where I'm sitting now. When did you realize that they also covered imdb.com
Is there a tool to randomly generate the spells an NPC spellcaster would have prepared?
We're the 3 Charisma full-casters just a way to get more Pathfinder faggots to switch since they have so many options to do damage AND "roll to seduce" every time they're in town?
(Side note, why does INT seem like such a dump stat. Only Wizard really needs it at all and I'm not accounting for the fighter and rogue archetypes that let you cast a few spells)
The key is to have a DM that allows you to use different stats for things like persuasion if you can justify it
Get out Paladin
you don't exist
Yeah asking the barbarian to roll CHA to intimidate always rubbed me the wrong way
Would some pizza faced stuttering barbarian scare you even if they had huge muscles
>Not treading lightly around an autistic muscletard
Your funeral m8
Could they tear me in half like I was made of soggy Kleenex?
Also, I assume the feel is supposed to reflect the powers manifestation.
A Warlock made a contract with a higher being, and gets the power because this entity gives a shit in some way. It would if you had 8 charisma.
Sorcerer only makes sense from the "charisma is your presence, and your presence gives you power, courtesy of your innate magical powers" point of view. I think it is fine to let it stay there, mostly because sorcerers are not necessarily book smart (their entire point is not being bookworms like wizards), and wisdom would not fit at all. So charisma is the most logical choice, really. Maybe con, but con as a casting stat is stupid as fuck.
Bards are literally using their voice and instruments to power their abilities. It would have made no sense to use anything else.
Warlocks feels like a class that should have a malleable choice. My GM let me play an Int Warlock once, becauae I picked tome, and asked if I could switch my stat to INT instead of CHA. No real mechanical reason, other than invisioning the character as a more quiet and introverted individual, who had book smarts, but no people skills. I could see a Warlock based on Strength as well, as a "I give you power as long as remain strong." Pact, similar to the charisma explanation, but with Blade instead.
Is that the royal We?
That's not what bipolar is.
I recently ran Sunless Citadel and really enjoyed it
But I am the autistic muscletard user
>Side note, why does INT seem like such a dump stat.
That's because most DMs and players use perception too often instead of investigation. They also neglect the other INT checks (history, religion, arcana, nature) which possibly happens because the splitting is to be described as something between "odd" and "retarded".
Other int checks, which arguably are much more needed are shoved into "additional" checks and have no extra skill attached, even though adventurers would benefit a lot from them. To me, "Appraisal", "Non-verbal communication" and "disguise" are more important than having an extra check for religion or nature. Most nature checks will be substituted by survival anyway since no one bothers to skill that. Same with Religion. Good luck arguing that history isn't good enough for that.
He can't roll to seduce. DM are the one who ask for roll to happen, player can't initiate their own roll.
Still spell caster. Lots of spell have no material component or easy to access component.
Running my first ever game next week and I was looking at traps in the DMG. Let's say little gobblos make a pit trap in the middle of the road for my adventurers to fall into. The DMG says simple traps with a tarp and some leaves/dirt to hide it has a DC 10 to spot. Now... passive perception is 10 + wis mod, so unless ALL my players decide to dump wis to a -1, they're 100% guarantee to spot it.
How do you guys run this? If any member of your party has a 10+ passive perception, that means they will always 100% reliably find simple pit traps like this with no rolls? I know DC 10 is easy, but I'd like to play it so there's some chance/some randomness, even if the party has good perception. How would I do this?
>wanting your party to fall in a hole
Murder DM please go
Is making a Monk/Paladin viable? The idea just popped into my head, so I haven't dove in to look at all the possibilities, but I figured I'd ask here first so someone may be able to point me in a direction to start looking.
Its a MAD idea but you might be able to make it work
Consider using fog or any other kind of low visibility to put their perception rolls at disadvantage, including their passive perception.
I was thinking a goblin trap to break/stop caravans so they can attack and steal loot, doesn't need to be a 12' deep murder pit.
So either they spot the trap, then if they go "oh shit it's an ambush" and roll perception vs. the goblin's stealth. Very high chance to spot the gobblos before the ambush. If they don't spot the trap, surprise the caravan is fucked + surprise the gobblos attack.
It's a lvl 1 party of mostly TTRPG noobs, I just want to make it interesting and more random than 100% chance to spot the trap automatically.
You could argue that a simple trap in the middle of the road is easy to spot by anyone because it looks slightly out of place. Slightly obscured area (a bit dark, fog, rain) and it's disadvantage for -5 to passive perception.
By the way I frequenty just ask the person with highest perception bonus in the party to roll instead of taking passive score.
He's completely right and it's a pretty important rule as well.