How would you fix the Pauper format?
How would you fix the Pauper format?
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Unironically add uncommons
Efro is right: print a cheap sweeper that deals >1 damage at common.
Probably Maybe not all of them, but there's probably a great deal that would fit in just fine, especially when it comes to newer sets.
youd have to ban a load of shit because of the extra power level added
I know ban list updates would be needed but it could expand a already vast format.
Easy: just build a pauper cube, then play sealed-deck and drafting variants with your friends.
it is unironically the best mtg format
have you played pauper? the matches are fun as fuck.
the tournaments have 20 viable decks that can win
Unban warrens, unban cloud.
Ban delver once and for all.
Castrate and fire the man who made delver.
Print more common engines like tortured existence.
Prove me fucking wrong.
I would leave it alone, its pretty fun as is
Allow combo to exist
Tbqh wizards needs to start making more down shifts in card rarity for some older cards that get reprinted.
Print commons that don't go directly to the trash bin after the draft is over.
just because nobody wants to bring it doesnt mean it couldnt get third place.
does tempo count as aggro? does midrange count as aggro? why does this list count everything that isn't control or combo as aggro?
I dont know either. but yes anything that wants to hit with creatures is agro.
kiln fiend for example should be in the combo decks
Unify the paper and digital cardlists.
I can't wait to build my pauper cube.
Whats in it
Commons I bet.
It's called pauper, not common, why not simply put a cap to the value of the deck?
Like $50 or 100. Excluding things that don't give any advantage, like foil unhinged lands etc. This way some of the rare "bulk" cards might finally see some play.
That would be hard to regulate as values fluctuate, also different prices in different countries etc.
Also wouldn't really reflect power level all the time because of commons that have the prices affected by their use in modern/vintage etc. Don't think it would really work
Introduce a point system where cards of certain strengths are worth various amounts and you can only have up to a cap?
Honestly just stop please.
Unless you use old as fuck cards they won't fluctuate that much. Also you can add as a rule to not use reserved list cards and Wizards can reprint cards that see a spike in price.
Doesn't really seem difficult to me if Wizards really wanted to do it.
So you assign a number of points to every common card in mtg?
>Castrate and fire the man who made delver.
if maro was going to get fired it would've happened a long time ago i think.
But everyone uses old cards
Have you not read the second part or did you simply decide to ignore it?
That's just penny dreadful
The root of the problem is MTGO being broken garbage. Fix that first.
Then unban Cloud of Faeries, Cloudpost, Empty the Warrens, (maybe) Invigorate, Peregrine Drakee, and Temporal Fissure.
Give the format to a third party to manage, like EDH. This is also the solution to fix Modern, Legacy, and Vintage. Wizards is not capable enough to manage any format.
Replace it with an official ultra-budget format.
All cards are authorized, as long as they cost strictly less than a dollar on Magic Card Market, or an other singles reseller we can agree on.
This, basically. The rules committee does a great job of bans and unbans purely because they're not selling the cards and can take as much time as they want to rationally consider bans and unbans.
Magic the card seller shouldn't be Magic the tournament organiser, that's fine for some games but Magic is too big and too old to leave legality in the hands of the sellers.
Print foil and Pyro kinesis at common, add the tapped tri-color lands. Now multi-color decks are decent and both red and blue can slow down aggro.
I agree with tri-lands but I would be iffy on pyro but only because of my irrational hate of burn decks
The biggest problem is that it has no planeswalkers.
Doesn't even feel like Magic because of that.
What would a Common+Uncommon Format look like? I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be any more expensive at least
Oh boy, can't wait for my deck to be made illegal a day before a tournament because a dude decided to just do a goddamned buyout and raise the price of like half the cards in my deck.
Peasant cube is that.
Mostly I would love to see how many new decks would be made.
I don't think buyouts would be taken into consideration, user. I don't think they could be a thing at all if they reprint cards.
This is what I did, back when Khans was first a thing and pulling from my collection all the way back to 8th edition... I really need to look at recent sets to adjust.
No cubelist, it's buried in a notebook somewhere in my landfill of a car, but here we go! 360 card Pauper, meant for 4-player Winchester draft. Archetypes (off the top of my head) are: UW SKies, UR Control, Ramp, Blink, Madness, Sacrifice, Tokens, and a few others.
Mostly see 2 color decks, though Mono can hold its own. 3 is a stretch and I'm considering breakng the Common rule to add some 3-color lands.
Ban all cards that were ever reprinted at rarities other than common. Ban Delver.
Alternately, make a new format that's more like Frontier that lets you control what goes in. Leave Legacy Pauper to rot.
Lists of legal cards would be locked down at 0:00 of the first day of each month, and would stay locked for the rest of that month. Monthly updates keep people from having to guess what's legal each day.