I am a shareholder in GW. After a bonanza year where share values have nearly quadrupled, I've decided to spend some of my dividend-loot on travelling to Nottingham and attending the AGM. I have the right to ask the company's board a question, what should it be?
I am a shareholder in GW. After a bonanza year where share values have nearly quadrupled...
What is love?
when will gorkamorka make a comeback?
The feeling in my trousers when I look at the share price.
Don't think there's much chance of them telling us anything about future projects that isn't already in the public domain. Maybe they'll have some of the design team knocking around after the main presentation, there might be an opportunity then.
Ask them if they actually play the game and if so, what army they collect
Maybe bring back the one man army himself SLY FUCKInG MARBLO
>actually going to AGMs
>investing in companies you are actually aware of
Don't think your £10 divvy will get you a round in Bugman's Bar mate.
Ask them if they're pro skub or anti skub.
Join the riot afterward
Ask them about nabbing some designers from Corvus Belli.
ask them why AOS is such trash
Are you that Übersperg that answers all criticisms of GW with 'but muh share price'?
Most people I hate online I tell to kill themselves before they pollute the gene pool, but if you're that guy, it clearly won't be a problem.
Or ask a sensible question:
Do they plan to do something with the IP that recently risen highly in publicity and got first-class AAA titles that are milions in PR value and is quite videly licensed around, The Warhammer Fantasy?
Of coure you can also meme offensivly and get asked to leave.
>implying I only got £10 of divvy
I could buy the whole AGM several rounds of drinks with the dividends I've had this calendar year alone, matey-peeps.
Besides, I'd normally agree with the first two, but it was only my knowledge of the prevailing customer mood that allowed me to read the runes and gave me the encouragement to pick up some shares when the management changed. I'd say an understanding of the product and its market has proved beneficial to me in this case. I'm going to the AGM to get in to Warhammer World for free and for shits and giggles, I wouldn't consider it otherwise. I was going to try to go to Sat Bains, but the lazy fucker only opens from Wednesday onwards.
Only when people start claiming that the company is dying. GW got 99 problems, but poor sales growth ain't one.
Legit question. I was pondering asking whether they have any concrete plans to improve the weak profitability of their retail stores.
>Do they plan to do something with the IP that recently risen highly in publicity and got first-class AAA titles that are milions in PR value
No, of course they dont
there, answered your dumb question for you
not the guy youre responding to, but i thought id just throw in a kys
>being this buttblasted
Shoulda bought shares while you had the chance. You gotta speculate to accumulate.
>You gotta speculate to accumulate
Or hold a large enough sum of capital that you can bully the market around.
>Ask what they plan to do with the WHF IP
TW:W and to a lesser extent Vermintide have generated a lot of awareness for the setting and they're both getting sequels. It'd be interesting to know if they're planning to lease the IP for non-tabletop purposes or if they prefer to try and wind it down in hopes of pushing people toward AoS.
How can I buy shares?
>Asking this on Veeky Forums
I strongly recommend you do not buy shares.
I work in GW at nottingham bro
my christmas bonus is gonna be fucken mentalll
Roundtree don't hurt me,
Don't hurt me,
no more
Ask them why they don't want the money of people like me who are prepared to drop thousands of dollars on plastic SoB + codex + announcement WD on launch day.
Ask them when they're going to start supporting this again. Don't take "we're not!" For an answer.
That's actually quite simple.
Karl asks a fuckton of money for Illustrations now.
Still speculation, just with a lower risk.
I'm impressed by the whacking great bonus this year, it's something like a couple of grand each isn't it?
Ask them how long it will be before they phase out models in the old scale.
>being excited about a bonus of a few grand
Man am I glad I work in software
>Legit question. I was pondering asking whether they have any concrete plans to improve the weak profitability of their retail stores.
Talked to my local geedubs store manager about this. The current management's thought process is that the purpose of their retail stores is recruiting new customers, not making a profit on their own; the job of the GW retail store is to hook new players, who then go on to buy from FLGS. The management judges blackshirts more on the number of intro sets they sell than their total sales.
Funnily enough, that doesn't really apply at my local geedubs, since most of the stores that do minigaming failed one after the other within a couple of years. It's basically the only table in town, and sees a lot of players and a lot of repeat business.
Sounds similar to what my local GW store manager said as well. He also mentioned that the brick-n-mortar stores may be under going a general 'rebranding' in the future...
basically taking the Games Workshop logo and replacing it with a logo that doesn't make people think you sell board games like monopoly or something.
Although having a 40k-based Monopoly title would be amusing, if only for the novelty of the thing.
>Do not pass holy Terra
>Do not collect 200 thrones
Since 99% of Veeky Forums doesn't understand business at all, especially when it comes to GW, I'll ask some actual questions.
What was the share price/quarter and year when you first bought in to GW?
How long were you planning on sitting on this stock, or was it just something for fun?
Do you plan on selling?
I would love to know how they determine the price of their models. It would seem they price models by their stats that GW itself creates, which is hilarious.
>rich people bragging about being rich
man am i glad i need to read this shit
Oh, the rebranding has been going on for a while, renaming Games Workshop stores to just Warhammer. I had a picture of my 'local' one but I seem to have gotten rid of it.
Is AoS doing better than paints?
I'm more curious as to how well their paints are doing than AoS, really.
Because it's so new and refreshing to hear about poor people bragging about their recasts instead.
>Oh, the rebranding has been going on for a while, renaming Games Workshop stores to just Warhammer.
Yup, that's exactly what I'm talking about. The manager was pretty happy that he was able to convince his superiors to go ahead with the remodeling for the location he's running, I can't say I blame him.
That being said... is that really the logo they're replacing it with? Seems... I dunno, pretty bland compared to the eye-catching "Games Workshop" logo of old.
Ask them if we're ever getting proper bloodlines for vampire generals in wh total war. Also muh plastic sisters
Wh tw is almost certainly going to lead into AoS. They would be idiots not to do that. There will be a third wh tw game FYI, it was confirmed to be a trilogy a while back
Filing out/replacing old model lines like sisters, free guilds ect.
They have the countercultural wind in their sails though. FUCK GW is always good to read. Though not as good to read as people who manage to talk Little Timmies out of playing WH and into playing Infinity instead, like I did with my nephews last week. :)
I'd like to know what they're using to inform their decisions on what armies to design miniatures and release army books for.