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Okay now that I've genderswapped Draco Malfoy using that perk from Unholy Heights...
...how do I make her and Harry Potter fall in love?
>Matchmaker from Hell Edition
Jumpers! When's a time that you tried to set up two companions and it went horribly wrong? Or even worse, horribly, disgustingly right?
Did softanon answer the questions anons had?
Nope. He gave a blanket no, where he clearly wasn't bothering addressing anyone's concerns individually, and then just ran back to discord.
Did the shitposter scare him off or what?
It's Harry Potter. Just use love potions.
But wouldn't that create a new Voldemort?
No, he just said "no, not changing anything" and left despite people trying to get into a discussion with him and explaining, politely, how a response like that would be recieved.
How many time skips do you usually have in your 10 years and how much time do you skip?
I fail to see the problem. Voldemort was doing great at destroying the magical community and revealing it to nuclear capable muggles.
That's too bad, hopefully he realizes how this makes things worse.
Makes things worse? Bah. I think those magical cockroaches need to be introduced to a can of Raid.
Except for those who serve me, of course. Then again, those that serve me are forced to learn to properly blend in - No fucking eye bleeding colors on absurdly outdated bathrobes.
It'd create a new Weasley family, which may be worse.
Shit I meant it for
Uh? How so?
Just set up some kind of dangerous situation Potter can save her from. Preferably something that keeps them together for a while, and keeps Ron away from them (because family feuds usually don't help).
His hero complex will probably take care of the rest.
If you want something more solid, get a matchmaker perk or two from somewhere. I'm certain we've got a bunch of those, first ones that come to mind are in Gravity Falls and Sidereals (it's basically the Chosen of Serenity's job description).
None. I'm living Pokémon real time, have been for three years now
Thanks! First real answer. I do have some Sidereal perks but I didn't want to "cheat" too much.
I think I'll orchestrate a situation like you said. So romantic!
Would Lucius let his family name die like that? I think he'd go about putting a son inside Draco to ensure their name continues
Barry white and jello shots
Where are some good apocalyptic waifus?
Who would be the father? I don't get it sorry.
Draco's father would be the father
I... don't think Lucius would do that. Right?
What are some jumps that give combat focused dancing powers?
Here you go
Well, that would require female-Draco's children to take her family name instead of the father's.
Which is somewhat unusual, so I'd imagine Lucius' plan A would be producing another son with Narcissa himself.
Then again, inheritance might work differently in Potter-land's version of aristocracy.
...Completely unnecessary. Narcissa's only 36 years old when Draco goes to Hogwarts.
On average, she'd still be able to have children for another nine years. Even without accounting for magic and Wizards/Witches' slowed aging.
Most likely, Draco just doesn't have siblings because extra children are just... not necessary, when you've already got a male heir.
Just joking about how Molly said she got Arthur's attention using a love potion. Fanfiction authors sometimes blow that out into something horrible, not just Rowling being Rowling. I do remember a funny one in which she made him fall in love with a statue to get his attention because he was thick or something though.
I do hope you also did the twins?
Why is it all the best waifus have to be genderbent?
So far I only used that perk on Draconia. I'm not sure who else it would suit. Maybe Link from Zelda? She'd be really cute.
Incentive to pick up genderbending perks or magic?
What? Why?
Because I'm a horrible shipper. I think a romance between fem!Draco and Harry makes sense in addition to being super hot.
I think he meant "why name her Draconia"? Because that is the most retarded name I've ever heard. There's plenty of other constellations that you could use as a name.
Draco was named after the Draco constellation, in the tradition of his mother's branch of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Wouldn't he be likely to adopt, or be given, a feminine constellation name with the change. Like Carina, Lyra or Vela?
I'm open to suggestions. From the constellations Lyra or Aquila sound okay-ish but I still prefer Draconia, it keeps the character closer to the original in my mind.
How about Delphinus? No, it doesn't sound too much like Daphne [Greengrass]
Jumpers, do you ever take a 'no' for an answer?
For Knight's Armoury in Angel Notes, do the energies still count if I need to perform some action in order to generate the energy?
The second global rule: You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Depends on what's at stake.
Yes, but only if they are more powerful than me.
Fate question what is the difference between a reality marble and an np reality marble?
>Implying that they can resist the charisma perks
I think the perk one doesn't warp your mind around the idea needed for that Reality Marble to exist.
What Happens when you use the Upgrade cheat on the Jumperforce ?
One's a perk and one isn't.
One's a noble phantasm and one isn't.
Otherwise no difference.
Hm. The Black family does use constellations for their most of their members as with Bellatrix and Andromeda... But Narcissa isn't one of them.
So you could just go with the evil-ish names theme the Malfoy family has? Maleficent Malfoy for example plays into the alliteration theme a lot of character in HP have.
Or pick a star that's also associated with evil. Algol is the prime example, being the demon-star. But that's hard to turn into a feminine name. Antares though, is almost as bad and can easily be turned into Antara. So, my vote is for Antara Malfoy.
That said, a feminine equivalent of Draco would still be nice.
Yes? It would be very rude not to.
Technically, aren't purchases from the servant supplement perks? NP are part of you, after all, and you pay Jumpchain currency for it.
Generic hentai fantasy in the qq trove has an adventurer perk that leta you weave red strings of fate between people.
>Antara Malfoy
this sounds good desu
Why not Lacerta?
Has to be an energy or thing constantly within you and not just something you can briefly produce but don't actually store.
Assuming you mean perk vs NP, the perk version starts with you having decades of experience in it's use, which may include actual things being in it for UBW style stuff, and it not warping your mind to match it even if you pick something unsuitable. The NP version doesn't have these features.
For the very rare, very specific cases it makes a difference, I don't treat them as being perks, no. Technically you're paying SP for them anyway.
So basically it works just about the same? Except one takes more prana?
The Narcissus Myth, that breaks the trend from Bellatrix, Andromeda, Cygnus and Cassiopeia. Maybe her parents went to Greece on holiday when they had her..
Arcturus is a lone star though, so the "star that's also associated with evil" one works
Daenerys? I did a quick search for kid names and apparently that means 'mother of dragons'.
If you want a straight conversion of draco to female, maybe drania? Adriana?
Alternately, skip converting draco and go directly to dragons.
>a female serpent or dragon, sometimes with human-like features.
Or, directly to dragons an back a step?
>I don't treat them as being perks, no
What would the difference be? They are both abilities that are fiat-backed to work thanks to spending currency to get them even without setting metaphysics.
>Technically you're paying SP for them anyway.
It's still a Jumpchain currency.
Are r/makeyourchoice and r/JumpChain immigrating here or something? Can we build a Firewall or do we have to deport them after they get here?
I see being a Servant as being like that but the individual parts of being a servant as not being like that. Like how a magic system can be a perk without every individual spell or ability within that system being a individual perk too
Autistic discussions of naming patterns are par for the course here. As for the tumblr girl fantasizing about Harry Potter... Eh, why not. We take all sorts.
That could work too. Lizard is sorta close to dragon, right?
>Daenerys? I did a quick search for kid names and apparently that means 'mother of dragons'.
...Pretty sure that's a Game of Thrones thing.
Drakaina sounds pretty cool though.
Think they're talking about the Reddit spacing
I mean, I know theres a character in GoT named that, but I kinda doubt they invented the name?
You might also consider dragons from fiction, or names in other languages. Malfoy's are french, iirc... and google translate just spits 'draco' and 'dragon' back out as the same when I set it to french.
>I mean, I know theres a character in GoT named that, but I kinda doubt they invented the name?
Martin completely made up Valyrian names. They're just supposed to sound very fantasy-ish.
Whelp, thats me told.
I know SAO has a perk that keeps your skills from degrading over time, but are there other jumps that offer similar abilities?
>I mean, I know theres a character in GoT named that, but I kinda doubt they invented the name?
You doubt wrongly then.
A casual search in google reveals this:
>Daenerys is yet another girls' name invented by "Game of Thrones" author George R. R. Martin that is beginning to gain some traction in real life.
>A fictional name from the novel: A Song of Ice and Fire, now adapted into a TV series on HBO: A Game of Thrones.
Though, it apparently does have a meaning in hebrew/greek:
>Daen is Hebrew for 'god is my judge' where Erys is derived from the Greek 'Eris' meaning goddess of discourse and destruction.
>Daenerys would therefore mean 'god is judge of my destruction'
See Unrelated, is hero BBS an isekai setting?
Reminder that instead of answering the threads questions and suggestions Softanon preferred to spout pseudo intellectual bullshit about muh escapism is bad.
I set up Luke Cage with Daenerys Targaryen. It works pretty well.
At least you didn't suggest to name her Khaleesi.
"Tolkien was a philologist, and an Oxford don, and could spend decades laboriously inventing Elvish in all its detail. I, alas, am only a hardworking SF and fantasy novel, and I don't have his gift for languages. That is to say, I have not actually created a Valyrian language. The best I could do was try to sketch in each of the chief tongues of my imaginary world in broad strokes, and give them each their characteristic sounds and spellings"
- So Spake Martin: Yet More Questions, July 22, 2001
Although he never actually tipped off the nuclear capable muggles because he made sure to send either creatures they couldn't see or creatures who wouldn't leave any witnesses.
If anything Harry did a better job of that by flying a dragon over London.
So he's one of the massive fucking cockmongling faggots that give jumpmakers a bad name? Good to know.
no, that the be shitcrossposter.
Hero BBS is a sentai setting.
It's also an isekai setting.
And a local hero setting.
Against the demon lord.
Or against the monster of the week.
Or against those who hate vegetables.
... Yeah. It's pretty much any combination of the above, and more besides.
Well ain't he a miserable, fetid pile of a human's excrement's excrement?
What are some good jumps for a journey of self-discovery? My jumper started as a ghost and can't remember anything about their life prior to jumpchain. I was thinking Avatar with that drawback of opening the Chakras and regaining what they've lost.
Also, should I give the jumper a name immediately, or should they be nameless/a protagonist from whatever setting until I go to a self-insert and choose a name/find out who they are?
(Same poster)
Right. Can't forget the love powered combining robots.
Because those are important.
So is that guy who got summoned into a video game RPG. Not "a world based on an RPG" or an MMO with real people. The standard type, where NPC's only have a handful of lines, total.
Timmy doing timmy things ignore him
>Reddit spacing
Is probably something somebody who never went to university would say. Double spacing is pretty standard in terms of format for academic pieces (research papers, essays, etc.) so is second nature to a lot of people.
The Fountain and The Matrix.
>until I go to a self-insert and choose a name/find out who they are?
I'm not sure what you mean.
I think he means non Drop-In.
Give them one right away so you can come up with hints right off the bat if they'd fit, and you don't end up having hints show up later when they would have been earlier except you didn't know what the name would be yet. Basically avoiding name related plot holes.
The persona jumps
I've been kind of busy the last few weeks, but I want to post Haroun and the Sea of Stories again for critiquing. I didn't really get much feedback the last time, so mostly all I've changed is adding a little more descriptive flavor to the section intros.
Anyway, with the various revisions I've put in, how do things look now? Does it look about finished, or is there still more to be done?
Good pic. I might have to waifu Antara/Drakaina/Lacerta/Carina/Vela now.
I like it.
I know nothing of Haroun so I cannot comment, but I just wanted to say I looked at Peter Pan for the first time yesterday and it was awesome, I loved all of it and just wanted to say thank you for making it.
I would call it a meta-setting.
if you go by the (implied) notion that Fates takes place before everything else, you'd be causing a weird time paradox in taking Anna out of Fates if you jump Awakening before going to Fates because we don't really know a whole lot about the Anna family except they're a family of interdimensional traders who are all Annas. I'm not too sure on this. Fanwank responsibly.
It goes (Supposedly because it's not explicitly canon or anything but there's evidence here and there) Fates -> Genealogy Of The Holy War -> Archaena/Valentia (Can be taken in any order) -> Awakening. Anna appears in in all those games (Except Valentia? Maybe? I forgot if she does or not).
Anyway tl;dr I don't know so fanwank responsibly but if you want me to make an educated guess.
And if you're wondering why this is late, I have to sleep too and I have things to do.
Can you please tell me what is the evidence for Fates being before all other games?
I do hope that you didn't fall from your ivory tower of unwarranted self worth, when you typed your oh-so subtle disparaging implication about my level of educational attainment.