Somebody mention to me, that Jace isnt just mister MTG faceboy now...
But He is pretty much the new Urza....
Would you agree?
Somebody mention to me, that Jace isnt just mister MTG faceboy now
No. Urza had some level of nuance or depth.
He is no Urza until you get Jace Lands and Jace armor, chalice and glasses
If you're talking about a character who is the 'face' of the game, then sure, it could be argued that Jace is the new Urza.
If you're talking about overall impact on the universe, lore, etc, then no. Nicol Bolas would be the current default choice in that regard.
Urza was an antihero back when MtG was cyberpunk.
Jace is more netflicks superhero.
Urza was a man who dedicated his whole life towards a single goal and didn't care what he had to step on along the way.
Jace is a kid who is constantly played up as the best of the best but has no memorable wins under his belt, even 'winning' the guildpact title basically came down to being lucky at the very last second. He's lost more fights than I can count and is a constant whiner.
If Urza was alive right now, he'd be the single biggest threat to Nicol Bolas' plans, more so than Ugin if only because Ugin seems to be rather reserved whereas Urza is a man of action who would gladly sacrifice an entire plane just to give Nicol Bolas the middle finger with the ashes.
No character in the current lore, save MAYBE Karn, has the right to call themselves the 'new Urza'.
Well, we did just get Jace-ic Lands.
Jace is all about playing the hero; Urza was all about playing the off-the-rack crazy type willing to do anything to stop his enemies, whom *occasionally* could pass as a hero if you squinted really hard.
He squeezed a whole plane of angels into a a ship's engine.
He put forth a centuries-long project of genetic engineering and eugenics just to he could find the right guy to run the aforementioned ship.
He gave huge-ass mechs to his planeswalker friends (and not-so-friends) filled with kill switches.
He made a scale-model of the land filled with living miniature people just because he was bored.
Laid waste to an entire continent fighting his brother, and *then* plunged the whole world into darkess (which then caused an ice age) to stop him from getting easy access to wood.
Became a literal disembodied talking head.
Much can be said about Urza, but he was a lot more intricate than Jace.
>I'm pickle Urza!
Urza is literally the M:tG equivalent of Rick.
Jace, on the other hand, reminds me of Morty.
>oh geez, Urza, why did you blow up that plane? I.. I mean, they were pretty nice to us
>shut up Jace, they were *buuuurp* just sentient expressions of mana. I could create like ten of them with a single device under ten minutes
>I’m not driven by avenging my dead brother Karn, that was FAKE! I-I’m driven by finding that, McNugget Sauce. I want that Mulan McNugget Sauce, Karn. That’s my character arc Karn! If it takes 4 expansions, I WANT MY MCNUGGET DIPPING SAUCE SZECHUAN SAUCE KARN! TH-THAT’S WHAT'S GONNA TAKE US, ALL THE WAY TO THE END KARN!
Urza is an artificer who was only not Magic's greatest villain because he had a grudge against Yawgmoth. He was an autistic fuck and has a list of atrocities about as large as the number of banned/restricted cards Maro's made.
Jace is a pasty overly-curious turbonerd illusionist suffering from multiple cases of amnesia, who deletes chunks of his own memory frequently when he learns something he doesn't like due to said over curiousity, and is missing a toe due to frostbite. And up until now, he refuses to take that cloak off ever.
>Urza is the villain
>not Yawgmoth
That's what I said. If it wasn't for Yawgmoth being an even bigger threat to everything, and Urza having a personal grudge against him, then Urza would've been the villain.
But Yawgmoth WAS around, so instead Urza had something to focus on that was useful to everyone else in existence.
Urza and Jace both joined a team of planewalkers to fight threats to the multiverse.
Jace was a leader-in-name-only and let decisions be made by committee. The team dissolved and he was left helpless and alone because he's weak and nobody like him.
Urza actually took the lead, talked shit to anyone who disagreed with him, and gave them all mechs that were actually booby-traps for turning their souls into hydrogen bombs.
>60% percent of the time it's a dud.
Urza was a fuck-up of colossal proportions.
He fucked up Dominaria unbelievable hard on several occasions, near-Genocide not withstanding.
Yet somehow despite all his failings managed to barely pull everything together and defeat one of the single greatest threats the multiverse had ever known, from the small chunks we've seen of it.
Urza CREATED that team, and subsequently BETRAYED them on SEVERAL occasions.
Jace's story is largely unknown to the people who don't bother delving into the lore, myself included.
Urza's story was pushed on half the cards printed for a good few years.
These days they're trying to get as much focus for the plane and what the planeswalkers are doing, whereas with Urza what he was doing took precedence over the setting.
The cards that introduce us to Jace are usually the showiest fucking things possible, making him seem really snarky and conceited.
>The new Urza
Closest thing we have to Urza lore-wise is Karn.
Closest thing we have to Urza "character-wise" is Nicol Bolas.
Could Urza beat Taysir?
their powerlevels are vastly different
Isnt Nicol Bolas just killing everything and dont doing much?
I have not follow latetly.
Whatever is the blue character is going to always be the main character of Magic.
Green and red characters are idiots without nuance, incapable of doing anything but being angry and drooling.
Black characters are saturday morning cartoon villains while white characters are saturday morning cartoon heroes. No one can care about them.
Only blue characters can be real characters in Magic because having depth is blue.
Fist of Krosa Kamahl was badass, but maybe that's before your time.
He killed him with the kill switch in his Titan Engine. In straight combat? Probably not. Urza's strengths come from his genius in planning and artifice. Taysir was the strongest planeswalker of all time because he was basically 5 planeswalkers worth in one body. Urza can out-plan him, but Taysir would crush him in a fight. Look at how Urza vs. Gix went.
>Jace was a leader-in-name-only and let decisions be made by committee. The team dissolved and he was left helpless and alone because he's weak and nobody like him.
This is something that's not talked about a lot and it seems like they're gonna focus on it for Ixalan. Throughout most of jace's life, he's relied on other people to tell him what he's supposed to do, most of the time to his own detriment. Starting with Alhammarret taking advantage of him to Tezzeret and the Consortium to Ugin telling him how to handle the Eldrazi (only disobeying when he believed there was no other options) to following Gideon's lead of the Gatewatch. That's sort of his driving flaw I believe. I hope it's sort of spotlighted a little more in Ixalan while it's relevant as its something a lot of people don't know about his character. Blue characters are often paralyzed by indecision when given no direction.
Pretty much. Brought a plane to ruin, killed their gods, created an army of eternals for some master plan. We'll see if it pays off.
tbqf Phyrexian Praetors are pretty much the apex of non-Planeswalkers notYawgmoth beings out there.
Urza might've sucked at dueling but he was still practically a god.
I fucking hate Jace, but we gotta have a Jace Nine-Toes card.